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Age Difference In Relationships In Thailand


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Great post, looked up the bean jar theory and absolutely agree, thanks for that.

However just separate the friend/partner/companionship from the playmate side of things and you can have best of all worlds, just let them know up front you're not a one-woman guy.

And if it's your stereo, you choose the music - they can use headphones, goes for TV as well. No TV in the bedroom either.

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Back then , but now ?

Can an old guy get himself a woman of the same calibre as a young guy these days. By calibre I mean intelligence, class, sophistication, dress, wealth, education, independence ?

I haven't seen any young farangs who can pull a woman like that. I do know just such a gal in her 20's whose dream is to travel the world. Who's going to do that for her; the young guy who's working, or the retired guy with the money and time to do it.? Who's she going to chose?

So as the retired guy and the gal with all of the class who just needs a partner to show her how to travel and get around in foreign lands head for the next flight, the young guy gets off work and heads for a red light spot for his one big splurge of the month.

Yep, it's all about money but who cares? The young guy goes and finds a 20 something bar girl, and complains that the older guy's relationship is all about money. cheesy.gif

I hope only that when the young guys are my age they can have some fun too. tongue.png

Why do you think a girl who wants someones money to travel the world has class ? smile.png Answer : a girl with class has done plenty of travelling already without a heroic farang to pay and guide them.

As for the rest try getting out more away from the red light districts. thumbsup.gif

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I think that there is no question, if you are specifically targeting young Thai women with those qualities:

intelligence, class, sophistication, dress, wealth, education, independence

then being of an age closer to the girl would be an advantage if both competitors had the same degree of those same qualities.

A young handsome guy without those qualities himself may well be able to have a temporary fling with such a girl, but it's likely the family wouldn't let it develop into anything serious.

A not-too-much older guy, say up to 20-year difference would probably be acceptable to the family to the degree he had those qualities, but would probably need a respectable context in which to court the lady, and she'd probably be in a seriously-looking frame of mind to be receptive - perhaps approaching her (earlier here than home) use-by date, rather than say a youngster in a clubbing scene.

An unattractive decrepit oldster like me would be out of the running in any context, which is fine with me personally I consciously avoid all of these qualities myself, not at all what I look for in a playmate here.

Good post.

That's the difference. An old guy is looking for some fun and that is the priority. Where as the young guy has got to (or plans to) spend the next 30-40-50 years with the wife, priorities are different.

Thais seem to unsurprisingly have the same reasons when choosing a life partner as the have all the same needs to , but of course they go and find the young playmate for fun as well.

As a Thai mate said to me in cowboy (yes I know that contradicts my last post biggrin.png ) ....."this is why Thailand has a low divorce rate".

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I think that there is no question, if you are specifically targeting young Thai women with those qualities:

intelligence, class, sophistication, dress, wealth, education, independence

then being of an age closer to the girl would be an advantage if both competitors had the same degree of those same qualities.

A young handsome guy without those qualities himself may well be able to have a temporary fling with such a girl, but it's likely the family wouldn't let it develop into anything serious.

A not-too-much older guy, say up to 20-year difference would probably be acceptable to the family to the degree he had those qualities, but would probably need a respectable context in which to court the lady, and she'd probably be in a seriously-looking frame of mind to be receptive - perhaps approaching her (earlier here than home) use-by date, rather than say a youngster in a clubbing scene.

An unattractive decrepit oldster like me would be out of the running in any context, which is fine with me personally I consciously avoid all of these qualities myself, not at all what I look for in a playmate here.

How refreshing


Back then , but now ?

Can an old guy get himself a woman of the same calibre as a young guy these days. By calibre I mean intelligence, class, sophistication, dress, wealth, education, independence ?

I haven't seen any young farangs who can pull a woman like that. I do know just such a gal in her 20's whose dream is to travel the world. Who's going to do that for her; the young guy who's working, or the retired guy with the money and time to do it.? Who's she going to chose?

