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Thai Education Ministry To Prepare Workforce Required For Rail System Overhaul


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Education Ministry to prepare workforce required for rail system overhaul

BANGKOK, 3 May 2013 (NNT) – Minister of Education Pongthep Thepkanchana said his ministry has been tasked with preparing the workforce that will be required for the country's efforts to upgrade its rail transportation system.

Mr. Pongthep on Thursday (May 2) boarded a train from Thungsong district in Nakhon Si Thammarat to Bangkok. He said after his trip that there was high demand for rail transport service among the public, but the current rail system cannot fully accommodate them as development of the system has been neglected for a long time.

He said the upcoming overhaul to the rail system will provide the public with greater convenience.

The Ministry of Education has been tasked with preparing the personnel that will be required for the overhaul, and who will also be needed to accommodate any future expansion of the system.

Minister Pongthep indicates he will forward information about the required workforce to the Office of the Higher Education Commission and the Office of Vocational Education Commission, so the two agencies can make adjustments to their policies of labor development.

-- NNT 2013-05-03 footer_n.gif

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BANGKOK, 3 May 2013 (NNT) – Minister of Education Pongthep Thepkanchana said his ministry has been tasked with preparing the workforce that will be required for the country's efforts to upgrade its rail transportation system.

The Ministry of Education has been tasked with preparing the personnel that will be required for the overhaul, and who will also be needed to accommodate any future expansion of the system.

God help the railways! I thought they had enough problems without help from Thailand's Education ministry bah.gif

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This says something of the standard of education, when a large project crops up, they have to prepare a workforce, which will be under resourced, this is a mega project placing a third rail on the network, it goes well ,till points systems, crossovers need to be installed , another problem, if you start at each end and meet in the middle and one side is opposite to the other , now that is embarrassingrolleyes.gif

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"The Ministry of Education has been tasked with preparing the personnel
that will be required for the overhaul, and who will also be needed to
accommodate any future expansion of the system."

Looks like another request for a massively inflated budget for this special project will be requested soon

How can people who have no clue and not a care in the world be responsible for educating people?

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If the Education minister can come up with all of this knowledge as well as plans to solve the many problems, from just a train ride, think what he could do using a scientific approach to the problem expected.

I suspose he will propose additional tablets for the potential railroad workforce upgrade, hope he includes the trucking/bus industry, just as a backup plan.

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whistling.gif Yes of course it's just talk, babble, bla-bla-bla babble, nonsense.

"Politico-babble" nonsense to be specific,

Although a computer literate and intelligent young work force would be of great benefit to Thailand, it probably will never happen voluntarily.

For one thing, Thailand is dominated by a elitist and wealthy high-so elite that does not favor a young dynamic and (especially this) free-thinking Thai work force.

The existing high-so wealthy elitist clique does NOT want such an intelligent free-thinking work force to come into existence,

Because the existence of such a group might endanger the survival of their wealthy high so elite, and endanger there control of Thai society,

Don't look for help from the politicians in any of the current political parties, they area all of one wealthy billionaire or another.

(That includes one ex Prime minister billionaire currently living in the middle east.)

That's why that elitist clique goes out of it's way to work hard to KEEP the Thai education system, public education, a system designed to produce healthy but brainless drones who do NOT think or innovate, but simply learn to copy the "correct" answers and regurgitate them on command.

And no matter what politico-babble nonsense the authorities say, they will not and do not wish to produce Thai workers who think for themselves or make independent decisions.

No, that would be to dangerous for the wealthy elitist clique at the top who actually controls Thailand.

But like King Canute (spelling?) they also can not stand there and hold back the tide by their commands anymore than Canute himself could,


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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whistling.gif Yes of course it's just talk, babble, bla-bla-bla babble, nonsense.

"Politico-babble" nonsense to be specific,

Although a computer literate and intelligent young work force would be of great benefit to Thailand, it probably will never happen voluntarily.

For one thing, Thailand is dominated by a elitist and wealthy high-so elite that does not favor a young dynamic and (especially this) free-thinking Thai work force.

The existing high-so wealthy elitist clique does NOT want such an intelligent free-thinking work force to come into existence,

Because the existence of such a group might endanger the survival of their wealthy high so elite, and endanger there control of Thai society,

Don't look for help from the politicians in any of the current political parties, they area all of one wealthy billionaire or another.

(That includes one ex Prime minister billionaire currently living in the middle east.)

That's why that elitist clique goes out of it's way to work hard to KEEP the Thai education system, public education, a system designed to produce healthy but brainless drones who do NOT think or innovate, but simply learn to copy the "correct" answers and regurgitate them on command.

And no matter what politico-babble nonsense the authorities say, they will not and do not wish to produce Thai workers who think for themselves or make independent decisions.

No, that would be to dangerous for the wealthy elitist clique at the top who actually controls Thailand.

But like King Canute (spelling?) they also can not stand there and hold back the tide by their commands anymore than Canute himself could,


A general consensus held by many including me .

