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Stones are from London. Beatles are from Liverpool. I've been to Liverpool. It was the place I felt most like home in all of England. I don't know why, but it's true. My best memories from England are there. That's what led to me following Liverpool in the first place.

I'm entitled to have my opinion, so yes, it bores me to see all those obsessed with seeing Liverpool fail spill their excrement in this thread.

Stones are from London. Beatles are from Liverpool. I've been to Liverpool. It was the place I felt most like home in all of England. I don't know why, but it's true. My best memories from England are there. That's what led to me following Liverpool in the first place.

I'm entitled to have my opinion, so yes, it bores me to see all those obsessed with seeing Liverpool fail spill their excrement in this thread.

yes mate, i know stones are from LP.

as for being obsessed with seeing LP fail, not totally accurate. In fact, I would like to see them have their best EPL finish in years - this year - 2nd place.

Stones are from London. Beatles are from Liverpool. I've been to Liverpool. It was the place I felt most like home in all of England. I don't know why, but it's true. My best memories from England are there. That's what led to me following Liverpool in the first place.

I'm entitled to have my opinion, so yes, it bores me to see all those obsessed with seeing Liverpool fail spill their excrement in this thread.

yes mate, i know stones are from LP.

as for being obsessed with seeing LP fail, not totally accurate. In fact, I would like to see them have their best EPL finish in years - this year - 2nd place.

Typing error there Jimbo... :o

Stones are from London. Beatles are from Liverpool. I've been to Liverpool. It was the place I felt most like home in all of England. I don't know why, but it's true. My best memories from England are there. That's what led to me following Liverpool in the first place.

I'm entitled to have my opinion, so yes, it bores me to see all those obsessed with seeing Liverpool fail spill their excrement in this thread.

i actually thought james was joking with that, the stones being from liverpool. surely not even a man utd fan could be that thick?

Stones are from London. Beatles are from Liverpool. I've been to Liverpool. It was the place I felt most like home in all of England. I don't know why, but it's true. My best memories from England are there. That's what led to me following Liverpool in the first place.

I'm entitled to have my opinion, so yes, it bores me to see all those obsessed with seeing Liverpool fail spill their excrement in this thread.

yes mate, i know stones are from LP.

as for being obsessed with seeing LP fail, not totally accurate. In fact, I would like to see them have their best EPL finish in years - this year - 2nd place.

Typing error there Jimbo... :o

no it wasn't, it was a test to see if anyone was paying attention. two gold stars for you ms and an extra scoop of ice cream on the weekend.

bless. more obsessed with us than they are with their own team.

I know, soz mate. It is all a bit one way and boring over are end at the moment, win this game, clean sheet that game, World Champions this game, Cup Final that game...........!

Bag o sheeite...... :o


winding up is generally supposed to be based on wit and intelligence, or maybe a bit of sarcasm, rather than seapok's dull and unfunny attempts. i don't really see anyone getting wound up so much as bored by him.

anyhow, pennant's off the payroll at least, preferring portsmouth to madrid and milan apparently. good riddance.

I agree with Stevie, nothing wrong with banter mixed with a bit of actual comments about the teams / matches. No need for name calling - yet. :o

I'm shocked to see BKKjames jumping on the bandwagon...the self proclaimed glory hunter just can't help himself. I'm sorry StevieH doesn't like what I've been saying but I've achieved

what I set out to do and that was get a bit of banter going amongst rival fans...intelligent or not! :D

isnt it nice to see that a lucky last minute win against stoke gets old seapok back in the game again, thought you were a bit like Mig16, missing in action.

I've always been around, just mainly in my own thread, I thought I'd pop over to the neighbours and see what's going on....not much by the look of things. :D

bless. more obsessed with us than they are with their own team.

I know, soz mate. It is all a bit one way and boring over are end at the moment, win this game, clean sheet that game, World Champions this game, Cup Final that game...........!

Bag o sheeite...... :o


a song about us after 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 15 minutes etc etc.....you'd think you lot would realise that you dont play us every week.

do you lot count the songs you sing abar about us for each half?

*left hand comes out in first half* (six songs)

*right hand comes out in second half* (six songs)


Yet again Stevie G comes to the bin dippers aid, take him away and your just a bunch of mediocre wannabes, bring on the 1st of February and we will wipe the floor with you! :o

Oh as apposed to you glory hunting... just started watching football Cheslea clones, now shut up you stupid WUM. Good luck trying to win a Champions League... Spent millions and failed miserably! and where are you in the league? LOL

Glory hunting? thats not me son!, I've been supporting the mighty blues long before the good times! Its funny you actually say that, I can reckon the Liverpool fans are the original glory hunters,

when they were good....in the 80's why would all the non Liverpudlians such as yourselves support them?