So as the retired guy and the gal with all of the class who just needs a partner to show her how to travel and get around in foreign lands head for the next flight, the young guy gets off work and heads for a red light spot for his one big splurge of the month.

Yep, it's all about money but who cares? The young guy goes and finds a 20 something bar girl, and complains that the older guy's relationship is all about money. cheesy.gif

I hope only that when the young guys are my age they can have some fun too. tongue.png

Notwithstanding the likelihood that a woman with the afore-mentioned attributes would be perfectly capable of gathering the necessary resources to travel the world, let's just say that if she did need someone to cover the financial aspects, why on earth would the dosh be more likely to come from a retired Western geriatric?

Seriously, come back to the real world for a minute . . . This isn't the typical modestly-educated, socially-blinkered, financially-challenged, past-her-prime Thai woman that more than a few retired Western men end up with. This is a woman with intelligence, class, sophistication, wealth and education. Why the hell would she entertain the notion of hooking up with a pension-drawing Western fossil when she's got OPTIONS?

Wouldn't the entire social circle full of similarly-blessed male counterparts - Thai or farang - of a similar age - be among the first of those options she'd choose to explore?

I mean, is it really only retired people who have money and time to go off around the world?

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I think that there is no question, if you are specifically targeting young Thai women with those qualities:

intelligence, class, sophistication, dress, wealth, education, independence

then being of an age closer to the girl would be an advantage if both competitors had the same degree of those same qualities.

A young handsome guy without those qualities himself may well be able to have a temporary fling with such a girl, but it's likely the family wouldn't let it develop into anything serious.

A not-too-much older guy, say up to 20-year difference would probably be acceptable to the family to the degree he had those qualities, but would probably need a respectable context in which to court the lady, and she'd probably be in a seriously-looking frame of mind to be receptive - perhaps approaching her (earlier here than home) use-by date, rather than say a youngster in a clubbing scene.

An unattractive decrepit oldster like me would be out of the running in any context, which is fine with me personally I consciously avoid all of these qualities myself, not at all what I look for in a playmate here.

Good post.

That's the difference. An old guy is looking for some fun and that is the priority. Where as the young guy has got to (or plans to) spend the next 30-40-50 years with the wife, priorities are different.

Thais seem to unsurprisingly have the same reasons when choosing a life partner as the have all the same needs to , but of course they go and find the young playmate for fun as well.

As a Thai mate said to me in cowboy (yes I know that contradicts my last post biggrin.png ) ....."this is why Thailand has a low divorce rate".

It think if you refined 'divorce rates' to include 'relationship failures' (i.e. where there may have been a village wedding but no 'legality' or an amphur registered marriage where the parties have not bothered to divorce) the picture would be somewhat difference.

The Thai males' reputation for monogomy is not great. Most Thai women who take a fan/gik/new husband usually seem to do so anly after a partner has transgressed.

I would reverse the above statement (which may be way many Falang/Thai relationships do actually work) and say that it is mainly the young bucks who come for fun and P2P. The older guys may also arrive with the same concept in mind but often find the level of companionship to be far better than in the west and seek to develop longer term relationship. Both parties finish up with their own version of security.

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It think if you refined 'divorce rates' to include 'relationship failures' (i.e. where there may have been a village wedding but no 'legality' or an amphur registered marriage where the parties have not bothered to divorce) the picture would be somewhat difference.

The Thai males' reputation for monogomy is not great. Most Thai women who take a fan/gik/new husband usually seem to do so anly after a partner has transgressed.

I would reverse the above statement (which may be way many Falang/Thai relationships do actually work) and say that it is mainly the young bucks who come for fun and P2P. The older guys may also arrive with the same concept in mind but often find the level of companionship to be far better than in the west and seek to develop longer term relationship. Both parties finish up with their own version of security.

A relationship coming to an end is rarely a "failure" unless the couple were kidding themselves into thinking it would be lifelong.

And expecting monogamy is in my opinion one of the biggest causes of such failures.

The Thai way of accepting multiple relationships and realizing that moving on from one to another is just part of life is to me much healthier than the usual western model.

