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I Din Do Nuffin!

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Well, here is the responsibility and the consequences that Thais seem to feel. It is crazy really.

My wife (who believes that she is Bhuddist - hurt nothing kill nothing...blah blah blah...) was given 3 LIVE Catfish - Pla Douk the other day. She was given them to eat - but because of their "Beliefs" she couldn't kill them. So what do they do? They stick the three fish in an old oil drum that I use to water the plants. The oild drum is used for irrigation by me, I add fertilizer, insect reppelent and various other chemicals.

So she tells no one, she gets 3 fish, that she has no intention to kill or eat, drops them into a tank full of chemicals and plant food and walks away!

I go out tonight to water the plants, as I approach the tank the smell is disgusting. At first I thought a snake had got into the tank... all I could see was white / silvery scales tangled in the watering can, after I got the can out, I found it was a dead catfish, half eaten, head missing.....

The water was black and offensive. Me and my son used the water up and then drained the tank, there was another 3 BIG catfish still alive in the filthy water. (We took them out and let them go free in the local klong)

Confronting my wife, she reckons she was "Taking Care" ....taking care of what? Are these people mental? Why would you take 3 living fish, that were given as a gift to be eaten, that you could not or would not kill nor eat, dump them in a tank full of chemicals and leave them cooking slowly in the hot sun only to die at a horribly slow rate, it is torture.

Pointing the finger at her and shouting "EVIL EVIL....BHUDDHA SEES ALL - You will come back as that fish" seems to instill a bit of guilt, but not enough. (It is however funny enough to make her panic - to the point that she wanted to look for the dead fish to put it in the river......a bit late in my book as it seems to be eaten in half!)

She washed a pair of jeans I had a few years back - there was a Nokia Phone in the pocket. Despite all the reasoning, she will still insist that she didn't break the phone, the Washing Maschine Did!

Anyway, I reckon I have at least two days worth of guilt trip to play with! Karma! What you make you get!

Then try and turn around and try to say they were "Taking Care"???? <deleted>!

She is not exactly happy tonight after I told her that Bhudda sees everything and that she is EVIL and killed the fish in a terrible way...she is busy trying to blame it on anyone else.

I don't really care about the fish, but at least I would have killed them outright, not left them suffering. Luckily it is my Sons 12th Birthday today so he kind of feels he has gained a bit of Karma for bothering to release the survivors into the Klong. (Have you ever tried to catch one of these buggers with your hands??? they are as strong as an ox! and sharp too...the biggest one flipped itself almost 30 metres across dry soil into a bunch of trees!

I really hope that the Thais take care of me in the same manner!

Edited by Briandajew
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What a lucky woman to be married to a smart Western guy like you !!thumbsup.gif

Glad you appreciate her luck...I try to tell her everyday how lucky she is, but she never seems to understand! Thanks for the upvote! Maybe when she is reborn as a half eaten catfish she could maybe hook up with you! You could both swim around in an airless poisoned fertilized tank of shit for a couple of days in agony before you eat each others heads out of desperation before you both die a rather unpleasant death. But never mind....you were being "Taken Care Of"

Why on earth would you accept live fish that you had no intention to kill to put them into a tank of poison and leave them to die a slow lingering death? What part of this do you fail to grasp?

If she had hit them over the head and cooked them I would have had no problem.

The problem here is that someone gave them to her that was from a "Higher Caste" and she could not say no! So, despite all of the morality and humanity, they would rather torture and kill a fish instead of LOSING FACE to some retard that they believe is higher up on the food chain from them...sorry mate, it has nothing to do with Westerners or being smart, it is about poor people from the North that are continuously treat as slaves!

Edited by Briandajew
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Picking up your sentiment, there is nothing more obtuse to me than the Thai attitude toward soi dogs, a lunacy only compounded by the issue of poaching: If only the hides of soi dogs were as valuable as a tiger's, then there might be reason enough to cull those mangy, agressive mongrels.

Edited by aTomsLife
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Picking up your sentiment, there is nothing more obtuse to me than the Thai attitude toward soi dogs, a lunacy only compounded by the issue of poaching: If only the hides of soi dogs were as valuable as a tiger's, then there might be reason enough to cull those mangy, agressive mongrels.

The soi dogs highlight the issue. You see many of them ravaged by mange with open wounds but rather then put them out of their misery they prefer to do the right thing and let them slowly starve to death.
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So the wife get's three life catfish which she puts in the drum.

Sometime later you find three life catfish and one dead half eaten one in the same drum.

I suggest you contact a circus, since that seems to be magic.

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Those catfish were farm raised and you would be gobsmacked at the amount of chemicals used in the ponds.

They didn't die from the toxicity of the water in your oil drum. They died because they could not handle the purity of the water.

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Those catfish were farm raised and you would be gobsmacked at the amount of chemicals used in the ponds.

