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Brigitte Bardot Appeals To Thailand Over Dog Trade


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the slaughter is not the issue it is the treat ment of the animals as they are transported and ''stockpiled''...i have seen this in vietnam,and it is not pretty...what they do is dehydrate the dogs to death...this way the meat is not contaminated...is alwasys someone far away with a beautyful plan..lets build a huge farm so they can run free....hahahah...ok Bridget..get on it....

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IF any of you have seen the video of the way the Indonesians were slaughtering Australian cattle then you would have seen in humanity at it's worst. Nothing surprises me at the way the East and Middle East treat animals let alone humans.

Simple solution to the dog and cat problem is to spade and nute plus limit Thai's to ONE dog per family, good idea BB if you don't like them being eaten shot some idea's and money to this way of thinking to Ying Luck thumbsup.gifWPFflags.gif

I suggest you look for videos on youtube on what's going on in Jewish slaughterhouses, and whatever Indonesia offers, Israel tops the cruelty. It's nothing they like to debate, or to be known widely.

Eating dogs is one small step from cannibalism.

So I am wrong am I. Thought by referring to the East and Middle East and the way they treat humans and animals that most would include Israel, silly me/////

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Might take you a bit more seriously, Bridget, if it weren't for your rabid racist rants over the past 15 years, the fact that you married one of the French NF leaders doesn't help. I'm vegetarian, but I I still think you need to sort out your hate fuelled thinking before telling the rest of us how to behave.

Thank for bringing this to our attention.

Just looked her up on Google and yes, she is a supporter of the extremist right. Never knew that.

I can`t watch the video, it would ruin my day. Brutal and tragic.

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Brigitte is drawing attention to the treatment of the dogs during capture and slaughter. I agree with her and others here that recognise this as brutal and horrendous. No living animal should be treated this way. Most abattoirs do not treat any animal in such a cruel way when slaughtering, it is too inefficient. Watch the video to see what I mean. All those commenting its just a dog, same as a pig or a cow........you have completely missed the essence of this thread and I would suspect you haven't watched the video.

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all slaughterhouses are appalling places where animals are butchered for food. If you are against animals pain and suffering you don't oppose one type of slaughter, you oppose them all. There is plenty of evidence that animals suffer barbaric treatment in slaughterhouses of all types. BB has made racist statements in the past, she is married [or was, i concede this marriage could have gone the way of her others] to a leading member of the french national front, she is on the record as saying muslims are destroying france by imposing their beliefs on france,she has been convicted 5 times for inciting racial hatred. She is a racist, the animal welfare movement does not need her.

butcher with the intend to cause at least pain as possible is one thing. And no question there is abuse which is also strongly criticized by BB. She herself doesn't eat meat at all because of that.Cut the throat let the blood splash out and the animal cries at the pain and dies slowly. That all without narcosis (you could make the animal sleep with CO2 and cut the throat than painless), but religion does not allow that.Muslims are destroying France? Where is the racism? People choose to be Muslims and can change their religion. Do you call it racism that Scientology is banned in many countries? If you are against people who are black, yellow, pink or for any other heritage reason than it is racism.If you criticize the pope, torture animals for religion, be against bull fighting of the spanish etc etc than it is not racism.My guess is that she would be against a converted original French Muslim that torture animals but would be complete happy with an Atheist Saudi.
she has 5 convictions for inciting racial conflict due to her comments on Muslims and immigration.From UK paper after last convictionIn a 2001 article named, Open Letter to My Lost France, she lamented: "...my country, France, my homeland, my land is again invaded by an overpopulation of foreigners, especially Muslims."In her 2003 book, A Scream in the Silence, she warned of the “Islamicisation of France”, and said of Muslim immigration: “Over the last twenty years, we have given in to a subterranean, dangerous, and uncontrolled infiltration, which not only resists adjusting to our laws and customs but which will, as the years pass, attempt to impose its own.
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I cannot beleive these post <deleted> !this lady help stop many animals from dieing brutal deaths like 'whales, Baby Seals in Canada and much more people that know nothing should shut the f up ! this is not legal and will never be! and yes they do run the streets and pick them up most dogs have owners good ones and bad ones but they do have owners, The way the kill them is inhumane they dont kill chickens,ducks,beef,pork like this it done more fast and humanly. Why post something and complain about something that is a kind act from Greenpeace (Brigitte).please help instead of complaining posters...

