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Briton Stabbed To Death By His Thai Father-in-law


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Anyone who has lived in Thailand for a long time should realise that farangs in general have very limited rights when it comes to Thai law.

Thais have been able to con, cheat, swindle, bash, rape and murder farangs and get away with it for years.

Unless you have big money and/or connections in Thailand you must tread very warily. The rule of law is very selectively enforced and one must be very careful in dealings with any Thai as there is always the possibility of repercussions.

I don't think this is being alarmist but things can escalate out of control very quickly in Thailand and what may seem a small matter to a westerner could in fact become a life or death matter where a Thai is involved.

What the actual facts are in this particular case is hard to know.

What we do know is that the father in law has been charged with premeditated murder and is out on bail.

I can't remember any cases in Australia where this sort of case allowed bail but yet it is a regular occurrence in Thailand.

Do you think this guy would be out on bail if he had murdered a Hiso Thai?

He would probably got a life sentence... :o

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So beware..! White men BEWARE!!!

IF you want a Thai wife you need to be careful of your selective family because when you marry someone it means you marry a whole family. Unlike western world. :D

It is not just being with someone you love but the whole culture and it is even more complex when you have to live in Thailand. :o:D

This is actually very good advice. When you are about to marry your prostitute you have fallen in love check out her whiskey swilling father and tattoed brother. They now belong to you....hmmmm..."but she was such a nice girl in the bar on soi 6 for the two weeks I knew her before asking her to marry me. Her family was soooo friendly"


its an old fashioned idea to get married anyways, look in the west where the bitches walk away with 60-70%, once they get old insecurity sets in, so they screw ya, then you guys come here and fall in a hole hoping that things are different here, forget it plus :D

just stay single and dont fall in the insecurity trap, saves you lots of dough too :D

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I doubt that he would choke or hit his Thai wife and it is unlikely to see farangs beat up their Thai wives in the wive's country. IF they are smart enough, they should know the circumstances from doing so. Most farangs have less advantage living in Thailand when it comes to law and regulations unless you have tons and tons of money or they are friends of a high rank policeman or some sort or if it is a small case they might let you walk away because they don't know your language and they would waste their times more trying to sort the little and harmless cases.

A lot of farangs I heard about were being ripped off by their Thai wives. One in my village was left with her son who is selfish and mean to this poor farang in a brand new house that he built for her. She was ripping him off while she was with her Thai husband which the poor farang husband didn't know about. She asked him for a bike, he gave it to her. She asked for a car -- he traded the bike in so he had enough money to buy it for her after she got the car --- she took off with the Thai husband to Pattaya .. again back to her old job.

He was left with nothing.... absolutely nothing. No money, No job... No future... He didn't even have money to extend his stay -- he was illegally living in Thailand. Her son was mean to him that he didn't let the farang step father used the bike to get around while he lives in the farang's house. Worst of all... the house is in " The so-called Thai wife's name " -- so he couldn't sell it.

He was a big man earlier but since his Thai wife left him his body shrunk because he had no food... nothing... He survived by the girl's aunt that has a little groceries store in the village and she fed him with bananas!!!!!

Don't say that because of his stupidity, NO! it's not... It was because he TRUSTED his so-called Thai wife. So, think about it fellows , think about it...

In this murderous case, THE WIFE IS THE KEY. If the father gave her a threat that would be another sotory and would be very very very sad for the victims and the Thai Society.

Don't accuse ones who cannot speak up for themselves especially the one that doesn't breathe until all information is finalised. :D

after 20-years here this is a typical classical story, only fools get parted with their hard earned money, sadly also so common in the west :o

does not mean somebody needs to get killed over it though :D

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So beware..! White men BEWARE!!!

IF you want a Thai wife you need to be careful of your selective family because when you marry someone it means you marry a whole family. Unlike western world. :D

It is not just being with someone you love but the whole culture and it is even more complex when you have to live in Thailand. :o:D

This is actually very good advice. When you are about to marry your prostitute you have fallen in love check out her whiskey swilling father and tattoed brother. They now belong to you....hmmmm..."but she was such a nice girl in the bar on soi 6 for the two weeks I knew her before asking her to marry me. Her family was soooo friendly"


its an old fashioned idea to get married anyways, look in the west where the bitches walk away with 60-70%, once they get old insecurity sets in, so they screw ya, then you guys come here and fall in a hole hoping that things are different here, forget it plus :D

just stay single and dont fall in the insecurity trap, saves you lots of dough too :D

What is Dough, Terminator?

