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How To Set Up Business In Thailand

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:o Hello Friends,

I'm a Thai woman. My friend is Farang,He want to do resort business in Sounthern of Thailand. But want to know how to do and set up business here. The resort is a medium one. Please help me...Thank you very much



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Hello Ausuma -

If you can send me your e-mail address and his e-mail address, I will send you both some prepared documents (as attachments) that lay out the process for forming a company - that company then purchases assetts, hires staff, and so on, to create its business.

My company helps foreigners start companies here - at this point, my staff is only able to handle clients who start businesses in Bangkok (as many filings have to be accomplished close to where the company has its registered business address)- but what I send should still be of help to you.

Good luck!

Steve Sykes

Managing Director

Indo-Siam Group


[email protected]


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