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Read in Stickman this week....

There have been no sign of bible bashers outside Nana Plaza recently, although I am hardly there every night so cannot say that with any authority, but more of their brethren have been spotted preaching the Lord's words on Walking Street in Pattaya. I guess Walking Street has been recognised as another area full of sinners!


19 Feb 2006

Anyone confirm seeing them on Walking Street??? :o

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Maybe they heard about all the "fallen Angels" around the bottom of View Tallay condos.

Mmmmm bite my tongue I never meant to say that, bad boy. bad boy

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Bali Hai Pier...

I've seen a mob of Billy Graham's Barmy Army on several occasions, looking like a mixed cast from the Beverly Hillbillies and Revenge of the Nerds, trying to force-feed Bibles on Chinese tourists when they return from 'pallagwidin' sessions out on the bay, buried in mountains of hotel towels, cowboy hats and el-cheapo flowery shirts'n'shorts combos.

Funny in itself just to sit and watch it for 10 minutes.



Ahhh havent started outside Bar Complex on Top of Walking Street. I have a feeling they would get so abused. :o

So, how long before the Jehovah's and Adventists are knocking on my door in Pattaya, like they used to do in Canada ?

But in the interests of fairness, I will treat them the same way as I did in Canada.

Answer the door stark naked and ask if they are here for the orgy. :D


Ahhh havent started outside Bar Complex on Top of Walking Street. I have a feeling they would get so abused. :o

So, how long before the Jehovah's and Adventists are knocking on my door in Pattaya, like they used to do in Canada ?

But in the interests of fairness, I will treat them the same way as I did in Canada.

Answer the door stark naked and ask if they are here for the orgy. :D

Devil worship might scare them away too. :D

Devil worship might scare them away too. :o

Thought about that. Had a hooded cloak from Halloween (with a dark screen over the face). Was going to try and get some "goats feet" shoes made, and then wear the cloak and shoes when ever I saw them coming up the driveway.

In the end, naked was easier (and more comfortable !) :D


Well, that should get you a hefty prison sentence for indecent exposure, rightly so - 'obey the law', if you do the crime, do the time, or something like that... :o

Well, that should get you a hefty prison sentence for indecent exposure, rightly so - 'obey the law', if you do the crime, do the time, or something like that... :D

But is it a crime to be naked inside your own house, on your own property ?

Is it a crime if unwanted interlopers drive 100 feet up your driveway, cross your 40 foot deck, cross your 10 foot porch and bang on your door ?

If I just happen to be stepping into the shower when they knock, it wouldn't be polite to keep them waiting. :o

Who knows, if I took the time to get dressed before answering the door, and then turned down their unwanted propaganda, they might sue me for wasting their precious time ! :D

(in a window, right next to the front door, in plain sight, I have a shiny, metallic decal that reads "I'm Too Perverted For You". Despite the fact that everyone else who comes to my door notices it, the Adventists and JV's always seem to miss it. They just won't take a hint.)

post-17093-1143005255_thumb.jpgThey were in Soi Cowboy too. A friend of mine took a picture of them. He said that they had quite a few of the girls interested but the girls lost interest when the guys refused to buy any drinks. :o
post-17093-1143005255_thumb.jpgThey were in Soi Cowboy too. A friend of mine took a picture of them. He said that they had quite a few of the girls interested but the girls lost interest when the guys refused to buy any drinks. :D

Yeah, they are more interested in collecting your money than spending their own (khee nio).

I'll bet if some of those girls offered them a freebie, they'd find an excuse to have a "private" conversation with them :o

Is it the Morons again?

Sorry should have said Mormons. :o

yep, they were there , saw em for 4 nights on the trot, 1 Thai, 1 Englishman (possibly an american) and a chineseman, they were all having turns in spouting off, I did stand and listen to em for a while, offered em a beer, but they turned me down and said that drinking is the devils work, all I could think was , well the devils been busy down walking street, I think they are wasting their time, but with religeon you just cant tell (it bought down 'No Name City' in paint your wagon) and religeon ws a real bugger with the Aztecs and North American Indians,

Might see a witness hall down walking street yet :D

(it bought down 'No Name City' in paint your wagon)

No Name (er, correction) Pattaya City !

You wanna see sin of the wickedest kind?

Here it is!

You wanna see virtue left behind?

Here it is!

Sodom was vice

And visa-versa

You wanna see where the vice is worser?

Here it is!

I mean, here it is!

You wanna live life in the rottenest way?

Here it is!

Women and whiskey, night and day?

Here it is!

You wanna embrace the golden calf?

Ankle, and thigh, and upper half?

Here it is!

I mean, here it is!

Pattaya City

Pattaya City

The Lord don't like it here

Pattaya City

Pattaya City

Your reckoning day is near

Pattaya City

Pattaya City

Here's what he's gonna do

Gobble up this town

And swallow it down

And goodbye to you

Will you go to heaven?

