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Where Can Study Cheap For Ed Visa In Chiang Mai


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I find it pretty sad to see how ED visas are being misused.

I was going to say the same thing.

Also, for those being sold on '3 years, no visa runs', chances are at some point within those 3 years someone in government or (imm.) police is going to wake up and plug that hole.

I'm interested though to hear from Cabralad (or someone else) if they actually get an extension stamped into their passport with a date that's a year out. (Or, for example, that it's 3 months, but then they have to supply the passport back to the school who will produce another extension (or even an exit/entry stamp....)

Agree. The educational visa game is absurd. I applaud Thailand for providing an option for those who genuinely wish to learn Thai language and culture. The rest of you? As in "tired of making visa runs," go home!! Just go home!

I disagree with brother UG above. "Gaming the system" is immature and selfish as, simply, just illegal. Let the Thai government worry about it ?! My, my, my! How generous in spirit you are, UG! But does anything go, old boy ?! Really? Not your problem !!! For shoppers in your shop, too? If you left your doors wide open like the Thai government unfortunately has left its doors much more than ajar, you'd soon be on the street selling flowers and wooden frogs to the tourist crowd. And, somehow, I don't think that you are probably cute enough to make much of a bhat!

Two things

#1 Thailand attracts some mighty fine people but there is the portion of them who will try to game the system every chance they get there by lending a little bit of credence to the opinion's some of the Thai's have of us.

#2 Sorry UG you really do not have the looks to make it selling flowers on the street.

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what you mean why i want to learn thai language? Why someone wants to learn a language where you live the next 10 years? i dont understand your question I live in thailand since 1,5 year and i will continue to stay here. In this 1,5 year i took always in laos a double entry tourist visa which is valid for 6 month. I didnt had the chance to make my driver licence an insurance and also its hard to get a bank account. I read that with an ed visa this all is possible and i can learn also the language which make it easier for me and my husband to communicate more than hello and goodbye. My husband is fillippino and in the phillippines everybody speaks perfect english but here its hard that people really understand you when you want to speak with them a deep english. So i choosed to learn together with my husband thai. But because we are 2 persons we are looking of course a school which is not so expensive. 830 dollar like someone offer is maybe for one person cheap but we always have to think on 2. So for us it would be something like 1660 dollar. So i dont know what is so difficult on that to understand if we are asking for a cheap thai study school??

Perhaps you should have had some one else write the post When I read it all I could see was you were looking for a way to stay in Thailand.

You said nothing about wanting to learn Thai.

Your original post

"hi we are living in chiang mai and we want to apply for ED visa. Does anybody knows where in chiang mai can register for ed visa very cheap. We are 2 persons and we are tired always to make the visa run.thanks for the answers"

One other little Item you apparently have found a school that is cheap but don't share it with us.

Edited by hellodolly
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Even at the school I studied, they seemed very puzzled about why I wanted to learn Thai. As if the only people I will talk to is the fruit vendors, girls in the bars, or tuk-tuk drivers. this is a very service economy, so it's like learning the maid's language. They must know you will never be accepted, get a good job in Thailand, and could save your money and speak English anyhow. Nobody (very few) would ever ask, "why do you want to learn English?"

I learned for the comedy of talking to people. there are plenty of chances to talk to people who don't understand English, and 99% of the time they laugh as you say a few words. it's a nice experience. and you will pay for another form of visa that offers zero benefits. I've met hundreds of students, and none seemed likely to become fluent in the near future. but all of them were happy they could order food and be different than the other farangs who drink beer and refuse to attempt to fit in........ah, whatever.

kap, kap, kap, kap.....kap kap.. chai kap. kap kap. pop gaan mai, kap. kap kap.

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I find it pretty sad to see how ED visas are being misused.

You would be much more sad if you see how public thai school are being misused by students who, after 10 years of College do not speak one word of english...Given the big farce which is education in Thailand I would not be concerned too much by a few foreigners who just pay a lot of money to have the expensive right not to have to cross a boarder in order to recross it 5 minutes later.They ' misuse' Educational visa BECAUSE of the absurd immigration rules of this country... and they pay absurd amounts of money in order to ' misuse' it!

