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Israeli Warplanes ' Launch Air Strike In Syria'


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Israel dropping bombs again?

I am sure there is a good reason.. like disarming terrorists for example.

Israel bombs only for the promotion of world peace, and for self defence (outside its territory!)


Would you prefer Israel drops bombs on itself?rolleyes.gif

I would prefer for a civilized nation to bomb only in order to defend. And I mean defend the country from a military attack.

Everything else (rocks, rockets, islamist organizations) can be dealt with police, secret services and limited military action.

Think of Ireland. Would you bomb Dublin to fight IRA?

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Your post reads more "hater" by the way, with all the "Israel haters" analysis.. I just talk about a county`s politics.

So you love Israel then. That's a relief! coffee1.gif

So you love so many countries and I don`t.. You so good

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Russia finally has its own reasons to intervene and as sooner as better it will be.

So, you're advocating escalation of conflict? Odd.

Odd is polite or diplomatic way of putting it.

I'm not advocating an escalation but these hostilities by Israel are all connected to the next big event which will be Israel attacking Iran and when that happens, Russia and China ( and who knows, maybe even a lawless but nuclear armed Pakistan) definitely won't sit by and allow these hostilities to continue unchallenged.

Israel and America have had more than enough warnings that such action will likely start World War 3, but those taking these decisions probably don't give a damn because they already have their underground bunkers ready for the fallout.

So if this is what they want bring it on !

Yeah, they will sit by and do nothing as will the US for the most part. Russia, China and US all care more about themselves than Syria or what happens in Syria. Russia and China need US way more than Syria for a number of reasons.

But alas, heaven forbid that you stop building and supplying your bunker for World War III if you think it's coming.

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Your post reads more "hater" by the way, with all the "Israel haters" analysis.. I just talk about a county`s politics.

So you love Israel then. That's a relief! coffee1.gif
So you love so many countries and I don`t.. You so good
Not a matter of being good. It's a matter of being sane and rationale.

Many would like to use Syria conflict to inflict destruction upon Israel. Many nut baggers apparently would like to see Russia, China and US get in a scrape over Syrua bs. More or less demonstrative of a terrorist mentality. Want destruction and hardship upon US, but know there heroic people are impotent to do anything.

Edited by F430murci
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Chinese rear admiral and prominent military commentator Zhang Zhaozhong said, “China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third world war.”


Well then why do not we all sit around and wait for Iran to make nuke, give it to Syria and Hezbollah and every other lunatic out there, no doubt then we all will be very safe and satisfied.

China may bark, but will never enter into war with Israel or US, because they have way too much to loose.

Just the fact that they sit by and watch Syria is a clear indication of what they would do when it comes to Iran

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Russia finally has its own reasons to intervene and as sooner as better it will be.

Don't count the US out, Israel knows we have their back and that is another reason why they jumped the gun and launched the airstrikes.

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Russia finally has its own reasons to intervene and as sooner as better it will be.

Don't count the US out, Israel knows we have their back and that is another reason why they jumped the gun and launched the airstrikes.

LOL< you have evidence to back it up? To back up your statement that US had Israeli back?

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China and Russia care little about it's own people and zero about people of Syria. They have certain economic interests in Syria, but they are not going to risk conflict with US over those economic interests. Israel has self preservation interests at stake so the big powers have likely agreed to sit back and let Israel take actions necessary to protect itself.

China and Russia will be the first to be willing to level that entire region if necessary to avoid serious conflict with US and protect their own countries. Thinking China or Russia would let their economic concerns in Syria drag them into World War III is mindboggling.

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Didn't Iran draw a line in the sand about Israel getting involved in Syrian conflict back in January. More rhetoric from an impotent nation:

"CNN quoted Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al-Mekdad calling Sunday's attack a "declaration of war", and the Iranian foreign minister urged countries to resist Israel. But a senior Iranian commander also said Syria was strong enough to defend itself without Tehran's help - though he also offered training."


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Iran is fighting mad. Making threats against the so called Zionist entity, calling if fake. Are they afraid if they say Israel that their heads will explode?


"The attack carried out by the Zionist regime will shorten this fake
regime's life," Defense Minister General Ahmad Vahidi was quoted as
saying on the website of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards, as reported
by Al-Manar.

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Iran is fighting mad. Making threats against the so called Zionist entity, calling if fake. Are they afraid if they say Israel that their heads will explode?


"The attack carried out by the Zionist regime will shorten this fake

regime's life," Defense Minister General Ahmad Vahidi was quoted as

saying on the website of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards, as reported

by Al-Manar.

Perhaps they realize their time is running out and just like a small dog makes as much noise as possible in hopes to scare the bigger dog, but when it comes to it- runs away yelping Edited by lemoncake
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Didn't Iran draw a line in the sand about Israel getting involved in Syrian conflict back in January. More rhetoric from an impotent nation:

"CNN quoted Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al-Mekdad calling Sunday's attack a "declaration of war", and the Iranian foreign minister urged countries to resist Israel. But a senior Iranian commander also said Syria was strong enough to defend itself without Tehran's help - though he also offered training."


Urging other countries to act ? While Iran does what exactly?

Typical Iranian politics

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The real enemy and threat to world peace is Saudia Arabia whilst it spreads it poison wahabish throughout the world. Israel must be aware of this I am sure

Well, after the fiasco of jetting out the bin ladens after 9/11 - I would say the USA have issued a hands off.

Israel won't go after saudi.....they won't go after anyone that leaves them alone, they are peace loving.

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The real enemy and threat to world peace is Saudia Arabia whilst it spreads it poison wahabish throughout the world. Israel must be aware of this I am sure


However, with our Alawite friends predicament in Syria, I would expect that the Saudis change their underwear on very regular basis. Israel can cope with the Saudis as there is no overt threat. The Saudi dictatorship needs the west to retain its position and will not engage in Iranian type tactics for now. I'd be more worried about the UAE and Qatar. They fly below the radar screen, but Qatar has been a big funder of Hamas and institutions in the UAE have been a banking/finance front for some questionable activities.

I don't disagree with you, but that region is such a screwed up mess, I think the west has to deal with Slim Pickings, as the designated contact. wink.png I just hope the USa manages to limit its involvement and that the French, Italy and UK don't get trigger happy as they did with Libya and force the issue dragging Nato into the mess. Which leaves us with the wild card, Turkey. Who knows what that leadership will do. They haven't been overly consistent with Syria in the past and the Turks are not particularly fond of Iran who they view as a political rival in the region.

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Israel dropping bombs again?

I am sure there is a good reason.. like disarming terrorists for example.

Israel bombs only for the promotion of world peace, and for self defence (outside its territory!)


Would you prefer Israel drops bombs on itself?rolleyes.gif

I would prefer for a civilized nation to bomb only in order to defend. And I mean defend the country from a military attack.

Everything else (rocks, rockets, islamist organizations) can be dealt with police, secret services and limited military action.

Think of Ireland. Would you bomb Dublin to fight IRA?

Did people in Dublin fire rockets? celebrated death of kids?rolleyes.gif

Did Israel bomb people? Israel destroyed arms depo, you have a problem with that?

Do you think Israel bombs for the fun of it? fireworks or something?blink.png

Go sleep my friend. And dream about the good guys killing the bad guys,

Obviously you know nothing of politics, or propaganda.

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