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Nestle Ceo Says Water Is Food And Should Be Privitised


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It already kinda is. We pay water rates at big cost from our taps.

Wrong, you pay the service that bring you the water, not the water itself.

You are still free to go and dig a well instead and have free water.

Up to now anyway

If they do privatize water you die if you can't pay for it

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Another grab for money by a big multinational company

pigs at the trough again water is not food leave it alone

its a basic right to have water without it we all will die

it should not only be for people that can afford it.

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Not to mention the fact that many who think humans have a "right" to live on this planet, would consider basic survival levels of nutrition to be a right, and some wild crazies would even put decent education, housing and medical care in that category, at least for citizens of the earlier-developed nations that think they can afford to guarantee such rights.

Those few countries that actually can afford such luxurious promises are certainly to be commended, but I don't think many of their citizens are represented here. . .

In the end we're just as subject to the laws of nature as the oceans' dwindling fish stocks and the burgeoning populations of rats and cockroaches, and in the eyes of the universe are due "rights" to exactly the same extent as any other species.

Why we give sharks such as these a bully pulpit to spout their vile bile I'll never know. . .

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Well now you know what type of company is Nestle and you are free to boycott their products and they do sell water too!

Quick reminder of Nestle's scandals

Chocolate Price Fixing, Marketing of formula, Ethiopian debt, Melamine in Chinese milk, Greenwashing, Zimbabwe farms, Palm oil use, E. coli, Child labour, and Horsemeat scandal


Edited by Kitsune
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i moved from Scotland (at the time nationalised water companies) to England (privatised water companies) my water rates of £27 turned into a water bill of over £300.

Of course Nestle want to privatise an essential staple of human life... Chinese merchants have done it with Rice, why not water?!

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