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what you mean why i want to learn thai language? Why someone wants to learn a language where you live the next 10 years? i dont understand your question I live in thailand since 1,5 year and i will continue to stay here. In this 1,5 year i took always in laos a double entry tourist visa which is valid for 6 month. I didnt had the chance to make my driver licence an insurance and also its hard to get a bank account. I read that with an ed visa this all is possible and i can learn also the language which make it easier for me and my husband to communicate more than hello and goodbye. My husband is fillippino and in the phillippines everybody speaks perfect english but here its hard that people really understand you when you want to speak with them a deep english. So i choosed to learn together with my husband thai. But because we are 2 persons we are looking of course a school which is not so expensive. 830 dollar like someone offer is maybe for one person cheap but we always have to think on 2. So for us it would be something like 1660 dollar. So i dont know what is so difficult on that to understand if we are asking for a cheap thai study school??


I am swiss and live in Chiangmai with my filipina girlfriend.i understand what you mean: go for NES ( New Zealand Education Services), you will find it on google.18.000 bath for an Educational Visa plus you can learn for one year whatever language you desire to learn, not only thai.Do not bother to pay more, the quality of education is horrible anywhere, so do not waste your money and take the cheapest one.If you need more information do not hesistate to contact me at [email protected] po!

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a friend i no has been here nearly 4/5 years,on a ed visa as he is only 40 somet,and he had to find a new school the other week, OR learn a different language(chinese)his knowledge of speaking thai, after all them years is very very limited.does have a nice little market trader earner on the side though.

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All in all, I believe there is valid concern about people playing games with Thai immigration law. I certainly am no cop. I don't turn people in. And I, no doubt like many here, know of more people dodging the rules than we have fingers and toes. But what did they learn about individual and social responsibility when they were growing up? And it isn't that I think that Thai law is "fair" or "unfair," but rationalizations, "work arounds" and outright cheating are rampant.

Many dodgers basically just wish to remain in Thailand with the least immigration legal wear and tear. On this thread (the latest of several on education visas) it generally applies to people under the age of 50. To many, it seems, settling in Thailand is somehow a personal right of "finding yourself" or, in some cases, making an illegal living. Some --- not all --- complain that the Thai rules are too "restrictive" (to be polite about the language often used and critical attitude revealed).

One irony is that it seems most, if not virtually all of these dodgers come from countries which have much more restrictive immigration laws. But never mind that. It's not to the point.

There is a tension between individual rights and social responsibility. Thailand's laws in this area and their administration and enforcement are probably comparatively tolerant. Please! No nonsense about the Thais being corrupt, which is an odd thing to say when you think about it a little.

But there are politicians and bureaucrats in Thailand who feel strongly that the immigration laws are too lax and attract foreigners who, to use an indecorous phrase, are simply a pain in the ass or wallow in the support the "pits" of Thailand. One of these days, it might well be that the laws become more restrictive because of "undesirables."

Every society has its seedy side, but it does seem too many foreigners here participate in it and promote it. Just read some of the threads on TV Chiang Mai, which is basically a very polite place but still sometimes seems too get stuck on discussing the satisfaction of various appetites! But never mind the gluttons! To shift focus, why also should Thailand be a haven for the lame and the impecunious? If you want to talk about playing games, then talk about gaming retirement visas. In the case of gluttons, sometimes too many feed in Thailand's troughs. In the case of retirement cheats, many unfortunately become a burden on Thailand. It is sad, even tragic, for too many of them, and they become a weight upon others.

Like Thailand? Want to make a genuine effort to study Thai culture and language? Okay, get an education visa. Retired and able to support yourself? Okay, get a retirement visa. And so on. There are a lot of categories for many genuine long stay purposes. But if you don't qualify, then get a tourist visa (and play that game!)

Edited by Mapguy
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It used to get me angry that some people would come here and play the Visa game, while my friends and I were jumping through hoops doing it the legal way.

