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Instant Jail For Any Perpetrator Who Runs Away From An Accident


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What about instant jail for not wearing a motorcycle helmet? People, probably yourself included only do so as they are rarely caught.

Often it is the wisest thing to do when in an accident, to avoid extra-judicial consequences.

I have done it and advise many others to do the same.

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I was the victim of a hit and run lunatic some years ago - my gf at the time and i were lucky to escape alive and both spent almost 2 weeks in hospital. the driver turned right with no indicators on as i overtook him, causing a nasty collision at some speed. I was on a rented motorbike and he was driving a pickup truck which was one a kind in thailand custom - lowered suspension, bright yellow and red custom paint, cutaway bodywork, black windows and LED lights - I'd seen it cruising about in the days leading up to the accident. oddly, the police couldn't trace it and nobody in Krabi knew the owner.

It doesn't matter if there's a law to jail drivers like this if the police have no interest in enforcing it, which sadly to say they never have when the victim is a Farang.

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Edited by GooEng
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What about instant jail for not wearing a motorcycle helmet? People, probably yourself included only do so as they are rarely caught.

Often it is the wisest thing to do when in an accident, to avoid extra-judicial consequences.

I have done it and advise many others to do the same.

bad example, as people not wearing helmets only endanger themselves

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Its about time that authorities brought in a law demanding instant jail for anyone who gets caught running away from or deserting the scene of an accident in which they have been involved or caused. At the present, this appears to be the first reaction as they know too well that nothing will be done to catch them.

Talk to your MP.

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In my honest opinion, it would encourage people to be more violent to each others.

Most people don't have insurance, some resort to violence and intimidation to avoid paying for what they've done.

Having the certainty to be jailed on top of that, would make them think they have nothing to lose anyway.

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I was told by a local police officer over songkran they have many problems with truck drivers when it comes to accidents, apparently it is better for a truck driver to kill someone rather then badly hurt them, financially that is, he said he has known cases where a truck involved in an accident with a pedestrian has actually reversed over them to kill them to save money, i couldn't believe this has anyone heard this kind of thing before?

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I was told by a local police officer over songkran they have many problems with truck drivers when it comes to accidents, apparently it is better for a truck driver to kill someone rather then badly hurt them, financially that is, he said he has known cases where a truck involved in an accident with a pedestrian has actually reversed over them to kill them to save money, i couldn't believe this has anyone heard this kind of thing before?

All correct. I was told by my "Poo Yai Baan" (village-chief), that whenever involved in an accident = Run, if you can. Having run over someone: Run over him once more to make shure he is dead. Why? If caught, it's cheaper to pay a lump sum to the family, instead of having to support a cripple for the rest of his live. This according to my village-chief. It's the Thai-way, I gather.


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I was told by a local police officer over songkran they have many problems with truck drivers when it comes to accidents, apparently it is better for a truck driver to kill someone rather then badly hurt them, financially that is, he said he has known cases where a truck involved in an accident with a pedestrian has actually reversed over them to kill them to save money, i couldn't believe this has anyone heard this kind of thing before?

YES It has happened here in Chiang Mai on Chiang Klan road a english chap went out to get some cigarettes at around 11 pm (he was sober only going out to get ciggies) and was hit from behind by a truck he was on the road and the guy reversed over him and some thai people started screaming at him and then he stopped and sped away, the guy suffered 2 broken legs. This was about 2 years ago.

I had the conversation with my wife and said I would stop if i knocked someone over or off a bike and she was horrified and said don't do that you will be hurt and then went on to tell me multiple stories about drivers being killed when they stopped and advised me to drive away and then go to the police once you are safe.

Very weird place but I actually believe her and not sure what I would do my heart says stop but if thais advise run and I am in their country then do as the locals do which is what everyone here on TV advises.


Edited by DiamondKing
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Keith 67, Please believe it. It is true. It used to be fairly common in Taiwan, also, twenty or thirty years ago. Mostly, in Taiwan, it was the gravel truck drivers who would reverse over the victim after an accident. The reasoning is that if the victim dies, one only owes one lump sum payment. But if the victim is crippled, then the compensation goes on for the life of the victim to pay for support, lost wages, and continuing medical care. Taiwan has really cleaned up its act in recent years and the laws have become extremely strict when it comes to drunk driving, speeding, reckless driving, overweight trucks, and the use of uppers by truck drivers.

