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G’Bye Chiang Mai Expats,


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Do stop by for a final snack, if you find the time, if not........ have a good and safe journey, and drop a post from time to time..... Sincere thanks for your patronage over the past couple, and hope your next landing is unexpectedly happy for the full duration.


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Yes it is not paradise but it is still a nice place. Leaving does not mean you cannot come back but there are many places to experience. Best of luck wherever.

Edited by harrry
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I just felt sorry for most people in the Phillipines. They all seemed to want to leave. One thing about Thais is that most of them are perfectly happy to stay in their own country.

So so so true. Well said
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Where ever you find your self I hope you find as much joy as you have here.

I am not saying I would not do it myself if I had the chance. How ever I would not do it as I have found every thing I need here at my age 71 with a bit of a physical handicap I am busy trying to deny to make it a very viable move to make.

How ever I am a little jealous of you for the all around ability to do so.

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I just felt sorry for most people in the Phillipines. They all seemed to want to leave. One thing about Thais is that most of them are perfectly happy to stay in their own country.

You dont have to feel sorry about anybody, the filipinos see the money others take to Filipinas and want to do that because is a poor country. People in Thailand is very happy, thats why Thailand doesnt have prostitution, scammers, etc but the Thai goverment is very clever and hide many things. EDUCATION is the word.

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So you too have drunk the Thai Kool-Aid about how thailand's so called skilled diplomacy kept it from being colonized by either France or Great Britain or divided between them. Either or both of these empires could have swallowed Siam with barely a burp or savored a meal of thailand between them but chose not to so as to maintain a neutral buffer state between them.

Did you yourself happen to attend one of those Thai schools that indoctrinate their students with these nationalistic notions of revisionist history?

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Bye, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

ONLY JOKING. biggrin.png

A tad bent on the history there, but all the best... CM is better as a holiday destination.


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I just felt sorry for most people in the Phillipines. They all seemed to want to leave. One thing about Thais is that most of them are perfectly happy to stay in their own country.

You dont have to feel sorry about anybody, the filipinos see the money others take to Filipinas and want to do that because is a poor country. People in Thailand is very happy, thats why Thailand doesnt have prostitution, scammers, etc but the Thai goverment is very clever and hide many things. EDUCATION is the word.

Please tell me you were joking about Thailand not having prostitution, scammers etc.

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I just felt sorry for most people in the Phillipines. They all seemed to want to leave. One thing about Thais is that most of them are perfectly happy to stay in their own country.

So so so true. Well said

Huh? Most Thais I ask say they would love to visit America. They just don't have the resources. I don't think they are that happy with very little upward mobility, limited upside on earnings potential, and guys getting drunk all the time and cheating on them. I think many would leave if they could, not permanently but to explore elsewhere that might be better. Happier in a shack with bad water, plastic in food, hot weather, pollution, etc..... versus paradise they think they see on the internet or TV? or in movies? I think you are confusing defeatism with contentment.

Most really want to practice English, not to say in Thailand. Of course, if you give them a 20 baht tip, they will tell you whatever you want to hear.

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Interesting personal commentary, CMX.

As you say, "Don't worry, be happy!

Here is a little song I wrote

You might want to sing it note for note

Don't worry be happy

In every life we have some trouble

When you worry you make it double

Don't worry, be happy......

Ain't got no place to lay your head

Somebody came and took your bed

Don't worry, be happy

The land lord say your rent is late

He may have to litigate

Don't worry, be happy

Look at me I am happy

Don't worry, be happy

Here I give you my phone number

When you worry call me

I make you happy

Don't worry, be happy

Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style

Ain't got not girl to make you smile

But don't worry be happy

Cause when you worry

Your face will frown

And that will bring everybody down

So don't worry, be happy (now).....

There is this little song I wrote

I hope you learn it note for note

Like good little children

Don't worry, be happy

Listen to what I say

In your life expect some trouble

But when you worry

You make it double

Don't worry, be happy......

Don't worry don't do it, be happy

Put a smile on your face

Don't bring everybody down like this

Don't worry, it will soon past

Whatever it is Don't worry, be happy

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The Filipinos can & do make a better living for themselves and family back home because they are capable of doing so.

Just because the Thais are perfectly happy staying here doesn't mean they are on to something.

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I just felt sorry for most people in the Phillipines. They all seemed to want to leave. One thing about Thais is that most of them are perfectly happy to stay in their own country.

The Filipinos can & do leave (in huge numbers) to make a better living for themselves and family back home because they are capable of doing so.

Just because the Thais are perfectly happy staying here doesn't necessarily mean they are on to something.

Edited by Oww
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I just felt sorry for most people in the Phillipines. They all seemed to want to leave. One thing about Thais is that most of them are perfectly happy to stay in their own country.

So so so true. Well said

Huh? Most Thais I ask say they would love to visit America. They just don't have the resources. I don't think they are that happy with very little upward mobility, limited upside on earnings potential, and guys getting drunk all the time and cheating on them. I think many would leave if they could, not permanently but to explore elsewhere that might be better. Happier in a shack with bad water, plastic in food, hot weather, pollution, etc..... versus paradise they think they see on the internet or TV? or in movies? I think you are confusing defeatism with contentment.

Most really want to practice English, not to say in Thailand. Of course, if you give them a 20 baht tip, they will tell you whatever you want to hear.