And I agree that the older guys are usually the ones more likely to want to settle down, or at least more susceptible to being persuaded to do so by those lovely feminine wiles. If only more were smarter about the fine-print details of how they went about it so as to ensure their independence and financial sustainability against the likelihood of things going south at some point. To many end up being an appendage to the SO's family and in a position where it's difficult to extract themselves once the honeymoon's over.

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Seriously, come back to the real world for a minute . . . This isn't the typical modestly-educated, socially-blinkered, financially-challenged, past-her-prime Thai woman that more than a few retired Western men end up with. This is a woman with intelligence, class, sophistication, wealth and education. Why the hell would she entertain the notion of hooking up with a pension-drawing Western fossil when she's got OPTIONS?

My response to you would be that Thai women who, as you say, have "options" will mostly likely choose someone that she's most compatible with, can communicate easily, cultural understanding, no stigma, etc., or her soulmate. In other words, a Thai guy of similar age.

But once a Thai women has "gone-farang," then she's already rejecting many of the above. What would she be looking for once she does that? Financial security? A passport to a western country? In that sense, an older or younger farang doesn't make that much difference. Obviously, an older guy will be more financially well-off, the younger guy more physically-fit. But my feeling is that a Thai woman who will date farangs won't care as much about age as a Thai woman who dates exclusively Thai.

It's complicated.

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It think if you refined 'divorce rates' to include 'relationship failures' (i.e. where there may have been a village wedding but no 'legality' or an amphur registered marriage where the parties have not bothered to divorce) the picture would be somewhat difference.

The Thai males' reputation for monogomy is not great. Most Thai women who take a fan/gik/new husband usually seem to do so anly after a partner has transgressed.

I would reverse the above statement (which may be way many Falang/Thai relationships do actually work) and say that it is mainly the young bucks who come for fun and P2P. The older guys may also arrive with the same concept in mind but often find the level of companionship to be far better than in the west and seek to develop longer term relationship. Both parties finish up with their own version of security.

A relationship coming to an end is rarely a "failure" unless the couple were kidding themselves into thinking it would be lifelong.

And expecting monogamy is in my opinion one of the biggest causes of such failures.

The Thai way of accepting multiple relationships and realizing that moving on from one to another is just part of life is to me much healthier than the usual western model.

And I agree that the older guys are usually the ones more likely to want to settle down, or at least more susceptible to being persuaded to do so by those lovely feminine wiles. If only more were smarter about the fine-print details of how they went about it so as to ensure their independence and financial sustainability against the likelihood of things going south at some point. To many end up being an appendage to the SO's family and in a position where it's difficult to extract themselves once the honeymoon's over.

I personally agree with you but I think the western ideal of "'til death us do part' is still very strong. I also don't think that Thais typically 'willingly accept' multiple relationships - it seems to be a take it or leave it system.

I think think the general attitude to sex (as a function) is one of the reasons that it is so easy have multiple relationships. I accept your view that in some cases this can the longevity of some relationships.

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My response to you would be that Thai women who, as you say, have "options" will mostly likely choose someone that she's most compatible with, can communicate easily, cultural understanding, no stigma, etc., or her soulmate. In other words, a Thai guy of similar age.

But once a Thai women has "gone-farang," then she's already rejecting many of the above. What would she be looking for once she does that? Financial security? A passport to a western country? In that sense, an older or younger farang doesn't make that much difference. Obviously, an older guy will be more financially well-off, the younger guy more physically-fit. But my feeling is that a Thai woman who will date farangs won't care as much about age as a Thai woman who dates exclusively Thai.

It's complicated.

The recent permutations of the thread have posited a target profile that includes:

> intelligence, class, sophistication, dress, wealth, education, independence

so by definition this fantasy girl isn't likely to be marrying for money, and probably not to escape Thailand either (I find even poor girls would rather stay here if they can anyway)

Obviously (to me) such parameters increase the likelihood that she'd go for young&hansum, or rather, increase the requirement for an extreme wealth differential to make up for one of age, and probably narrow the acceptable difference to say 20? years. . .

