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Time To Use The Resources We Have In Abundance: Thai Editorial


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"In short, the expensive energy produced will reduce the amount of fossil fuel burned, but will not reduce the need for fossil fuel power supply at peak load periods."

I'll take "reduced amounts of fossil fuels burned" over not even TRYING anyday.

So what if the yield is low? That's where innovation comes in.

Image a world where - after building the first computer - we just GAVE UP and said:

"It'll never improve, nor be smaller, nor cheaper - lets just not use computers."

Alternative energies are in their infancy - instead of "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" - we LEARN and IMPROVE! We don't just give up, roll over, and die!

A voice of reason. These nay sayers would have been saying no way will it work when the auto industry was in it's infancy.

I was surprised that Geo Thermal was not mentioned.

I believe that there is a way to store excess energy from sun panels but it would depend on the amount of sun and the ability of the panels to convert sun light into energy. Also the capability of batteries to store it. They are doing very good now with the batteries for electric auto's now It may be in it's infancy but it has made massive strides. There are homes in the states being built now with alternative energy sources. Still not cheap but doable and we will learn more.

It never ceases to amaze me the number of educated people who think science has nothing new to learn they already know it all.

It would be a good start if you knew something about the current science. The ONLY viable method of storing the huge amounts of energy required is pumping water up hill, and in the few places where this possible, the energy that could be stored is a tiny fraction of that required.

Wrong and as I said it is in it's infancy.As I said

It never ceases to amaze me the number of educated people who think science has nothing new to learn they already know it all.

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