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Ever wondered how Bangkok Pattaya gets to built a whole new wing???

Let me tell you how they threat patients

Went in thier ORL (Nose throat and ear) with a blocked ear for the people who know something about medical terms a ETD (Eustachio Tube Dysfunction) nothing special on it self as it is a blockage of the tube which connects the inner ear with the nose. The problem though is that this tube takes care of the pressure inside the midle ear so you basically run around with an airplane ear feeling as you can call it. his also effects the hearing in that particular ear.

Anyway this ETD is pretty easy to cure with some simple decongestant nose sparys combined with some sort of antihestamine but those are not necesarily needed.

So I get in there and that nice doctor there just listens to my story and looks into my ear and confirms my story ???? point one as i didnt know there is any possibility on checking this by just looking inside the ear as it is situated in the middle ear. No further tests are done. Anyway he descripes me some antihestamines actualy 3 of them (which in those high numbers isnt realy healthy) and some anti Alergic medication as he thinks it is caused by some alergic reaction which might be the case but I personally dont think so but anyway i take the medication which costed me 1400 baht as a good person to the letter. After one week no result, as stated previously the only thing which can cure this is a decongestant spray. Up until that point all the trust is still put in the doctor by going back to him for a follow up. Doctor checks again inside the ear. i tell him at that point that I might need a decongestant as it is not the first time i have this. He tells me a story that decongestants are not realy healthy to take as it could trigger a reversed effect to the sinusses which is true. (cant take decongestants longer then a period of 5 days at a time) anyway at that point he tells me ok lets try the decongestant and sends me packing to the pharmacy downstairs.

I do recieve another set of medications and pay this time around 2500 baht. When I get home i do discover that he gave me exactly the same medication as last time but instead of 4 kind of pills this time around only 3 type of pills. So i pay for a pill less about 1100 baht more??? where is the logic in that?????

indeed stupid thing of me to do is to send my wife to the cashier and pharmacy to pick up my stuff and only checking on arriving home but as said where does the world go if we cant trust our doctors anymore?????

Anyway I guess it was another 2500 baht waisted, but i went to the pharmacy on Pattaya Nua now and bought me my own decongestant nosespray for 86baht which I hope will do the trick now.

Just wanting to share this experience so we all know (which i am sure many of you did allready) what is waiting for us arriving at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital or should i call it Pattaya money making scam hospital???


PS sorry for the lengthy post

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Anyway I guess it was another 2500 baht waisted, but i went to the pharmacy on Pattaya Nua now and bought me my own decongestant nosespray for 86baht which I hope will do the trick now.

I was reading your post, and you mentioned you needed a decongestant early on. My first thought was, if you knew you needed that, why didn't you go to a pharmacy right off the bat ?

Which is what you ended up doing any ways, after paying a lot of money you apparently didn't need to.

I haven't had to experience any of the hospitals yet (knock on wood). For something minor, I would go to one of the many clinics spotted around town (I hear Dr Oliver's name mentioned a lot, english speaking, Swiss trained doctor). From what I've heard about hospitals, Bangkok-Pattaya is the best in town treatment-wise, and the best for foreigners.

If the clinic doctor thought it was required, he could refer you to a hospital for specialized treatment.

In your case, he would have probably looked in your ear and then told you to go to a pharmacy to buy some decongestant. If that didn't help, then send you to a specialist.

Last time I was feeling sickly, I wrote my symptoms down (in Thai) on a piece of paper (fever/chills, headache, diarrhea, ect.) and then went to the nearest pharmacy.

The pharmacist looked at the piece of paper and set some pills on the counter (3 days worth of 3 types of pills). I think the total bill was 90 baht. Problem solved.

Having Medical Insurance is probably the best way to go while in Thailand. Then if you do get into a serious and/or expensive situation, you're covered.

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.....Just wanting to share this experience so we all know (which i am sure many of you did allready) what is waiting for us arriving at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital or should i call it Pattaya money making scam hospital???


