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Call For Total Smoking Ban At Thailand's Main International Airports


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IN Suva, the smoking rooms are so far away that it really does not affect anyone.

Though a good idea, might be to add a few more, so that the ones that exist do not get packed like a box of sardines.

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If the dumbass smokers would learn to close the smoking room doors instead of propping open the door to let fresh air in...and the smoke out...they might get more support.

Have you smelt a smoker that has just come out of one of those rooms. They reek.

I'm all for it...alcohol too.

Would you also prevent people from eating burgers or anything else potentially damaging to health ?

Or, is this to stop drunks and smokers inflicting their fumes and alcohol breath on others ?

When was the last time you saw an out of control drunk at an airport ?

Lets give people the opportunity to relax. Too many rules makes too many stressed and irritable people.

Personally I'd hate it if I couldn't have a glass of wine on a flight or at the airport.

As long as it doesn't affect me, smokers can do what they want. I could care less if people damage their own health.

Last time I saw an out of control drunk at an airport? 2 weeks ago. A Russian guy smacked his girlfriend in the Duty Free store.

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I am a smoker and I know that smoking is bad for my health as well as others who maybe around me. I try to find a quiet place alone without anyone else around when I choose to smoke. But flying and traveling for a long time is stressful if you are a smoker. I usually buy about 2 packs of chewing-gum before I fly just to take my mind off smoking while in flight. If they were to close the smoking rooms at the departure gate area it would be cruel as that is they last chance for my to say goodbye to my partner the "ciggy" for 17 hours. If you are not a smoker or have quit then you never need to walk into these smog filled rooms, stay away but please don't take them away from the people who need them.

Well, if that isn't a plea from a self-confessed slave, I'll be Marlboro Man.

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Me? Never smoked. And I don't really mean to insult or even judge smokers in saying this but I genuinely think it's a really stupid thing to do or ever even start. I also don't like the smell of smoke and for that and other reasons, I'd be quite happy if there were never any smokers anywhere around me.

Having said that, I worked in clubs for a few years - and clubbed longer than that - and as much as I disliked the smell (and would get enraged when I'd go home and find a little cigarette burn on my clothes - squeezing through dense crowds with the occasional cig in hand), I never resented smokers or felt like the smokers shouldn't be there. (Indeed I think a club with no smoke and a bunch of frustrated smokers would be worse). And I'm not entirely convinced that the health effects on other people is quite as potentially deleterious as is alleged or significantly worse than what we already experience from other sources and unhealthy lifestyles.

So I'm not anti-smoking or anti-smoker per se and I have no reason to object to smoking areas.

But I have less understanding or tolerance for the attitude that smokers have some sort of RIGHT to smoke (outside their own home) or that they are some sort of victims (the latter in particular - no other sort of addict would take that position and not be ridiculed for it).

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OK while we are on this, how about banning the planes flying over us, banning cars on the roads that pollute us all. This is getting to much. Give smokers a smoking room. SIMPLE.

Whats the big deal ?? Infact lets ban soft drinks, fatty foods etc.. Why not Absolute C**P !

On a lighter note...from the Urban Dictionary


Something that non-smokers hate, and smokers love. What many people don't understand is that smoking is physically and emotionally addictive. As a smoker, I am tired of hearing non-smokers talk about an addiction they have never had. All smokers understand the damage they are doing to their body, but obviously since we are still smoking we don't care. Smoking Cigarettes are just as unhealthy as unhealthy diets. Since 63% of America is overweight, and 20% of them smoke I think that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

NS: "Oh, my God. Smoking is so bad for you."

S: "I know. I heard that in 1992"

NS: "I mean, How can you run, or be active with all that crap in your lungs?"

S: "I can run faster than you with this cigarette in my mouth."

NS: "...I don't know about that"

S: "I'll put out this cigarette when you stop eating 6,000 calories a day. How's that?"

NS: "I'm just saying, Cigarettes will kill you"

S: "So will smokers if you keep harassing them."

Edited by Neilly
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Gigarettes are actually quite harmless. It's cars that kill but that fact ain't good for the economy.

What happened to the WHO report just before Xmas that detailed this?

Also, no carcionogens could ever cum out a plane's arse, or the airport's air-con umits.

Edited by Soi Sauce
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Smoking anywhere in a UK airport, or any building to which the public has access, was banned sometime ago. UK airports do not have indoor smoking areas.

So after checking in I usually nip outside for a last one before passing through passport control and the long wait before arrival in BKK and the first smoking booth before immigration!

Flying into the UK and I can't even do that; I have to get through immigration and customs before I stand any chance of a smoke.

Now it looks like BKK is going to be the same.

Maybe I should honour the promise I made to the wife 12 years ago and give up!