Don't give the big banana about the Champions league, your lucky to be in it this season, just scrapping in....thanks to who? yeah that man again!

joke of a post that mate, you been to the bridge lately? i know loads of ex chelsea lads, all of them disgusted with the glory hunting brigade at the bridge nowadays. filled with middle aged mockneys named giles. the club giving out thousands of plazzy flags to create an atmosphere, with even your wavers being lifted by stewards.

look closer to home mate, Micky Greenaway is turning in his grave

bless. more obsessed with us than they are with their own team.

I know, soz mate. It is all a bit one way and boring over are end at the moment, win this game, clean sheet that game, World Champions this game, Cup Final that game...........!

Bag o sheeite...... :D


a song about us after 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 15 minutes etc etc.....you'd think you lot would realise that you dont play us every week.

do you lot count the songs you sing abar about us for each half?

*left hand comes out in first half* (six songs)

*right hand comes out in second half* (six songs)


Is that the best you can come up with kopite, i agree we do sing tooooo many songs about you but as you were a match going fan years ago as i was before moving to Thailand, you should know football songs are passed on over the genarations and most of the songs are from years ago when you were in your hey day :D and the hatred was there for all to see.

If you ask others fans of other clubs, i am sure they sing songs about their most hated rivals.

I went to Anfield loads of times in the 80's early 90's and you sang a few songs about us and i am sure you still do or has the last 18 years been too much for you lot to bear :o


on a more upbeat note, it seems the LP are going the way of City in terms of owernship.

what do you LP supporters think of this. From American to Kuwaiti.

on a more upbeat note, it seems the LP are going the way of City in terms of owernship.

what do you LP supporters think of this. From American to Kuwaiti.

"Hicks's camp are in tentative talks with representatives of the Al Kharafi family, whose head Nasser is the 48th richest man in the world with an £9 billion fortune". Daily Telgraph

To be honest its way to early to comment, Seems we are linked with someone every week. As much as we all want the Americans out. I some times get the feeling 'out of the frying pan into the fire' I don't think its the route to go...

on a more upbeat note, it seems the LP are going the way of City in terms of owernship.

what do you LP supporters think of this. From American to Kuwaiti.

"Hicks's camp are in tentative talks with representatives of the Al Kharafi family, whose head Nasser is the 48th richest man in the world with an £9 billion fortune". Daily Telgraph

To be honest its way to early to comment, Seems we are linked with someone every week. As much as we all want the Americans out. I some times get the feeling 'out of the frying pan into the fire' I don't think its the route to go...

there was a lot of people very angry when we got taken over by the american, but seems that true to his word, he just let gill, saf and the boys get on with winning trophies.

if your sale goes through, out with Carlsburg I guess and in with Kuwait Air. Nice place Kuwait is, if you are an expat standing in line at a convenience store and a local comes in, you are obliged to let them go ahead of you. Apparently, this idea was brought back to Thailand (as witnessed at your local 7/11 or family mart on a reg basis) by the thousands of thai construction workers. Now you know. :o


far too soon to say given the protracted nature of the DIC links but right now, in all honesty, i'd take any ownership on earth over the two frauds we have in charge now. and if it means rick parry is given the not-before-time heave so much the better.

but i think that ultimately it's a doomed venture anyway, this trend for billionaire backers will kill the game as we've known it in the long term.

gerrard in crown court today. he's pleaded not guilty apparently.

Just seen someone I recognise in the crowd, lol, Its Michael Sheilds, wearing a "free Steven Gerrard" t-shirt.....!!!!!





steve once he pleaded he would have left the court. the only way for a resolution today would have been a guilty plea and straight to sentencing (very unlikely) or if the prosecution offered no evidence leading to dropped charges. there is no way they would have held a trial today at a first appearance.

it will now go to crown court to be heard in front of a jury, however before the trial there are different stages to go through without a jury, such as a prima facie hearing where the prosecution need to prove they have enough evidence for a trial, this is heard before a judge.

this will not go to trial before next year,expect a long drawn out procedure here


oops :o

20th march will be his first appearance at the crown court, just after we play the scum and a couple of days before we play villa. the trial will not start at this point though


Friday, January 23, 2009

Gerrard in the Dock as takeover talk erupts - a timely coincidence?

So then on the very day that Steven Gerrard was due in court to face charges of assault and affray, media sources are all of a sudden reporting that there’s renewed interest from the Middle East, regarding taking over the troubled Merseyside club. The timing of this takeover talk coming on the day of Gerrard’s initial court appearance is surely simply too much of a coincidence.

A cynic like myself would say it's a good day to bury potentially damaging news and following the events which led up to Gerrard spending a night in the Southport police cells, it seems that LFC have been using every trick in the PR book to deflect attention away from their captain and his problems.