PS sorry for the lengthy post

When someone mentioned in another thread that BP had a three tier pricing policy, I was a little sceptical.

On my recent treatments there, I found the costs comensurate with what I used to pay in Bangkok, and the drug costs OK -ish like about 2 hundred baht odd for several items. About the same as Bangkok.

I think somehow you're in the tourist tier of charges, and I might be in the Thai or middle tier - my wife registered me.

Suggest you try and re-register.

What a scam. :o

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Yes Dirk, I know how Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital gets a new wing!

My wife was admitted to this hospital in April 2003 because her blood potassium level was very low. She was in hospital for one night only; her admission to allow continuous assessment and further testing of her blood. Her blood sample was sent to Bangkok for analysis and the result, which would take up to two weeks to be available, would be the key to identifying her illness. Prior to being discharged, she was presented with a bill for 35,000 baht!! Included in this cost was a sum of 11,600 baht for a list of drugs and medical supplies and 14,400 baht for the laboratory tests.

We returned two weeks later for the results of this critical blood test to be told, by the receptionist, that the doctor had left the employment of the hospital! We waited for a further hour whilst my wife’s medical notes were retrieved before we were able to see another doctor at the same hospital.

This consultation turned out to be a lengthy nightmare, although this was NOT the fault of the second doctor. She confessed to be very confused by the sketchy medical notes that had been compiled by the first doctor. My wife and I were told that the results of the expensive and critical blood test were meaningless, as the first doctor had authorised the test whilst knowing that my wife’s blood potassium content was abnormally low and her blood pressure very high. A repeat sample and test were needed when my wife’s blood potassium content and blood pressure were at normal levels for the result to have some meaning.

“Who will pay for this re-testing?” was my immediate question. I felt that, as the first doctor had been made a professional error, then the second test should be done at no cost to us.

“Not possible to do it for free” was the answer from the second doctor. Naturally, I was at a loss as to understand why not as the first doctor had been negligent.

I mentioned the shopping list of drugs. After considering the list, she said that a particular combination of drugs on the list could have been dangerous to my wife! I asked if she would put that in writing but she declined to do so. Later, without any inducement, she brought up the point again saying that this same combination of drugs could have increased the potassium content of my wife’s blood to above the danger level, causing my wife’s heart to stop! Also, she commented that the balance of the dosage was incorrect as some drugs had been prescribed for twenty days and others for ten days. She agreed to give me a full written medical report covering all of the indications and assessments that had been done by the hospital.

Her response to the cost of the drugs was that the hospital exploited elevated drug pricing so as to maintain a return on its investment. Actually, I’d heard that before from another local hospital, but that’s another story!

In June of 2003, my wife was admitted to the Siriraj Medical School in Bangkok for an operation and all has been well since then.

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When someone mentioned in another thread that BP had a three tier pricing policy, I was a little sceptical.

On my recent treatments there, I found the costs comensurate with what I used to pay in Bangkok, and the drug costs OK -ish like about 2 hundred baht odd for several items. About the same as Bangkok.

I think somehow you're in the tourist tier of charges, and I might be in the Thai or middle tier - my wife registered me.

Suggest you try and re-register.

What a scam. :o

That's useful to know and thanks for that information Mobi. I'll do just that for myself.

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Anyway this ETD is pretty easy to cure with some simple decongestant nose sparys combined with some sort of antihestamine but those are not necesarily needed.

After one week no result, as stated previously the only thing which can cure this is a decongestant spray

Problem solved ... much ado about nothing :o:D:D

Iv'e only got one bottle of Buri Ram Haemorrhoid cream left but you obviously

have the greater need.


Edited by naka
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Hmm…..I always wonder how good are the big hospitals in Pattaya? I'm a bit more skeptical about them being in tourist area and their competency. It is sad that even the healthcare providers got into this tourist tier pricing system too.