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I personally agree with you but I think the western ideal of "'til death us do part' is still very strong. I also don't think that Thais typically 'willingly accept' multiple relationships - it seems to be a take it or leave it system.

I think think the general attitude to sex (as a function) is one of the reasons that it is so easy have multiple relationships. I accept your view that in some cases this can the longevity of some relationships.

My experience is different. While it may be true that increasing number of adulterous couples here are as dishonest about their extramarital relationships as those back home, especially in the early stages, it is still very much the norm for Thais to accept it as normal once they do find out about it, as long as the core relationship "contracts" aren't threatened. And most will want to make sure that no one outside the family knows, or at least keep hidden the fact that they know, saving face is paramount of course.

If you simply make it clear to any prospective partner that you require such an open attitude before entering into a committed relationship, it is true that eliminates a certain number that aren't willing to compromise that way from the beginning. However I find it isn't as serious a barrier here as it would be back home, you just have to get the timing right and approach the topic in the right way, having built up a relationship based on absolute trust beforehand.

I know many many families where the mia noi(s) all get along fine with the mia luang and everyone in the family is open about what's going on, even if it isn't acknowledged in the wider social circles.

Such arrangements are not yet as common back home, although recent trends have been encouraging.

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My response to you would be that Thai women who, as you say, have "options" will mostly likely choose someone that she's most compatible with, can communicate easily, cultural understanding, no stigma, etc., or her soulmate. In other words, a Thai guy of similar age.

But once a Thai women has "gone-farang," then she's already rejecting many of the above. What would she be looking for once she does that? Financial security? A passport to a western country? In that sense, an older or younger farang doesn't make that much difference. Obviously, an older guy will be more financially well-off, the younger guy more physically-fit. But my feeling is that a Thai woman who will date farangs won't care as much about age as a Thai woman who dates exclusively Thai.

It's complicated.

The recent permutations of the thread have posited a target profile that includes:

> intelligence, class, sophistication, dress, wealth, education, independence

so by definition this fantasy girl isn't likely to be marrying for money, and probably not to escape Thailand either (I find even poor girls would rather stay here if they can anyway)

Obviously (to me) such parameters increase the likelihood that she'd go for young&hansum, or rather, increase the requirement for an extreme wealth differential to make up for one of age, and probably narrow the acceptable difference to say 20? years. . .

Not sure if you're deliberately missing my point. While I agree with your premise regarding the "fantasy girl," i.e., money is not the most important thing, then what do you think is? I'd argue that the single most important thing to a normal Thai girl is communication. Because it goes to compatibility. If she's going to sacrifice that to be with a typical farang guy (i.e., can't speak Thai), then he'd better have something going for him besides a pretty face. Six-pack abs don't pay the bills.

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Compared to Western culture that glories in independence and youthful appearance and celebrity, the Asian mindset seems more respectful of age, prenatal guidance and generational reverence. So, their tolerance and even preference for age differences in relationships is understandable. Of course, the dynamics of those lacking parental love finding this in a mate is manifest in Thailand as in any culture. Add these together and it is not surprising. Add those seeking 'sugar daddies' and you have a multitude of motivations for these age gaps in relations.

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Berkshire quote... I'd argue that the single most important thing to a normal Thai girl is communication. Because it goes to compatibility. If she's going to sacrifice that to be with a typical farang guy (i.e., can't speak Thai), then he'd better have something going for him besides a pretty face. Six-pack abs don't pay the bills.

That would be true in most cases, but Thai girls will have a Thai lover on the side and a sugar daddy paying the bills. It's the reverse system of the Mai Noi for men.

