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Thinking Of Starting A Business In Thailand?

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The dangerous people are not the ones

Who hit you with clubs and rob you with guns!

The thief won't attack your character traits

Or belittle your abilities to your face!

It likely will be a well-meaning friend

Who merely crushes your will to win.

No, he doesn't rob you, at point of gun,

He simply says, "It can't be done."

When pointed to thousands who already are

He smiles and says, "They're superior!"

Personality-wise, and abilities, too,

They're way ahead of what others can do!"

It matters not that his words are untrue

For, you feel "others" must know you!

So, you're robbed of your hopes, your dreams to succeed.

Robbed of the material blessing received,

Robbed of your faith that says, "I can."

And robbed by an ignorant, gunless friend.

So, the deadliest of men is not he with a gun,

But the one who tells you "It can't be done!"

For that taken by burglars can be gotten again.

But, what can replace your will to win?

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Odd you should post that because I was only thinking yesterday how often people on TV run other's down for having an idea, wanting to work, looking for an idea/work.

It seems that nothing would please people some people less than to see someone else get on in life.

(Why I always assume such respondents are British is another story).

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Odd you should post that because I was only thinking yesterday how often people on TV run other's down for having an idea, wanting to work, looking for an idea/work.

It seems that nothing would please people some people less than to see someone else get on in life.

(Why I always assume such respondents are British is another story).

The Aussies have a good saying GuestHouse ... they call it the "Tall Poppy Syndrome"


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Yes, there certainly have been quite a few guys who've got their dreams broken on this board. And yes, there might have been some who would have succeeded, if they'd gone on with what they originally were set for. However, I also do believe that this board has saved quite a few guys from loosing a bagful of money, guys who might have ended up with nothing left but a life on the streets in their homecountry.

Many a guy have come here on holliday, met a girl, and seen other foreign guys, living a (seemingly) happy life in this land of continous holidays, running a small business of a kind. They say to them selves: How wonderful a life this must be - I go home and cancel out my old life and buy a bar in Thailand so I can stay with that black eyed beauty. How difficulty can that be?

On this board there are quite a few guys who've had a similiar dream, and proceeded towards making it come true. Some have failed, some have succeded, some have successfully made a bridgehead, that might succeed but might fail in case some Thai copycat opens a similiar business just across the street (I'm in the latter category).

Regardles of failure or success, each and everyone who have tried open a business of whatever kind, know that regardless of degree of preparation, there'll be quite many pitfalls and reality isn't rosyred. Be happy, they feel like sharing their experience.

I think there are 5 basic requirements that all must be met, in order to to make it as a business owner here:

1) Sufficient funds. (Not just to start up, but also to expand or completely change branch).

2) Ability to think creatively.

3) Conciderable knowledge about the situation at startup time.

4) Ability to learn fast as things changes.

5) Strenght to handle those many unforseen problems, that WILL arise.

I think, that this board does a pretty good job with respect to item 3. And I think that in those few cases where an OP has all of items 1 - 4 perfectly cleared out, he wouldn't master item 5 if he chickens out because of comments from unknown persons on an online forum.

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(Why I always assume such respondents are British is another story).

I think that's a bit unfair - and unecessary.

Yes and maybe no. I remember not to long ago I posted a song that was meant to cheer people up because at the time many people seemed down in a rut. Well, I got slammed. People ripped me a new one for just posting a song. I know that the most vocal were all British members. Maybe just an isolated event, and that's all, but it left me wondering why they were all so mean about it.

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Guest endure

(Why I always assume such respondents are British is another story).

I think that's a bit unfair - and unecessary.

Yes and maybe no. I remember not to long ago I posted a song that was meant to cheer people up because at the time many people seemed down in a rut. Well, I got slammed. People ripped me a new one for just posting a song. I know that the most vocal were all British members. Maybe just an isolated event, and that's all, but it left me wondering why they were all so mean about it.

It's one of our less pleasant traits (I'm a Brit). I've no idea where it comes from and it's not universal to all Brits but it is widespread. If I had one wish I'd like to be endowed with the American get up and go attitude that's made the US so successful in many fields. Mind you, I'd rather have Brit length holidays :o

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On this board there are quite a few guys who've had a similiar dream, and proceeded towards making it come true. Some have failed, some have succeded, some have successfully made a bridgehead, that might succeed but might fail in case some Thai copycat opens a similiar business just across the street (I'm in the latter category).

I've yet to see a foreign business here that wasn't a copied idea in itself (simply from another country).

1) Sufficient funds. (Not just to start up, but also to expand or completely change branch).

2) Ability to think creatively.

