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Thai Mother Jailed In Australia For Child Trafficking Of Daughter, Nine


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Theaustralian.com reports that mum told her daughter that "If she wanted to be rich she had to work hard". Nothing wrong with the values she taught her daughter but the context. cheesy.gif

Once again, the Aussie Labour govt, or govt in labour, did its stuff.

The only way to get rich from work is from somebody else's work.

Sure, that woman did an ugly thing to her girl.

But why punish her harshly in a farang's land?

Do her a favour and send her home to Bangkok Hilton

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I think the case or rather the crime and the mother is disgusting but, let us not forget that similar things are happening now, especially in Pattaya where young girls and boys are being rented out sometimes by parents to old (and young) western pedophiles. A visit to the place can show these people hanging around with young kids and not much seems to be done!

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Yet another shining example of morality within the context of Thai culture.

The only reasonable explanation the mother could offer would be confirmed/verified drug addiction such a meth. Meth (yaba) had led mothers to dump their newborns in trash bins. It perverts and twists reasonable thinking.

I'm not too sure you can blame Thai culture remember it's a case of supply and demand! Remove the demand (the pedophiles) and the supply (however it's offered) will stop!
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How can it be implemented? Maybe by interviews upon arrival, 'sir, are you a pedophile'? I'm afraid that for reasons of common sense, there is no other way than to remove the supply. Just like in the countries where the pedophiles come from.

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Wow...someone who is calling for "justice" in the sense of "trial" and "conviction" and "punishment" or even "release after a certain part of the sentence" is a "bleeding heart liberal"...whereas those of you who want to cut of balls and throw everyone to a pack of hungry rats are...what? Upright, law abiding citizens?

I am one of the "tree huggers" and I really want every single case to be transparent and open and for every criminal the chance of redemption and -if it makes any sense- the chance to be re-socialized, but I take my right, to change views, depending on each case seperately.

I wouldn't mind at all, if this "loving mother" would rot in jail forever.

Oh and to answer my question myself: you are a bunch of inhumane, fascist bullies with no sense of justice! At all!

I have a sense of justice. I'd tie the rope around her neck myself.

It is you who has no sense of justice for the little girl.

You make the mother a victim, her detractors "fascist bullies" and yourself above it all.

If you actually had a sense of justice, you'd want justice for the little girl and for society, and not be so concerned about the evil, criminal mother.

What justice would be done to the girl by executing the mother? She can't show her face in Thailand anymore anyway, her relatives would make her life hell, maybe kill her. They care only that the flow of money stopped. The 'little girl' is 18 now, any damage to her hasn't been reported, and that might have caused the light penalty for mother. How do we know if she suffers or not? We can't just assume that her life is destroyed, because it has to be like that, because everybody says so. Teenage and child pregnancies are becoming ever more common in Thailand, a 14 year old girl who's still a virgin is an exception, except in the precious 1% perhaps who get a propper education about why and when to have sex.

She will have to show her face. Australia has a policy of deportation where serious offences have been committed.

I meant the daughter can't return to Thailand.

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They should hang her.

I do not normally subscribe to such suggestions, but right now I have only the thoughts in mind of how this child will go through the rest of her life. For that alone, the mother should be hung, drawn and quartered....!!

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I do not agree with the hang draw and quarter stuff but the sentance does seem short. It a life sentance for the girl though she will be supplied with heaps of counselling in australia which some think helps.

I consider you cannot compare here andthere for this. For one thing she is very definitely a child whereas many of the underaged girls in pattaya are at least on the virge of becoming young women. For another there is no reason of abject poverty in australia which could to some justify this whereas here many families have few options.

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She will be eligible for parole after serving four years.


It is ubelieveable and unforgivable and she deserves the punshiment she got but one cannot help thinking did the mother her self suffer the same treatment when she was young? I mean was it normal for her to do what she did because any normal mother, anywhere, with a normal upbringing would never could never subject her own child to such a horrific experience. And yes the investigation should continue to find the customers of the child who obviously also have no concience.

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Theaustralian.com reports that mum told her daughter that "If she wanted to be rich she had to work hard". Nothing wrong with the values she taught her daughter but the context. cheesy.gif

Once again, the Aussie Labour govt, or govt in labour, did its stuff.

The only way to get rich from work is from somebody else's work.

Sure, that woman did an ugly thing to her girl.

But why punish her harshly in a farang's land?

Do her a favour and send her home to Bangkok Hilton

How about because she did the crime in farang land!

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Potosi, on 17 Apr 2013 - 16:10, said:

How can it be implemented? Maybe by interviews upon arrival, 'sir, are you a pedophile'? I'm afraid that for reasons of common sense, there is no other way than to remove the supply. Just like in the countries where the pedophiles come from.

Implementation can start by standardizing very long prison sentences for both the pedophile and anyone assisting - giving real warnings about life sentences (as with drugs) and really educating local kids and and especially their parents on the dangers and (for parents)the prison sentences - I wonder how many pedophiles would hunt prey in Asia if they knew as a certainty that getting caught would get them a minimum of say 20 years with the possibility of castration as an added bonus?
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One might be forgiven for concluding, from all the Thai-bashing which has taken place on this particular thread, that the perpetration of parental child abuse across this great planet of ours is exclusively the preserve of natives of the Land Of Smiles.

I can, however, assure anyone who might have reached such a conclusion that parents who are natives of so-called “civilised” countries are equally capable of inflicting appalling abuse on their poor defenceless children. In the UK (my native country), for example, a particularly horrific case came to light last year, as reported at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2244335/Parents-brainwashed-children-hide-years-horrific-abuse-face-jail.html.