Just to add to the story:

We were in Jomtien during X’mas, my feet had been swollen badly a few days prior to the departure from the US. I’d gone to see the doctor, here in the US, - nothing happened ….just a typical blah blah thing. This happened to me before and with the same doctor couldn’t find any wrong with it. Anyway when we got to Jomtien and went to see some doctor in the area – small clinic. He said the bone is not broken, but there is the possibility it might be gout! Never heard of it. He did some extensive body testing on me….urine test, blood test, calcium, blood pressure etc. – for 1400 baths. Then he told me I have extra calcium deposited in the feet area – somehow the excess was too much for the kidney/or body to excrete it all. So he gave me some pills and it took me only 3 days – problem solved! The pills didn’t cost me more than 250 baths, and it’s ok for that body check-up of 1400 baths coz I need to do that sooner or later anyway (he told me I’m as healthy as a horse – normal cholesterols, blood pressure, normal fat in my blood system, no diseases).

So overall I’m quite pleased with this clinic. It’s a one doctor clinic and his English’s excellent. He graduated from on of those top uni in Thailand and did some internship in the US, I think. If anyone wants to check him out, he is at his clinic just next to the Fairproperties realty (the sale office) – in the same complex – on Thepara rd. intersects with Theparsit rd. Also in the some complex is the Seaboard property next to him.

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Just to add to the story:

We were in Jomtien during X’mas, my feet had been swollen badly a few days prior to the departure from the US. I’d gone to see the doctor, here in the US, - nothing happened ….just a typical blah blah thing. This happened to me before and with the same doctor couldn’t find any wrong with it. Anyway when we got to Jomtien and went to see some doctor in the area – small clinic. He said the bone is not broken, but there is the possibility it might be gout! Never heard of it. He did some extensive body testing on me….urine test, blood test, calcium, blood pressure etc. – for 1400 baths. Then he told me I have extra calcium deposited in the feet area – somehow the excess was too much for the kidney/or body to excrete it all. So he gave me some pills and it took me only 3 days – problem solved! The pills didn’t cost me more than 250 baths, and it’s ok for that body check-up of 1400 baths coz I need to do that sooner or later anyway (he told me I’m as healthy as a horse – normal cholesterols, blood pressure, normal fat in my blood system, no diseases).

Gout :o .....if you have Gout...the pain is extreme, just extreme; you can't even have your feet or toes touched by a thin bedsheet. It hurts like h_ll !

You're certainly not able to walk.

So I doubt if it was gout.*

I wonder what kind of medicine he gave you; can you remember?

* Also called "the Rich man's decease" :D , since in the old days in Europe only the Rich and Famous drank alcohol and Red wine in particular :D . That's nonsense of course but alcohol 'could' have caused Gout but there other causes too.


Edited by LaoPo
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First Carefore now BKK Pattaya hospital, dear oh dear, what ever next?

Sorry Mr. Rimmer, I don't get the connection?

It's a French thing :o Just a bit of fun.

Go back about two weeks posts.

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First Carefore now BKK Pattaya hospital, dear oh dear, what ever next?

Not complaining bro just trying to inform people so they know what could happen to them.

I know you are not, but this makes a nice little "in" joke for those that follow the forum closely. :o

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You can ALWAYS tell the hospital that you just want the prescription, not the drugs themselves. It'll save you a few (sometimes several) satang as drug sales are a big part of their bottom line. Myself I just tell them to let me know what we need as we own a few pharmacies.


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You can ALWAYS tell the hospital that you just want the prescription, not the drugs themselves. It'll save you a few (sometimes several) satang as drug sales are a big part of their bottom line. Myself I just tell them to let me know what we need as we own a few pharmacies.