If you meant Money, I'm sure there are some good one somehere that is not after your Dough :D

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I spoke to a Farang friend of the victim last Sunday. He went to his dead friends house the day after the incident and spoke to his dead friends wife, who re-iterated the story of Mark being drunk and beating her and her father stabbing him, because of it. He was also a drinking partner of the deceased and confirmed that Mark was a heavy drinker "who could get a bit silly when drunk". He witnessed many rows between the couple and described the marrige as tempestuous. Though he saw many rows, he never ever saw Mark strike or threaten to strike her. He went back to visit last Sunday, The father-in law was at home, out on 15,000 Baht bail (negotiated). He noticed a large bruise had emerged on the Lady's forehead, which wasn't in evidence on his last visit. As he left he gave her the usual "If there's anything I can do to help you". 4 hours later she phoned him to ask for 200,000 Baht. He declined pleading poverty. Another business associate of mine, Thai (well educated and highly articulate) described the father-in law as a little snake. (apparently he is of small stature) This is only an opinion you must understand. More gruel for the little pot you've got going here.


if this story is true, that the old boy walks free, because we all know they are the only ones left to tell the story, and we all know that thai's believe that telling lies to save their arse is okay :D

its us against them, so don't do business or get anything involved with money with them, just pay the lady to leave in the morning, saves you a lot of grief and $$$$$$$$$$ :o

i stay alone, but never come alone :D

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So beware..! White men BEWARE!!!

IF you want a Thai wife you need to be careful of your selective family because when you marry someone it means you marry a whole family. Unlike western world. :D

It is not just being with someone you love but the whole culture and it is even more complex when you have to live in Thailand. :o:D

This is actually very good advice. When you are about to marry your prostitute you have fallen in love check out her whiskey swilling father and tattoed brother. They now belong to you....hmmmm..."but she was such a nice girl in the bar on soi 6 for the two weeks I knew her before asking her to marry me. Her family was soooo friendly"


its an old fashioned idea to get married anyways, look in the west where the bitches walk away with 60-70%, once they get old insecurity sets in, so they screw ya, then you guys come here and fall in a hole hoping that things are different here, forget it plus :D

just stay single and dont fall in the insecurity trap, saves you lots of dough too :D

What is Dough, Terminator?

If you meant Money, I'm sure there are some good one somehere that is not after your Dough :D

well women in thailand/world one way or another is going to cost you, whether married or not, if they have the money they don't need you :D

but that's a subject already been covered on TV many times :D

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Some might say your views are mysogynistic or embittered.....not me though......There are women who want genuine relationships who actually have their own money but for many guys they come to Thailand to get a "young model" and this usually involves the guy having some money and the girl marrying the guy with the money as the deal clincher. I don't think there is anything wrong with this as long as both parties are aware of the situation. Guys need to be savvy in these sort of situations and make sure they leave a good portion of their assets offshore and only spend what they can afford to lose in Thailand.

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Some might say your views are mysogynistic or embittered.....not me though......There are women who want genuine relationships who actually have their own money but for many guys they come to Thailand to get a "young model" and this usually involves the guy having some money and the girl marrying the guy with the money as the deal clincher. I don't think there is anything wrong with this as long as both parties are aware of the situation. Guys need to be savvy in these sort of situations and make sure they leave a good portion of their assets offshore and only spend what they can afford to lose in Thailand.

i agree, unfortunetly not so many guys are as savvy as you and me :o

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Anyone who has lived in Thailand for a long time should realise that farangs in general have very limited rights when it comes to Thai law.

Thais have been able to con, cheat, swindle, bash, rape and murder farangs and get away with it for years.

Unless you have big money and/or connections in Thailand you must tread very warily. The rule of law is very selectively enforced and one must be very careful in dealings with any Thai as there is always the possibility of repercussions.

I don't think this is being alarmist but things can escalate out of control very quickly in Thailand and what may seem a small matter to a westerner could in fact become a life or death matter where a Thai is involved.

What the actual facts are in this particular case is hard to know.

What we do know is that the father in law has been charged with premeditated murder and is out on bail.

I can't remember any cases in Australia where this sort of case allowed bail but yet it is a regular occurrence in Thailand.

Do you think this guy would be out on bail if he had murdered a Hiso Thai?

Premeditated is the decideing factor. I'm not sure he has been charged with Premed (that is he planed in advance the cold blooded murder of this man) I belived he was charged with something simmilar to Manslaughter (just acted on the spur of the moment, ie defending his daughter and he shanked the guy) Manslaughter defendends frequently get bail in the States and other civilised countries as well. BUT if he was indeed charged with pre med and got out on 15K baht thats just....just....well...thats just Thailand. BUT, I doubt it... I bet it was manslaughter.