But please believe it, Keith, it is very easy to reverse over the victim at night when no one is watching, or even in the day time. Sounds heartless, doesn't it Keith? Maybe we were born onto the wrong planet? Don't you think?

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What about instant jail for not wearing a motorcycle helmet? People, probably yourself included only do so as they are rarely caught.

Often it is the wisest thing to do when in an accident, to avoid extra-judicial consequences.

I have done it and advise many others to do the same.

wait, am i right to assume you ever took a runner in an accident and this is the advice you given to others? would you give the same advise to the man who had knocked your families down in a accident?

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Keith 67, Please believe it. It is true. It used to be fairly common in Taiwan, also, twenty or thirty years ago. Mostly, in Taiwan, it was the gravel truck drivers who would reverse over the victim after an accident. The reasoning is that if the victim dies, one only owes one lump sum payment. But if the victim is crippled, then the compensation goes on for the life of the victim to pay for support, lost wages, and continuing medical care. Taiwan has really cleaned up its act in recent years and the laws have become extremely strict when it comes to drunk driving, speeding, reckless driving, overweight trucks, and the use of uppers by truck drivers.

But please believe it, Keith, it is very easy to reverse over the victim at night when no one is watching, or even in the day time. Sounds heartless, doesn't it Keith? Maybe we were born onto the wrong planet? Don't you think?

I think you are correctdifferent planet indeed, could you imagine what kind of treatment you would recieve in the west for this kind of act?

Although i was speaking to a Thai guy in the village yesterday and he told me a story that happened in Bangkok:

A truck driver involved in an accident with a student then reversed over her and drove away and left her to die alone although he was seen and caught a day or two later. His family sent comiserations to her family and agreed to meet them to pay for their sons wrong doing, a few days later the truck driver and his family arrived at the house of his victims family with in excess of B500,000 as the payment, the father accepted the money put it in a draw and took out a loaded gun from the same draw and shot the truck driver dead with the comment "sorry" handed back the money and declared they were even.

The father of the girl got a suspended sentance from the court due to the circumstances.

In most of the west killing somebody intentially with any motor vehicle is a murder charge.

I found this today seems it is the same in China too.

Several of the hit-and-kill cases have involved children, including a horrifying one of a man in an Audi in Jiangsu province running over a 3-year-old four times.

Chinese netizens, typically appalled at the incidents, point to underlying problems with China’s medical care, insurance and legal systems. In short, it’s cheaper to kill someone in China than be responsible for a lifetime of medical costs.

Victims’ families generally can’t bring costly lawsuits against the perpetrators, but rather must rely on a carefully proscribed compensation formula when someone is killed. The driver is typically responsible for medical costs, rather than an insurance company, if the victim lives.

A driver might have to pay $40,000-$50,000 for running over someone and killing them, but paying medical bills for a seriously injured person

for months on end can easily and quickly outpace the price of death.

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Yes, Keith, but in China now, the people are beginning to fight back against what they see as the indifference of the privileged class toward their plight. Recently the son of a very high level government official was caught after running over a child in one city. And you can see here how much attention these cases are now getting in China. So things are changing for the better in China, there really is a marked difference between what happened in the past and what is the case today.


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I was told by a local police officer over songkran they have many problems with truck drivers when it comes to accidents, apparently it is better for a truck driver to kill someone rather then badly hurt them, financially that is, he said he has known cases where a truck involved in an accident with a pedestrian has actually reversed over them to kill them to save money, i couldn't believe this has anyone heard this kind of thing before?

I remember a case in England. A driver knocked someone to the ground. To avoid involvement in any subsequent claim, he reversed and drove over the injured man to make sure that he was dead. The driver later found out that the person he killed was his own son.

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stop, get lynched or maybe perhaps worse if you have injured someone especially if family or friends of the injured are about, regardless of whether it's your fault or not...yes sounds great that!

thing is, in the local peoples eyes as a foreigner it will always be you whose in the wrong, always you who is left to sweat it out and hope that the authorities are going to listen to your side of things, always you who is going to pay through the nose....

from the times I have had scrapes with moronic motor bike riders and stopped they have always asked for ridiculous amounts as if they have rubbed the magic lamp and I am the genie who has popped out and about to grant them their request!

I do believe in driving slow and carefully in Thailand as much as I do believe in doing the right thing and stopping at an accident.....but then the realism kicks in and everyones aware of the possible outcomes if you do this in Thailand!