With my chronic conditions, unless the doctor prescribes some new medication, I always tell them that I have a stock already, and then I replenish in outside drug stores at a fraction of the price the hospital charges. With something new, I get the first prescription from the hospital - they rarely prescribe more than a couple of weeks' supply, and then I buy the next lot outside. I also look up all the drugs prescribed on the internet, to satisfy myself that they are right for my condition and also to study all the side effects. Don't really trust anyone - so I bone up on my problems and see if the Docs concurr with my findings. :D They usually do, and if they don't, I quiz them till I'm satisfied. :D

BTW, I've found that the large drug store on N. Pattay Road - Fascino - has very competitive prices for most drugs - generally cheaper than I used to buy in BKK. You can also get a discount card which makes them even cheaper. :D

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Just to add to the story:

We were in Jomtien during X’mas, my feet had been swollen badly a few days prior to the departure from the US. I’d gone to see the doctor, here in the US, - nothing happened ….just a typical blah blah thing. This happened to me before and with the same doctor couldn’t find any wrong with it. Anyway when we got to Jomtien and went to see some doctor in the area – small clinic. He said the bone is not broken, but there is the possibility it might be gout! Never heard of it. He did some extensive body testing on me….urine test, blood test, calcium, blood pressure etc. – for 1400 baths. Then he told me I have extra calcium deposited in the feet area – somehow the excess was too much for the kidney/or body to excrete it all. So he gave me some pills and it took me only 3 days – problem solved! The pills didn’t cost me more than 250 baths, and it’s ok for that body check-up of 1400 baths coz I need to do that sooner or later anyway (he told me I’m as healthy as a horse – normal cholesterols, blood pressure, normal fat in my blood system, no diseases).

Gout :ph34r: .....if you have Gout...the pain is extreme, just extreme; you can't even have your feet or toes touched by a thin bedsheet. It hurts like h_ll !

You're certainly not able to walk.

So I doubt if it was gout.*

I wonder what kind of medicine he gave you; can you remember?

* Also called "the Rich man's decease" :D , since in the old days in Europe only the Rich and Famous drank alcohol and Red wine in particular :D . That's nonsense of course but alcohol 'could' have caused Gout but there other causes too.


yes in french its goutte but only old man who drink too much alcool or wine have this and when you have goutte it's too late to complain just wait the end of your life

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Three tier pricing at Bangkok Pattaya-Sorry NO NO NO

Managed to break a bone in my foot last year.After initial consultation,xrays,further consultation,pills,plaster cast,crutches,one hour in rehabilatation centre and the total bill

3840 baht !!

I double checked the itemised billing as was so surprised.


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Just to add to the story:

We were in Jomtien during X’mas, my feet had been swollen badly a few days prior to the departure from the US. I’d gone to see the doctor, here in the US, - nothing happened ….just a typical blah blah thing. This happened to me before and with the same doctor couldn’t find any wrong with it. Anyway when we got to Jomtien and went to see some doctor in the area – small clinic. He said the bone is not broken, but there is the possibility it might be gout! Never heard of it. He did some extensive body testing on me….urine test, blood test, calcium, blood pressure etc. – for 1400 baths. Then he told me I have extra calcium deposited in the feet area – somehow the excess was too much for the kidney/or body to excrete it all. So he gave me some pills and it took me only 3 days – problem solved! The pills didn’t cost me more than 250 baths, and it’s ok for that body check-up of 1400 baths coz I need to do that sooner or later anyway (he told me I’m as healthy as a horse – normal cholesterols, blood pressure, normal fat in my blood system, no diseases).

Gout :o .....if you have Gout...the pain is extreme, just extreme; you can't even have your feet or toes touched by a thin bedsheet. It hurts like h_ll !

You're certainly not able to walk.

So I doubt if it was gout.*

I wonder what kind of medicine he gave you; can you remember?

* Also called "the Rich man's decease" :D , since in the old days in Europe only the Rich and Famous drank alcohol and Red wine in particular :D . That's nonsense of course but alcohol 'could' have caused Gout but there other causes too.


yes in french its goutte but only old man who drink too much alcool or wine have this and when you have goutte it's too late to complain just wait the end of your life

Sorry to say I’m not one of those beer-bench guys. I’m 42 and I don’t smoke or drink ..….and you probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you that I’ve never been to any bar in my entire life! The reason me and my wife were there because we’re looking for some properties around BangSaray area.

