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Motorcycle Theft, Happy Ending


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Learn your lesson and get insurance !

Never! Just imagine how much Ive saved over the last 20 years by NOT having insurance. Thats my emergency fund for crazy stuff like this. And the good thing is that I decide when to pay out, its not up to some stupid insurance company.

Good result - Did they make you Point at the perpetrator in the vanity shot ?

Yea. It was kind of weird.

The first time I saw the perp this morning I wanted to punch his face in, I was really pissed off. Later this afternoon when I picked up my bike and we took the photo I kind of felt sorry for him. The officers said he's facing 10 years in prison, maybe could get out after 5 for good behavior. Just some random bum, dirty broken clothes.

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yes i too had pleasant experience with chang phueak police station. not gonna explain in details but in short i did something stupid

anyway no need to feel sorry about the thief. these group of people are probably the same people who ride like pure <deleted> and endangered others lifes. the fact that he was arrested so fast was probably he was already under the radar.

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Wow, so cool! Great to hear it!!:clap2:

I was going to buy insurance once, costs almost as much as the bike, quite involved to make a claim as well....

Must have been a cheap bike!

Full insurance for Dtracker including hospital coverage is only 5k

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I ended up treating them for drinks and bakery goods instead

This is cool. wink.png

I know where you're coming from on the insurance front, but really--and especially in this part of the world--have a rethink. What happens when you run across the side of that 10 mil Merc or end up with a similarly priced hospital bill through some nut without a license/insurance sliding you on the tarmac? Ifs and buts, but...

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where can you buy insurance for a motor bike ? I was under the impression you could not ? I have an older Honda click I would like to insure just incase I hit someone ...


I think they're closed today, I tried calling them about 40 mins ago as I need insurance on a bike I just got.

Trying to stay off my new bike this week as I need to get insurance and a drivers license, not risking it without, it's going to be hard....

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must have been a fit bum, those things are a pain to push around

fun bike, just rented one for 10 days on koh phangan, never want to drive one in town though.

Yes must have been some big fit local 'bum' I have a klx 250 Dtracker and it is a handfull just to park and push about in places like the Airport plaza parking..I cannot imagine a local 'bum' grabbing my bike and taking off pushing down the street ..

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