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Your Situation Before You Moved To Thailand


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Your situation in your home country before making the move to Thailand

Hey Everyone,

Now I am here in Sydney, I returned here on Feb 12 after a 6 week trip to Thailand(Not my first). The only thing I can think of now I am in Sydney is wanting to move to Thailand. I have experience living overseas as I have lived in Bali for nearly a year.

There are some unfortunate obstructions prohibiting me packing up and moving to Thailand. My parents want me to buy a Apartment here before I leave as they think by the time I come back here the market may have risen, and I would be priced out of the market.

To purchase this apartment I am going to have to borrow 100k. Now this is not so bad in itself because I will rent out the apartment which will pay for the interest on the loan and help to very slowly pay of the principal.

I am wondering what you guys would do in a situation like me?. I feel I have competent business/marketing/entrepreneurial skills as I have started up a successful business here.

I have the choice of purchasing an apartment here and racking up 100 – 120 k indebt , then wait a couple of years to pay of the loan. After that I should be making around $270 per week from the rent while living in Thailand.

Option 2 would be not to buy a house and move over to Thailand with a couple 100k spend a couple of months relaxing then look at starting up a low risk business that does not cost much to startup. If I fail I would always be happy to move to japan for a year and teach English.

What situation was everyone in here before they moved to Thailand? How has it worked out?

Has any one here tried to make the move to Thailand and failed? What went wrong?

Thanks for your ideas.

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My first apartment in Farang Land took all of my money - ALL OF MY MONEY.

I had no money for bus fares, nights out with the lads – Holidays where a distant dream.

Once a week I’d treat myself to a bottle of cheap wine. I thought life was going to be one round of constant debt.

When I did get on top of that debt, I started paying into my pension and then moved up the property ladder (with more debt).

Half a life later – I’m looking at early retirement and genuine financial independence in my old age.

In between time I’ve had a riot of fun, hard work, a career and all the things that keep us busy in life.

Not some one off story, but a story repeated time and time again and the reason you’re your parents are giving you the advice they have.

Thailand is a great place to spend money – It is very rarely (extremely rarely) a place for foreigners to make money.

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Was dead broke. Fooled the doctors into giving me a negative medical advice to get a welfare. Never had a girlfriend, never had sex. Lived like a hermit. Got disowned by my family. No social skills at all. Got laughed at and picked on. Looked like a wild cavemen. Was a drug addict and an alcoholic

Then I moved to Thailand. Suddenly my welfare was worth tons. I could get tons of chicks just by blinking at them. I live like a king in this country. People look at me like a prince on a white horse. I got status/respect

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Was dead broke. Fooled the doctors into giving me a negative medical advice to get a welfare. Never had a girlfriend, never had sex. Lived like a hermit. Got disowned by my family. No social skills at all. Got laughed at and picked on. Looked like a wild cavemen. Was a drug addict and an alcoholic

Then I moved to Thailand. Suddenly my welfare was worth tons. I could get tons of chicks just by blinking at them. I live like a king in this country. People look at me like a prince on a white horse. I got status/respect

Good one. :o

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You did not say how old you are but i think the Sydney market is due for a correction down like most other countries after rising hard over the last 4 to 5 years.

Any how buying property is allways a good idea when young.

Up to you but try both buy and come and get a job if you can or teach and learn more about Thailand at the same time.

Me I am retired here in Bangkok. Twenty five years selling Insurance and Long term retirement planning. I practiced what I preached so I can retire fairly young = 50 + but still have my business running in New Zealand which my 21 year old son has just entered into by working in my Agency.

I have no debts, do not have to worry about money it just keeps comming in year after year after year.

Invest and save and work and save get the money working for you in the end.

Good luck :o

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Was dead broke. Fooled the doctors into giving me a negative medical advice to get a welfare. Never had a girlfriend, never had sex. Lived like a hermit. Got disowned by my family. No social skills at all. Got laughed at and picked on. Looked like a wild cavemen. Was a drug addict and an alcoholic

Then I moved to Thailand. Suddenly my welfare was worth tons. I could get tons of chicks just by blinking at them. I live like a king in this country. People look at me like a prince on a white horse. I got status/respect

You've go no status as far as I'm concerned, and definately zero respect, and probably none from any tax paying person either, but there again you're probaly a wind up merchant anyway :o

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The Dude is a rich man. The Dude made a lot of cash on USA stocks in the 90s. He paid off his mortgage in '00 with this cash. He sold his pad and bought another in US which he still has and will not sell. The Dude is not complacent. He would not invest 5 baht in Thailand. The Dude recommends that the OP go straight to Japan to teach Englie and pile up cash for several years. He recommends hooking up with hot Japanese chicks while there. The Dude thinks you should buy that apartment. He also thinks that Bali is a right on place and should also be considered. The Dude thinks that Thailand should not be 1st on the OPs list. He would love to live in Bali. The Dude would like to give the OP a shovel to dig what he is saying. Dig?

