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Cartoonist ' Revealed Yingluck's Half Truths'


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I am convinced that supporters of the PM are so blinded by rage that they missed the meaning of K. Chai's comment. They saw the word 'prostitute' in the same statement with a reference to the P.M. and jumped to the wrong conclusion i.e. that he called the P.M. a prostitute. The P.M.'s lawsuit will fail because it doesn't say what she thinks is says.

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So, I understand Chai posted an image of YS on his page and put a caption under it.

Or was it a cartoon (drawn image) ?

If it was a cartoon, does anyone know where to find it or has Big Brother wiped the slate clean?

I am just curious to see it.

He is a cartoonist. On His facebook page He posted a picture of YS and inserted the comment. He didnt draw a cartoon. It was also on His personnel facebook page and not in the newspaper. Just to clarify.

Thanks for clarifying that.

I thought I read the other day that it was in Thai Rath paper as a cartoon. Now I understand it was on FB.

I'm no lawyer... and I am fixin to say something maybe stupider than hell but am gonna say it anyway.

So, what you say on your FB page could be libelous harm to another? (libel in the legal definition)

Raises a few thoughts...

I thought libel was for print media.... or the public domain.

Is my FB page public domain? I try to put in restrictions so that only friends can see my posts. (I hate spam and dont wish to be friends with everyone).

If I said something about someone that is not true is would be slander.

Libel is the written word!

Slander is the spoken word!

Edited by MAJIC
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Seems like the cartoonist touched a nerve with YL. The truth can hurt I guess.

Unfortunately, There may be another body floating in the canals with out any arms or legs and head. I do believe the reason that corruption is so out of hand is because of "Big Brother" and this ruling government. They are immune it seems, from their out right lies coming out from Kittiratt Na-Ranong to their Rice Mortgage Scheme of price fixing to pay for votes. The Thai people who gave them power are uneducated and poor and only wanted to have someone to have their back, which little sister or Big Brother never did. Big Brother is intent on getting back all the money that the Yellow shirts took from him (plus more). I am not saying the U.S is any better off with Our latest choice but we do not have a fugitive running a puppet government. How does a millionaire relate to the person who maybe lives on $100 USD a day? They don't they only use that to exploit the people.

I bet if you had a International organization come in a do a proper and thorough investigations you will find the Thai Mafia all up in this government and would even go as far to as a certain relative being a "Boss". I admire the Cartoonist but also worry about his safety. He will either be harassed continually or vanish under the watchful eye of this so called government. The Thai people should unite and demand a full accounting of this government.

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Seems like the cartoonist touched a nerve with YL. The truth can hurt I guess.

Unfortunately, There may be another body floating in the canals with out any arms or legs and head. I do believe the reason that corruption is so out of hand is because of "Big Brother" and this ruling government. They are immune it seems, from their out right lies coming out from Kittiratt Na-Ranong to their Rice Mortgage Scheme of price fixing to pay for votes. The Thai people who gave them power are uneducated and poor and only wanted to have someone to have their back, which little sister or Big Brother never did. Big Brother is intent on getting back all the money that the Yellow shirts took from him (plus more). I am not saying the U.S is any better off with Our latest choice but we do not have a fugitive running a puppet government. How does a millionaire relate to the person who maybe lives on $100 USD a day? They don't they only use that to exploit the people.

I bet if you had a International organization come in a do a proper and thorough investigations you will find the Thai Mafia all up in this government and would even go as far to as a certain relative being a "Boss". I admire the Cartoonist but also worry about his safety. He will either be harassed continually or vanish under the watchful eye of this so called government. The Thai people should unite and demand a full accounting of this government.

The minimum daily wage of a Thai is $10 US

Edited by waza
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The opposition reasoned that corruption was rife during the Thaksin regime. It said that Thaksin altered laws to benefit his business interests and interfered in the work of independent agencies tasked with performing a checks-and-balances role.

Just as we have now under this puppet regime. In fact worse in some/many ways.

Time for another coup?

God no..

The coup itself went admirably... for a coup (no shots fired, etc.)

But they were awful when it came to running the country.

What about the morons running it now?

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The cartoonist did his job. The editors are supposed to exercise good judgement when they run a cartoon.

It is an error for the PM to pursue a legal case. Even if she wins, she will lose. Her response demonstrates the ineptitude of her advisers who should have instead taken their case to the court of public opinion. Had they done their jobs, they would have treated this as a low end insult. Instead of creating sympathy for the PM, they have instead fanned the flames of ridicule.