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Smoking anywhere in a UK airport, or any building to which the public has access, was banned sometime ago. UK airports do not have indoor smoking areas.

So after checking in I usually nip outside for a last one before passing through passport control and the long wait before arrival in BKK and the first smoking booth before immigration!

Flying into the UK and I can't even do that; I have to get through immigration and customs before I stand any chance of a smoke.

Now it looks like BKK is going to be the same.

Maybe I should honour the promise I made to the wife 12 years ago and give up!

You mean the wife ? biggrin.png

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Mahidol University public health researcher Assoc Prof Dr Niphan Kungskulniti said...Isn't there something else she could be doing with her time?

Yeah, what's with the public health researcher commenting on issues of public health?!

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I suggest that these hypocritical gits that call themselves governments, stop prostituting themselves over smoking and refrain from collecting the "off Fee" known as tax and then setting rules that make "outlaws" of smokers. Make up your mind you want the tax or you want the money and make life difficult for those paying it? No good gits!

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Smoking anywhere in a UK airport, or any building to which the public has access, was banned sometime ago. UK airports do not have indoor smoking areas.

So after checking in I usually nip outside for a last one before passing through passport control and the long wait before arrival in BKK and the first smoking booth before immigration!

Flying into the UK and I can't even do that; I have to get through immigration and customs before I stand any chance of a smoke.

Now it looks like BKK is going to be the same.

Maybe I should honour the promise I made to the wife 12 years ago and give up!

The UK is a total (tax excessive) loony bin!
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For God's sake is it so hard to make a smoking room that doesn't leak???

nope, check out changi

except the smokers reek when the leave

But they can write English which, it appears, many non smokers can't lol
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Ban smoking EVERYWHERE......

Maybe better to ban you everywhere, then no stink!

I dont smoke but i don't stink But i would bet you do....Smoker... Mr. **&&%%%$

Edited by sscsamui
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In swampy smoking areas I met the international melting pot of a banned race of humans: Japanese businessmen, Korean businessmen, Australian outbacks, European Hippies, Thai staff, American anorexics,

and so on. Banned we had a basic understanding. We are banned, but we respect everone in the smoking jail,

My eyes were burning in there. Had to get out after 2.

Amman has one too. Quite funny seeing a smoking room in an airport for the 1st time.

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Call for total smoking ban at all airports

Pongphon Sarnsamak,
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A health advocate called for a total ban on smoking at major airports nationwide yesterday after many areas of passenger terminals were found to have "second-hand" smoke levels two times higher than World Health Organisation (WHO) standards over 24 hours.

Mahidol University public health researcher Assoc Prof Dr Niphan Kungskulniti said her team found that smoking rooms, areas near smoking rooms and non-smoking areas at four airports - Suvarnabhumi, Don Mueang, Chiang Mai and Phuket - had high second-hand smoke levels with small particles under 2.5 micrograms exceeding WHO air-quality standards.

The study, revealed yesterday, found a level of second-hand smoke in the smoking room, areas near the smoking rooms and non-smoking areas at the airports were 773.4, 54.6, and 14.3mcg per cubic metre, respectively. The WHO sets the air-quality standard at 25mcg pcm, though Thailand sets its standard at under 50mcg pcm.

Thailand has passed a law to ban smoking at airports but this is only enforced at domestic airports, not international ones. "Public Health Ministry needs to amend its announcement to not exclude international airports from the ban on smoking," Dr Hatai Chitanondh, president of the Thailand Health Promotion Institute, said. He said Phuket Airport was violating the law by letting people smoke at a restaurant. In related development, Asst Prof Dr Nithat Sirichotiratana of Mahidol's Faculty of Public Health, said a poll of 200 foreign tourists - half smokers and half non-smokers - showed that 58 per cent supported smoking-free zones at airports and 66 per cent said they would return despite smoke-free rules.

-- The Nation 2013-05-08

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Smoking IN what restaurant at Phuket Airport?

There is one food outlet you need to pass through to get to (what has now been converted into) an outdoor balcony however.

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Ban smoking EVERYWHERE......

Maybe better to ban you everywhere, then no stink!
I dont smoke but i don't stink But i would bet you do....Smoker... Mr. **&&%%%$
Sorry can't accept your bet - gambling is illegal in Thailand, so would smoking be if you had your way!
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As a former 100 a day and given it up, I think the necessity to take into account smokers should be mandatory. I choose where I sit, where I stand and what venues to visit. If there are smokers - I walk away and change - but hard to do that in an airport. The smart money is on exterior balconies not isolated rooms with some form of filtration. This would also alleviate the personal hygiene issue of the smokers sitting beside me in a plane with their hair and clothes reeking of everyone else's cigarettes. There are always simple solutions without much cost but then that would be sensible. Let's just ban smoking totally - idiots.

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