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Chinese Tourists In Thailand


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Has anybody noticed the increase in Chinese tourists in the LOS this year?

I had to laugh when reading the following article...


I recently was at the airport in Bangkok about to fly to Europe - in line at Immigration. All of a sudden an old Chinese guy entered the area at the back and was yelling at the top of his voice. Everyone turned around and it looked like the old boy had been left behind by the big group.

I think that I will have to take a few months travelling to China to understand the people and their culture.

Have any of the esteemed members of TV.com witnessed any other strange or funny incidents involving Chinese tourists? Please share your stories herein.

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Not just Thailand old chap ... the China wave isn't coming ... it's here ... and growing.

For me, their most annoying habit (and yes, a racial generalisation) is that they are extremely pushy.

Forget queues ... not on their Radar ... the Thais look positively polite and orderly by comparison.

I know at the downstairs Canteen at Swampy (Airport) that the Thais complain how the Chinese push at the Buffet.

We are seeing them, maybe on their first adventure outside of their home country. As they travel more they most likely will observe the local custom.


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I spent many years working in PRChina. My observation on the Chinese pushy no-queue attitude is that -- whatever it is -- there is never enough to go around. So if you wait on line, you will be polite, but when it's your turn it will all be gone and you will have to go home to your family that evening empty-handed.

So what's the point in being polite?

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Not just Thailand old chap ... the China wave isn't coming ... it's here ... and growing.

For me, their most annoying habit (and yes, a racial generalisation) is that they are extremely pushy.

Forget queues ... not on their Radar ... the Thais look positively polite and orderly by comparison.

I know at the downstairs Canteen at Swampy (Airport) that the Thais complain how the Chinese push at the Buffet.

We are seeing them, maybe on their first adventure outside of their home country. As they travel more they most likely will observe the local custom.


It has already been realised by the Chinese authorities - see this news item from the BBC only last week about a top Chinese official calling for better behaviour -


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I find the queue thing 'interesting', and I suspect that it's more common among Han Chinese than folk from some of the other provinces. Years ago in Nanning I got so pi**ed off with being queue jumped at one fast food joint that I went to 'Happy Chicken' instead and, to my complete surprise, found quiet orderly lines where no-one pushed in on me. This was during a major Chinese holiday period - more fool me - and I suspect that I had found myself piled in with visitors at the other place - the chicken was also much better at Happy Chicken than KF, er, that other place ! I've never seen Chinese trying to bully wait staff in a proper restaurant - I suspect that it's more obvious in that setting - but queue jumping seems very common in fast-food joints. Exporting that same behaviour to other countries - especially Australia - will inevitably lead to physical confrontation, IMO, regardless of the size of their tour group or whatever.

Honh Kong, for all the hideous overcrowding, didnt exhibit the same queue-jumping mentality back in 2004 - not sure if that has changed with the Communist takeover. FWIW, I have also had Russians ignore the fact that I was waiting before them in Patts and loudly order over the top of me, but that's a topic for another thread.

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Yup ...

"Most Chinese do not behave this way on purpose," she said. "My students, who are mostly young mothers, explain that you cannot blame us for not knowing how to behave because our parents never taught us.

"They grew up in a generation of basic survival; you don't have the luxury to think about manners and personal space when trying to fight to the front of the food ration line."

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/travel/travel-news/uncivilised-chinese-tourists-harming-countrys-reputation-official-20130520-2jvls.html#ixzz2TszjgsLB
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Just keep looking down and wear non-slip shoes. sad.png

Maybe read craig3365 thread. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/640940-chinese-official-lambasts-tourist-manners/

Thanks! Since we don't like multiple threads on the same topic, and this is travel related, let's close this one down and refer members over to that thread.


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