Most of my Thai friends have visited America. They were happy to come back.:)

I don't think they can thrive anywhere where there aren't one-dollar plates of somtam.

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I'm not sure problem-bitching is a total waste. It's a good way to vent some frustration for some. Of course, it gets abused and that isn't good. But better than drinking your problems away, or drugs of some sort. We all need outlets, and i'm not sure internalizing everything is good. once again, the delivery is important. I also think we get mad at other foreigners because we can understand them. I can't understand thai well enough to know if they are complaining all day or not. I just hear foreign words and I walk by. then I hear that one foreigner across the street, "oh, this traffic is horrible." I remember that!!! haha.

good luck

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I just felt sorry for most people in the Phillipines. They all seemed to want to leave. One thing about Thais is that most of them are perfectly happy to stay in their own country.

You dont have to feel sorry about anybody, the filipinos see the money others take to Filipinas and want to do that because is a poor country. People in Thailand is very happy, thats why Thailand doesnt have prostitution, scammers, etc but the Thai goverment is very clever and hide many things. EDUCATION is the word.

Please tell me you were joking about Thailand not having prostitution, scammers etc.

That was a joke! The difference between Philippines an Thailand is the education, 90% of thais have very poor education and the ilipinos have very good one, plus language. Only have to look how many nurses has Filipinas around the world.

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I just felt sorry for most people in the Phillipines. They all seemed to want to leave. One thing about Thais is that most of them are perfectly happy to stay in their own country.

You dont have to feel sorry about anybody, the filipinos see the money others take to Filipinas and want to do that because is a poor country. People in Thailand is very happy, thats why Thailand doesnt have prostitution, scammers, etc but the Thai goverment is very clever and hide many things. EDUCATION is the word.

Please tell me you were joking about Thailand not having prostitution, scammers etc.

That was a joke! The difference between Philippines an Thailand is the education, 90% of thais have very poor education and the ilipinos have very good one, plus language. Only have to look how many nurses has Filipinas around the world.

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I just felt sorry for most people in the Phillipines. They all seemed to want to leave. One thing about Thais is that most of them are perfectly happy to stay in their own country.

So so so true. Well said

Huh? Most Thais I ask say they would love to visit America. They just don't have the resources. I don't think they are that happy with very little upward mobility, limited upside on earnings potential, and guys getting drunk all the time and cheating on them. I think many would leave if they could, not permanently but to explore elsewhere that might be better. Happier in a shack with bad water, plastic in food, hot weather, pollution, etc..... versus paradise they think they see on the internet or TV? or in movies? I think you are confusing defeatism with contentment.

Most really want to practice English, not to say in Thailand. Of course, if you give them a 20 baht tip, they will tell you whatever you want to hear.

My wife wouldn't last a month. No family and no Thai food,

We did find a Thai restaurant in Bali she liked but they were not quite rite on. So next year when we went back she took them some packages of Thai spices and soups.

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I just felt sorry for most people in the Phillipines. They all seemed to want to leave. One thing about Thais is that most of them are perfectly happy to stay in their own country.

You dont have to feel sorry about anybody, the filipinos see the money others take to Filipinas and want to do that because is a poor country. People in Thailand is very happy, thats why Thailand doesnt have prostitution, scammers, etc but the Thai goverment is very clever and hide many things. EDUCATION is the word.

Please tell me you were joking about Thailand not having prostitution, scammers etc.

That was a joke! The difference between Philippines an Thailand is the education, 90% of thais have very poor education and the ilipinos have very good one, plus language. Only have to look how many nurses has Filipinas around the world.

For one thing, the government in the Philippines "looks outside the box". They are aware that by training their people in occupations where there is worldwide demand, there will be opportunities for their people. The Philippines puts out people by the hundreds of thousands each year trained in Nursing, working on cruise ships, and dozens of other professions. The U.S. enters into contracts with Nursing Schools each year to get the top graduates. Now Japan is doing the same thing to deal with the large amount of elderly people in Japan. Many years ago I had a g/f in L.A. who was from the Philippines. She was a cancer nurse and she worked in Cedars Sanai Medical Center (our best hospital). Even back then she was earning about US $5,000-6,000.00 per month depending on how much OT she put in. That was enough money for her to not only have a very nice life in the USA but she also supported almost her entire family in the Philippines as well. Also Philippine people are very good with languages. Most speak 2 or 3 fluently.

Thailand (government) has tunnel vision when it comes to this concept. They just think there are enough opportunities here for the people to get by on a poor education with distorted historical facts and then to get a lousy job that pays a measly salary. This is why so many poor and middle-class Thai people work their asses off sending their kids to good private schools so their kids get a better chance in life.

Edited by elektrified
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So you too have drunk the Thai Kool-Aid about how thailand's so called skilled diplomacy kept it from being colonized by either France or Great Britain or divided between them. Either or both of these empires could have swallowed Siam with barely a burp or savored a meal of thailand between them but chose not to so as to maintain a neutral buffer state between them.

Did you yourself happen to attend one of those Thai schools that indoctrinate their students with these nationalistic notions of revisionist history?

Undoubtedly is would be very different, had Siam been colonised, but are you suggesting "for the better"? Because there's so many shining examples of post colonisation independence going well??

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