Anyway back to the story: Yes, it was hurt like h__ll!! But luckily I was still be able to limp around at that time.

He (Dr. Mongkol at Mongkol clinic) told me it could be gout or early sign of arthritis. He told me that because I have been taking “the waterpill” to lower my cholesterols /Hypertension, this may caused the extra deposits of calcium in my system. The waterpills work on certain group of people having high cholesterols only. So I should switch to diff drug for lowering my cholesterols/Hypertension. He give me the new “beta blockers” drug for it.

But anyway below is the drug info.

For gout or inflammatory foot – Arcoxia from Merck – for 10 days – it worked!

For new Hypertension lowering drug (beta blockers) – Prenolol (Atenolol) - it works like miracle for me so far!

>Arcoxia (etoricoxib) is a COX-2 selective inhibitor medication in development by Merck. Drug information on the COX-2 selective inhibitor Arcoxia, generic name etoricoxib. Merck’s FDA drug application for Arcoxia seeks indications for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, chronic low back pain, gout, and ankylosing spondylitis

I also attached the photo of my bad foot as per that time and Arcoxia.



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First Carefore now BKK Pattaya hospital, dear oh dear, what ever next?

Not complaining bro just trying to inform people so they know what could happen to them.

A friend of mine was in there a couple of weeks ago, he was far from happy with the service so got up and walked off from the consultation before they had billed him :D

I'm registered with Bangkok hospital in BKK and they were first class with the single minor problem I had since arriving in Thailand. They even assign a nurse to guide you around the place :o

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Just to add to the story:

We were in Jomtien during X’mas, my feet had been swollen badly a few days prior to the departure from the US. I’d gone to see the doctor, here in the US, - nothing happened ….just a typical blah blah thing. This happened to me before and with the same doctor couldn’t find any wrong with it. Anyway when we got to Jomtien and went to see some doctor in the area – small clinic. He said the bone is not broken, but there is the possibility it might be gout! Never heard of it. He did some extensive body testing on me….urine test, blood test, calcium, blood pressure etc. – for 1400 baths. Then he told me I have extra calcium deposited in the feet area – somehow the excess was too much for the kidney/or body to excrete it all. So he gave me some pills and it took me only 3 days – problem solved! The pills didn’t cost me more than 250 baths, and it’s ok for that body check-up of 1400 baths coz I need to do that sooner or later anyway (he told me I’m as healthy as a horse – normal cholesterols, blood pressure, normal fat in my blood system, no diseases).

Gout :D .....if you have Gout...the pain is extreme, just extreme; you can't even have your feet or toes touched by a thin bedsheet. It hurts like h_ll !

You're certainly not able to walk.

So I doubt if it was gout.*

I wonder what kind of medicine he gave you; can you remember?

* Also called "the Rich man's decease" :D , since in the old days in Europe only the Rich and Famous drank alcohol and Red wine in particular :D . That's nonsense of course but alcohol 'could' have caused Gout but there other causes too.


yes in french its goutte but only old man who drink too much alcool or wine have this and when you have goutte it's too late to complain just wait the end of your life

Sorry to say I’m not one of those beer-bench guys. I’m 42 and I don’t smoke or drink ..….and you probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you that I’ve never been to any bar in my entire life! The reason me and my wife were there because we’re looking for some properties around BangSaray area.

Anyway back to the story: Yes, it was hurt like h__ll!! But luckily I was still be able to limp around at that time.

He (Dr. Mongkol at Mongkol clinic) told me it could be gout or early sign of arthritis. He told me that because I have been taking “the waterpill” to lower my cholesterols /Hypertension, this may caused the extra deposits of calcium in my system. The waterpills work on certain group of people having high cholesterols only. So I should switch to diff drug for lowering my cholesterols/Hypertension. He give me the new “beta blockers” drug for it.