What particularly beggars belief in that particular case IMHO is that the mother was a care-home worker!!

For all the horrific cases which do see the light of day as in these 2 instances, how many others worldwide go completely undetected, with the inevitable consequence of perpetrating parents getting away scot free with their dreadful acts?

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They should hang her.

I do not normally subscribe to such suggestions, but right now I have only the thoughts in mind of how this child will go through the rest of her life. For that alone, the mother should be hung, drawn and quartered....!!

Save the thoughts, and the hypocrisy also. Using legal age prostitutes is not so fundamentally different, we exploit them for our carnal desires, and drop them afterwards. Not the action of moral heroes. Some have married a Thai 40 or 50 years younger, and grandpa becomes daddy again. They come to Asia in our wake, hide in our crowds. Every time you get upset watching a report about Pattaya in your home country lumping us and them together, think they might have a point. Are we entitled to give advise on penalties for pedophiles?

Mom was amongst other things charged with 'maintaining a sexual relationship with a child'. If there were a video of their activities on youporn, I'm positive some of the guys here demanding a gruesome death penalty would be the first to watch it. Incest/taboo is the #1 fetish.

The girl is fine. Besides her job she went to school, had friends, neighbours, and none of the many people she had regular contact to had sensed anything for several years. Seems it didn't traumatize her, or it would have shown.

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look jail for this scum is useless ...she wont reform ....i feel mortified for the little girl .....i hope she is allowed to stay in oz ....scummy mummy <deleted> i hope she is not going to end up on a disability pension in oz with public housing thrown in when she gets out .....i wonder if the same happened to her .....knew an infamous prostitute years ago ....she was also introduced to the job by her mom ...<deleted> there r some low cxxts about ...hope they catch the customers ...

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What I see here is a moderately sad life circumstances on one hand and a bunch of bloodthirsty pack on another hand.

Sad, yes, but not tragic. Mum taught the girl the wisdom she had learned herself...

Do not be judgmental.

The Judge in Australia was. But it was his job! And he worked within constraints of the Law.

The woman was earning a living the only way she knew.

How do you know that she wasn't a hopeful g/f or wife with high morals just like yours who was knocked-up by a man and abandoned without any means to support herself and the girl?

And it could have been not only a Thai. Could it be you? But the man is not breaking any Laws (at least in Thailand). Just look around. Look at your family...

Another thing, - how do you know that she forced the girl? She could have wanted it! So, Mum taught her the ropes. If you want to do it - do it right! With no babies and not for free!

Things like this do happen in this imperfect world. Sadly so. But stop throwing stones! Stop frothing with rage!

No, No, I am not a pedophile! And I wouldn't teach my daughter this way. People are different. Circumstances are different.

Mercy!... Compassion!... Understanding!...

I am proud I'm not a Christian! rolleyes.gif

P.S. Child abuse and child prostitution can be found in Australia not only among Thais. Please, refrain from racist remarks. Teenage sex is widespread in most countries today.

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How can it be implemented? Maybe by interviews upon arrival, 'sir, are you a pedophile'? I'm afraid that for reasons of common sense, there is no other way than to remove the supply. Just like in the countries where the pedophiles come from.

Implicit in that comment and the post it is in response to, is the notion that sexual abuse of minors is entirely a result of foriegn men (either paying customers or teachers?) coming to Thailand (which seems odd since this crime took place outside Thailand) but that is not even close to being true: as in every country, the overwhelming majority of such assaults are committed by locals, most of whom are known to the victims.

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Potosi, on 17 Apr 2013 - 16:10, said:

How can it be implemented? Maybe by interviews upon arrival, 'sir, are you a pedophile'? I'm afraid that for reasons of common sense, there is no other way than to remove the supply. Just like in the countries where the pedophiles come from.Implementation can start by standardizing very long prison sentences for both the pedophile and anyone assisting - giving real warnings about life sentences (as with drugs) and really educating local kids and and especially their parents on the dangers and (for parents)the prison sentences - I wonder how many pedophiles would hunt prey in Asia if they knew as a certainty that getting caught would get them a minimum of say 20 years with the possibility of castration as an added bonus?

It's striking to me how you truly seem to think that the sole issue is foreign pedophiles; are you you actually unaware that Thailand, like anywhere else, has their own segment of the populace that are a danger to children and that these will - as is common sense and statistically inevitable - be the majority of cases?

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The sexual abuse of children is a dreadful crime. There are pedophiles in all cultures, I would imagine. However, some cultures seem to be more inclined to accept this practice. For example, one major Asian culture retains the belief that for a man to have sex with a very young girl enhances his sexual vigour. As a consequence, special tours are arranged so that men can have sex with "guaranteed virgins". Some girls then have their hymens surgically repaired, so that they can be sold again at a premium.

In parts of Africa, the myth spread that for a man to have sex with a virgin would cure him of HIV/AIDS, babies as young as 18 months old have been raped as a result.

Thailand, the Philippines, Cambodia, are all places where the sexual exploitation of children is commonplace. A crime like this will be uncovered, sooner or later, and punished in Australia. For that I am personally grateful.

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I wonder what the courts are saving the maximum penalty for,

I've often wondered that - my wife is a lawyer (albeit a corporate, not criminal one) and she is 'guessing' that sentences are shortened from the maximum due to 'circumstances'.


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