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Hand Rolling Baccy In Thailand


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Any pointers please (do not tell me/advise me to quit please) ...... shortly to retire to Thailand and here in the UK I smoke Cutters Choice hand rolling baccy. When recently there in Thailand I had the devil's own job to find any similar product.

Any one of you out there who rolls your own can you please advise - thanks. BTW same goes for papers. Here I use small green Rizlas = again any pointers?


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There are shops that sell Golden Virginia. It all depends on where you are going to be living in Thailand. Bangkok has plenty of shops including 7/11 that sells Virginia. Pattaya has shops too.

There is one shop in BKK that will sell it by the box and ship it to you. Cannot remember teh name of the company though. Maybe Google can help.

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I don't know what it's called but there's the local variety which ain't bad.

Something like 5 baht a bundle.

The rolling paper that comes along with it is horrible though.

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Might be worth your while buying a full box of green Rizla's in the UK Steve and bring them over with you.

There is no harm in having your own supply and should keep as long as you store them safely.

I have bought Golden Virginia,Drum and Van Nelle (good Dutch brand) in Patts and BKK before.

Even the farmers 5 baht baccy is doable but with your own papers.

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i could improve my English wordpower... by adopting the most ridiculous word creations used in Thaivisa.

today there's no leccy,

that why i can't have eggs for breccy

and resort to roll a ciggy with baccy.

get a life Brits! for us foreigners it sounds sick.gif²

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^^ Not half as cringeworthy as being subjected to franco/germanic 'euros' falling all over the world language with their slovenly vowels. Surely embarrassing for them, sick.gif³ for the rest of the universe.

Edited by jackr
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Note: some places do GV with a pack of Rizlas.

That local stuff with the black cat on for 5 baht is pretty harsh (green milder than red).

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^^ Not half as cringeworthy as being subjected to franco/germanic 'euros' falling all over the world language with their slovenly vowels. Surely embarrassing for them, sick.gif³ for the rest of the universe.

an excellent rebuttal... except for the missing examples of "slovenly franco/germanic euro vowels". keep up the good job and let's hear some more ridiculous claims. it's a boring weekend.


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Hand rolling cigarettes is on the list of restricted activities for foreigners in Thailand. Cant get a work permit so better hire a thai to do it!

GV is available...never seen cutters.

And beware of humidity if bulk buying papers

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i could improve my English wordpower... by adopting the most ridiculous word creations used in Thaivisa.

today there's no leccy,

that why i can't have eggs for breccy

and resort to roll a ciggy with baccy.

get a life Brits! for us foreigners it sounds sick.gif²

And Ich Liebe Dich just sounds so endearing....

German sounds like it should be written all caps:


Really invokes the imagination of a soft insect floating around, smelling flowers doesn't it?

Or a relaxing evening in front of the FERNSEHAPPARAT!!!!

Edited by bangkockney
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i could improve my English wordpower... by adopting the most ridiculous word creations used in Thaivisa.

today there's no leccy,

that why i can't have eggs for breccy

and resort to roll a ciggy with baccy.

get a life Brits! for us foreigners it sounds sick.gif²

And Ich Liebe Dich just sounds so endearing....

German sounds like it should be written all caps:


Really invokes the imagination of a soft insect floating around, smelling flowers doesn't it?

Or a relaxing evening in front of the FERNSEHAPPARAT!!!!

you don't like Schmetterling and prefer a fly in the butter (butterfly)? i'll go and watch telly now, hoping that the phony doesn't ringy or the leccy is cutty.

next! laugh.png

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