But anyway below is the drug info.

For gout or inflammatory foot – Arcoxia from Merck – for 10 days – it worked!

For new Hypertension lowering drug (beta blockers) – Prenolol (Atenolol) - it works like miracle for me so far!

>Arcoxia (etoricoxib) is a COX-2 selective inhibitor medication in development by Merck. Drug information on the COX-2 selective inhibitor Arcoxia, generic name etoricoxib. Merck’s FDA drug application for Arcoxia seeks indications for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, chronic low back pain, gout, and ankylosing spondylitis

I also attached the photo of my bad foot as per that time and Arcoxia.

Unbelievable...it could have my feet :D

December 8, I had an accident at home; during a terrible cough I 'passed out' and fell (wearing socks at the time) over on the floor and hit my head on a glass table. 1 day later my right foot was extremely painfull.

long story...making short; the 'band' of muscles were complete teared apart. :D

That's 3 1/2 month ago and walking is still difficult. Doctors say...up to 6 months :o and NOTHING can be done.

First they were also thinking about Gout, but it wasn't

They fear it's a kind of (small) Arthritis inbetween the 2nd and 3rd bone of the large toe...

The photo is NOT my foot :D

I use Diclofenacnatrium tablets against the pain and (further) infection.

Well I'm over half way now and hope it will be cured before we can go to LOS gain :D

Good luck.

PS: the message about Gout that it's ONLY Acohol which can cause Gout, is nonsense.


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"Unbelievable...it could have been my feet" Why?......Yours are that ugly also :D

Anyway....same same here.....was in between the 2nd and 3rd bone from the big ugly toe also. Hmm....strange :o

Edited by BKK90210
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I always go to the pharmacy. I avoid doctors like the plague for this very reason.

There's a good chance that the pharmacist will know what's going on and will give you what you need.

Whereas doctors make money for each time they so much as talk to a patient, so naturally they take the "keep em coming back" approach.

I'm young and healthy and never get much worse than an allergic rash or a cold or something.

But a doctor will always be my last resort.

I haven't been to a doctor since I needed a note to get out of work 5 years ago.

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Im not a radiologist or nothing, but when I look @ that picture it looks to me like u have 6 toes? :o

:D Funny....yes, you're right; the foot has 6 toes :D and I didn't even see it since I was just looking at the big toe.

But look on top of the pic where I said: it's not MY foot :D ; just an example X-ray photo.


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Was at BKK-PTY Hospital a couple of years ago because of a barotrauma. Got tons of pills prescribed, and the top of the bill was a huge stack of antibiotics. No idea how antibiotics can cure a barotrauma but they were four times the price from what the Foodland pharmacy asked for the same product.

I raised a bit hel_l after and discussed the issue with a somewhat stuck-up Foreign-Customer-Relationship Manager at the hospital's pharmacy. She actually wanted me to discuss it in her office, but I thought it would be more entertaining doing this in front of other customers. :o

Anyways, went to Dr. Panya Clinic on Sukhumvit Road, near the turn-off to Soi Muslim. Excellent consultation and treatment but couldn't help me for the Tinnitus resulting from the barotrauma - he actually claimed if I came directly to him, but oh well...could be, could not.

Now I go to the Pattaya International, Dr. Cholada, and must say the best service I ever had. For fairness, I (touch wood) never had anything serious so far.

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PS: the message about Gout that it's ONLY Acohol which can cause Gout, is nonsense.


This is ot from the op, but important.

My husband has had gout for about 20 years now. He is thai, but lived in the states over 30 years. Over time he has been to thai doctors and american doctors and if he followed both their recommendations he could eat nothing, literally. Everything would contribute to his gout.

The latest research is that people with gout should be moderate in all foods and drinks they consume. However, the biggest contributors to gout attacks are organ meats, shellfish, and alcohol. Also, if you want to guarantee that you will definitely have a gout attack (if you are not on meds) then drink soy bean milk daily. You will have an attack. It's very high in protein.

