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Working And Living In Thailand

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I'm 25 years old and i live and work in The Netherlands. I've been on holiday in Thailand for 2 times now and i really started to love this country. I always had the dream to work and live abroad to gain experience with different cultures. I think Thailand is a beautiful country to live in and i would like to know what my possibilities are.

I'm trying to find a job as webdesigner or any other multimedia oriented job. I already applied for some jobs but it's not very easy. Many companies are more than interested but I found out that the Thai Policy makes it impossible for them to hire foreigners.

I quote a reply from one of these companies:

"Thank you very much for you email regarding our vacancy for a Web Designer,

your work looks excellent and you are more than qualified for the position.

I would like very much to be able to offer you work with our company,

however the policies of the Thai Government make it impossible for our

business to employ anyone other than Thai Nationals."

"The main issues with employing (anymore) foreign workers is that for each foreigner that works for us we need to have 4 Thai people and also increase the capital of our company by 2,000,000 Thai Baht ($50,000, for each foreign worker) to obtain visas/work permits."

"Now the government are bringing in minimum wages of 30-60,000 Baht per month for foreigners, nobody here will pay you 30-60,000 Baht a month."

So as you can see this looks as if there is no change at all for me finding a job in this section, the job i'm good at.

Any additional info regarding this would be much appreciated!

Now i want to find out what it takes to start my own Design company in Thailand. I have quite some experience in this section so i think that won't be a problem. The problem is that i don't know much about the Thai Policy, so any info about starting a company in Thailand would be very helpful.

My intention is not to make much money or anything. I just want to do i'm best at and earn enough to buy/rent a house, bring food on the table and give me the weekends off so i can enjoy living in Thailand too.

My last question is ofcourse what it takes to get a Visa.

If anyone can help me out here you will make me a very happy man!

Thanks in advance!


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Vega, the reply you quoted tells you the situation here.

Your questions are understandable but I do suggest to read yourself through here:


There are the rules and you can start to think, how to make them work for you.

If you really want it, you will find a way, although perhaps not easy.

Good luck.

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