PS: The Dude would never recommend to anyone to teach English in Thailand as it will yield a below poverty level wage of about 30K/month. The Dude had a bonfire with some shovels thinking about trying to live here on that measly pittance. Dig?

Edited by The Dude
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Good one. :o

ukukuk why work in a country with bad weath, bad food and cold heartless people? Why work when you can have permanent holidays? While other people are working their ass off in that cold boring country for your welfare. In the mean time I'm king of the world. Brilliant

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I would say it is best to earn your money at home - by whatever means (property, business etc) and then spend it in Thailand.

It might not be something you can do now - for example I have a ten year plan:

1. To pay off mortgage on existing property over next ten years.

2. Reap benefits of investments made over last couple of years - and buy more property.

3. After 10 years rent out my properties and use the proceeds as an early retirement in SE Asia.

Look to the future my friend - unless you like to take a risk, in which case just go for it.

My 10 year plan might crumble around my heels - or i could be dead, so "up to you" as they say in LOS.

Good Luck


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Well, I'm very sceptical about any scheme to make it in LOS. A great place to live cheaply but to start a business and put all your eggs into this one basket? :o Why don't you take time out - relax for a year and then work a few more years before retiring early? And there is money to be made in real estate - apart from renting out an apartment. Have you thought about development and land? I don't know the market but I rode a great wave in Southern CA. Now I'm in a panic to exit the market. My agent hasn't had a sale this year... My partner (a builder) offers to carry paper on one of his Salton Sea homes... So IF your market rose dramatically, I would not assume this is goign to be a one-way street. And I recommend visiting this website to read up on tennats and the fun you can have as a landlord. Look before you leap! ** I can see you living hapily off your interest, or to keep being successful in Australia. but making the kind of money in LOS? Dream on.

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If it helps (and it probably doesn't) I have had to make similar decisions to the OP, although I suspect I am some years older. 45 yrs old, 4out of 5 children flown the nest, the youngest still in full-time education.

I am planning so that when my son leaves school/uni in about 5 years, Mrs Sadman and I will be in a position to move over to LOS full time. We will probably keep a flat (apartment) in the UK for investment income and Plan B (if it all goes Pete Tong) purposes, but I've gradually been withdrawing my investments in the UK and sticking the dosh into my pension fund. I want to be comfortable when I come over, and my house will be built by then (perhaps).

I know that when I move over, I kiss goodbye to parity should I return to the UK to live. If I were a young man still looking to make my mark, I think I would retain property/assets in the UK pending my return. As it is, I want to ensure that the bulk of my assets travel with me, not remain rooted in any particular country.

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Well, I'm very sceptical about any scheme to make it in LOS. A great place to live cheaply but to start a business and put all your eggs into this one basket? :o Why don't you take time out - relax for a year and then work a few more years before retiring early? And there is money to be made in real estate - apart from renting out an apartment............... ......

Can you do that? Take a break for a few years then work again? Arent employers going to make trouble about that?

"Where were you in those past few years? PRISON?!"

"Why you took a 20 year break you are lazy!"

"You are too old go away"

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That's pretty negative. If I were you fanta, I'd make something up like having to care for my sick, lonely relative who has now deceased and explain that it was easier for you to go there, no one else was available and Thai society depends on the younger generation looking after the older generation and that relative couldn't get a visa to stay in Holland. Have some imagination :o

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Was dead broke. Fooled the doctors into giving me a negative medical advice to get a welfare. Never had a girlfriend, never had sex. Lived like a hermit. Got disowned by my family. No social skills at all. Got laughed at and picked on. Looked like a wild cavemen. Was a drug addict and an alcoholic

Then I moved to Thailand. Suddenly my welfare was worth tons. I could get tons of chicks just by blinking at them. I live like a king in this country. People look at me like a prince on a white horse. I got status/respect

I was making lots of money and getting laid once in a while, but was mostly lonely and totally miserable.

Living in Thailand has been the best time of my life. :o

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