First we had Rafa’s barmy rant at Ferguson; but the Spaniard didn’t stop there as he went to war with other high-profile targets. You do wonder about Rafa’s more recent scattergun rants, are they part of any concerted media campaign to deflect attention away from Gerrard, or is the Liverpool manager simply losing the plot? I'm fairly certain Rafa's rant at Fergie and today's news is an attempt to deflect attention away from Gerrard, as for the rest of it, I'm not really sure.

This might surprise Liverpool fans, but I wish them well regarding finding new owners. Like United, Liverpool are a huge club; both are institutions and as such they should be run accordingly without threat to their futures due to issues surrounding owners who fail to deliver on promises.

Following on from yesteday's post on possible interest from Dubai concerning taking over United and coming on the back of today's news about potential takeover's for Liverpool and Chelsea fans will be wondering where it will all end.



Aaah Redrus - not far out but not quite right.

The theories you put forward would not be sufficient in magnitude to divert attention from such an iconic player as is our Stevie Boy.

Gordon Browns declaration of the UK's dip into it's first recession in some 20 years was actually the plot. You will also observe the total collapse of the pound since "the incident" which again is part of the big LFC scheme to protect our boy.

Brace yourself for March 20th ! :o

I'm entitled to have my opinion, so yes, it bores me to see all those obsessed with seeing Liverpool fail spill their excrement in this thread.

Just for you, I've included this, so at least you'll be able to define what type of excrement is being spilled in this forum in the future. :o


Friday, January 23, 2009

Gerrard in the Dock as takeover talk erupts - a timely coincidence?

So then on the very day that Steven Gerrard was due in court to face charges of assault and affray, media sources are all of a sudden reporting that there's renewed interest from the Middle East, regarding taking over the troubled Merseyside club. The timing of this takeover talk coming on the day of Gerrard's initial court appearance is surely simply too much of a coincidence.

A cynic like myself would say it's a good day to bury potentially damaging news and following the events which led up to Gerrard spending a night in the Southport police cells, it seems that LFC have been using every trick in the PR book to deflect attention away from their captain and his problems.

First we had Rafa's barmy rant at Ferguson; but the Spaniard didn't stop there as he went to war with other high-profile targets. You do wonder about Rafa's more recent scattergun rants, are they part of any concerted media campaign to deflect attention away from Gerrard, or is the Liverpool manager simply losing the plot? I'm fairly certain Rafa's rant at Fergie and today's news is an attempt to deflect attention away from Gerrard, as for the rest of it, I'm not really sure.

This might surprise Liverpool fans, but I wish them well regarding finding new owners. Like United, Liverpool are a huge club; both are institutions and as such they should be run accordingly without threat to their futures due to issues surrounding owners who fail to deliver on promises.

Following on from yesteday's post on possible interest from Dubai concerning taking over United and coming on the back of today's news about potential takeover's for Liverpool and Chelsea fans will be wondering where it will all end.


where does that pile of misinformed drivel come from redrus?


I don't believe it, Liverpool have managed a draw to get another chance to go through to the 5th round of the FA Cup.....scored by none other than Steven Gerrard! :o


<deleted> Sh!t again........Hey Rafa amigo sort it out or get back to faulty towers.......and take the muppets Tom, George n Coco with ya.....what would we do without Gerrard....it is not worth thinking about.

Pissed off Red.....bah humbug


we're in a bit of a rut and have been since spanking newcastle. needs shaking up a bit and we need torres to get back among the goals. i didn't think we played that badly last night, everton defended really deep and very well. most teams would have struggled to break them down.

that's probably the end of robbie keane by the way. had a barney with rafa on monday night after he was subbed off and was told to stay at home last night. stupid boy.

I don't believe it, Liverpool have managed a draw to get another chance to go through to the 5th round of the FA Cup.....scored by none other than Steven Gerrard! :o

your constant gerrard comments are both unfunny and boring you know.

we're in a bit of a rut and have been since spanking newcastle. needs shaking up a bit and we need torres to get back among the goals. i didn't think we played that badly last night, everton defended really deep and very well. most teams would have struggled to break them down.

that's probably the end of robbie keane by the way. had a barney with rafa on monday night after he was subbed off and was told to stay at home last night. stupid boy.

we will take him off your hands for 5 million. ok?

we're in a bit of a rut and have been since spanking newcastle. needs shaking up a bit and we need torres to get back among the goals. i didn't think we played that badly last night, everton defended really deep and very well. most teams would have struggled to break them down.

that's probably the end of robbie keane by the way. had a barney with rafa on monday night after he was subbed off and was told to stay at home last night. stupid boy.

we will take him off your hands for 5 million. ok?

yeah alright. i think that's all we've paid for him so far as it goes.

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