Compared to Western culture that glories in independence and youthful appearance and celebrity, the Asian mindset seems more respectful of age, prenatal guidance and generational reverence. So, their tolerance and even preference for age differences in relationships is understandable. Of course, the dynamics of those lacking parental love finding this in a mate is manifest in Thailand as in any culture. Add these together and it is not surprising. Add those seeking 'sugar daddies' and you have a multitude of motivations for these age gaps in relations

I've also noticed a greater reverence by young Thais for older people. That is unlike North American youth.
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But once a Thai women has "gone-farang," then she's already rejecting many of the above. What would she be looking for once she does that? Financial security? A passport to a western country? In that sense, an older or younger farang doesn't make that much difference. Obviously, an older guy will be more financially well-off, the younger guy more physically-fit. But my feeling is that a Thai woman who will date farangs won't care as much about age as a Thai woman who dates exclusively Thai.

It's complicated.

Once a Thai woman has taken this option, she can never go back, as many Thai men will no longer want her.

Women who 'go with' non-Asian men are considered the lowest type of woman by many Thais.

She is not 'rejecting', she has become the reject.

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My response to you would be that Thai women who, as you say, have "options" will mostly likely choose someone that she's most compatible with, can communicate easily, cultural understanding, no stigma, etc., or her soulmate. In other words, a Thai guy of similar age.

But once a Thai women has "gone-farang," then she's already rejecting many of the above. What would she be looking for once she does that? Financial security? A passport to a western country? In that sense, an older or younger farang doesn't make that much difference. Obviously, an older guy will be more financially well-off, the younger guy more physically-fit. But my feeling is that a Thai woman who will date farangs won't care as much about age as a Thai woman who dates exclusively Thai.

It's complicated.

The recent permutations of the thread have posited a target profile that includes:

> intelligence, class, sophistication, dress, wealth, education, independence

so by definition this fantasy girl isn't likely to be marrying for money, and probably not to escape Thailand either (I find even poor girls would rather stay here if they can anyway)

Obviously (to me) such parameters increase the likelihood that she'd go for young&hansum, or rather, increase the requirement for an extreme wealth differential to make up for one of age, and probably narrow the acceptable difference to say 20? years. . .

Not sure if you're deliberately missing my point. While I agree with your premise regarding the "fantasy girl," i.e., money is not the most important thing, then what do you think is? I'd argue that the single most important thing to a normal Thai girl is communication. Because it goes to compatibility. If she's going to sacrifice that to be with a typical farang guy (i.e., can't speak Thai), then he'd better have something going for him besides a pretty face. Six-pack abs don't pay the bills.

What if the girl can pay the bills ?

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Compared to Western culture that glories in independence and youthful appearance and celebrity, the Asian mindset seems more respectful of age, prenatal guidance and generational reverence. So, their tolerance and even preference for age differences in relationships is understandable. Of course, the dynamics of those lacking parental love finding this in a mate is manifest in Thailand as in any culture. Add these together and it is not surprising. Add those seeking 'sugar daddies' and you have a multitude of motivations for these age gaps in relations.

You not seen Thai celebrity magazines, soaps, whitening cream ads, magic diet tea ads, any ads, music videos , Thai MTV ?

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But once a Thai women has "gone-farang," then she's already rejecting many of the above. What would she be looking for once she does that? Financial security? A passport to a western country? In that sense, an older or younger farang doesn't make that much difference. Obviously, an older guy will be more financially well-off, the younger guy more physically-fit. But my feeling is that a Thai woman who will date farangs won't care as much about age as a Thai woman who dates exclusively Thai.

It's complicated.

Once a Thai woman has taken this option, she can never go back, as many Thai men will no longer want her.

Women who 'go with' non-Asian men are considered the lowest type of woman by many Thais.

She is not 'rejecting', she has become the reject.

But do many Thai men go for divorces or single mothers ? The attitude towards farangs and mia farang seems to vary on where the people are living and what class of people they mix with. Living in some country village with uneducated people I imagine they will experience a whole different attitude than people mixing with educated middle class people in Bangkok and central Thailand.

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But once a Thai women has "gone-farang," then she's already rejecting many of the above. What would she be looking for once she does that? Financial security? A passport to a western country? In that sense, an older or younger farang doesn't make that much difference. Obviously, an older guy will be more financially well-off, the younger guy more physically-fit. But my feeling is that a Thai woman who will date farangs won't care as much about age as a Thai woman who dates exclusively Thai.

