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The Price Of Gold Is Crashing. Here's Why

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Ahh the sheeple following the plan.

gold ETF's and derivatives

then crash

what did you expect when theres not enough gold on the planet to support these invented trading schemes

now people panic

sell their real gold

and this is bought by the above that never had physical gold in the first place

ANOTHER first class scam!!!

real banks are buying gold

NOT selling

According to today's data from the US Mint, a record 63,500 ounces, or a whopping 2 tons, of gold were reported sold on April 17th alone, bringing the total sales for the month to a whopping 147,000 ounces or more than the previous two months combined with just half of the month gone.

Punchline number one, as the chart below shows, is that the more the

price of gold fell, the more aggressive the purchases of physical gold

through the Mint became, rising to 96,500 oz in the last two days alone.

Buying more of something you want when the price drops: what a stunning concept - explain that to the algos who nearly crashed the German stock market overnight.

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Ahh the sheeple following the plan.

gold ETF's and derivatives

then crash

what did you expect when theres not enough gold on the planet to support these invented trading schemes

now people panic

sell their real gold

and this is bought by the above that never had physical gold in the first place

ANOTHER first class scam!!!

real banks are buying gold

NOT selling

According to today's data from the US Mint, a record 63,500 ounces, or a whopping 2 tons, of gold were reported sold on April 17th alone, bringing the total sales for the month to a whopping 147,000 ounces or more than the previous two months combined with just half of the month gone.

Punchline number one, as the chart below shows, is that the more the

price of gold fell, the more aggressive the purchases of physical gold

through the Mint became, rising to 96,500 oz in the last two days alone.

Buying more of something you want when the price drops: what a stunning concept - explain that to the algos who nearly crashed the German stock market overnight.


the heels of another cascade of selling in gold and silver, today

whistleblower Andrew Maguire told KWN that a stunning 155 tons of paper

gold was sold in just one hour. Maguire also spoke with KWN about the

remarkable amount of central bank buying which took place during that

chaotic one hour time frame. Below is what Maguire had to say in this

remarkable and exclusive interview.



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Ahh the sheeple following the plan.

gold ETF's and derivatives

then crash

what did you expect when theres not enough gold on the planet to support these invented trading schemes

now people panic

sell their real gold

and this is bought by the above that never had physical gold in the first place

ANOTHER first class scam!!!

real banks are buying gold

NOT selling

According to today's data from the US Mint, a record 63,500 ounces, or a whopping 2 tons, of gold were reported sold on April 17th alone, bringing the total sales for the month to a whopping 147,000 ounces or more than the previous two months combined with just half of the month gone.

Punchline number one, as the chart below shows, is that the more the

price of gold fell, the more aggressive the purchases of physical gold

through the Mint became, rising to 96,500 oz in the last two days alone.

Buying more of something you want when the price drops: what a stunning concept - explain that to the algos who nearly crashed the German stock market overnight.


the heels of another cascade of selling in gold and silver, today

whistleblower Andrew Maguire told KWN that a stunning 155 tons of paper

gold was sold in just one hour. Maguire also spoke with KWN about the

remarkable amount of central bank buying which took place during that

chaotic one hour time frame. Below is what Maguire had to say in this

remarkable and exclusive interview.



NOTE that this could backfire and the US$ goes down with the ship


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"enter key"





just trying to educate the uneducated

thats all folks

I guess it shouldn't surprise anyone that what we learn from the documentary from the Canadian broadcasting Corporation is that there were two banks in particular that are under the microscope of the CFTC regarding the manipulation of precious metal prices.

One being JP Morgan and the other one HSBC

HSBC the same bank that has been caught red-handed in the libor scandal and with regards to money-laundering.

I think “ banksters “ is too generous a description for these slimy people

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Its our friend Mr Conspiracy back again.

As everybody knows








thats right

when Nixon was in it was around 30 bucks and oz and now its higher proving that gold does not go down

you would indeed need an education if you failed to see how gold is not manipulated - as there are several court cases on now

why do u think the Germans asked for their 400 tons back?

why do u think China bans the export of gold and is buying like there is no tomorrow

why do you think they want the gold from Cyprus as part of the austerity deal

the list goes on and on

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Its our friend Mr Conspiracy back again.