Will you go to hel_l?

go to hel_l !

Either repent, or fare thee well ?

Fare thee well !

Gotta take care of Pattaya City

Comes the end, and it won't be pretty

Here it is!

I mean, here it is!

Here it is!

I mean, here it is!

Here it is!

I mean, here - it - is!



Is it the Morons again?

Sorry should have said Mormons. :D

yep, they were there , saw em for 4 nights on the trot, 1 Thai, 1 Englishman (possibly an american) and a chineseman, they were all having turns in spouting off, I did stand and listen to em for a while, offered em a beer, but they turned me down and said that drinking is the devils work, all I could think was , well the devils been busy down walking street, I think they are wasting their time, but with religeon you just cant tell (it bought down 'No Name City' in paint your wagon) and religeon ws a real bugger with the Aztecs and North American Indians,

Might see a witness hall down walking street yet :D

pepsi that sounds like the start of a joke, there was: '1 Thai, 1 Englishman and a chineseman'... :D

Off topic but has anyone ever frequented Speaker's Corner at Hyde Park in London. Everyday a motley crew including many a 'Bible Thumper' gather there and stand on their soap boxes and spout off about issues ranging from serious too the supercilious.

When I am in the UK and have an hour to kill, I sometimes hang around there, it is very amusing watching the full time hecklers in front of them telling them an opposing view or want of a better expression what a lot of rubbish they are spouting... :o



kerryd what a sad case you must be, ranting of the filth and debauchery of the poor town of pattaya, people like yourself are truly a sad lot, passing judgement on others as if you were the almighty one himself. you pass out your propaganda and tell people that once they have come to having beliefs similar to yours there lives will change.

you and your friends live in a dream world, you have no idea what life is like for the poor in this country, especially in a town like pattaya, is reading your propaganda going to give these people jobs, will it put food on there tables, will it empty the orphanages, the answer is no it won't.

i taught bible study in the states for years until i couldn't stomach people like yourself who stood on your soap boxes and preached fear to those who wouldn't listen to your ramblings, the only thing you bring to the country of thailand is some good laughs,


people like yourself are truly a sad lot, passing judgement on others as if you were the almighty one himself.

Isn't that just what these religious zealots are doing Jasper?

A very typical comment from a nasty, bigoted, religious fool.

people like yourself are truly a sad lot, passing judgement on others as if you were the almighty one himself.

Isn't that just what these religious zealots are doing Jasper?

A very typical comment from a nasty, bigoted, religious fool.

Agreed - religion has its place and certainly not on a corner acting like tw*ts. :o


kerryd what a sad case you must be, ranting of the filth and debauchery of the poor town of pattaya, people like yourself are truly a sad lot, passing judgement on others as if you were the almighty one himself. you pass out your propaganda and tell people that once they have come to having beliefs similar to yours there lives will change.

you and your friends live in a dream world, you have no idea what life is like for the poor in this country, especially in a town like pattaya, is reading your propaganda going to give these people jobs, will it put food on there tables, will it empty the orphanages, the answer is no it won't.

i taught bible study in the states for years until i couldn't stomach people like yourself who stood on your soap boxes and preached fear to those who wouldn't listen to your ramblings, the only thing you bring to the country of thailand is some good laughs,


justv trow abeer at them and tell them to fck off :o

Thirsty yet japser? :D


(it bought down 'No Name City' in paint your wagon)

No Name (er, correction) Pattaya City !

You wanna see sin of the wickedest kind?

Here it is!

You wanna see virtue left behind?

Here it is!

Sodom was vice

And visa-versa

You wanna see where the vice is worser?

Here it is!

I mean, here it is!

You wanna live life in the rottenest way?

Here it is!

Women and whiskey, night and day?

Here it is!

You wanna embrace the golden calf?

Ankle, and thigh, and upper half?

Here it is!

I mean, here it is!

Pattaya City

Pattaya City

The Lord don't like it here

Pattaya City

Pattaya City

Your reckoning day is near

Pattaya City

Pattaya City

Here's what he's gonna do

Gobble up this town

And swallow it down

And goodbye to you

Will you go to heaven?

Will you go to hel_l?

go to hel_l !

Either repent, or fare thee well ?

Fare thee well !

Gotta take care of Pattaya City

Comes the end, and it won't be pretty

Here it is!

I mean, here it is!

Here it is!

I mean, here it is!

Here it is!

