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Are You Addicted


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I have just noticed that in the last month I have made 228 posts!

When there is no Footie or decent films on the TV, this is where I spend my time. (uh yeah I have a lovely wife.. dont we all?) but this is where I can RELATE to folk, :D

I am not saying that its a bad thing... I have made an awful lot of friends here.

I have visited other forums ..but they are all crap compared with TV..... so ban me ** your forum sucks big time, and yes I know you all enviously wish you could come here wishing you were not banned as your forum sucks BIG TIME. there are some ** members that are still here and go gobbing off , slating TV , thats all they can get thier little minds round :o

FYI other forums are just full of BANNED TV members.. and for good reason they talk as much crap there as they did here... hence why they got banned.

I have been around, TV is by far and away the best... BUT ... I spend too much time here.. I know, Iknow,, get a life TP... the thing is .. I ENJOY IT

Do you spend too much time here ... or can you strike a balance? or are you GLAD that you have this outlet?

Personally I would never want to get banned... I've come close a few times but I have "moderated" myself and intend to be around for a long time yet.

How do you feel... are you ADDICTED to Internet forums or not? (Be Honest)


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Do you spend too much time here ... or can you strike a balance? or are you GLAD that you have this outlet?

How do you feel... are you ADDICTED to Internet forums or not? (Be Honest)

Only this one. I'm logged in pretty much 24/7 either at home or at the office but not "on" all that time by any means. I find it to be a great break from my otherwise very busy work schedule. I don't, of course, let it interfere with work :o but it's good to take a break and get my mind off sometimes complex things and relax. Gives me a fresh look when I get back to the tasks.

It's rare for me to meet and interact with other farangs and this is the 2nd best thing to it. Mostly this is because of my work and also my distance from town.

I admit it was a learning curve on TV to 'get it right', that is self control, positive contributions and know when and how to play the game here. I rarely initiate topics because I can usually find the answers somewhere, either here or by other means, but am very happy to help when I can. It can be very fulfilling when you know you have helped someone and they respond as such.

Sometimes self-control (flames-off) can be difficult but after a while the benefits certainly outway the stress it creates (plus keeps the mods happy). :D

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Good answer Tywais... you are right about the "thin red line" we all have to tread it carefully. but as you say there are so many positives here... thanks to people like "Ajarn" for instance I have found my feet in CM .


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Being away from Thialnd for so long, I find myself being more informed and learned from TV members viewpoint rather than my family in Thailand. The array of responses from different members makes me laugh and angry at times, but always appreciated and informative.


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I am not addicted...just polite

My mum told me to always reply when people speak to you....and people keep asking me things here... :D

My mum also told me to stand up for what I believe in and people here keep making comments that I dont believe in, so I have to respond... :D

My mum told me also that it would fall off if I played with it....gee she is such a liar... :o


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It definately beats the telly so after work I look TV. Working abroad for most of the time at least it gives me the feeling of being a bit closer to Thailand.

Looking back at some of my responses I have to admit that half come close to trolling and the other half ain't of a high literature standing either :D

Some other posters do have a gift though and I enjoy reading them (including TP, except when he starts a collection :o)

Other than TV I only visit Stickman's site once a week.

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I have just noticed that in the last month I have made 228 posts!...
You would wonder yourself how many people are only reading TV for years on a daily base without signing up or posting one sentence! (I know one person for sure :D )

This, I would say, is a questionable behaviour!

I don't have the feeling there are addicted people on TV, more like gburns57au said, the majority is just polite :D.

For me, it's valued fun and I like the social manners here... far better than any german Thaiforum :o. Sometimes I'm a little insecure about looking too rude with my poor "Germanenglish".


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:D What, addicted to an internet forum? Who, me? Whom, I?

I told a neighbor I had well over 12,000 posts on various internet forums, and he responded as if I were insane. Well,..... :D

Well, I certainly don't know if you are :D ...did you ask him what his addiction was? I'm sure everyone has some sort of an addiction to something...one way or another.

A familymember told me just a week ago about a marriage in their circle (I know the guy). Marriage broke up, 3 children; she's addicted to alcohol...and spent some time in rehab clinics; he spent some Euro 150.000.-- (US 180K !!!) on sex...(girls) in just 3 years. :D ..speaking about addictions :o

He's early 50, no job anymore, no house to live in anymore, almost no contact with the kids anymore and the oldest is a beautiful girl, nearly 18...