As everybody knows








thats right

when Nixon was in it was around 30 bucks and oz and now its higher proving that gold does not go down

you would indeed need an education if you failed to see how gold is not manipulated - as there are several court cases on now

why do u think the Germans asked for their 400 tons back?

why do u think China bans the export of gold and is buying like there is no tomorrow

why do you think they want the gold from Cyprus as part of the austerity deal

the list goes on and on

Gold and oil were linked for a long time and so this is not off topic about the oil "conspiracy" theory http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/secret-seven-sisters/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TopDocumentaryFilms+%28Top+Documentary+Films+-+Watch+Free+Documentaries+Online%29

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Let's make this real simple. The global cost of production of gold is now approaching 1,200 USD per ounce,

more than quadruple what it was a decade ago. That puts a very firm bottom in the price of gold. Below 1,200,

production stops (except for artisanal miners selling on the black market), reducing supply, which will in turn drive the price higher.

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Let's make this real simple. The global cost of production of gold is now approaching 1,200 USD per ounce,

more than quadruple what it was a decade ago. That puts a very firm bottom in the price of gold. Below 1,200,

production stops (except for artisanal miners selling on the black market), reducing supply, which will in turn drive the price higher.


Not necessarily. Producers always can revert back to hedging.

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Let's make this real simple. The global cost of production of gold is now approaching 1,200 USD per ounce,

more than quadruple what it was a decade ago. That puts a very firm bottom in the price of gold. Below 1,200,

production stops (except for artisanal miners selling on the black market), reducing supply, which will in turn drive the price higher.


Not necessarily. Producers always can revert back to hedging.

True, thanks for reminding me. However, producers getting burned badly in the last decade doing just that is still a recent memory. I doubt stockholders

would put up with it.

Edited by Somnambulist
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Its our friend Mr Conspiracy back again.

As everybody knows








thats right

when Nixon was in it was around 30 bucks and oz and now its higher proving that gold does not go down

you would indeed need an education if you failed to see how gold is not manipulated - as there are several court cases on now

why do u think the Germans asked for their 400 tons back?

why do u think China bans the export of gold and is buying like there is no tomorrow

why do you think they want the gold from Cyprus as part of the austerity deal

the list goes on and on

Post-Nixon it was a disaster for 25 years between 1980 and 2005 so that only proves you are lazy in checking the junk you copy and paste.
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Gold just stays as it is. You only need to look at how much oil you get for gold.

Fiat money has to inflate, it is because it is put into existence as a debt.

There is enough money to pay the principal, not enough to pay principal and interest.

It is a simple bit of arithmetic that proofs the amount of fiat money has to rise by a certain percentage each year to maintain its existence. Meanwhile every year its value goes down.

At some time the interest payments will be so high that not enough production is done and not enough increase in efficiency has been reached. At that moment the interest is unbearable and the fiat system has to devalue and debts have to be extinguished.

Perpetual growth means certain death. A recession is needed to keep an economy alive and functioning.

It is the current idea that recessions are bad and must be prevented at all costs.

This leads to much suffering for the masses before the certain death of that fiat money.

Then it will need to be rebased. Like a new dollar for every 1000 old dollars. It happened before and it will happen again. Only the road to that change is now prolonged and different, the outcome is the same.

Use the time that is given (QE's) to prepare for the transition, because that is the moment you should survive financially to be able to build up. Wild fluctuations in what fiat money represents will occur both in deflation (debt based assets like real estate) and inflation (commodity based assets like energy and food) occurring at the same time.

Buying real estate and gold is a good combination, while maintaining some cash because bouts of inflation and deflation will occur.

The price of gold should not be seen in dollars. That is a too narrow view. While a dollar jumps and falls in value it is a bad way to measure value. Use other commodities to see what gold is worth.

A good website that does this is http://pricedingold.com/ . I especially look at food, oil and realestate (look at the difference between commercial real estate and farmland).

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Its our friend Mr Conspiracy back again.