I mean, here - it - is!


that's pretty good, didnt hear anyone join in with the chorus though :D

These blokes might be okay, just DONT do any cartoons of them, that caused a few outbursts last time there were religeous cartoons :o

If a religeon cant stand critsism it shouldnt be around too long,

Religeon is fine if thats the crutch you need to get through life, thats fine by me, I just dont really like having anyone trying to convert me to their beleifs, I got enough problems in this life without worrying about the next life :D


justv trow abeer at them and tell them to fck off :o

Throw a perfectly good beer? :D

Personally i think you should drink the beer, then piss in the glass and throw that at them instead :D:D


justv trow abeer at them and tell them to fck off :o

Throw a perfectly good beer? :D

Personally i think you should drink the beer, then piss in the glass and throw that at them instead :D:D

Never pull any punches do ya Daley? :D


kerryd what a sad case you must be, ranting of the filth and debauchery of the poor town of pattaya, people like yourself are truly a sad lot, passing judgement on others as if you were the almighty one himself. you pass out your propaganda and tell people that once they have come to having beliefs similar to yours there lives will change.

Oh hel_l, should have just underlined the whole rant, er, paragraph.

A sad case ? I hardly think so. But then, how would you know, having apparently read one post and knowing nothing at all about me ?

"passing judgement on others" ? You accuse me of passing judgement on others, at the same time you are passing judgement on ME ! Hypocrite !

"tell people that once they have come to having beliefs similar to yours there lives will change"

Excuse me ? Isn't that what "bible-thumpers" do on a daily basis ? Convert now ! Follow my way of thinking and you will be saved !

Where have I "passed out propaganda" to the Thai people, telling them that if they stay in school and get a good education, spend 22 years in the army and then work in overseas locations like Afghanistan, their lives will change ?

Hmmm, I do try to emphasis the importance of a good education to the poor kids that live in and around my building. :D

I do try to help them out with their English, and I've even bought a bunch of english-thai dictionaries for them :D

Yeah, I guess I am a real b@stard ! :D

"Ranting of the filth and debauchery of the poor town of Pattaya" What, because I amended the lyrics of a funny song that was sung in a movie starring Clint Eastwood, set in a gold mining town in the USA ?

The poor town of Pattaya ? Well, it may not be Dubai, or Paris, or even Bangkok, but it is considerably better off than many areas of Thailand, which is why so many of the country's poorer people flock here, to take advantage of the opportunities that a city like Pattaya has to offer. The money they earn (usually) goes back to those poorer regions, helping out people in tiny villages all over Thailand.

you and your friends live in a dream world, you have no idea what life is like for the poor in this country, especially in a town like pattaya, is reading your propaganda going to give these people jobs, will it put food on there tables, will it empty the orphanages, the answer is no it won't.

i taught bible study in the states for years until i couldn't stomach people like yourself who stood on your soap boxes and preached fear to those who wouldn't listen to your ramblings, the only thing you bring to the country of thailand is some good laughs,


Wow, who is standing on a soap box ? people like yourself who stood on your soap boxes and preached fear

Yep, I preach fear all right :o

Of course, no religions ever use "fear" in their teachings, do they ? It's all about peace, and love, and forgiveness (except for those parts about burning in hel_l, retribution, eye-for-an-eye, wrath of God and so on). Yep, never hear any "fear" being preached by the bible thumpers :D

For starters, I highly doubt that any of those "poor people" read what is written here on ThaiVisa.

And for your information, people like me pour a LOT of money into the economy, which helps to create jobs, and puts food on the table of a lot of people.

As for the orphanages. A sanctimoniuos, self-righteous, hypocrite would probably try to make you believe that there are no orphanages where he comes from. He would have you believe that the orphanages in Thailand are all the fault of the foreigners here.

He most certainly would ignore the fact that a lot of the orphanages here get a huge amount of support from the foreigners here (from donations, charity drives, fund raisers and volunteer work). Support that most certainly would be lacking if not for all the foreigners.

Of course, he would also have you believe that if we all converted to his way of religious thinking, all the problems of the world would be solved :D

(and anyone who doesn't subscribe to his views is of course, a "sad case")

I could go on for hours here, but the longer I go, the more the blood starts to boil.


I listened to them the other night (5 minutes was all I could take). The American was shouting something like: "Anyone who looks on a woman's body with lust is a fornicator. And God will judge all fornicators. Repent now!" etc. etc. What a load of <deleted>! And what a load of <deleted> thinking that will get anyone over to their side.

eyebee, a fornicator, and proud of it!


Hey if you want to learn about Christianity YOU WILL, please let people decide for themselves, don't jam it down their throats for Goodness sake! :o

These Bible pushers really are a ucking nuisance and should all be put on an island somewhere and left to rant to each other.

One day i had the unfortunate experience of being on KhoSan Road and if that wasn't bad enough there were 2 Bible pushers ranting away, God ###### it! why dont they get the message, people are NOT interested. Please, please bugger off home :D

I'm not religious but these guy's dont give the Bible a good name.

Why don't they try going to Burma, then they will realise they are completely wasting their time!

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