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Knees - Crackling, Popping, Quite Painful At Times


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I'm 42 and in pretty good health as I walk or jog semi regularly (but haven't jogged since mid-march).

Have what feels almost like extra cartilage under my kneecap the size of a pebble. That's the left knee, like a single small rock under the cap. On the right leg, it's a more general pain going all down the side of my right knee (not just one spot).

When I extend my left leg can feel it tense up badly like it's just about locked up, and finally when leg is almost extended I get loud pops and occasionally extreme pain and my leg locks up. I learned this the hard way and and was keeling over in pain two diff times. Now I go very slow every time.... Also the pain hits especially hard when I sleep at night, but I get pop sounds throughout the day. Any identification, advice, medication to share? Thanks.

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Yes you're right. I'm 6'2" or 188 cm, but my weight is pretty good as I stay moving often and watch my calories, at about 165 lbs or 75 kg. Was also going to add that I have avoided junk food for several months, worst I have is one tall glass of chocolate milk each day and a can of beer (occasionally two) at night, never more. All other food is standard carbs, protein, dairy, some fruit and vegs.

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I'm 42 and in pretty good health as I walk or jog semi regularly (but haven't jogged since mid-march).

Have what feels almost like extra cartilage under my kneecap the size of a pebble. That's the left knee, like a single small rock under the cap. On the right leg, it's a more general pain going all down the side of my right knee (not just one spot).

When I extend my left leg can feel it tense up badly like it's just about locked up, and finally when leg is almost extended I get loud pops and occasionally extreme pain and my leg locks up. I learned this the hard way and and was keeling over in pain two diff times. Now I go very slow every time.... Also the pain hits especially hard when I sleep at night, but I get pop sounds throughout the day. Any identification, advice, medication to share? Thanks.

A sudden onset of knee/joint pain and popping can have many causes.

Yes, it could be arthritis but it might be gout, it could be hyperacidity from a glucose allergy.

In any case, before you get surgery have your knees examined.

Get two opinions from two different hospital chains.

If you have a not-for-profit medical plan in your home country, do it there.

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No one is going to be able to diagnose this sight unseen and in any event it needs a specialist's exam.

Dr. Panya at Bumrungrad specializes in knee problems and comes highly recommended by many TV members.

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You dont say if the problem with your knees had an acute onset or if your problem is one which has had a more gradual onset. However, you need as a minimum to undergo a clinical examination, have routine blood tests (make sure they do a C-Reactive Protein Test usually called CRP) and plain x-rays of your knees.

There may be reason for further imaging studies such as CAT or MRI scans to positively identify the problem. You may have a problem securing an MRI in HCMC.

The only place in HCMC of which I have knowledge can be found here http://www.vietnammedicalpractice.com/ where you could certainly obtain an initial medical opinion.

Should you eventually need surgical/specialist opinion/ treatment you may wish to consider obtaining that in Singapore or Thailand

Edited by Sceptict11
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In HCMC, go to "Cho Rai" hospital, it is a private annex to a major government hospital. Ask for an orthopedic surgeon specializing in knee problems. That's as detailed as I can get as i don't know any of the individual doctors there.

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Thanks for the information. Sceptict, you are right, I should have added that while I have always had to "take care" with my knees (unlike other joints like ankles and shoulders which have never given me problems), this latest bout with the knees has popped up only within the last several days. As I'm 42 this has occured on and off several times past years, and as far as I recall it has always been either during a rainy season (while in Asia) or in a cold season (while in the US). Therefore, not based on any real written logs but just more of a hunch and on memory, it seems to be related to bad weather. In fact I'm slightly convinced it is even related to an oncoming storm -- for example here in Saigon we had a real nice drizzle at 5:30pm, and wouldn't you know it I took my evening long walk and was feeling great, no hint of the debilitation earlier in the day or the fact that I woke up several times all night last night and couldn't sleep worth a darn. Most of the day I was wincing like a grumpy old man, but this evening I was walking briskly.

You're right I should have added that previously.

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  • 3 months later...

Cho Rai Hosp is a fully equipped tertiary level facility and can do MRI. http://choray.vn/ (website seems to be only in Vietnamese).

Cho Ray has a good reputation. Some doctors speak English,

But if you're looking for less of a language barrier the French-Vietnamese clinic / hospital in District 7 (Phu My Hung) has had a good reputation, and English speaking doctors that have been educated and trained in the West.

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