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Hi folks,

Just completing VAF 2 settlement application form and I have a few little queries.

Q 2.7a Asks the current marital status. When my fiancée hands in the applcation we will not yet be married, however when she has her interview we will be married. So do we tick single or married?

I think we should tick single because thats what she is at that point in time but I would just like to check.

Q 2.13 Asks for a permanant home address. Do we put her apartment in BKK or her hometown address?

Q 2.15 Asks for a home phone number. Can we not just give her mobile number?

Section 3 Asks about having ever been married / in a realtionship similar to marriage and so on. Are there talking about our relationship here? Or is it past tense? I understand it to be talking about previous relationships, but it doesn't actuallt say previous :o Really wish they would make these forms clearer.

And finally Q 6.15 Asks about holding any savings. We do at present but by the time we are married and going to the interview, probably not :D

Thanks alot people



I know for sure that the relationship question is about past relationships.

Yes you can put a mobile number, just make sure that you indicate its a mobile number.

As for savings I would say that you currently hold XXX in XXX bank but that any current savings (or XXX amount) will be used on the wedding.

I would tick single and note that you plan to marry before the interview but perhaps other TV members can be a little more definite on this.

I know that we all stress over these forms and want to put the exact correct answers but I put the odd note on our form if there was a slight difference from what they asked for and there werent any issues raised. If they had every answer to every question the form would be 100 pages long !!

I think that a small note next to a tick box etc is OK as long as its short and is reasonable. Its probably better to expand on these areas in your supporting letter though.


Just another quick one guys.

I have photocopied my birth certificate and passport on a bog standard black and white photocopier. The quality is a bit crappy so I was going to do them properly on a colour photocopier, however Tesco charge £1 for every page, so that would be about 20 odd quid just for a few CC's!

If the copies are black and white, but readable, will they do?


Hi folks,

Just completing VAF 2 settlement application form and I have a few little queries.

Q 2.7a Asks the current marital status. When my fiancée hands in the applcation we will not yet be married, however when she has her interview we will be married. So do we tick single or married?

I think we should tick single because thats what she is at that point in time but I would just like to check.

I ticked single - as you say at time of completing the form you are both single

Q 2.13 Asks for a permanant home address. Do we put her apartment in BKK or her hometown address?

her current address i guess - when the visa is approved she will need to go back to her hometown to change her id card for changing the name in her passport.

Q 2.15 Asks for a home phone number. Can we not just give her mobile number?

of course - i gave my number too - not that i thought they would call me in the UK but its better to have it and not need it etc etc...

Section 3 Asks about having ever been married / in a realtionship similar to marriage and so on. Are there talking about our relationship here? Or is it past tense? I understand it to be talking about previous relationships, but it doesn't actuallt say previous :o Really wish they would make these forms clearer.

i believe it means "ever" - i ticked yes as i had been previously married and since divorced - if this is the case you must enclose your decree absolute along with your affirmation to marry - as and when you come to do the deed.

And finally Q 6.15 Asks about holding any savings. We do at present but by the time we are married and going to the interview, probably not :D

Thanks alot people


list all monies you have at that time - dont worry about what youll have after you've paid for her flights back home, feeding and watering half the villagers at your wedding do or anything else.... thats all by the by

Ohh - and black and white photocopies of your passport should be fine - i sent b&w copies and obviously took my passport when we went for our short interview but you show all that sort of thing when you get married and have the sworn translations done.

all the best


Thanks rio

her current address i guess - when the visa is approved she will need to go back to her hometown to change her id card for changing the name in her passport.

We are not going back to her hometown after we get the visa, no time. She is keeping her maiden name. We were going to get her ID card changed from Miss to Mrs but still with her original name.

However, if we have to go back to hometown, it's not going to get done, simple as that I'm afraid. We will just have to change it when we are next in LOS.

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