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If you have 10 fixed payments to make on your house is it necessary to receive signed copies [developers signature etc] with the company stamp on each receipt or is an Excel receipt enough, no signature or company stamp. Just curious what the legal requirement is.

Any help be good.

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The tax department (ha-ha) states that all invoices issued by businesses and companies must have consecutive sequence numbers if the documents have been pre-printed and, must show the tax and VAT number of the issuer plus company name and address. The amount of VAT payable should also be stated. If computer generated, a system approved by the TAX department must be used. Receipts (which you receive when you make a payment and are what I believe you are talking about) must contain a sequence number, VAT number, Company name and address and as proof of payment, be signed by the person receiving the payment on behalf of the company

Edited by BrianCR
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