Unfortunately the ridicule will come from the foreign nations attending the conference. Those attendees I am sure knew about the fact that Thaksin was in the act of becoming dictator he had not one leg to stand on in occupying the office of PM

Here in Thailand it will be just another comic episode. Most Thais are unaware of the events leading up to the coup and actually think Thaksin was the PM and it was just another coup by the army to uphold their tradition of coups. Not a big deal. They don't realize it was to stop a dictator.

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The opposition reasoned that corruption was rife during the Thaksin regime. It said that Thaksin altered laws to benefit his business interests and interfered in the work of independent agencies tasked with performing a checks-and-balances role.

Just as we have now under this puppet regime. In fact worse in some/many ways.

Time for another coup?

God no..

The coup itself went admirably... for a coup (no shots fired, etc.)

But they were awful when it came to running the country.

What about the morons running it now?

Same moron runs it now but his power is getting weaker. Been a while since I heard of the string of visitors to visit him now he has to call them

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The cartoonist did his job. The editors are supposed to exercise good judgement when they run a cartoon.

It is an error for the PM to pursue a legal case. Even if she wins, she will lose. Her response demonstrates the ineptitude of her advisers who should have instead taken their case to the court of public opinion. Had they done their jobs, they would have treated this as a low end insult. Instead of creating sympathy for the PM, they have instead fanned the flames of ridicule.

Unfortunately the ridicule will come from the foreign nations attending the conference. Those attendees I am sure knew about the fact that Thaksin was in the act of becoming dictator he had not one leg to stand on in occupying the office of PM

Here in Thailand it will be just another comic episode. Most Thais are unaware of the events leading up to the coup and actually think Thaksin was the PM and it was just another coup by the army to uphold their tradition of coups. Not a big deal. They don't realize it was to stop a dictator.

Here's another example of the fact that lots of Thais don't really understand the details of the last coup.

My adult Thai son has regular discussions about politics with his old high school and uni friends (all vey amicable, all respecting each others opinions). Recently one of his friends said that the 2006 coup was because the paymaster was a serious communist, then went on to say that the paymaster has strong ties to the ruling party seniors in China.

One of the group said something like 'but if the paymaster is a serious communist, then how come he is so rich and how come he charged outrageous telephone fees when he was running his telecom empire'?

Response: 'not true, the army told lies that he is rich and the army has a lot of past history to oppose communism'.

Another example: during the riots I lived in downtown Bangkok. Most of the food vendors in my soi attended the Rajaprasong rallies every day but most returned to the soi in the evening to see their prepared food.

My son often asked them what was discussed that day at the rally. One example: 'The army staged a coup because they were angry that the paymaster personally paid off the debt to the IMF'.

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So, I understand Chai posted an image of YS on his page and put a caption under it.

Or was it a cartoon (drawn image) ?

If it was a cartoon, does anyone know where to find it or has Big Brother wiped the slate clean?

I am just curious to see it.

He is a cartoonist. On His facebook page He posted a picture of YS and inserted the comment. He didnt draw a cartoon. It was also on His personnel facebook page and not in the newspaper. Just to clarify.

Thanks for clarifying that.

I thought I read the other day that it was in Thai Rath paper as a cartoon. Now I understand it was on FB.

I'm no lawyer... and I am fixin to say something maybe stupider than hell but am gonna say it anyway.

So, what you say on your FB page could be libelous harm to another? (libel in the legal definition)

Raises a few thoughts...

I thought libel was for print media.... or the public domain.

Is my FB page public domain? I try to put in restrictions so that only friends can see my posts. (I hate spam and dont wish to be friends with everyone).

If I said something about someone that is not true is would be slander.

Libel is the written word!

Slander is the spoken word!

Wrong. Look them up.

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The cartoonist did his job. The editors are supposed to exercise good judgement when they run a cartoon.

It is an error for the PM to pursue a legal case. Even if she wins, she will lose. Her response demonstrates the ineptitude of her advisers who should have instead taken their case to the court of public opinion. Had they done their jobs, they would have treated this as a low end insult. Instead of creating sympathy for the PM, they have instead fanned the flames of ridicule.

Unfortunately the ridicule will come from the foreign nations attending the conference. Those attendees I am sure knew about the fact that Thaksin was in the act of becoming dictator he had not one leg to stand on in occupying the office of PM

Here in Thailand it will be just another comic episode. Most Thais are unaware of the events leading up to the coup and actually think Thaksin was the PM and it was just another coup by the army to uphold their tradition of coups. Not a big deal. They don't realize it was to stop a dictator.

Here's another example of the fact that lots of Thais don't really understand the details of the last coup.