It's complicated.

Once a Thai woman has taken this option, she can never go back, as many Thai men will no longer want her.

Women who 'go with' non-Asian men are considered the lowest type of woman by many Thais.

She is not 'rejecting', she has become the reject.

But do many Thai men go for divorces or single mothers ? The attitude towards farangs and mia farang seems to vary on where the people are living and what class of people they mix with. Living in some country village with uneducated people I imagine they will experience a whole different attitude than people mixing with educated middle class people in Bangkok and central Thailand.

You imagine wrong.

Thais are a very cohesive society that mainly want the same thing.

From the rural farmer and the Bangkok businessperson to the PM.

Thais are the best and most superior people in the world, everyone else is less.

Thai drama reflects what the people want, big houses, servants, luxury cars, money and power.

I've never seen any Thai drama where a Thai girl wanted a non Asian man.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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But once a Thai women has "gone-farang," then she's already rejecting many of the above. What would she be looking for once she does that? Financial security? A passport to a western country? In that sense, an older or younger farang doesn't make that much difference. Obviously, an older guy will be more financially well-off, the younger guy more physically-fit. But my feeling is that a Thai woman who will date farangs won't care as much about age as a Thai woman who dates exclusively Thai.

It's complicated.

Once a Thai woman has taken this option, she can never go back, as many Thai men will no longer want her.

Women who 'go with' non-Asian men are considered the lowest type of woman by many Thais.

She is not 'rejecting', she has become the reject.

But do many Thai men go for divorces or single mothers ? The attitude towards farangs and mia farang seems to vary on where the people are living and what class of people they mix with. Living in some country village with uneducated people I imagine they will experience a whole different attitude than people mixing with educated middle class people in Bangkok and central Thailand.

You imagine wrong.

Thais are a very cohesive society that mainly want the same thing.

From the rural farmer and the Bangkok businessperson to the PM.

Thais are the best and most superior people in the world, everyone else is less.

Thai drama reflects what the people want, big houses, servants, luxury cars, money and power.

I've never seen any Thai drama where a Thai girl wanted a non Asian man.

Or an older man ( in a bangkok based program ) ?

So all my Thai friends are talking behind my back ?

Edit : and where does every Thai stand on Luek kreungs ? whistling.gif

Edited by arthurwait
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Or an older man ( in a bangkok based program ) ?

So all my Thai friends are talking behind my back ?

Edit : and where does every Thai stand on Luek kreungs ? whistling.gif

Thai nationality closely followed by Asian ethnicity is the important factor.

I've never really noticed that age was all that important, wealth and status is given a much higher consideration, especially amongst the better educated Thais.

Does a foreigner (or indeed a Thai) have Thai friends, a subject for its own thread.

(My opinion is that you don't have any Thai friends, as defined by the western concept of friendship, so they can't be talking behind your back. I also accept my opinion may be distasteful to you, or in fact entirely wrong. A western persons concept of friendship seems to be based around ideas of honour and loyalty, a Thai persons concept of friendship is more based around usefulness, self-interest and expediency)

Luek Krung, I appear to be considered Asian and almost Thai (as my foreigner parent is not around), widely accepted by the riff raff and nouveau riche but not the truly hi-so.

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Or an older man ( in a bangkok based program ) ?

So all my Thai friends are talking behind my back ?

Edit : and where does every Thai stand on Luek kreungs ? whistling.gif

Thai nationality closely followed by Asian ethnicity is the important factor.

I've never really noticed that age was all that important, wealth and status is given a much higher consideration, especially amongst the better educated Thais.

Does a foreigner have Thai friends, a subject for its own thread.

(My opinion is that you don't have any Thai friends, as defined by the western concept of friendship, so they can't be talking behind your back. I also accept my opinion may be distasteful to you, or in fact entirely wrong)

Luek Krung, I appear to be considered Asian and almost Thai (as my foreigner parent is not around), widely accepted by the riff raff and nouveau riche but not the truly hi-so.