As everybody knows








thats right

when Nixon was in it was around 30 bucks and oz and now its higher proving that gold does not go down

you would indeed need an education if you failed to see how gold is not manipulated - as there are several court cases on now

why do u think the Germans asked for their 400 tons back?

why do u think China bans the export of gold and is buying like there is no tomorrow

why do you think they want the gold from Cyprus as part of the austerity deal

the list goes on and on

Below is a copy of an article from The Boston Globe newspaper. It reported in 1981 that 7,000 tons of gold bullion

was removed from Fort Knox from 1973-74, and the only bullion that remained was from melted down gold coins

& was of such poor quality (at least 10% copper) that it would not be accepted on the open market by any nation.

“300 truckloads of bullion were simply driven away.”

When you look back at history it gets easier to connect the dots.

There was a big dollar crisis in 1973. George Schultz was Treasury Secretary back then. Schultz openly

opposed Nixon’s policy to end Bretton Woods and close the international gold window. Schultz favored a

more Friedmanesque gradualist economic approach. So, it makes perfect sense that Schultz would use

his power as Treasury Secretary and continue to secretly exchange U.S. eurodollars for physical gold.

Schultz probably convinced himself it was for the greater good. Don’t know if Nixon knew or not, but I don’t think so.

Boston Globe caught on. Schultz left office May 1974. But, by then the damage was done. Fort Knox was drained

of all but coin melt. That’s why there can never be an audit of Fort Knox. The system would blow up. As long as

everyone “believes” there is 8000 tonnes of gold in Fort Knox we’ll be OK. It doesn’t really have to be there so long as we

all believe...............................


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why do u think the Germans asked for their 400 tons back?

Another piece of junk copied and pasted from websites, the facts of which have been previously debunked.

Once you realise what a small percentage has bee requested one realises that the gold bugs just overlay their fantastical theories and present speculation as fact 'why do you think' blah blah. They don't think at all.

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why do u think the Germans asked for their 400 tons back?

Another piece of junk copied and pasted from websites, the facts of which have been previously debunked.

Once you realise what a small percentage has bee requested one realises that the gold bugs just overlay their fantastical theories and present speculation as fact 'why do you think' blah blah. They don't think at all.

What a bunch of crap! Which facts have been “ debunked " ?huh.png

Perhaps you- who are at every opportunity post a comment to cheer lead the continuation of this criminal Ponzi banking system think the sceptics are

satisfied. But not many are fooled by the pathetic attempt to provide any kind of meaningful explanation and the questions haven’t gone away ..... in fact they just

keep getting bigger.ermm.gif Why do they have to wait seven years?

"Finally, in 2007, "following numerous enquiries," Bundesbank staff members were allowed to see the facility, but they reportedly only made it to the

anteroom of the German reserves.

Infact, auditors from the Bundesbank made a second visit in May 2011. This timeone of the nine compartments was also opened, in which the

German gold bars are densely stacked. A few were pulled out and weighed. But this part of the report has been blacked out - out of consideration

for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. ph34r.png


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Perhaps you- who are at every opportunity post a comment to cheer

lead the continuation of this criminal Ponzi banking system think the

sceptics are

satisfied. But not many are fooled by the pathetic attempt to

provide any kind of meaningful explanation and the questions haven’t

gone away ..... in fact they just

keep getting bigger.ermm.gif Why do they have to wait seven years?

who says "they have to wait"? the "silverdoctors"? the "galactic gold council"?

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Perhaps you- who are at every opportunity post a comment to cheer

lead the continuation of this criminal Ponzi banking system think the

sceptics are

satisfied. But not many are fooled by the pathetic attempt to

provide any kind of meaningful explanation and the questions haven’t

gone away ..... in fact they just

keep getting bigger.ermm.gif Why do they have to wait seven years?

who says "they have to wait"? the "silverdoctors"? the "galactic gold council"?

It is simply not believable that Germany would say we now want our gold back and then volunteer itself to to accept it over a seven-year period when they wouldn't even let the German officials SEE or audit their gold.rolleyes.gif

In the words of Jean-Claude Juncker -“When it becomes serious, you have to lie.”sad.png

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what is the ponzi scheme? fiat money?