I have no problem with people supporting animal welfare and am a supporter of Greenpeace, it's just that Bridget has more than one agenda when she makes these appeals. She has a nasty racist side to her and the animal welfare movement does not need her bringing this type of bigotry into their campaigns.
IF you start going againts countries like she did you would be called racist too!! how to make everyone hate someone tell them there racist!!! that is what you are doing spreading bullcrap that she is Racist when she is not, she just speaks her mind out loud like thais do about FARANG....
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I cannot beleive these post <deleted> !this lady help stop many animals from dieing brutal deaths like 'whales, Baby Seals in Canada and much more people that know nothing should shut the f up ! this is not legal and will never be! and yes they do run the streets and pick them up most dogs have owners good ones and bad ones but they do have owners, The way the kill them is inhumane they dont kill chickens,ducks,beef,pork like this it done more fast and humanly. Whhy post something and complain about something that is a kind act from Greenpeace (Brigitte).please help instead of complaining posters...

I have no problem with people supporting animal welfare and am a supporter of Greenpeace, it's just that Bridget has more than one agenda when she makes these appeals. She has a nasty racist side to her and the animal welfare movement does not need her bringing this type of bigotry into their campaigns.
IF you start going againts countries like she did you would be called racist too!! how to make everyone hate someone tell them there racist!!! that is what you are doing spreading bullcrap that she is Racist when she is not, she just speaks her mind out loud like thais do about FARANG....

I regard that as racism as well, but that is beside the point. Bardot is a racist as her 5 convictions, writing and speeches show. The animal welfare movement does not need her support and all the baggage it brings.

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all slaughterhouses are appalling places where animals are butchered for food. If you are against animals pain and suffering you don't oppose one type of slaughter, you oppose them all. There is plenty of evidence that animals suffer barbaric treatment in slaughterhouses of all types. BB has made racist statements in the past, she is married [or was, i concede this marriage could have gone the way of her others] to a leading member of the french national front, she is on the record as saying muslims are destroying france by imposing their beliefs on france,she has been convicted 5 times for inciting racial hatred. She is a racist, the animal welfare movement does not need her.

butcher with the intend to cause at least pain as possible is one thing. And no question there is abuse which is also strongly criticized by BB. She herself doesn't eat meat at all because of that.

Cut the throat let the blood splash out and the animal cries at the pain and dies slowly. That all without narcosis (you could make the animal sleep with CO2 and cut the throat than painless), but religion does not allow that.

Muslims are destroying France? Where is the racism? People choose to be Muslims and can change their religion. Do you call it racism that Scientology is banned in many countries?

If you are against people who are black, yellow, pink or for any other heritage reason than it is racism.

If you criticize the pope, torture animals for religion, be against bull fighting of the spanish etc etc than it is not racism.

My guess is that she would be against a converted original French Muslim that torture animals but would be complete happy with an Atheist Saudi.

she has 5 convictions for inciting racial conflict due to her comments on Muslims and immigration.

From UK paper after last conviction

In a 2001 article named, Open Letter to My Lost France, she lamented: "...my country, France, my homeland, my land is again invaded by an overpopulation of foreigners, especially Muslims."

In her 2003 book, A Scream in the Silence, she warned of the “Islamicisation of France”, and said of Muslim immigration: “Over the last twenty years, we have given in to a subterranean, dangerous, and uncontrolled infiltration, which not only resists adjusting to our laws and customs but which will, as the years pass, attempt to impose its own.

Unlike other countries where the Muslims "ARE" imposing their idiotic laws such as in Egypt, Afghanistan and Iraq. I think ALL man made "religion" is crap but I'm kinda getting sick and tired of reading about a terrorist attack around the world and then finding out it was a "Muslim" who did it. It will be interesting to see who, what and why all that stuff in Boston goes down.

Qaddafi once said that they (Muslims) don't have to fight the West with terror anymore because they will just breed it to death in elections. Bardot may have been on to something. The fun part is, gratefully they like to fight amongst themselves. If you want to wear a funny looking hat it's fine by me. The Jews and the Pope does too so there I am not a rascist but to kill a girl who only wants to go to school in the name of a religion (Islam) is insane. The world would be a better place if we could line em all up and let the VN eat them instead of the dogs. That is after they beat them to death to first.

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all slaughterhouses are appalling places where animals are butchered for food. If you are against animals pain and suffering you don't oppose one type of slaughter, you oppose them all. There is plenty of evidence that animals suffer barbaric treatment in slaughterhouses of all types. BB has made racist statements in the past, she is married [or was, i concede this marriage could have gone the way of her others] to a leading member of the french national front, she is on the record as saying muslims are destroying france by imposing their beliefs on france,she has been convicted 5 times for inciting racial hatred. She is a racist, the animal welfare movement does not need her.

butcher with the intend to cause at least pain as possible is one thing. And no question there is abuse which is also strongly criticized by BB. She herself doesn't eat meat at all because of that.