Sad story, very sad :D

SO, addicted to TV, isn't that bad, is it? :D


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I have just noticed that in the last month I have made 228 posts!...

You would wonder yourself how many people are only reading TV for years on a daily base without signing up or posting one sentence! (I know one person for sure :D )

This, I would say, is a questionable behaviour!

I don't have the feeling there are addicted people on TV, more like gburns57au said, the majority is just polite :D.

For me, it's valued fun and I like the social manners here... far better than any german Thaiforum :o. Sometimes I'm a little insecure about looking too rude with my poor "Germanenglish".


Ach, Patex . . du bist O.K., mine freund! Wir machen nicht soviel fun mit dir. :D

Don't you just love the Germans?!?!? :D

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I am not addicted...just polite

My mum told me to always reply when people speak to you....and people keep asking me things here... :D

My mum also told me to stand up for what I believe in and people here keep making comments that I dont believe in, so I have to respond... :D

My mum told me also that it would fall off if I played with it....gee she is such a liar... :o


:D You're starting to look like a mama's boy, burnsy.

Great post, TP, as usual. Enjoyed reading all the comments and I'm happy to hear I'm not the only one suffering from TV addiction (almost sounds like a medical term, doesn't it?).

I do like coming here and being able to converse with a lot of members in English (and German sometimes). Some of these posters seem like old friends to me. You can poke fun at them and not worry about being taken seriously.


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I have been around, TV is by far and away the best... BUT ... I spend too much time here.. I know, Iknow,, get a life TP... the thing is .. I ENJOY IT

Do you spend too much time here ... or can you strike a balance? or are you GLAD that you have this outlet?

Personally I would never want to get banned... I've come close a few times but I have "moderated" myself and intend to be around for a long time yet.

How do you feel... are you ADDICTED to Internet forums or not? (Be Honest)


definitely addicted to TV now. spend near enough all day at work tabbing in and out between TV and work screens and usually an hour or 2 at nights or weekends!!

only seems to be in the last few months ive taken a real active interest, before then the urge would come and go but at the moment i never seem to be away from this forum!! its just good to keep in touch with whats happening when you're not in the country and to discuss things you cant with any of your mates/family/workmates who've not been there. :D

was just thinking in the car what I would do if the forum was discontinued!!! :D:D:D thats when it hit me......I really do need to get a hold of my life!!! :D:o

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You can poke fun at them and not worry about being taken seriously.

Dont worry mate we never take you seriously :o:D

Thanks for your vote of confidence, Dale. :D Just the kind of support my ego is always looking for. Lovely help there, mate. Cry.gif

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You can poke fun at them and not worry about being taken seriously.

Dont worry mate we never take you seriously :o:D

Thanks for your vote of confidence, Dale. :D Just the kind of support my ego is always looking for. Lovely help there, mate. Cry.gif

No worries :D So you gonna be the last poster in every thread on bedlam by the end of the night? :D:D

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You can poke fun at them and not worry about being taken seriously.

Dont worry mate we never take you seriously :o:D

Thanks for your vote of confidence, Dale. :D Just the kind of support my ego is always looking for. Lovely help there, mate. Cry.gif

No worries :D So you gonna be the last poster in every thread on bedlam by the end of the night? :D:D

Been there, done that last night. Bedlam's a frickin' ghost town. Sinful that they let the inmates out, IMHO. I should just pilfer the pharmacy and be on my way. Boonie's been kinda subdued lately, have you noticed? :D Maybe he's on a different binge other than a political one. Or he went back home to the Bear Pit. :D

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TV members who rack up gigantic numbers of posts over a short period of time.....is that a posting addiction or is it indicative of a opinionated person who just likes to blab? :o

Perhaps it is an indication that male posters would rather lazilly communicate with other TV members, whilst their poor overworked wives toil with the washing, housecleaning, cooking, fetching cold beer etc.

Shame boys, shame !!! :D

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TV members who rack up gigantic numbers of posts over a short period of time.....is that a posting addiction or is it indicative of a opinionated person who just likes to blab? :o

Busted.gif On both counts!

Perhaps it is an indication that male posters would rather lazilly communicate with other TV members, whilst their poor overworked wives toil with the washing, housecleaning, cooking, fetching cold beer etc.

Shame boys, shame !!! :D

I had a measley 125 posts or so spanning from 8/04 thru 11/05. I've been away from my teehrak from 11/05 until present (minus about 3-4 weeks) and have gone from 125 to over 600. Y'all are a poor substitute IMHO. :D:D:D

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