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On this investigation about the racism allegations made about Suarez it is incredible how the FA have massive double standards against United,it is shown clearly this week when Dalglish has made quite a lot of comments about the allegations and only last week Ferguson was told that he couldn't make any comments on the matter.

The FA has an agenda against United in every case.mad.gif As far as i am concerned Dalglish should also be made to keep his mouth shut the same.....but no!!

Double standards again FA.

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On this investigation about the racism allegations made about Suarez it is incredible how the FA have massive double standards against United,it is shown clearly this week when Dalglish has made quite a lot of comments about the allegations and only last week Ferguson was told that he couldn't make any comments on the matter.

The FA has an agenda against United in every case.mad.gif As far as i am concerned Dalglish should also be made to keep his mouth shut the same.....but no!!

Double standards again FA.

I've heard enough Ferguson bully boy rants to last a lifetime pal.

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On this investigation about the racism allegations made about Suarez it is incredible how the FA have massive double standards against United,it is shown clearly this week when Dalglish has made quite a lot of comments about the allegations and only last week Ferguson was told that he couldn't make any comments on the matter.

The FA has an agenda against United in every case.mad.gif As far as i am concerned Dalglish should also be made to keep his mouth shut the same.....but no!!

Double standards again FA.

I've heard enough Ferguson bully boy rants to last a lifetime pal.

Yes,thanks for that.

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On this investigation about the racism allegations made about Suarez it is incredible how the FA have massive double standards against United,it is shown clearly this week when Dalglish has made quite a lot of comments about the allegations and only last week Ferguson was told that he couldn't make any comments on the matter.

The FA has an agenda against United in every case.mad.gif As far as i am concerned Dalglish should also be made to keep his mouth shut the same.....but no!!

Double standards again FA.

I've heard enough Ferguson bully boy rants to last a lifetime pal.

Yes,thanks for that.


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have you ever been at a cup final where your team has won the trophy though carmine? it's the best day out in the world.

Yes i have but are you saying you would be happy holding the carling cup next season and in the europa? I say this because its going to run close in the league and those extra games might make a difference

we're not in europe at all this season so it's a different perspective. i want us to win as many of our matches as possible this season and if that results in CL football next season then so be it. but we haven't won a trophy since 2006 so any cup would be bloody brilliant this season.

winning the league cup this season would give us more confidence and mean that we'd played well as a team which would have the knockon effect on the league form i think. league cup was only a 'distraction' when we were playing big CL matches every week. now it's silverware, however tarnished.

Better not do an Arsenal then!

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1319853785[/url]' post='4804150']

On this investigation about the racism allegations made about Suarez it is incredible how the FA have massive double standards against United,it is shown clearly this week when Dalglish has made quite a lot of comments about the allegations and only last week Ferguson was told that he couldn't make any comments on the matter.

The FA has an agenda against United in every case.mad.gif As far as i am concerned Dalglish should also be made to keep his mouth shut the same.....but no!!

Double standards again FA.

Are you serious? Really Red you should Know the sitaution around it before making such a comment.

Post Match press West Brom and he was quizzed on a range of things and as always the media try to ride whatever makes the stories. sometimes I cringe at some of the questins they come up with at times, really lazy lazy journalism at times and always an agenda!

Kenny as always shot a few of them down on Andy, on past performances etc as they are trying to make somthing of nothing but then when he was aksed about Racism which was a question out of the blue just after talking about Finishing chances...and on the spot by an journo who asked and in a manner as if the recent cases in the news and not just at LFC were proven fact inc Manu or any other.

And This is a quote.

"It has to be proved before you accuse. I don't think it's prevalent in the game here and certainly not at this football club."We've got a case going on ourselves which seems to be dragging its feet. We'd rather have it done and dusted.

"Whoever the guilty party is; the person who said it or the accuser should get their rightful punishment. So we'll look forward to ours coming to a conclusion. But I don't see racism, as far as this club is concerned anyway, apparent in any way, shape or form.

So I don't think you can get any clearer or fairer than that do you Red, now why make a fuss about it?

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On this investigation about the racism allegations made about Suarez it is incredible how the FA have massive double standards against United,it is shown clearly this week when Dalglish has made quite a lot of comments about the allegations and only last week Ferguson was told that he couldn't make any comments on the matter.

The FA has an agenda against United in every case.mad.gif As far as i am concerned Dalglish should also be made to keep his mouth shut the same.....but no!!

Double standards again FA.

Are you serious? Really Red you should Know the sitaution around it before making such a s silly comment.

Post Match press West Brom and he was quizzed on a range of things and as always the media try to ride whatever makes the stories. sometimes I cringe at some of the questins they come up with at times, really lazy lazy journalism at times and always an agenda!

Kenny as always shot a few of them down on Andy on past performances performances etc but then when he was aksed about Racism out of the blue on the spot by an journal who asked as if the recent cases were proven fact inc Manu or any other.

And This is a quote.

"It has to be proved before you accuse. I don't think it's prevalent in the game here and certainly not at this football club."We've got a case going on ourselves which seems to be dragging its feet. We'd rather have it done and dusted.