Cut the throat let the blood splash out and the animal cries at the pain and dies slowly. That all without narcosis (you could make the animal sleep with CO2 and cut the throat than painless), but religion does not allow that.

Muslims are destroying France? Where is the racism? People choose to be Muslims and can change their religion. Do you call it racism that Scientology is banned in many countries?

If you are against people who are black, yellow, pink or for any other heritage reason than it is racism.

If you criticize the pope, torture animals for religion, be against bull fighting of the spanish etc etc than it is not racism.

My guess is that she would be against a converted original French Muslim that torture animals but would be complete happy with an Atheist Saudi.

she has 5 convictions for inciting racial conflict due to her comments on Muslims and immigration.

From UK paper after last conviction

In a 2001 article named, Open Letter to My Lost France, she lamented: "...my country, France, my homeland, my land is again invaded by an overpopulation of foreigners, especially Muslims."

In her 2003 book, A Scream in the Silence, she warned of the Islamicisation of France, and said of Muslim immigration: Over the last twenty years, we have given in to a subterranean, dangerous, and uncontrolled infiltration, which not only resists adjusting to our laws and customs but which will, as the years pass, attempt to impose its own.

Unlike other countries where the Muslims "ARE" imposing their idiotic laws such as in Egypt, Afghanistan and Iraq. I think ALL man made "religion" is crap but I'm kinda getting sick and tired of reading about a terrorist attack around the world and then finding out it was a "Muslim" who did it. It will be interesting to see who, what and why all that stuff in Boston goes down.

I agree all religions are nonsense but Bardot has made comments about "foreigners" (who have French citizenship) as well as Muslims.

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In the west a dog is part of the family........comparing the slaughter of a cow or a pig to them in the eyes of western is just plain silly.

I don't have a problem with the people of Vietnam eating dog but I had a big problem watching the way they are treated.

Why anyone would want to criticize BB for pointing out the cruelty within the business is beyond me.

In the western world they are treated as family some times. Other times they are raised to fight.

Also they have owners who do not allow them to run wild.

How do you figure a dog is treated as family if it is allowed to run uncontrolled in packs?

Where did I say dogs running in packs should be treated as family pets?

Treated with caution more like.

Unless you think places like japan, Africa, Russia, Latin America etc are part of the Western world dog fighting is illegal and even attending a dog fight can lend you in jail. I'm aware dog fights take place but it is far from being normal practice.

I really don't get the point of your post. If it has one you got me beatblink.png

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Thai do NOT eat dogs. Some they sell it to countries where they do eat dogs, like Vietnam as it was said on the news. BB better say: Thai people, take better care of your dogs.

Yes they do........... Sakon Nakhon and Nakhon Phanom in Issan are well known for their fetish with canine meat.

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Just got back from hospital where I received the first of a series of rabies vaccine and anti tet injections after being bitten yesterday by one of a pack of dogs that raced out and had a go at me and the young fella who was with me as we rode past on our bikes.

There are many similar packs around and places where we cant go because of aggressive packs of dogs.

There are even a pack at the local police station and another at the courthouse, the courthouse pack has 2 litters of pups at present so is well on the increase as are the others.

Dogs are fine, had them myself most of my life before I came to TL, but only if they are looked after and of some use.

All others should be got rid of and if someone wants to eat them fine with me, lets set up a proper trade and get rid of all the strays.

Havent bothered to watch any video as I know how easy it is to make them to show whatever you want and any bad treatment may well be put on for show.

As for beating to death or before they are killed; have you ever seen what bruised meat looks like? not eatable I can tell you.

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A dog is for Christmas, not for life.smile.png

Hope you reincarnate as a Dog in China or Vietnam or anywhere for that matter where this is done... !

Personally, I would love to come back as a dog in Thailand. First of all, I get to fluck all the other dogs and I don't have to pay them like I would a bar girl, second, they don't pay any taxes, they sh.t where they want, they go where they want, they bark when they want, they sit where they want and they butt in line when they want. They are treated better than humans. I have yet to see a single dog run over even when they are sitting in the middle of the street, while when I am on my motorbike the Thais regard you as not even being there. And forget walking. NO chance to walk across the alley or soi if the Thai driver can sneak in ahead of you even if they block the sidewalk.

These are the most considerate people on earth when it comes to dogs. If you didn't know better you would think they run the country. But humans. haha !!