OMG the dollar has lost 95% of it's value since 100 years ago

but imagine if you invested that one dollar in equities!

OMG equities out paced inflation!

what a terrible system to give people credit to create wealth and prosperity! credit that is just created out of thin air! how dare bankers lend out a single dollar more than they have in their vaults! That is not the way Allah wants it!

Yes, there are problems in our system, namely corrupt wall street sociopaths who get hundreds of million in salary before bankrupting their company through illicit and illegal maneuvers.

but no, the problem is not inherently central banking. low interest rates alone do not equal writing mortgages with your eyes closed. just cause you have low interest rates does not mean open season for wall street to lie cheat and steal and then get bailed out without losing anything or anybody going to jail.

Fiat money is not the problem, just the lack of government regulation and oversight on the wall street cretins.

You really have to take a step back and realize how stupid and illogical most of this crap you hear people on youtube saying really is.

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1970's inflation was caused by a shortage of oil. Massive inflation is not around the corner. Prices are not skyrocketing. There is not going to be a bond crisis. 1st world nations dont go into hyperinflation. Japan has had huge debt levels for decades while battling .... wait for it.... wait for it.... deflation.

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Perhaps you- who are at every opportunity post a comment to cheer

lead the continuation of this criminal Ponzi banking system think the

sceptics are

satisfied. But not many are fooled by the pathetic attempt to

provide any kind of meaningful explanation and the questions haven’t

gone away ..... in fact they just

keep getting bigger.ermm.gif Why do they have to wait seven years?

who says "they have to wait"? the "silverdoctors"? the "galactic gold council"?

It is simply not believable that Germany would say we now want our gold back and then volunteer itself to to accept it over a seven-year period when they wouldn't even let the German officials SEE or audit their gold.rolleyes.gif

In the words of Jean-Claude Juncker -“When it becomes serious, you have to lie.”sad.png

you are making things up Midas. "Germany" did not say "we want our gold back" and neither can the report be verified that officials were not allowed to see any of the gold.

if you want to argue rationally please provide information derived from renowned German media instead of obscure websites where spotbloggers and blogspotters tongue.png spread their conspiracy theories. the latter also applies to the "anglo" press which has an agenda as far as Germany and the European Union is concerned.

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It is simply not believable that Germany would say we now want our gold back and then volunteer itself to to accept it over a seven-year period when they wouldn't even let the German officials SEE or audit their gold.rolleyes.gif

In the words of Jean-Claude Juncker -“When it becomes serious, you have to lie.”sad.png

you are making things up Midas. "Germany" did not say "we want our gold back" and neither can the report be verified that officials were not allowed to see any of the gold.

if you want to argue rationally please provide information derived from renowned German media instead of obscure websites where spotbloggers and blogspotters tongue.png spread their conspiracy theories. the latter also applies to the "anglo" press which has an agenda as far as Germany and the European Union is concerned.

if you want to argue rationally please provide information derived from renowned German media

Voilà smile.png

Some members of parliament have even expressed doubts as to whether the foreign gold reserves really existohmy.pngPhilipp Missfelder, a member of the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU), wanted to see the gold for himself and traveled to New York in person to inspect the holdings, according to the newspaper Frankfurter

Rundschau. His trip was apparently unsuccessful, though. When he visited the Fed's safes in New York, staff were either unable or unwilling to show him exactly which bars belonged to Germany.giggle.gif


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you are making things up Midas. "Germany" did not say "we want our gold back" and neither can the report be verified that officials were not allowed to see any of the gold.

Ok let me correct that…………. Some pretty influential members of German society say they want the country's gold back ( as opposed to the Central “ Banksters “ )

Why dont YOU join Naam ? giggle.gif

Repatriate our Gold!