Then, I relised that a major percent of the game players never seem to last more than a year or so before they get discouraged and realise they can't make a living to stay here at any real standard of living, and have to go back to where they came from.

I also know of many forieners here that try/do skirt the system/rules and their standard of living here is just exsiting. If you want to learn the lanuage great! But, If your just doing it to get a visa to stay in the counrty, I'll buy you a beer at your farewell party...

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Not one of your has explained why someone who is 51 "deserves" to stay here, while someone 35 or 45 "deserves" to be thrown out.

I don't think any here have said that is how they feel. So,

You would need to address your question to Thailand's Immigrations department as they set

they rules/hoops for you to jump thru not the readers of this forum.

But if I could hazard a guess it would have something to do with Thailand

already telling you basically unless your a teacher or work for a Multi National company you cannot be here working

aka: before retirement

So.....You have a work permit or your gone

Retired? Money in the bank? Ok your good to stay as you pose no burden to Thailand

Nor a risk to Thailand's jobs for Thai's market

35-45 with lots of $$$ ? I am sure there is an avenue for you to stay too.

Edited by mania
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Not one of your has explained why someone who is 51 "deserves" to stay here, while someone 35 or 45 "deserves" to be thrown out.

My explanation: Because they meet the requirements.

35 to 45 year olds without the proper work permits or visa's are welcome as tourists, and are only thrown out if they break the law (visa or otherwise).

Did you do any research on any type of long stay visa before you came here?

I think not...

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Not one of your has explained why someone who is 51 "deserves" to stay here, while someone 35 or 45 "deserves" to be thrown out.

I don't think any here have said that is how they feel. So,

You would need to address your question to Thailand's Immigrations department as they set

they rules/hoops for you to jump thru not the readers of this forum.

But if I could hazard a guess it would have something to do with Thailand

already telling you basically unless your a teacher or work for a Multi National company you cannot be here working

aka: before retirement

So.....You have a work permit or your gone

Retired? Money in the bank? Ok your good to stay as you pose no burden to Thailand

Nor a risk to Thailand's jobs for Thai's market

35-45 with lots of $$$ ? I am sure there is an avenue for you to stay too.

I didn't direct my question to the immigration dept because I want to know why other "farang" feel so strongly that anyone who is not in the same boat as them should be thrown out. I am sure that most if not all of those who are expressing anger about it have an inability to come up with a reason

Really - farang "under 50" pose a risk to Thailand's jobs for Thai's market? because farang really want to work full time to earn 10,000b /month...

Yes there are a number of avenues for those of us with enough money, all of which are not doing what the system intended. Having an ed visa is also "legal", so clearly it is not being "legal" that is the issue. It seems a moral issue, but no one will express what it is, and it looks to me like those who are angry about it don't actually have a reason.

Not one of your has explained why someone who is 51 "deserves" to stay here, while someone 35 or 45 "deserves" to be thrown out.

My explanation: Because they meet the requirements.


to 45 year olds without the proper work permits or visa's are welcome

as tourists, and are only thrown out if they break the law (visa or


Did you do any research on any type of long stay visa before you came here?

I think not...

As I said, there are a few avenues, but they are all not what the visa was intended for.

People on ed visa's also meet the requirements. They go to class. So your argument is a load of b.s.

Here is what someone with a functioning brain would think: (you might need to read it multiple times or just give up if you don't understand after reading it a few times)

There are 2 possible reasons why someone would think a person on an ED visa should get out if they are not doing it for the sake of the eduction:

1. its illegal

2. its immoral

by saying it is about meeting the requirements, you are saying your problem is with #1, however, by getting the visa, they have met the requirements. your own argument makes no sense and is borderline retarded in fact as it contracts itself in the same sentence.

And for anyone who is saying that it is not the legal issue, but a immoral issue, then I would like an explanation why it is moral for a 51 year old to stay but somehow immoral. No one seems capable to offer one. I suspect all those expressing outrage are much like the person I am responding to in this second part of this post.

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  • 9 months later...