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Interesting reading thru this thread and the thread about the destruction of the Erawan shrine, and subsequent killing of the perpetrator -

If the husband truly was beating his wife, do you think the father-in-law would have acted differently if said husband was Thai?

Domestic violence in Thailand, and how women are viewed in Thai society are issues that can be interesting discussion material.

For example without prior knowledge on either of these incidents (wife-beating-husband killed by FIL, Perpetrator of Erawan Shine destroyer killed) if you were to ask the average Thai which one of these incidents were more likely to get one killed what do you think the response would be?

Edited by TokyoT
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If the husband truly was beating his wife, do you think the father-in-law would have acted differently if said husband was Thai?

This was the one issue my wife keyed in on. She says she has never heard of a thai FIL killing his thai SIL over a domestic violence. Probably something to do with "repurcussions".

We first saw this story on the local TV news broadcast. Apparently that was the one and only mention of it in the Thai press. If anyone sees any other references, please post.

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Apparently they marry the whole family in England too

read this story

Four family members and a teenager have been jailed for life for killing a mother they had tortured for months.

The five, described as the "family from hel_l", were found guilty of murdering Rachel Hudson, 20, whose body was found near Newstead Abbey, Notts, in 2004. :o

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Apparently they marry the whole family in England too

read this story

Four family members and a teenager have been jailed for life for killing a mother they had tortured for months.

The five, described as the "family from hel_l", were found guilty of murdering Rachel Hudson, 20, whose body was found near Newstead Abbey, Notts, in 2004. :o

Thanks for the reality check, remmy. This bunch of sick bastards deserve everything they get - completely different situation from the subject of this thread though.

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Anyone who has lived in Thailand for a long time should realise that farangs in general have very limited rights when it comes to Thai law.

Thais have been able to con, cheat, swindle, bash, rape and murder farangs and get away with it for years.

Unless you have big money and/or connections in Thailand you must tread very warily. The rule of law is very selectively enforced and one must be very careful in dealings with any Thai as there is always the possibility of repercussions.

I don't think this is being alarmist but things can escalate out of control very quickly in Thailand and what may seem a small matter to a westerner could in fact become a life or death matter where a Thai is involved.

What the actual facts are in this particular case is hard to know.

What we do know is that the father in law has been charged with premeditated murder and is out on bail.

I can't remember any cases in Australia where this sort of case allowed bail but yet it is a regular occurrence in Thailand.

Do you think this guy would be out on bail if he had murdered a Hiso Thai?

Premeditated is the decideing factor. I'm not sure he has been charged with Premed (that is he planed in advance the cold blooded murder of this man) I belived he was charged with something simmilar to Manslaughter (just acted on the spur of the moment, ie defending his daughter and he shanked the guy) Manslaughter defendends frequently get bail in the States and other civilised countries as well. BUT if he was indeed charged with pre med and got out on 15K baht thats just....just....well...thats just Thailand. BUT, I doubt it... I bet it was manslaughter.

Well moneyshot this just goes to show you are either a troll or spout your big fat gob off without reading the thread or knowing the facts.

"Another police officer said that Mr Jones's father-in-law has been charged with premeditated murder and released on bail."

That is from post number 1 by George which is quoting a news source.

So what is it you beleive?

Reading and comprehension a bit taxing for the intelect?

Who is the one jumping to conclusions and making assumptions?

You are so funny - hoisted by your own petard

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It's all about the money folks,father in law asks daughter for money,daughter asks hubby for money,husband says no,daughter tells father no money to give,father gets angry and decides to teach the farang a lesson.Does this sound like a good story? :o

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It's all about the money folks,father in law asks daughter for money,daughter asks hubby for money,husband says no,daughter tells father no money to give,father gets angry and decides to teach the farang a lesson.Does this sound like a good story? :o

you've lost me - whats your point?

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Looks like hitting & KILLING is the only solution for thai to close the issues with foreginers....Srini,Tokyo.

And, notice how every time it's in a cowardly manner... stabbed in the back, beat up by a gang, shot an unarmed person, etc. Thai men sure are tough guys. Why don't they simply use muay Thai? :o

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Anyone who has lived in Thailand for a long time should realise that farangs in general have very limited rights when it comes to Thai law.

Thais have been able to con, cheat, swindle, bash, rape and murder farangs and get away with it for years.

Unless you have big money and/or connections in Thailand you must tread very warily. The rule of law is very selectively enforced and one must be very careful in dealings with any Thai as there is always the possibility of repercussions.

I don't think this is being alarmist but things can escalate out of control very quickly in Thailand and what may seem a small matter to a westerner could in fact become a life or death matter where a Thai is involved.

What the actual facts are in this particular case is hard to know.