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I was the victim of a hit and run lunatic some years ago - my gf at the time and i were lucky to escape alive and both spent almost 2 weeks in hospital. the driver turned right with no indicators on as i overtook him, causing a nasty collision at some speed. I was on a rented motorbike and he was driving a pickup truck which was one a kind in thailand custom - lowered suspension, bright yellow and red custom paint, cutaway bodywork, black windows and LED lights - I'd seen it cruising about in the days leading up to the accident. oddly, the police couldn't trace it and nobody in Krabi knew the owner.

It doesn't matter if there's a law to jail drivers like this if the police have no interest in enforcing it, which sadly to say they never have when the victim is a Farang.

Sent using the iPad App.

So it looked like the Mothership from Close Encounters but you still managed to hit it?

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I was the victim of a hit and run lunatic some years ago - my gf at the time and i were lucky to escape alive and both spent almost 2 weeks in hospital. the driver turned right with no indicators on as i overtook him, causing a nasty collision at some speed. I was on a rented motorbike and he was driving a pickup truck which was one a kind in thailand custom - lowered suspension, bright yellow and red custom paint, cutaway bodywork, black windows and LED lights - I'd seen it cruising about in the days leading up to the accident. oddly, the police couldn't trace it and nobody in Krabi knew the owner.

It doesn't matter if there's a law to jail drivers like this if the police have no interest in enforcing it, which sadly to say they never have when the victim is a Farang.

Sent using the iPad App.

So it looked like the Mothership from Close Encounters but you still managed to hit it?

Funny! My steel pins are rattling!

He turned across me without thinking, looking or indicating - a collision was unavoidable.

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I was told by a local police officer over songkran they have many problems with truck drivers when it comes to accidents, apparently it is better for a truck driver to kill someone rather then badly hurt them, financially that is, he said he has known cases where a truck involved in an accident with a pedestrian has actually reversed over them to kill them to save money, i couldn't believe this has anyone heard this kind of thing before?

I remember a case in England. A driver knocked someone to the ground. To avoid involvement in any subsequent claim, he reversed and drove over the injured man to make sure that he was dead. The driver later found out that the person he killed was his own son.

Do you have a link to this HOAX ?

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I was told by a local police officer over songkran they have many problems with truck drivers when it comes to accidents, apparently it is better for a truck driver to kill someone rather then badly hurt them, financially that is, he said he has known cases where a truck involved in an accident with a pedestrian has actually reversed over them to kill them to save money, i couldn't believe this has anyone heard this kind of thing before?

I remember a case in England. A driver knocked someone to the ground. To avoid involvement in any subsequent claim, he reversed and drove over the injured man to make sure that he was dead. The driver later found out that the person he killed was his own son.

Sweet baby Jesus. Can anyone outdo this wild claim???

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I remember a case in England. A driver knocked someone to the ground. To avoid involvement in any subsequent claim, he reversed and drove over the injured man to make sure that he was dead. The driver later found out that the person he killed was his own son.

Sweet baby Jesus. Can anyone outdo this wild claim???

I read in Wikipedia one time that most drivers in Thailand were Buddhist. whistling.gif

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It is grotesquely unpardonable that people here can seriously suggest doing a runner after an accident.

To do so is to lose all sense of responsibility, conscience and common humanity.

Shame on all who do and yes, I have been involved in several accidents.

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I read that after an accident, some drivers will run over the victim several times until that are flat enough to fit in a pizza oven. Then they will share the feast with all the villagers and laugh at how stupid farangs are. Next!

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I rear ended a truck full of people going to a funeral, they were already late so I offered 3000 baht but he said it's OK we will do it through insurance. It only bent his bumper a little and everyone said just take the money, the driver was a really nice guy and knew the insurance would be better for me.

We shook hands I gave him a wai and Katort, he gave me a wai and drove off.

There are some careful drivers its just 10% are nutters. I was lucky if the driver was a violent prick I would have drove off.

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It is grotesquely unpardonable that people here can seriously suggest doing a runner after an accident.

To do so is to lose all sense of responsibility, conscience and common humanity.

Shame on all who do and yes, I have been involved in several accidents.

As one member did say it can sometimes be life threatening to get out and try and do the right thing, i think that most were not suggesting doing a runner but keep goin to the nearest police station and report the accident there.

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This is one thing in a long list that needs to be corrected about Thai driving.

Agreed, but it could be argued that it's not really a driving problem is it? It's a larger question of honesty and taking responsibility for actions....

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