First of all thanks for 1 or 2 school names. I am here in thailand to study thai but i dont have such a big budget thats why i wanted to ask you here which one is the cheapest school. I found now a school which offers me for 1 year 19500 baht with 180 lesson.The visa fee every 3 month is not included but they will go with the school group together to the embassy every 3 month.

Thats the cheapest what i found and i will register there the next days.

Thanks again


Please share - which school is that?

In CM?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

First of all thanks for 1 or 2 school names. I am here in thailand to study thai but i dont have such a big budget thats why i wanted to ask you here which one is the cheapest school. I found now a school which offers me for 1 year 19500 baht with 180 lesson.The visa fee every 3 month is not included but they will go with the school group together to the embassy every 3 month.

Thats the cheapest what i found and i will register there the next days.

Thanks again


Which "Embassy" will be visited every three months and what for ?

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I don't get the animosity toward the ed visa, is it illegal under Thai law or something?

Actually I don't get the 'sticking one's nose into the visa affairs of others either.

Just keep your own visa affairs in order and let others do what they need to do.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

First of all thanks for 1 or 2 school names. I am here in thailand to study thai but i dont have such a big budget thats why i wanted to ask you here which one is the cheapest school. I found now a school which offers me for 1 year 19500 baht with 180 lesson.The visa fee every 3 month is not included but they will go with the school group together to the embassy every 3 month.

Thats the cheapest what i found and i will register there the next days.

Thanks again


Which "Embassy" will be visited every three months and what for ?

probably just meant visit immigration. After the first extension of 3 months then the school can provide paperwork to get a 6 or 9 month second extension.

So the extension fees aren't usually every 3 months.

still have to 90 report but that's no fee.

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If Immigration wanted to stop any abuse they could? I see the whole Visa thing as a tidy little earner for Thailand.

What I find amazing is that if I get married and have kids in Thailand, I will never be allowed to live in Thailand with no restrictions.

Whereas, if my future Thai family wanted to live in the UK, after a period and a certain amount of hurdles, they could live in the UK unrestricted the same as a UK citizen.

I find it astonishing you can never live here with your Thai family with no restrictions!

Unless, you are one of the holy 100.... if that's still available....I don't think a mere mortal like myself could ever reach those heights!

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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So back on topic, I'm curious too, what Thai language school could be helpful, not too expensive and offer the education visa? I have been back and forth the last year and a half and have picked up quite a lot of Thai but would like to improve my reading and writing, and preferably bring my speaking level above that of drunken bar room chat haha.

I am not retired, I'm a young lady who travels on a tight budget. I'm really strongly feeling the need to move back into the city (I live in Mae Taeng without a lot of luxuries but hey you can't beat free)

Anyone have previous schooling success with Thai? Where, cost, and what is the scheduling? I'm leaving again end of the month probably till the fall, but would like the ability to stay longer than a month or two

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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These threads on education visas do draw a crowd!

All in all, I believe there is valid concern about people playing games with Thai immigration law. I certainly am no cop. I don't turn people in. And I, no doubt like many here, know of more people dodging the rules than I have fingers and toes. On the other hand, it is difficult to accept the laissez-faire attitude of some posters who, among other similar comments, say keep your nose out of others' "visa business." What did they learn about individual and social responsibility when they were growing up? It isn't that I think that Thai law is "fair" or "unfair," but rationalisations, "work arounds," and outright cheating are rampant (and not just with education visas, of course).

Many dodgers basically just wish to remain in Thailand with the least immigration legal wear and tear. On this thread (the latest of several on education visas) it generally applies to people under the age of 50. (At least in the past, if not now( I do not know.), Chiang Mai Immigration would not grant (or renew) education visas to people over 50 years-of-age). Are Thai rules are too "restrictive?" Hardly! They are comparatively permissive, if anything, compared to other countries. I'd place a casual wager that virtually all of the dodgers come from countries which have much more restrictive immigration laws. But never mind that. It's not to the point.