What we do know is that the father in law has been charged with premeditated murder and is out on bail.

I can't remember any cases in Australia where this sort of case allowed bail but yet it is a regular occurrence in Thailand.

Do you think this guy would be out on bail if he had murdered a Hiso Thai?

Premeditated is the decideing factor. I'm not sure he has been charged with Premed (that is he planed in advance the cold blooded murder of this man) I belived he was charged with something simmilar to Manslaughter (just acted on the spur of the moment, ie defending his daughter and he shanked the guy) Manslaughter defendends frequently get bail in the States and other civilised countries as well. BUT if he was indeed charged with pre med and got out on 15K baht thats just....just....well...thats just Thailand. BUT, I doubt it... I bet it was manslaughter.

Well moneyshot this just goes to show you are either a troll or spout your big fat gob off without reading the thread or knowing the facts.

"Another police officer said that Mr Jones's father-in-law has been charged with premeditated murder and released on bail."

That is from post number 1 by George which is quoting a news source.

So what is it you beleive?

Reading and comprehension a bit taxing for the intelect?

Who is the one jumping to conclusions and making assumptions?

You are so funny - hoisted by your own petard


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I think its cute how all these farangs get so up in arms when a Thai kills a white man. Without even questioning the circumstances, automaticaly the Thai is wrong, The Thai man is a coward, a vicious brutal murderous beast...ect ect ect... Chances are if he was a drunk and he did beat his wife, then he had it comming to get stabbed by his wife's dad.

I would stab the guy too if he choked my daughter.

But no...everyone here, it seems, would rather feel sorry for the abuser.

not a wise thing to do ur trying to save a life by taking away another? weither its ur daughter or ur son-in-law killing is against the law and against religion he could have simpley hit him with something on the head for example, drunks usually fall unconscious with the slightest hit. Another point is that drunks get moody one word can calm him down but seeing that in thailand killers get away so easly made him think of killing the man as a first and only option

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It just shows how careful you need to be as falang,

when visiting the village and family of your girlfriend or wife.

I myself received a death threat when visiting the family

of my girlfriend from near Udon Thani.

(from my girlfriend.)

The falang is only for money and when he does not deliver enough,

the male members of the family may become violent.

The father was an ex communist fighting man

and so although he appeared gentle

he knew how to do.

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I myself received a death threat when visiting the family

of my girlfriend from near Udon Thani.

(from my girlfriend.)

The falang is only for money and when he does not deliver enough,

the male members of the family may become violent.

Well, then, be more careful when choosing your girlfriend the next time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I couldn't believe my eyes when I read he was out on bail.

You can bet your life if it was the poor English guy who had murdered his father-in-law he would not be walking around free at the moment.


Think again man!

How much does the western person get away with versus the 3rd world citizen?

Ya'll love rushin' to judgement here on-line like ###### Jerry Springer audience members...

Justice as we know it is waiting back at the Heathrow terminal for ya if ya want it, but I bet ya really don't and much of why you're here involves the things ya can get away with here that would never fly back home...

Am I right???

So give a little and get a little - or something like that I guess.

Things that come to view are bound to seem wrong to us when we are involved and on the losing end of a publisized article, yet can you just imagine the amount of wrongful actions the native population has delt with involving thier mistreatment at our hands, without ever having any recourse or even attempt at justice.

Two wrongs don't make a right - yet never assume we get the short end just cause we talk funny and sh't...

Losing a father at one year old is a true tragedy for the child, mother and father(deseased) alike. The murderer in this case is bound to pay severly in more than just time spent...Ya can't take that shit back - EVER

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  • 1 month later...

My house is only just up the road from Mark's.

I knew the man. Not well but we had a drink together a couple of times.

Mark chose to live in the village. He had spent time doing up the house

and was in the common predicament...Where does the money come from?

I know this from Mark himself. His wife used to find her meals from picking

plants in the fields out the back of the house. (Not Mark's idea of fun)

He got by from money sent by his mother. (Waiting for inheretance)

They had hit the point where they had borrowed money from far and wide.

Mark liked to drink, every day and was a fixture at any "knees up" going.

I was with him last Songkran and we were washing the elders feet outside our

respective houses. We sat dinking my Leo beer whilst the teenagers busked

along with their "rock band" to cds.

We pissed ourselves laughing when I gave them a Pogues cd to busk to!

But...Mark was bored sh..less by rice with everything...and...The lack of money!

He was a self confessed football thug and proud of it. Which is alright if you're

pitched against geezers of the same persuasion.

Mark had already beaten up his brother in law to the point he dare not sleep

in the house. The neighbours were getting increasingly concerned at his behaviour.