"Whoever the guilty party is; the person who said it or the accuser should get their rightful punishment. So we'll look forward to ours coming to a conclusion. But I don't see racism, as far as this club is concerned anyway, apparent in any way, shape or form.

So I don't think you can get any clearer or fairer than that do you Red?

MrRed's upset you hasn't he!! :D

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There is a good new interactive stats page at the club web site. It is a very good way of comparing players and well worth a play.


It does have a few quirks though. For instance, Carra's distribution looks remarkably good (78% completion). This is because they have a separate category, not included in passes, called 'clearances' which are long passes cleared up the field normally when the player is 'under pressure'. Essentially a 'hoof' and the fact that it often goes to an opposition player doesnt affect your pass completion rate. passes per game are based on attempted passes rather than completed passes making a useless stat even more useless. A 'shot assist' I assume is effectively the same as a 'chance created'.

Charlie Adam's stats look a lot better than you might expect. I think this is partly due to the position he plays which always keeps the player busy.

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On this investigation about the racism allegations made about Suarez it is incredible how the FA have massive double standards against United,it is shown clearly this week when Dalglish has made quite a lot of comments about the allegations and only last week Ferguson was told that he couldn't make any comments on the matter.

The FA has an agenda against United in every case.mad.gif As far as i am concerned Dalglish should also be made to keep his mouth shut the same.....but no!!

Double standards again FA.

Are you serious? Really Red you should Know the sitaution around it before making such a comment.

Post Match press West Brom and he was quizzed on a range of things and as always the media try to ride whatever makes the stories. sometimes I cringe at some of the questins they come up with at times, really lazy lazy journalism at times and always an agenda!

Kenny as always shot a few of them down on Andy, on past performances etc as they are trying to make somthing of nothing but then when he was aksed about Racism which was a question out of the blue just after talking about Finishing chances...and on the spot by an journo who asked and in a manner as if the recent cases in the news and not just at LFC were proven fact inc Manu or any other.

And This is a quote.

"It has to be proved before you accuse. I don't think it's prevalent in the game here and certainly not at this football club."We've got a case going on ourselves which seems to be dragging its feet. We'd rather have it done and dusted.

"Whoever the guilty party is; the person who said it or the accuser should get their rightful punishment. So we'll look forward to ours coming to a conclusion. But I don't see racism, as far as this club is concerned anyway, apparent in any way, shape or form.

So I don't think you can get any clearer or fairer than that do you Red, now why make a fuss about it?

So i was correct then as you agree.....it is ok for him to answer questions to the press about the ongoing investigation at the moment but not Ferguson?

Was he warned by the FA this week ..............NO!

As i said double standards by the FA please don't accuse me of not knowing the situation as i watched the interview.

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So i was correct then as you agree.....it is ok for him to answer questions to the press about the ongoing investigation at the moment but not Ferguson?

Was he warned by the FA this week ..............NO!

As i said double standards by the FA please don't accuse me of not knowing the situation as i watched the interview.

I think it is more a matter of legal precedent.

Racism is a criminal offense and by default Suarez is considered innocent until proven guilty.

Accusations against a person of racism are fairly dangerous to make if they cannot be proven and repeating the accusation or supporting the accusation is fairly dangerous when the person is 'assumed innocent'. In other words Dalglish can basically say pretty anything much 'sensible' in support of Suarez on the 'assumption of innocence'. Essentially the accusation of 'racism' by Evra risks 'slander' or 'defamation' and Ferguson would potentially add to the risk of either one or the other by supporting his player in a press conference if it was not proven at a later date.

Simply put, it isnt a matter of double standards. We dont hold public trials of criminal accusations and we work on the assumption of innocence.

If you notice Ferdinand has kept very quiet about Terry in a vaguely similar case as has is manager.

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So i was correct then as you agree.....it is ok for him to answer questions to the press about the ongoing investigation at the moment but not Ferguson?

Was he warned by the FA this week ..............NO!

As i said double standards by the FA please don't accuse me of not knowing the situation as i watched the interview.

I think it is more a matter of legal precedent.

Racism is a criminal offense and by default Suarez is considered innocent until proven guilty.

Accusations against a person of racism are fairly dangerous to make if they cannot be proven and repeating the accusation or supporting the accusation is fairly dangerous when the person is 'assumed innocent'. In other words Dalglish can basically say pretty anything much 'sensible' in support of Suarez on the 'assumption of innocence'. Essentially the accusation of 'racism' by Evra risks 'slander' or 'defamation' and Ferguson would potentially add to the risk of either one or the other by supporting his player in a press conference if it was not proven at a later date.

Simply put, it isnt a matter of double standards. We dont hold public trials of criminal accusations and we work on the assumption of innocence.

If you notice Ferdinand has kept very quiet about Terry in a vaguely similar case as has is manager.

Abrak thanks for the reply i understand the legal ramifications and obviously the reasons why even the United lawyers would have warned Ferguson about any remarks made prior to the resulting investigation.

