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Chinese Official Suspended After Being Photographed With Ladyboys In Thailand

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How could they tell they were ladyboys?

I lived with one post op for over a year and did not know, When I found her/him having sex on cam on the net with foreigners from around the world and approaced her about it she thru me out. She lost face, she also lost $500 a month in income support plus.


Was it a suspention becuase they were ladyboys or because he was partying?? These photos are probably harmless, & there needs to be more


To be honest, i really dont see a problem here. If this is what he likes who has the right to tell him hes in the wrong??

At first I thought the same thing until I saw the other picture . If a politician is going to be grabbing a boob in public while knowingly getting his photo taken then I think it could be very telling in terms of his judgement abilities. Don't care if the boob is attached to a women or ladyboy ... just not too bright for a politician. But wouldn't condemn the guy over one picture as pictures can be very deceiving when it comes to these types of things and he may not actually be feeling her/him up as it appears he is..


How could they tell they were ladyboys?

Perhaps he assumed the role of "Inspector General" during his trip.laugh.png

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How could they tell they were ladyboys?

I lived with one post op for over a year and did not know, When I found her/him having sex on cam on the net with foreigners from around the world and approaced her about it she thru me out. She lost face, she also lost $500 a month in income support plus.

But your story was quite exceptional.


How could they tell they were ladyboys?

I lived with one post op for over a year and did not know, When I found her/him having sex on cam on the net with foreigners from around the world and approaced her about it she thru me out. She lost face, she also lost $500 a month in income support plus.



How could they tell they were ladyboys?

I lived with one post op for over a year and did not know, When I found her/him having sex on cam on the net with foreigners from around the world and approaced her about it she thru me out. She lost face, she also lost $500 a month in income support plus.


The excessive mirror work , very forward personalities and hair flicking are the biggest giveaways.Slightly off topic but maybe time to revive the ladyboy test ...

http://www.<URL Automatically Removed>/ladyboy-test.php


What's the white stuff on the katoys' faces. In some cultures (Thailand also?) white skin is associated with ghosts. Oh well, to each his own.

The white stuff is just face powder as so many Thais for some reason think the way to be is with pale skin.. of course paste gets smeared on everyone's faces during Songkran, too, but its a fact that there's whitener is in many cosmetics over here and often even in such things as deodorants.. they even laugh when you tell them that a lot of we westerners actually come to sunny climes to get a 'tan'!! We think the cosmetic and 'how you SHOULD look' culture has become ridiculous in our own countries but you only have to see the teens (and many MUCH older folks!) preening themselves in the mirrors of motorcycles and such to see these things.. as you say each to their own, and I'm sure at certain more traditional cultural events, white faces ARE supposed to denote spirits and the like, but lady-boys with what is essentially talc on their faces is far more likely to be just OTT 'Look at me I've got beautiful white skin'!


Take a photo with ladyboys in Thailand, get rejected from this country.

Have sex with many different women while being married when you are a Thai official, well seen in this country.

Quite strange isn'it?


How could they tell they were ladyboys?

I lived with one post op for over a year and did not know, When I found her/him having sex on cam on the net with foreigners from around the world and approaced her about it she thru me out. She lost face, she also lost $500 a month in income support plus.

Lost a bit more than face, I reckon! But you didn't know, right? And when you did find out, via finding sex vids with foreigners you steamed in to 'approach' 'her' about it! I mean each to their own, your personal choices and all that, but you tell this version often, or just mainly to yourself?


Well, It's not like the photo showed him getting "spit-roasted" by the laddyboy's or anything. Come on China! Get with the times.

He was at a cabaret show on top of it--not at Cascade bar with a schlong in his hand.

Why so uptight?

Mai law mai rue.

Never try, never know.


The guy has enemies and they have used this incident for pay back. Tons of Chinese group tours go to the ladyboy shows and line up to have their photo taken with the "Third" sex...


So What! Its not like he has been caught playing hide/find the sausage is it, he's just sat having a beer with a couple of the chaps.

Not to mention "those chaps" look better that a high % of farang oriented entertainment girls, notwithstanding some alteration in anatomy. I bet the inventors of duct tape never invisioned such a creative use.


This is ridiculous, if he took this picture during his vacation time and when he was off-duty then why is it such a problem?

Maybe the use of "Public" funds to finance his (and his family's) little jaunt to Thailand caught their attention.

I am particularly fond of THAT "happy ending" clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif


This is his problem. 'Huang’s problems have been exacerbated by the fact that the trip may have been paid for with public funds' The Chinese Government has just lately introduced new laws to cut back on wasting public money.

Laws (no doubt) affecting only the "low men on the totem pole".


They should actually make an example of this guy in China for more to follow and visit Thailand (but of course they will not).

As it is, most of Chinese play too little, spend too little, work too hard, stress themselves far too much over money grab. As such they are stuffing up the rest of the world, both in human terms and the environment.

Well done Comrade! Viva Pierestrojka!


How could they tell they were ladyboys?

How do you normally know if its a ladyboy?

Q: Are you a Ladyboy?

A: Yes

A2: Oh my god you look better than a "real" lady!!!!


'Huang’s problems have been exacerbated by the fact that the trip may have been paid for with public funds'

Nope! His problems have been exacerbated by the fact that Asians seem to think you should upload everything to facebook! When are people going to learn how destructive it can be putting anything about yourself on public social media. Stupid is as stupid does. He is not the first to be caught out in this way, and there will be millions of others to follow.

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Would appear that China is not too tolerant of the LBGT culture.

Still, this is an odd story. If he performed his duties during the day,

and has a photo taken with some lady boys at night, not really sure

that is a firing offense...

Could it be the use of public funds for personal enjoyment is a crime in China. It is not in Thailand?

Most definitely if all the noises coming from the new leaders are anything to go by as there is serious public disquiet about party officials abusing their power and using public funds for their own use plus receiving lavish gifts and entertainment from companies and individuals. With the new regime wanting to prove it's a new broom etc. he's a prime candidate to be made example of.


Not long ago homosexuality was considered an of fence punishable by death only recently was the law changed

But normally its straight men that go with lady-boys not gays, because gays don't fancy girls, "understand that?"


Not long ago homosexuality was considered an of fence punishable by death only recently was the law changed

Spot on. I went to work in Hong Kong in the late 1970s and the line was homosexuality was not part of Chinese culture although many scholars begged to differ. It was illegal in HK and on the Mainland carried the death penalty and gays were hounded just as much as in any Islamic country. When HK introduced legislation there was an inital outcry citing it wasn't in Chinese culture which is pure hypocracy.

This man is a party official and living it up against the dictates of the party

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