There is a tension between individual rights and social responsibility. Thailand's visa laws and their administration and enforcement are very tolerant. No nonsense --- please! --- about the Thais being corrupt, which is an odd thing to say when you think about it a little. Indeed, there are politicians and bureaucrats in Thailand who feel strongly that the immigration laws are too lax and attract too many foreigners who do not acculturate and mistake Thai tolerance for acceptance. All in all, one of these days, it might well be that the laws become more restrictive because of game players and those who insist on "doing their thing," claiming some sort of individual "right," an adolescent rationalisation that too often disrespectful of the general community.

Like Thailand? Want to make a genuine effort to study Thai culture and language? Okay, get an education visa. Otherwise, it is clear that many are "gamers " that boost the profits of language school "visa mills" which promise endless renewable education visas.

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I kind of bought into this visa mill theory until I went to a language school and now realize it's a very small and or non existent problem.

About the only individual that could game the system is someone who already speaks fluent Thai.

Otherwise the teachers are always asking questions and no one in their right mind is going to attend classes to initial the attendance records and be the class retard who can't answer anything.

I go the 'discount' school at Pantip and they make it clear 80% attendance is required. Someone who already knows Thai language could go half the time and perhaps falsify more attendance.

Theoretically boosting 40% attendance to look like 80% but they better already know it or they are going to look like complete morons to the teacher and other students.

My guess is that the corruption is based on which companies are allowed to teach and offer MOE cert because there should be a whole lot more choice and competition.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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I find it pretty sad to see how ED visas are being misused.

I was going to say the same thing.

Also, for those being sold on '3 years, no visa runs', chances are at some point within those 3 years someone in government or (imm.) police is going to wake up and plug that hole.

I'm interested though to hear from Cabralad (or someone else) if they actually get an extension stamped into their passport with a date that's a year out. (Or, for example, that it's 3 months, but then they have to supply the passport back to the school who will produce another extension (or even an exit/entry stamp....)

Agree. The educational visa game is absurd. I applaud Thailand for providing an option for those who genuinely wish to learn Thai language and culture. The rest of you? As in "tired of making visa runs," go home!! Just go home!

I disagree with brother UG above. "Gaming the system" is immature and selfish as, simply, just illegal. Let the Thai government worry about it ?! My, my, my! How generous in spirit you are, UG! But does anything go, old boy ?! Really? Not your problem !!! For shoppers in your shop, too? If you left your doors wide open like the Thai government unfortunately has left its doors much more than ajar, you'd soon be on the street selling flowers and wooden frogs to the tourist crowd. And, somehow, I don't think that you are probably cute enough to make much of a bhat!

REALLY rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

get off your high horse you dont sounds too good ( wanted to say exactly what I thought of you but after multiple holidays I decided to tone it down but it was not good

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You have to take into consideration more than the cost of the language class, at 20-25,000B. You are required to leave the country to get the visa, I can't see that possible for under 3000B travel expenses, plus the 2,000 for the visa. Every 90 days you need to get a visa extension for an additional 1900B. So the ED visa is now a fairly expensive option. I just did my first 90 days and, blaming myself for not fully researching, was surprised at the additional 1900 every 90 days. I had assumed a new entry/exit stamp would be issued similar to a border run, as the visa as issued is a 1 year visa.

Edited by sticklee
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You have to take into consideration more than the cost of the language class, at 20-25,000B. You are required to leave the country to get the visa, I can't see that possible for under 3000B travel expenses, plus the 2,000 for the visa. Every 90 days you need to get a visa extension for an additional 1900B. So the ED visa is now a fairly expensive option. I just did my first 90 days and, blaming myself for not fully researching, was surprised at the additional 1900 every 90 days. I had assumed a new entry/exit stamp would be issued similar to a border run, as the visa as issued is a 1 year visa.

the first extension is 90 days but after that it can be 6 or 9+ month. The hitch is that the school will want some tuition commitment to extend past the 12 months already paid for.

definitely not cheap overall when factoring in time and tuition.

If one adds up the costs of visa runs and 30 day extensions then its somewhat more expensive than tourist visa's.

Well worth the time savings, danger of traveling all the time and uncertainty of getting a tourist visa but you better really like studying.

