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I was thinking with tickets needing buying to get out of the city for Songkran, that it might infact be very easy to make it to udorn Thani from Don Muang, without even having to buy one. Has anyone tried this before?

BTW I wouldn't take much cash (if only i had it in the first place, I'd fly) passport neither, and in general feel little danger (life on the edge eh!). Also it's stupid to just buy a ticket now as i might have to stay in Bangkok during that time anyway and don't have the money to throw round right now.


Doing that and not even taking your passport definitely doesn't sound like a good idea, you're supposed to have it with you when going around the place anyway.

It costs 95 Baht to go to Udon Thani 3rd class by train, which though a long ride would be an entertaining experience...if you can't afford that, I'd be more worried about dying of hunger rather than anything else :o


Doing that and not even taking your passport definitely doesn't sound like a good idea, you're supposed to have it with you when going around the place anyway.

On reflection I agree (not sure why i said that in fact!

It costs 95 Baht to go to Udon Thani 3rd class by train

I'm a stingy git and even by my standards this is reasonable

which though a long ride would be an entertaining experience

disagree my friend. Getting from a to b 3rd class is fine. done before. Have you seen third class the days areound songkran. People have died in the past by roofing it, (forgetting that you go through a tunnel on that route of course). I would rather stay in Bangkok than smell someones armpit for 12 hours whilst standing in a overfull matchbox

if you can't afford that, I'd be more worried about dying of hunger rather than anything else :D

Money is a motivator but my original concern was whether hitchhiking would be safe, and whether people would actually stop. Thats why I wanted others experiences :o


Sure, i have hitch-hiked in Thailand.

However, i have only done it when there is not any public transportation around ie...i missed the last bus etc.... Hitch-hiking like this is all right off the beaten track.

On a route where there is plenty of public transporation the locals will be wondering what you are doing!! Pretty unheard of!

Hitch-hiking is all right for short distances but for long distances like Bkk- Udon! The driver will be expecting you to help cough up for petrol money!

I once hitch-hiked up to Phanom Rung in Buriram cause the motorbike taxi from the main road was something like 150 baht. Just flagged over a cop pick-up and jumped in the back!

ANother easy/convenient place to hitch-hike in Thailand is off the beaten track in Mae Hong Sorn up to the hill tribe areas. I have travelled around like this in such parts as there is NO public transportation (except before say....midday). It's either walk or catch a ride! Then find a local temple to stay at for the night or the home of the village headman.....


Trying to Hitchhike from BKK to Udon is probably not a good idea. The highway 2 is VERY busy, wandering along the "hard shoulder" would, I suspect, be very near suicidal.

I walk to work some mornings, only about a couple of KM along the Khon Kaen - Chumpae Rd, and I get some very strange looks from the passing motorists. Only lift I have been offered was by a motorbike and sidecar ( he wanted 100 baht for his trouble),

Sure, i have hitch-hiked in Thailand.

However, i have only done it when there is not any public transportation around ie...i missed the last bus etc.... Hitch-hiking like this is all right off the beaten track.

On a route where there is plenty of public transporation the locals will be wondering what you are doing!! Pretty unheard of!

Hitch-hiking is all right for short distances but for long distances like Bkk- Udon! The driver will be expecting you to help cough up for petrol money!

I once hitch-hiked up to Phanom Rung in Buriram cause the motorbike taxi from the main road was something like 150 baht. Just flagged over a cop pick-up and jumped in the back!

ANother easy/convenient place to hitch-hike in Thailand is off the beaten track in Mae Hong Sorn up to the hill tribe areas. I have travelled around like this in such parts as there is NO public transportation (except before say....midday). It's either walk or catch a ride! Then find a local temple to stay at for the night or the home of the village headman.....

thanks for the input.

I think you may have a point about coughing up and I would offer (i'm not that stingy). But then people might not stop anyway. My GF is going and booking a flight for herself today (already round 3500 ish for a single and soon there wont be any), and right now i'm not sure if i can make it cause of some other stuff i got to do round that time blah blah

Mae hong song is best viewed from the back of the pick up IMHO. Such a beautiful place and the people so friendly :o Your post makes me feel like going on an extended break in fact......if only possible now but at least a 'look forward too'

I'm not 100% sure people would stop on the big routes like you pointed out so I think i'll probably stay put this year.



A sign in Thai saying Udorn would make my intention clear but like you say prem-r, quite dangerous (specially considering hardshoulder usage on busy motorway days) :o

Adding 'money offered for lift' to the sign - now then i would fear robbery!

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