But being a Farang, they simply didn't have the understanding to take it on board.

But they WERE civil towards him. He did set about his wife (half his size) often.

Her brother (often)...If I was not in the UK I might have sussed it was coming off the rails

BUT We all follow Our Own dream of living in the sun. If we are not awash with cash

it can be hard work. That's why I'm back in the UK (money)

It's a pain when it all ends like this.

I know more but am loathe to go on as I can't prove facts and to be perfectly honest

don't care.

We create Our OWN Dreams/Shitcreeks

We've got nice new Remington pump actions. But we know whose toes not to step on.

They are sanctioned by the police to kill aggressors on Our Land.

Self Control. Respect.

WE are the visitors. In one of the best countries on Earth.



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Dear Jai Yen Yen,

Afraid youve got it wrong. His gaff was a concrete downstairs, wooden upstairs. In the style of a Bavarian or Alpine house. Right on the road and midway between the only two shops on the road.

The school down the road has it's exterior wall painted a turquoisey colour with paintings of different animals. Their name is in English. Note the spelling of PEGIUN (sic) Penguin is wrong. Wat opposite school is a church hall type, not elaborate. With raised wooden monks quarters to it's left. Pond.

The numbers of Thai village houses do not run 1 3 5 7 etc...So I can't guess the number.

If you want to have the number...I could find out.

But as I said MAI PEN RAI.

I know what he said when he had been stabbed.

He didnt die for quite a while. He went off and carried on drinking.

Whilst sitting down went ERG and slumped over.

I liked the bloke. We had alot in common. But I can't bring him back.

You see, I don't believe in a God. So you'll have to pray. (I signed off amen in respect)

Mark went over there/here and worked as a teacher for a while. No one wanted to learn a thing.

So he had a thankless task.

I know a great deal about where he settled.

It's not looney land. I was married where my house is 9 years ago.

I can tell you where every hole is in the roads for five miles around.

I understand your doubts bud...But I only hit the story by typing Pakchong in the site search engine!

Chok dee

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Bail eh ?

Only for people who did not seem to be a threat to the public, but hasn't this guy just stabbed to death a man from England ? I am more than sure that if it had been the other way round the poor dead man would have got bail. Perhaps they are worried about over-crowding in the prisons !

It doesn't sound like the suspect is a serial or habitual killer, but that this was a family matter. Added to that is the possibility raised earlier that the suspect was trying to save his daughter's life. In these circumstances, he is unlikely to re-offend while awaiting the court case. If he has co-operated with the police, they would also not have reason to think he might flee. Therefore, if these circumstances are indeed the case, bail would be entirely appropriate. IMHO.

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In memory of Mark.

Every time I saw him he had a smile on his face.

Both his wife and himself would offer me a seat outside the family house. (Not Mark's - He was lodging there) I, being a farang was about the only person to walk anywhere. We would talk about nothing specific. Just sink the odd beer.

Everything appeared very relaxed and jai yen (yen).

His wife had already tried to tap my mother in law for money. To no avail.

The family Mark married into had a bit of form, as they say. Remember in a village environment extended family can be 100+. I think Mark liked that. We both like(d) to sail near the edge.

Money was borrowed in a very noticeable way. Local places 3000bht for beer alone...(These debts could well have been paid off very fast, but the bush telegraph said just the opposite)

In Thailand most people go to someone who will lend spare cash for interest. It is not a secret, who is on the ponce.

This went on for up to twenty miles away. In a neighbourhood where people know when you last


We knew within the hour Exactly what happened. Even though we were in England.

It seemed very predictable. More a case of How? rather than when?

As I have said before...WE do OUR OWN thing.

This was something that was fairly personal to me.......

Us, the two Englishmen in the road where my house is. Mark's (Father in law"s ) house within shouting distance from mine!....

....Now has become a ThaiVisa HOBBY BLEEDIN HORSE!

Some knobhead from his "family" got my snooker tables closed down as the gambling/assaults was causing so much trouble.

The card playing "Club" (illegal) Loved the Police roaring into the road!

What was behind Mark's demise will always be conjecture.

It's a shame it all F@@ked up.

He died on the razzle, in the balmy (barmy) evening.

He didn't appear to be in pain when walking up the road drinking a bottle of beer.

He'll be in Millwall FC Heaven...

Kicking the <deleted> out an angel!

Rock On

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Update on Mark's little boy.

His little boy is very strong, happy and healthy.

He is being cared for by a loving and considerate grandfather.

Mum has gone to Pattaya to "make a living".

We know through the Thai and British Police "who is/was up to what"

A tad dull for the hysterical amongst you.

Chok dee...

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