3) Conciderable knowledge about the situation at startup time.

4) Ability to learn fast as things changes.

5) Strenght to handle those many unforseen problems, that WILL arise.

Pretty good summary, but it's true anywhere. I think for a lot of average foreigners (mostly those with no business experience whatsoever), their expectations are simply set too high.


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So, the deadliest of men is not he with a gun,

But the one who tells you "It can't be done!"

For that taken by burglars can be gotten again.

But, what can replace your will to win?

Will a person that cannot disregard online nay sayers and pursue his ideas, be able to handle real difficulties that will arise? I don't think so. A strong entrepreneur will proceed with his vision regardless of such comments.

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I considered myself as being a pretty good businessman. I ran three successful businesses in Ohio, USA. This is NOT Ohio, USA. I was involved in three totally different types of businesses here in Thailand and all three failed. This is not a level playing field and your costs will be MUCH higher than your competitors. One business is still struggling along but I was swindled by my partner. My partner was NOT Thai, just a crooked, scheming and not to be trusted farang. Since I don't depend on money from the business to be able to stay here I decided not to pursue compensation. I think the guy will eventually fail anyways because he has no expertise building the product and has very limited funding without me. I'm just sitting back watching him make mistakes.

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I considered myself as being a pretty good businessman. I ran three successful businesses in Ohio, USA. This is NOT Ohio, USA. I was involved in three totally different types of businesses here in Thailand and all three failed. This is not a level playing field and your costs will be MUCH higher than your competitors. One business is still struggling along but I was swindled by my partner. My partner was NOT Thai, just a crooked, scheming and not to be trusted farang. Since I don't depend on money from the business to be able to stay here I decided not to pursue compensation. I think the guy will eventually fail anyways because he has no expertise building the product and has very limited funding without me. I'm just sitting back watching him make mistakes.

I think that is the biggest hurdle to get over here - the fact that we are not playing on a level playing field. Many times it is our own fault for not speaking Thai which lowers the slope somewhat. But even Thai speakers are still at a disadvantage in many situations. There is almost a caste system here, not quite in the Indian way, but what seems like similar rules of association. There is definitely a class hirearchy that is very powerful.

The biggest obstacle that foreigners put in front of themselves though is the belief that you can run your business like a Thai in respect of your relationship with the Authorities. We run our businesses strictly by the book, pay our taxes, hide nothing, valid work permits, cars fully insured and licenced. If we are checked we know they will find something, but it will not be significant and just sufficient for them to save face but have no lasting or serious inpact on our business.

We see many people come out here never having run their own business before in their own country where the laws are more consistent at least. Many have no idea about the importance of cash flow and how you can go bust making a profit if your cash flow dries up.

Finding a good and reliable, honest local business partner is perhaps the other big obstacle to success.

No, it is not a level playing field, and I doubt it ever will be. You just have to be better than the rest - and lucky!

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The dangerous people are not the ones

Who hit you with clubs and rob you with guns!

The thief won't attack your character traits

Or belittle your abilities to your face!

It likely will be a well-meaning friend

Who merely crushes your will to win.

No, he doesn't rob you, at point of gun,

He simply says, "It can't be done."

When pointed to thousands who already are

He smiles and says, "They're superior!"

Personality-wise, and abilities, too,

They're way ahead of what others can do!"

It matters not that his words are untrue

For, you feel "others" must know you!

So, you're robbed of your hopes, your dreams to succeed.

Robbed of the material blessing received,

Robbed of your faith that says, "I can."

And robbed by an ignorant, gunless friend.

So, the deadliest of men is not he with a gun,

But the one who tells you "It can't be done!"

For that taken by burglars can be gotten again.

But, what can replace your will to win?

cannot agree more!!!!

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(Why I always assume such respondents are British is another story).

I think that's a bit unfair - and unecessary.

Yes and maybe no. I remember not to long ago I posted a song that was meant to cheer people up because at the time many people seemed down in a rut. Well, I got slammed. People ripped me a new one for just posting a song. I know that the most vocal were all British members. Maybe just an isolated event, and that's all, but it left me wondering why they were all so mean about it.

It's one of our less pleasant traits (I'm a Brit). I've no idea where it comes from and it's not universal to all Brits but it is widespread. If I had one wish I'd like to be endowed with the American get up and go attitude that's made the US so successful in many fields. Mind you, I'd rather have Brit length holidays :o

No kidding. Americans got a bad habit of working ourselves to death. I know people who have been on the job for over ten years without a vacation! The only way you could get every holiday off here is if you work for the government, otheriwse X-mas will be the only holiday you get.

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