Gold has been natural money for thousands of years. It has

been used throughout history either as physical coinage or as solid cornerstone

for stable paper currencies. Up until 1913, most Western societies prospered

and grew steadily and naturally under a monetary standard with at least partial

gold backing. The gradual abandonment of the gold backing throughout the 20th

century and the ultimate delinkage of all currencies from gold in 1971 is the

fundamental cause of the ongoing inflation (the US-Dollar has lost 98% of its

purchasing power since 1913) as well as the main reason for the global

financial crises since 2007. We believe it is essential to re-introduce a

(partial) goldbacking for the world´s monetary system. And in order to back

future national currencies, the gold needs to be physically present in the

respective country. Gold needs to be re-monetized – at least on a voluntary

basis as a means of payment the people are free to choose anytime.

We therefore campaign for ...

  • … independent, full, neutral

    and physical audits of the gold hoards of the world´s central banks

  • … the repatriation of all

    central bank gold; i.e. the physical transport into the respective ownership



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what is the ponzi scheme? fiat money?

OMG the dollar has lost 95% of it's value since 100 years ago

but imagine if you invested that one dollar in equities!

OMG equities out paced inflation!

what a terrible system to give people credit to create wealth and prosperity! credit that is just created out of thin air! how dare bankers lend out a single dollar more than they have in their vaults! That is not the way Allah wants it!

Yes, there are problems in our system, namely corrupt wall street sociopaths who get hundreds of million in salary before bankrupting their company through illicit and illegal maneuvers.

but no, the problem is not inherently central banking. low interest rates alone do not equal writing mortgages with your eyes closed. just cause you have low interest rates does not mean open season for wall street to lie cheat and steal and then get bailed out without losing anything or anybody going to jail.

Fiat money is not the problem, just the lack of government regulation and oversight on the wall street cretins.

You really have to take a step back and realize how stupid and illogical most of this crap you hear people on youtube saying really is.

How do you stop politicians -and therefore the government - from joining forces with the criminal element of our society and as a partnership committing financial rape on all of us? For example Joe Biden arranging for a free pass for John Corzine?

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How do you stop politicians -and therefore the government - from joining
forces with the criminal element of our society and as a partnership
committing financial rape on all of us? For example Joe Biden arranging
for a free pass for John Corzine?

squaring mathematically the proverbial circle seems easier.

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Its our friend Mr Conspiracy back again.

As everybody knows








thats right

when Nixon was in it was around 30 bucks and oz and now its higher proving that gold does not go down

you would indeed need an education if you failed to see how gold is not manipulated - as there are several court cases on now

why do u think the Germans asked for their 400 tons back?

why do u think China bans the export of gold and is buying like there is no tomorrow

why do you think they want the gold from Cyprus as part of the austerity deal

the list goes on and on

Post-Nixon it was a disaster for 25 years between 1980 and 2005 so that only proves you are lazy in checking the junk you copy and paste.

one mans junk is another mans treasure

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Perhaps you- who are at every opportunity post a comment to cheer

lead the continuation of this criminal Ponzi banking system think the

sceptics are

satisfied. But not many are fooled by the pathetic attempt to

provide any kind of meaningful explanation and the questions haven’t

gone away ..... in fact they just

keep getting bigger.ermm.gif Why do they have to wait seven years?

who says "they have to wait"? the "silverdoctors"? the "galactic gold council"?

It is simply not believable that Germany would say we now want our gold back and then volunteer itself to to accept it over a seven-year period when they wouldn't even let the German officials SEE or audit their gold.rolleyes.gif

In the words of Jean-Claude Juncker -“When it becomes serious, you have to lie.”sad.png

you are making things up Midas. "Germany" did not say "we want our gold back" and neither can the report be verified that officials were not allowed to see any of the gold.

if you want to argue rationally please provide information derived from renowned German media instead of obscure websites where spotbloggers and blogspotters tongue.png spread their conspiracy theories. the latter also applies to the "anglo" press which has an agenda as far as Germany and the European Union is concerned.

its not German media its the Bundesbank that made the statement

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I keep reading in non-Thai sources that Thailand and SE Asia gold shops are out of gold. I do not believe this and wonder at the motives behind this rumour getting circulated? I posted this in the CM thread

Gold Shortages In Cm Or Just Rumours?
Started by ThaiHerbs, 48 minutes ago
anyone experience problems buying gold in the past week or two?
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