Hell yes, I want to be a dog in Thailand in my next lifetime.

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Brigitte you are too old and ugly now, nobody cares your words !!!

Apparently at least you do as you are posting here. So if someone is old and ugly, they are not allowed to have a meaning? Have you looked in a mirror lately?

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she has 5 convictions for inciting racial conflict due to her comments on Muslims and immigration.

From UK paper after last conviction

In a 2001 article named, Open Letter to My Lost France, she lamented: "...my country, France, my homeland, my land is again invaded by an overpopulation of foreigners, especially Muslims."

In her 2003 book, A Scream in the Silence, she warned of the Islamicisation of France, and said of Muslim immigration: Over the last twenty years, we have given in to a subterranean, dangerous, and uncontrolled infiltration, which not only resists adjusting to our laws and customs but which will, as the years pass, attempt to impose its own.

Unlike other countries where the Muslims "ARE" imposing their idiotic laws such as in Egypt, Afghanistan and Iraq. I think ALL man made "religion" is crap but I'm kinda getting sick and tired of reading about a terrorist attack around the world and then finding out it was a "Muslim" who did it. It will be interesting to see who, what and why all that stuff in Boston goes down.
I agree all religions are nonsense but Bardot has made comments about "foreigners" (who have French citizenship) as well as Muslims.

And what is wrong if someone want that his countries culture remains the same as it was?

Also consider the problems France had a few years ago with huge violence, burning cars, etc etc....

And even if she is a complete evil person, how does that make beating seals to dead and killing animals which huge pain any better?

She is telling that killing the dogs (beaten to dead) is wrong, she doesn't apply for peace nobel price.

(some quotes deleted because of "You have posted more than the allowed number of quoted blocks of text"

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she has 5 convictions for inciting racial conflict due to her comments on Muslims and immigration.

From UK paper after last conviction

In a 2001 article named, Open Letter to My Lost France, she lamented: "...my country, France, my homeland, my land is again invaded by an overpopulation of foreigners, especially Muslims."

In her 2003 book, A Scream in the Silence, she warned of the Islamicisation of France, and said of Muslim immigration: Over the last twenty years, we have given in to a subterranean, dangerous, and uncontrolled infiltration, which not only resists adjusting to our laws and customs but which will, as the years pass, attempt to impose its own.

And what is wrong if someone want that his countries culture remains the same as it was?

Also consider the problems France had a few years ago with huge violence, burning cars, etc etc....

And even if she is a complete evil person, how does that make beating seals to dead and killing animals which huge pain any better?

She is telling that killing the dogs (beaten to dead) is wrong, she doesn't apply for peace nobel price.

(some quotes deleted because of "You have posted more than the allowed number of quoted blocks of text"

Why on earth do we have this ' you have quoted" thing why not let it flow.

We alow posters to post a bleeding full EPIC and it's ok ??? This IS a yawn. please let the discussion continue. without going through the process of deleating.

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she has 5 convictions for inciting racial conflict due to her comments on Muslims and immigration.

From UK paper after last conviction

In a 2001 article named, Open Letter to My Lost France, she lamented: "...my country, France, my homeland, my land is again invaded by an overpopulation of foreigners, especially Muslims."

In her 2003 book, A Scream in the Silence, she warned of the Islamicisation of France, and said of Muslim immigration: Over the last twenty years, we have given in to a subterranean, dangerous, and uncontrolled infiltration, which not only resists adjusting to our laws and customs but which will, as the years pass, attempt to impose its own.

Unlike other countries where the Muslims "ARE" imposing their idiotic laws such as in Egypt, Afghanistan and Iraq. I think ALL man made "religion" is crap but I'm kinda getting sick and tired of reading about a terrorist attack around the world and then finding out it was a "Muslim" who did it. It will be interesting to see who, what and why all that stuff in Boston goes down.
I agree all religions are nonsense but Bardot has made comments about "foreigners" (who have French citizenship) as well as Muslims.

And what is wrong if someone want that his countries culture remains the same as it was?

Also consider the problems France had a few years ago with huge violence, burning cars, etc etc....

And even if she is a complete evil person, how does that make beating seals to dead and killing animals which huge pain any better?

She is telling that killing the dogs (beaten to dead) is wrong, she doesn't apply for peace nobel price.

(some quotes deleted because of "You have posted more than the allowed number of quoted blocks of text"

I never said killing of seals, dogs, cows or chickens was justified. My problem is that Bardot brings her racist beliefs into the debate. These views ferment hate and detract from the real cause. The movement for animal welfare does not need Bardot and her racist baggage.

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