My adult Thai son has regular discussions about politics with his old high school and uni friends (all vey amicable, all respecting each others opinions). Recently one of his friends said that the 2006 coup was because the paymaster was a serious communist, then went on to say that the paymaster has strong ties to the ruling party seniors in China.

One of the group said something like 'but if the paymaster is a serious communist, then how come he is so rich and how come he charged outrageous telephone fees when he was running his telecom empire'?

Response: 'not true, the army told lies that he is rich and the army has a lot of past history to oppose communism'.

Another example: during the riots I lived in downtown Bangkok. Most of the food vendors in my soi attended the Rajaprasong rallies every day but most returned to the soi in the evening to see their prepared food.

My son often asked them what was discussed that day at the rally. One example: 'The army staged a coup because they were angry that the paymaster personally paid off the debt to the IMF'.

Not at all surprising really. Most thai media seems to exist to misinform.

'The army staged a coup because they were angry that the paymaster personally paid off the debt to the IMF'.

I think the army and their backers were more afraid that Thaksin would be forced by the IMF to introduce swingeing tax hikes for the elites. This is often mooted as the primary reason for the 17th coup.

One of the group said something like 'but if the paymaster

is a serious communist, then how come he is so rich and how come he

charged outrageous telephone fees when he was running his telecom


Response: 'not true, the army told lies that he is rich and the army has a lot of past history to oppose communism'.

Do you know about the "Protocols of Zion?"

These were documents released more than a century ago pontificating on a jewish conspiracy to take over the world.

Still being taught apparently on the west bank but entirely ficticious.

Invented by the czar's secret police.

Well a) we knowThaksin cut the fees paid to TOT/CAT from 25% to 20% for "pay as ye go" phone tarriffs (what a crime!). They stole his money though thinking it would stop the redshirts. HaHa.

B) Sondhi and the PAD made up the "Finlandia Accord," similarly made up like the "Protocols of Zion" referring to Thaksin's great aim to introduce communism once he had......

From the OP:

"Thaksin" interfered in the work of independent agencies tasked with performing a checks-and-balances role.

Except when you realize these independent organisations are just "elite" fronts like the recent "claims" from the anti corruption "network" about government funds ending up in HongKong.

News to the officials over there as it never happened.

It is Hardly a cartoonists role to be a) unfunny. B) compare prime minister to a whore ie unfunny "prime minister is a whore" jibe.

Clearly this esteemed cartoonist has an agenda and was mortally offended by Yingluk's comments in Mongolia (of all places) which hit a raw nerve.

It's almost a hundred years since the second world war and most of the world now accepts that the best form of government is a democratically elected government.

It is a wonder to me how few suppporters there are here on this board who support democracy.

Democracy = vote of the people.

It works.

Misinformation doesn't.

Truth will OUT!

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I guess the government is not happy about not being able to control the media. It better hurry up and rain so they can get some feel good shots of YL walking around a rice paddy in Wellington boots.

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Reply to your Post No 43


From Collins English Dictionary.


published statement, falsely damaging a persons reputation.


false and malicious statement

about a person;

crime of making such a statement.

utter slander about.

I Suggest you change your Dictionary!

Edited by MAJIC
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Seems like the cartoonist touched a nerve with YL. The truth can hurt I guess.

Seems like the cartoonist touched a nerve with YL. The truth can hurt I guess.

Calling any woman in Thailand a prostitute could cost you your life, or you life savings or your liberty, and rightly so. You are a misogynist in a land of misogynists that are in the process of finding out that a female Premier trumps every political card that they will ever hold.

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Seems like the cartoonist touched a nerve with YL. The truth can hurt I guess.

>Seems like the cartoonist touched a nerve with YL. The truth can hurt I guess.

Calling any woman in Thailand a prostitute could cost you your life, or you life savings or your liberty, and rightly so. You are a misogynist in a land of misogynists that are in the process of finding out that a female Premier trumps every political card that they will ever hold.

I have to wonder if it is defamatory to say that Chai called the PM a prostitute when he clearly did not.

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[quote name=WhizBang" post="6386906"


The opposition reasoned that corruption was rife during the Thaksin regime. It said that Thaksin

altered laws to benefit his business interests and interfered in the work of independent agencies tasked with performing a checks-and-balances role.

Just as we have now under this puppet regime. In fact worse in some/many ways.

Time for another coup?

God no..

The coup itself went admirably... for a coup (no shots fired, etc.)

But they were awful when it came to running the country.

What about the morons running it now?

Same moron runs it now but his power is getting weaker. Been a while since I heard of the string

of visitors to visit him now he has to call themYes, maybe his remote control is rymning out of batteries? ;)

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