I am finding the discount school I am attending skimps on air conditioning. Oh the horror !!!!

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You have to take into consideration more than the cost of the language class, at 20-25,000B. You are required to leave the country to get the visa, I can't see that possible for under 3000B travel expenses, plus the 2,000 for the visa. Every 90 days you need to get a visa extension for an additional 1900B. So the ED visa is now a fairly expensive option. I just did my first 90 days and, blaming myself for not fully researching, was surprised at the additional 1900 every 90 days. I had assumed a new entry/exit stamp would be issued similar to a border run, as the visa as issued is a 1 year visa.

Take the opportunity to learn the language and the price isn't so bad.

Two large Changs a night is about 50K a year, some people see that as good value.

Edited by uptheos
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You have to take into consideration more than the cost of the language class, at 20-25,000B. You are required to leave the country to get the visa, I can't see that possible for under 3000B travel expenses, plus the 2,000 for the visa. Every 90 days you need to get a visa extension for an additional 1900B. So the ED visa is now a fairly expensive option. I just did my first 90 days and, blaming myself for not fully researching, was surprised at the additional 1900 every 90 days. I had assumed a new entry/exit stamp would be issued similar to a border run, as the visa as issued is a 1 year visa.

Take the opportunity to learn the language and the price isn't so bad.

Two large Changs a night is about 50K a year, some people see that as good value.

If I might jump in here at the late stage of the game.

I would like to mention that there are also trust fund babies here who the money means nothing to. The cost of the school and Chang are immaterial to them.

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You have to take into consideration more than the cost of the language class, at 20-25,000B. You are required to leave the country to get the visa, I can't see that possible for under 3000B travel expenses, plus the 2,000 for the visa. Every 90 days you need to get a visa extension for an additional 1900B. So the ED visa is now a fairly expensive option. I just did my first 90 days and, blaming myself for not fully researching, was surprised at the additional 1900 every 90 days. I had assumed a new entry/exit stamp would be issued similar to a border run, as the visa as issued is a 1 year visa.

First extension is 90 days, 1,900bht for the 90 days.

Second extension is 1 year, 1,900bht for the year.

If your school is properly registered with the ministry of education.

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I find it pretty sad to see how ED visas are being misused.

I was going to say the same thing.

Also, for those being sold on '3 years, no visa runs', chances are at some point within those 3 years someone in government or (imm.) police is going to wake up and plug that hole.

I'm interested though to hear from Cabralad (or someone else) if they actually get an extension stamped into their passport with a date that's a year out. (Or, for example, that it's 3 months, but then they have to supply the passport back to the school who will produce another extension (or even an exit/entry stamp....)

Agree. The educational visa game is absurd. I applaud Thailand for providing an option for those who genuinely wish to learn Thai language and culture. The rest of you? As in "tired of making visa runs," go home!! Just go home!

I disagree with brother UG above. "Gaming the system" is immature and selfish as, simply, just illegal. Let the Thai government worry about it ?! My, my, my! How generous in spirit you are, UG! But does anything go, old boy ?! Really? Not your problem !!! For shoppers in your shop, too? If you left your doors wide open like the Thai government unfortunately has left its doors much more than ajar, you'd soon be on the street selling flowers and wooden frogs to the tourist crowd. And, somehow, I don't think that you are probably cute enough to make much of a bhat!

Two things

#1 Thailand attracts some mighty fine people but there is the portion of them who will try to game the system every chance they get there by lending a little bit of credence to the opinion's some of the Thai's have of us.

#2 Sorry UG you really do not have the looks to make it selling flowers on the street.

I don't really see the moral issue here. "Gaming" the Ed system, here is not the same as it is in say the UK - where there are benefits, housing and jobs costs the country. If anything, gleaning an Ed visa for the purposes of staying here, and actually following the rules therein, only profits Thailand - both in Visa fees and day to day spend - and it is not legal to work on an Ed visa anyway, so no worries there. We are not talking of people that are apt to brake the rules, but those that are trying to find a legal way to actually stay here within the rules.

Edited by wolf5370
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