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Why In Thailand Every Child Must Have The Same Uniform Dress?


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Same in the uk?

Are any other country's that have this rules?

What happen when a child not want the school uniform cannot go to school?

Ian not exactly sure about the reason why some country's also Indonesia have and some not?

Just think about this but I don't know the answer!?

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Because Thai love uniforms,

School is suppose to be like a pride(despite the fact that not much teaching or learning takes place)

Many Thai also buy new uniform every term or year, ONLY because everyone else does the same.

Girls must have hair cut same length

Just a show!

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Yes maybe the only one that has not up to you in Thailand!

The parents of children must iron the clothes. Everyday !

Hard work for a mother!

No harder than when we were kids. My mother had 3 boys at school. She managed perfectly well to iron our uniforms and do all the other household chores.

i see nothing wrong with a uniform.

It has to be better than the kids outdoing each other with the latest Nike / Adidas shoes etc. And that has led to a lot of parental despair and bullying at school, with all the 'my parents have more money than you' syndrome.

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Yes maybe the only one that has not up to you in Thailand!

The parents of children must iron the clothes. Everyday !

Hard work for a mother!

and if they wore what they liked who would do the Ironing? The parents of course.

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If seems that you haven't been so some good schools in UK or Switzerland...

Of course uniform is the best thing for kids. They are not supposed to go to school to show off but to learn !

What I hate is the ugly short hairs that boys must have, but it's ok because I anyway hate boys and guys here who are far to be real "males" in my opinion...

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If seems that you haven't been so some good schools in UK or Switzerland...

Of course uniform is the best thing for kids. They are not supposed to go to school to show off but to learn !

What I hate is the ugly short hairs that boys must have, but it's ok because I anyway hate boys and guys here who are far to be real "males" in my opinion...

Haha....in Malawi during the hippy days the ruler insisted they get their hair cut....those who made the trip started the skinhead movement!

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I think it is a good idea because it levels the table just a little bit between the haves and the have-nots. Children can be cruel and anyone a little bit different gets ostracized. With everyone having the same uniform it takes just one more thing away from the bullies. School cliques are a real problem in North America and the clique leaders are known bullies. How girls dress can mean the difference between being in the "club" and outside wishing you were part of it. I don't know how it is with boys, but that is how it is for girls. Girls can be very cruel. I know from first hand experience. I'm a red head and that alone made me different.

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many reasons, could be all or some of the ones listed below

to show conformity (my guess in Thailand)

so fashion doesnt become a contest studied more than curriculum

so kids are dress appropriately

advertises the school when students walk around outside the school

brings in money for the school

And also the kids will be themselves,and personalities and expensive dress code will not affect the have nots as much.As I have witnessed in the passed,school children coming out of very poor homes,and on their way to school,immaculately dressed,spotlessly clean,and with the creases all in the right places,it makes you wonder how they do it,with so little facilities?

Edited by MAJIC
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in Germany, at a very early level in schools, the race start for every kid to show their fellow kids that they can out-fashion everyone, out-smartphone you and me, wear dernier-cri shoes and caps and much more. Kids in school should focus on studying and not trying to look more fashionable than their fellow students. Unfortuntely, nothing in Germany changes, and mobbing in schools is an everyday nuisance, on a steady rise !

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Yes maybe the only one that has not up to you in Thailand!

The parents of children must iron the clothes. Everyday !

Hard work for a mother!

My sons mother doesn't his school clothes. I do on a Sunday morning after scrubbing and soaking his white shirts and socks on Wendesdays and Saturdays.

Grubbly little oik.

I used to do my own ironing in the military and when I came out into civvie street. I actually enjoy ironing.

I can still get a mean crease in a pair of trousers and if I work at it I can polish shoes untill you can see well enough to shave in them.

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I think it is a good idea because it levels the table just a little bit between the haves and the have-nots. Children can be cruel and anyone a little bit different gets ostracized. With everyone having the same uniform it takes just one more thing away from the bullies. School cliques are a real problem in North America and the clique leaders are known bullies. How girls dress can mean the difference between being in the "club" and outside wishing you were part of it. I don't know how it is with boys, but that is how it is for girls. Girls can be very cruel. I know from first hand experience. I'm a red head and that alone made me different.

Astute observation. In US high schools, how you dress can determine which cliques you belong, which of course, determines your social status. It's lame, but as you say, kids can be pretty cruel. And these kids know who's got money and who doesn't just by what you wear.

By having uniforms, Thailand eliminates much of this. Everyone is equal in that respect. Students (especially girls) don't have to try and outdo each other, trying to find the newest trends, or looking the sexiest, or whatever. Wit and charm actually matters. Well, some of the girls do go out of their way to have the shortest skirt allowable. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

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