On the same hand United's lawyers would have been informed what happened from Evras point of view and if it would be worth while the player involving the club in this slur against Suarez if there was no substance behind it,i really cannot understand any player saying he has been racially abused if he has not been and to drag the dirt through an investigation that would severely harm him personally and also the club,i mean..... i can't see that happening if there was no abuse or abuse that could not be found to have been used because of no witnesses or solid TV evidence.

It is obvious that no Liverpool players are going to come forward and say that Suarez racially abused Evra is it? so then if there was some evidence found that says he did then the ban on Ferguson should also be put in place with Dalglish shouldn't it? As it is also unfair to continually talk about a player guilty or not guilty who has in his managers eyes done no wrong.It is double standards when an investigation is ongoing because as you rightly say it is also an investigation into Evra making accusations that he (we do not know)was called a racist word 10 times!

We will see what the outcome is this week but my the FA do seem to drag these on a bit and it does bring the game into disrepute when managers(Dalglish)keep making comments about it also his play acting and general persona on the pitch as in he should be getting more protection and so on ,seems to me that they are working hard behind the scenes at the moment sorting his PR out wink.gif

There is no place in football for racism as is no place for allegations when there is no substance behind them jap.gif

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There is no place in football for racism as is no place for allegations when there is no substance behind them jap.gif

quite correct. but i don't see any problem in dalglish asking the FA to get their collective arse in gear when one of his players has been accused of something so serious. if it turns out that evra is just making the shit up then he should face a ban for undermining one of the most important issues in football.

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The FA has an agenda against United in every case.mad.gif

i am always amazed by how many united fans think this. their manager who has held sway over the league for two decades, gets away with whatever he wants and cannot stop talking about and influencing referees in his press conferences but gets a raw deal. bless.

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1319889535[/url]' post='4805890']

team from a lad: reina, johnson, skrtel, agger, enrique, lucas, adam, gerrard, downing, henderson, suarez.

Ok thanks.

Very strong midfield! Hoping Gerard plays more forward...

I see we got Chealse in the CarlingnCup and of course away !

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1319890540[/url]' post='4805934']
1319853785[/url]' post='4804150']

The FA has an agenda against United in every case.mad.gif

i am always amazed by how many united fans think this. their manager who has held sway over the league for two decades, gets away with whatever he wants and cannot stop talking about and influencing referees in his press conferences but gets a raw deal. bless.


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team from a lad: reina, johnson, skrtel, agger, enrique, lucas, adam, gerrard, downing, henderson, suarez.

Ok thanks.

Very strong midfield! Hoping Gerard plays more forward...

I see we got Chealse in the CarlingnCup and of course away !

not 100% confirmed yet as i think suarez is having a late fitness test after the knock he got the other night.

i'm happy if we go to the hawthorns and play 5 in midfield though, that's where we've struggled to boss matches against teams we should be beating so far this season. and i genuinely hope that one of the players boots the ball full pelt into hodgson's face.

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What about Carroll? wink.gif bench warmer now is he?

'option'. ;)

like that 30-odd million guy berbatov the glams regularly have warming the bench.

You mean last seasons Golden boot winner biggrin.gif he made a cameo appearance today as well from the bench in our 1-0 win at Everton wink.gif

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Yes James if you missed it here it is..........

Carling Cup quarter-final draw in full

Arsenal v Manchester City

Chelsea v Liverpool

biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifManchester United v Crystal Palace

Cardiff v Blackburn Rovers

(All ties to be played 29/30 November 2011)

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Useless fact of the match. Average age of the 10 outfielders just under 25 with the oldest player being, I believe, Downing at 27.

WBA were abysmal and reminded me of the cold dark days of Hodgson with all that meaningless hoofing.

Still I am rather rooting for him to get the England job.

Good win. Hope Kenny keeps the Agger/Skrtel combo.

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Good win. Hope Kenny keeps the Agger/Skrtel combo.

they looked good together didn't they? and the carragher lumping it was massively noticeable by its absence.

carroll played well. more signs of an understanding there between him and suarez too.

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Good win. Hope Kenny keeps the Agger/Skrtel combo.

they looked good together didn't they? and the carragher lumping it was massively noticeable by its absence.

carroll played well. more signs of an understanding there between him and suarez too.

How bad were West Brom?? You must have enjoyed that Stevie! biggrin.gif

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I see we got Chealse in the CarlingnCup and of course away !

Yes what the hell is up with this? So I guess it's completely random. Seems quite harsh, and I wish they could do something to make it more fair so if you play two straight on the road and the other team has just played at home then you automatically get the match at home, or something like that.

Crazy! Four straight Carling Cup matches away from home! Utter nonsense, man, and of course we couldn't get Crystal Palace at home, that goes to the team who has a bit more sway over the FA. :)

We could have had Blackburn, Cardiff, Crystal Palace or one of the big boys, and of course we got one of the big boys, and of course not at Anfield. That's just shit, it really is.

Two trips to Stamford Bridge, Man City at home, this is looking like a tough month ahead...but if Chelsea continue to play defense like they did against Arsenal, I'm optimistic! :)

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