My husband is also highly allergic to all gout medicines and keeps from having attacks by taking the only medication he can which removes the high levels of uric acid from his system.

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PS: the message about Gout that it's ONLY Acohol which can cause Gout, is nonsense.


This is ot from the op, but important.

My husband has had gout for about 20 years now. He is thai, but lived in the states over 30 years. Over time he has been to thai doctors and american doctors and if he followed both their recommendations he could eat nothing, literally. Everything would contribute to his gout.

The latest research is that people with gout should be moderate in all foods and drinks they consume. However, the biggest contributors to gout attacks are organ meats, shellfish, and alcohol. Also, if you want to guarantee that you will definitely have a gout attack (if you are not on meds) then drink soy bean milk daily. You will have an attack. It's very high in protein.

My husband is also highly allergic to all gout medicines and keeps from having attacks by taking the only medication he can which removes the high levels of uric acid from his system.

Which medicin is that?


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Ever wondered how Bangkok Pattaya gets to built a whole new wing???

Let me tell you how they threat patients

Went in thier ORL (Nose throat and ear) with a blocked ear for the people who know something about medical terms a ETD (Eustachio Tube Dysfunction) nothing special on it self as it is a blockage of the tube which connects the inner ear with the nose. The problem though is that this tube takes care of the pressure inside the midle ear so you basically run around with an airplane ear feeling as you can call it. his also effects the hearing in that particular ear.

Anyway this ETD is pretty easy to cure with some simple decongestant nose sparys combined with some sort of antihestamine but those are not necesarily needed.

So I get in there and that nice doctor there just listens to my story and looks into my ear and confirms my story ???? point one as i didnt know there is any possibility on checking this by just looking inside the ear as it is situated in the middle ear. No further tests are done. Anyway he descripes me some antihestamines actualy 3 of them (which in those high numbers isnt realy healthy) and some anti Alergic medication as he thinks it is caused by some alergic reaction which might be the case but I personally dont think so but anyway i take the medication which costed me 1400 baht as a good person to the letter. After one week no result, as stated previously the only thing which can cure this is a decongestant spray. Up until that point all the trust is still put in the doctor by going back to him for a follow up. Doctor checks again inside the ear. i tell him at that point that I might need a decongestant as it is not the first time i have this. He tells me a story that decongestants are not realy healthy to take as it could trigger a reversed effect to the sinusses which is true. (cant take decongestants longer then a period of 5 days at a time) anyway at that point he tells me ok lets try the decongestant and sends me packing to the pharmacy downstairs.

I do recieve another set of medications and pay this time around 2500 baht. When I get home i do discover that he gave me exactly the same medication as last time but instead of 4 kind of pills this time around only 3 type of pills. So i pay for a pill less about 1100 baht more??? where is the logic in that?????

indeed stupid thing of me to do is to send my wife to the cashier and pharmacy to pick up my stuff and only checking on arriving home but as said where does the world go if we cant trust our doctors anymore?????

Anyway I guess it was another 2500 baht waisted, but i went to the pharmacy on Pattaya Nua now and bought me my own decongestant nosespray for 86baht which I hope will do the trick now.

Just wanting to share this experience so we all know (which i am sure many of you did allready) what is waiting for us arriving at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital or should i call it Pattaya money making scam hospital???


PS sorry for the lengthy post

I also felt like I was scammed there about 2 yrs ago. I went in for a teeth cleaning but ended up paying over $100 (US) because they claimed to have found a cavity. I was not convinced that a cavity was really there. Also, the charge for filling the cavity and the cleaning caught me off guard -- i.e., it seemed too much and they didn't let me know until the end what the cost would be. Anyway, I left the Bangkok Pattaya Hosp. feeling in my gut that I'd been ripped off and vowed not to return.

On the other hand, I was at the Pattaya International Hosp. on Soi 4 a few months later for a skin condition and was impressed with the quality and the cost of their services.

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