They didn't die from the toxicity of the water in your oil drum. They died because they could not handle the purity of the water.

They didn't die (they where released into the khlong) But 3 where put in the drum and 3 were released ,where did the half eaten 1 come from??

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Op, its a load of rubbish that your wife, even as a Buddhist would not kill a fish to eat.

I am sure she's done worse.

Sorry I just don't believe it.


You should get out more.

I consider the OP's story mild compared to what I have seen over many years.

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Take your wife to the local market where the fish mongers whack the catfish on the head with the flat side of their big knife and then gut them and put three slits in each side for the BBQ when they are still half alive and wriggling. Then ask how many of those fish mongers are NOT devout Buddhists.

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Take your wife to the local market where the fish mongers whack the catfish on the head with the flat side of their big knife and then gut them and put three slits in each side for the BBQ when they are still half alive and wriggling. Then ask how many of those fish mongers are NOT devout Buddhists.

Good luck with that! The Thai education system is rote based so asking someone who is educated in rote learning to suddenly use and understand cross comparison is asking too much. The reason why maths is so bad here is because only the results are known, the method is a mystery unless a calculator is involved and even then it is just a result rather than the knowledge why.
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Expecting Thais who profess to be Buddhists to adhere to some sort of higher form of morality is a bit like expecting Italians who profess to be Catholics to have nothing to confess. Is the OP without sin? Then let him cast the first stone...

Edited by sustento
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How odd, my wife (a Buddhist too) says a Buddhist can kill any animal provided it is to be eaten, and that the sin is in killing but not consuming. If she's right your wife is in deep dooodooo. But just tell her to convert to Catholicism a couple of minutes before she dies and apologise for the sin, and all will be well !!!

Cannibalism is the way to go!

Waste not...tongue.png

Edited by ABCer
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Maybe try a different approach and try and educate her, rather than fill her full of fear .

...and rather than filling even more threads at Thai Visa that generate such comments as "there is nothing more obtuse to me than the Thai attitude..."

Your wife is not all Thai people and Thai people do not all think or feel the same about every subject under the sun, as the on-going political divide should demonstrate.

What happened to the fish is unfortunate, but I doubt you've helped the situation by ridiculing her at home and now for all the world to see in a public forum. I wonder if you were married in your home country if you'd write a letter to the local newspaper ranting about all the things your wife does that don't fit in with your world-view.

Glad you appreciate her luck...I try to tell her everyday how lucky she is, but she never seems to understand! Thanks for the upvote!

I'm guessing here, but I think the person who mentioned how lucky your wife was to have you as a husband, might have been a bit sarcastic, but I'm sure a perceptive man like you figured that out.

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The thing is you selected her and not all Thais are like that. There are plenty sensible ones around.

Damned if I even managed to find any (male or female).

Does your mother know of your attitude about her fellow Thais?

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How odd, my wife (a Buddhist too) says a Buddhist can kill any animal provided it is to be eaten, and that the sin is in killing but not consuming. If she's right your wife is in deep dooodooo. But just tell her to convert to Catholicism a couple of minutes before she dies and apologise for the sin, and all will be well !!!

Well, I never heard that one before!

My wife will blame anything other than herself when shit hits the fan.

She once put my jacket in the washing maschine when my new mobile phone was in one of the pockets, and yes, it was completely buggerred, but to this day she still maintains that it was the washing mascine that broke it and not her!

I just cannot get my head around how Thais will let something (Animal or Husband) to suffer an agonizing death rather than just put it out of its misery??

As for Susreno - no mate, I am indeed not without sin, I try to get by the best I can, no one is without sin and I have done a lot of things I am not proud of, so I am not casting any stones, just putting across a point of view. Besides, I do not believe in the Catholic Doctrine that if you confess all you will be forgiven, it is a cowards way out. What I have reaped, I believe I will sow! There is no suych thing as Divine forgiveness, you make shit, you get shit!

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The thing is you selected her and not all Thais are like that. There are plenty sensible ones around.

Damned if I even managed to find any (male or female).

Does your mother know of your attitude about her fellow Thais?

I didn't marry her mother so <deleted> should I care? They seemed to think I was going to be an open ended cash maschine when her old man got throat cancer.....well, lets just say he is well dead and buried!

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The thing is you selected her and not all Thais are like that. There are plenty sensible ones around.

Damned if I even managed to find any (male or female).
Does your mother know of your attitude about her fellow Thais?
I didn't marry her mother so <deleted> should I care? They seemed to think I was going to be an open ended cash maschine when her old man got throat cancer.....well, lets just say he is well dead and buried!

What are you on about? If you can read and are sober or otherwise rational, you can easily see I wasn't addressing you nor speaking of your wife's mother.

The odds of me having anything to say to you are fairly slim.

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