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The Incredible Zoom....

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Nice way to show the power of the zoom. smile.png

I have one video with the same camera and same purpose, uploading now to youtube.

Good it did not took days.

Here we go. I got this camera as it was recommended here so than you.

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I just bought one after seeing the results from Goshawk. With all telephotos a good tripod is needed. I wanted a long lens for my Nikon SLR but just couldn't justify the cost for personal use only snapshots. It will probably take a week or more to get familiar with the camera.

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I've been fooling around with my new Canon SX 50 and here are a few observations. This is the camera reviewed on this topic.

First of all, The video mode will shoot continuously for 16 minutes and the quality is excellent with great depth of field in wide angle. By contrast, my little Nikon AW 100 will run continuously for at least 25 minutes with similar great HD quality.

All photos taken using medium to extreme telephoto need a good tripod. And, even if you do not have a good quality tripod, any tripod is better than hand held photos. Also, when using extreme telephoto it is a necessity to use the timer to remove camera shake when touching the shutter button. The SX 50 offers several timer options. I used a 2 second delay and that seemed to work.

The first shot in this group is in wide angle 24 mm.

The second shot is at about 200 mm.

The third shot is of a war memorial cairn on a mountain 7.38 km away an shot at maximum 1200 mm.

The fourth shot was taken with my Nikon D7000 and 105 lens and blown up with photoshop.





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  • 4 weeks later...

I wanted to play around with the sx50hs today.

Here is an collage of pictures taken from same location with different zooms.

24mm, 1200mm and 5000mm.



1200mm, optical zoom


5000mm, digital zoom included



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My only complaint about the camera is where the choice circle button is placed. When you hold the camera with your right hand it is right over the choice button. It is too easy to press the timer button with the palm of your hand.

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I think all the people who own the camera has experienced the same. Annoyance at the first, but after an while the problem seems to go away.

The 2 second timer is great when putting the camera to the steady surface for night shots.

Autofocus in the night does not always work so well and the manual focus is not that great either. Minor things though.

But now I'm thinking of buying an companion camera for sx50. Something which would allow to take good shots in the night.

Samsung EX2F or perhaps Samsung NX1000... camera fewer - it's an disease which just doesn't go away. Luckily much more cheaper than having the same urge for cars.

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  • 3 months later...

I just saw this video while looking for camera reviews. Some information of the C1 and C2 settings for Birding and talking macro pictures.

I did not know how to use those custom settings before.

Canon SX50 HS Feature Tutorial for Bird and Macro Pictures.

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