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Train Travel In Vietnam

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Here's a few pics I took of my train trip. Still can't exactly remember all the details, but I'm pretty sure it was from somewhere near Hoi An up to Hue. I think from Hue I flew to Hanoi.

Also, if you get the Lonely Planet guide book, they've got some decent walks laid out for Hanoi. Really interesting with descriptions and everything.





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I am surprised nobody has mentioned the "Vietnamese Shuffle." Anybody that has been there in the lsst few years will know exactly what I'm talking about.

Many intersections, especially in Saigon, are the monstrosities that have about six lanes on each side of the intersecting roads. There are about ten times or more motorbikes in Vietnam than in Thailand. They are all ripping through the intersection at the same time, elbow to elbow, like a giant school of fish going in coordination with each other. Here you are, wanting to cross the street but are faced with a moving wall of hundreds of motorbikes zipping thickly by. Sometimes there is a traffic light you can use and sometimes not. This is where the Vietnamese Shuffle comes in. You slowly, but bravely -- and steadily -- step off the curb into the sea of motorbikes, steadily placing one for in front of the other. As you enter the sea of bikes, they begin dividing around you, passing front and back in a screaming roar, all honking their horns (not at you; they just honk all the time). It is all quite unnerving, but once you start, you must maintain the pace to the finish. The bikers see you and anticipate your moves. If you suddenly stop, you'll probably be hit. If you suddenly speed up, you'll probably be hit. But just maintain your pace and everything is fine, sans the elevated blood pressure.

I learned this method through observation of the locals. To a Westerner, it seems entirely crazy, but it works.

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Too funny. I remember my first time trying this. I stood there for like 15 minutes trying to get up the nerve to cross the road. Finally, saw an old lady 100 meters down the road starting to cross. I hurried down towards her and stayed on the other side of her as she crossed. I thought nobody would hit an old lady. She never looked, just slowly walked across. Crazy traffic for sure.

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