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"He said after his trip that there was high demand for rail transport service among the public, but the current rail system cannot fully accommodate them as development of the system has been neglected for a long time."

They may be the ones who are already travelling for free anyway.

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Many may think I am cynical. And they would be dead right.

So, first a handy definition of cynical.

  1. Believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.
  2. Doubtful as to whether something will happen or is worthwhile.

And then:

Full steam ahead for yet another money grabbing, corruption fueled, pigs round the trough self-serving binge.

Edited by arthurboy
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Huh? Where are they going to magic these people from?

Mind you with what passes foe education and training here they can justifiably, in their own mind anyway, claim that " training " has taken place and needless to say it will have been " successful ".

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An example of the gradient ahead.

While backward Malaysia can book me an online ticket to Hat Yai SRT has abandoned its online reservation system again!.

Sure many rail users may not be PC owners but I imagine the proposed high speed train clinets at $100 a pop may well have a smart phone.

Be a wonderful irony of ASEAN if SRT tickets can only be bought onKTM Mlay website still.

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but the current rail system cannot fully accommodate them as development of the system has been neglected for a long time.

What they meant to say was 'since WWII".

Huh? Where are they going to magic these people from?

Well, it could be slightly more problematic 'this time', I thought previously it was easy, get an occupying force to round up tens of thousands of Brit and Aussie young men, and make em build it. Food, education and salaries not required rolleyes.gif Watch out for the press gangs in Pattya.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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He said after his trip that there was high demand for rail transport service among the public, but the current rail system cannot fully accommodate them as development of the system has been neglected for a long time.

And by the time they get all of this completed in 2020 or 2030 and it goes into service...

...there will still be a high demand for rail transport service among the public, because the new rail system will not be able to fully accommodate the public, as development of the system did not take into account the future population increase and instead stuck to its 2013 numbers.

Added to that the comment another poster said in another article about this is that Japan has already pulled out of the bidding process because the bidding dropped below their abilities to ensure any standards of quality in the engineering and construction.

Grrr.... what magnanimous idiots.

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As if the Ministry of Education has a clue on engineering and project management. Talk about the blind leading the blind...

As I posted on another thread, same as hiring a brick layer to install your air conditioner. But hey when did qualifications ever count.

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He said after his trip that there was high demand for rail transport service among the public, but the current rail system cannot fully accommodate them as development of the system has been neglected for a long time.

And by the time they get all of this completed in 2020 or 2030 and it goes into service...

...there will still be a high demand for rail transport service among the public, because the new rail system will not be able to fully accommodate the public, as development of the system did not take into account the future population increase and instead stuck to its 2013 numbers.

Added to that the comment another poster said in another article about this is that Japan has already pulled out of the bidding process because the bidding dropped below their abilities to ensure any standards of quality in the engineering and construction.

Grrr.... what magnanimous idiots.

With Standard gauge your gradient is a key factor , because with heavy Axel load , longer trains and higher speeds you don't want a roller coast ride the old narrow gauge is up hill down dale , light Axel load and slow speed, so there's a problem right from the start, if you are going to use dual gauge.

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The existing high-so wealthy elitist clique does NOT want such an intelligent free-thinking work force to come into existence,

Because the existence of such a group might endanger the survival of their wealthy high so elite, and endanger there control of Thai society,

Don't look for help from the politicians in any of the current political parties, they area all of one wealthy billionaire or another.

(That includes one ex Prime minister billionaire currently living in the middle east.)

That's why that elitist clique goes out of it's way to work hard to KEEP the Thai education system, public education, a system designed to produce healthy but brainless drones who do NOT think or innovate, but simply learn to copy the "correct" answers and regurgitate them on command.

And no matter what politico-babble nonsense the authorities say, they will not and do not wish to produce Thai workers who think for themselves or make independent decisions.

No, that would be to dangerous for the wealthy elitist clique at the top who actually controls Thailand.

I've been hearing some variation of this for years and years on ThaiVisa. Could you please give a source showing that such attitudes are prevalent among the "high-so wealthy elitist clique." Thanks!

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First off the minister must be congratulated on his first train trip and the information he has gleaned from it.

I wonder however if he traveled with the majority of people in third class of in the air con comfort of first?

As someone who uses the train service from time to time I have to say that those who run the system do a pretty good job with what they are given.

Just what the "Rail system overhaul" consists of is something the minister should first ask the transport minister.

For there would seem to be some difference of opinion over the matter with some talking about double tracking the present system and others about a separate high speed system and others of combining the present system with high speed.

Again he should make it clear what workforce he is talking about, those needed to build whatever it is that is to be done of those who will run it when complete.

But then again it could just be waffle to get his name in the news and make it look like he is doing something.

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The education department? Doesn't anyone know that the education department controls Thai Universities, Thai Universities teach engineering, education department makes more places available, more places available makes for more engineers

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The education department? Doesn't anyone know that the education department controls Thai Universities, Thai Universities teach engineering, education department makes more places available, more places available makes for more engineers

Now ,if only Thai politics was this simplistic .!

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