So your mother is looked down on by other Thais ?

So an Indian man would be better accepted by Thais than a westerner ?

And all Thais are two faced ?

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Or an older man ( in a bangkok based program ) ?

So all my Thai friends are talking behind my back ?

Edit : and where does every Thai stand on Luek kreungs ? whistling.gif

Thai nationality closely followed by Asian ethnicity is the important factor.

I've never really noticed that age was all that important, wealth and status is given a much higher consideration, especially amongst the better educated Thais.

Does a foreigner have Thai friends, a subject for its own thread.

(My opinion is that you don't have any Thai friends, as defined by the western concept of friendship, so they can't be talking behind your back. I also accept my opinion may be distasteful to you, or in fact entirely wrong)

Luek Krung, I appear to be considered Asian and almost Thai (as my foreigner parent is not around), widely accepted by the riff raff and nouveau riche but not the truly hi-so.

So an Indian man would be better accepted by Thais than a westerner ?

And all Thais are two faced ?

No, lowest of all.

By your western standards of morality, maybe.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Or an older man ( in a bangkok based program ) ?

So all my Thai friends are talking behind my back ?

Edit : and where does every Thai stand on Luek kreungs ? whistling.gif

Thai nationality closely followed by Asian ethnicity is the important factor.

I've never really noticed that age was all that important, wealth and status is given a much higher consideration, especially amongst the better educated Thais.

Does a foreigner have Thai friends, a subject for its own thread.

(My opinion is that you don't have any Thai friends, as defined by the western concept of friendship, so they can't be talking behind your back. I also accept my opinion may be distasteful to you, or in fact entirely wrong)

Luek Krung, I appear to be considered Asian and almost Thai (as my foreigner parent is not around), widely accepted by the riff raff and nouveau riche but not the truly hi-so.

So your mother is looked down on by other Thais ?

So an Indian man would be better accepted by Thais than a westerner ?

And all Thais are two faced ?

She's dead.

No, lowest of all.

By your western standards of morality.

So was she looked down on before she died ?

Doesn't that contradict your previous post ?

Oh, I'll check with some after 13 years of friendship since housemates in the UK.

Whatever happened to Tommophycisist ?

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From #724 Seriously, come back to the real world for a minute . . .

In which I presume the poster himself would claim to dwell?


In the real world, men (old and young) don't harbour beliefs that young women really, genuinely have erotic fantasies of sexual encounters with fossils and that such men would be their first, second or even third choice of any young woman possessed of the attributes of the hypothetical classy, sophisticated, young Thai debutante.

Look, I get it that you're in Thailand and that, for many of you - particularly the more unremarkable specimens - the totty aspect represents the closest you'll get to never-never land but, outside the restricted pool of Thai birds that are realistically available to you - ie, the real world - the mere thought of a sexual interlude with you would set pretty much all of them retching and heading for the nearest lavatory.

Of course, you could prove me wrong and head to, say, London, New York or any developed country and pull a young, attractive local lass 25 or 30 years your junior.

Oh wait a minute, those places are in the real world, right?

Ooooooo, better not; the pension doesn't work too well there

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But once a Thai women has "gone-farang," then she's already rejecting many of the above. What would she be looking for once she does that? Financial security? A passport to a western country? In that sense, an older or younger farang doesn't make that much difference. Obviously, an older guy will be more financially well-off, the younger guy more physically-fit. But my feeling is that a Thai woman who will date farangs won't care as much about age as a Thai woman who dates exclusively Thai.

It's complicated.

Once a Thai woman has taken this option, she can never go back, as many Thai men will no longer want her.

Women who 'go with' non-Asian men are considered the lowest type of woman by many Thais.

She is not 'rejecting', she has become the reject.

Once you go Caucasian forget the Asians. cheesy.gif

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Ok lemme guess . . . GottaGo is the latest incarnation of BigJohnnyBKK, FunFon, PaiMan, right??

Yep. 76 posts within a day of joining . . .

That sucka must be seriously bored with life here.

Maybe he should re-open his finishing school

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