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Renewal ..married To Thai..have Thai Wife Visa

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Last year I successfully jumped thru all the hoops and received Thai Wife visa..

Shortly will need to renew extension... other than what is listed here... are there any new requirements...Non-Imm O

  1. Application form T.M. 7 with one photograph size 4×6 cm. and Visa Fee 1900.-Baht
  2. Copy of passport ( with certified true copy )
  3. Marriage Certificate
      1. Child’s birth certificate
      2. Wife’s house registration
      3. Wife’s identity card...
      4. also does she accompany me again for the visa extension ( @ Sinkhon..Hua Hin)
      5. Thanks in advance to George and all TV members
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You will always require copies of data page/visa/extensions/arrival stamps and departure card. You will always require marriage certificate KR3 and most likely the KR2 ledger entry of marriage (which may have to be newly issued). Wife will always have to be with you. Not sure if that office only requires one copy but most require two if not Bangkok. Most will also require a selection of photos together in/outside home. Financial proof will always be required. Basically it should be the same routine as last year - minus perhaps a map to residence if that has not changed.

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1. Two application forms T.M. 7 with two photographs size 4x6 cm. and Visa Fee 1900.-Baht
2. Copy Marriage Certificate
3. Copy Kor Ror 2 from amphur office, marriage registry (not older than six months)
4. Child's birth certificate (if any)
5. Copy wife’s house registration
6. Copy wife’s identity card
7. Copy passport, non-Im visa, arrival card.
8. Interview the husband and wife for confirming status of husband and wife
9. Map to residency (names of roads and house marked in Thai)
10. Picture of house and family, in house and outside showing house number.

With money in bank option.
1. Letter from bank same day or day before stating bank records, make a transaction just before to get it up to date.
2. Bank account must be in Husbands name, joint accounts will not qualify.
3. Letter from bank must show transaction during previous two months.

With Income in Thailand option
1. A copy of work permit
2. Personal Corporation income Tax (PND.1) in latest 3 months and personal income tax for previous year with receipt (PND.91)

With Income from abroad.
1. Embassy letter stating your income.

All of the above in two copies, if not in BKK

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PS, if you don't mind will edit your post to reflect my recent experience. I just renewed 2 weeks ago outside of BKK.

1. Two application forms T.M. 7 with two photographs size 4x6 cm. and Visa Fee 1900.-Baht

I needed 3 copies of the TM7 and this year and last year I needed 4 pictures. Notes below.

2. Copy Marriage Certificate

3. Copy Kor Ror 2 from amphur office, marriage registry (not older than six months)

4. Child's birth certificate (if any)

5. Copy wife’s house registration

6. Copy wife’s identity card

Also, if your wife changed her name to yours you will that document showing the name change.

7. Copy passport, non-Im visa, arrival card.

Departure card

8. Interview the husband and wife for confirming status of husband and wife

9. Map to residency (names of roads and house marked in Thai)

I printed a google map with my house marked on it in English. They didn't care about the English.

And yes they wanted the maps. (2)

10. Picture of house and family, in house and outside showing house number.

Also a picture of you and your wife in the bedroom. Last year and this year they wanted that particular shot. Then two others within the house.

With money in bank option.

1. Letter from bank same day or day before stating bank records, make a transaction just before to get it up to date.

2. Bank account must be in Husbands name, joint accounts will not qualify.

3. Letter from bank must show transaction during previous two months.

With Income in Thailand option

1. A copy of work permit

2. Personal Corporation income Tax (PND.1) in latest 3 months and personal income tax for previous year with receipt (PND.91)

With Income from abroad.

1. Embassy letter stating your income.

All of the above in two copies, if not in BKK

Yes, and for me, 3 copies of the TM7 and 2 copies of everthing else. Plus they wanted the 2 copies sorted into 2 stacks.

Thanks PS

Edited by expat888
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Last week, Hua Hin kept 2 pictures of inside house and surprisingly gave back the one showing house number. Also requested that a neighbour went there in the afternoon with their ID and housebook, gave them a quick 2 minute interview. Apart from that same as above.....had letter from bank but refused copies of bank book pages, so another trip to bank for a printed statement of past three months.

Edited by Expat7
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Appreciate the updates guys.. Expat 7. a bit confused now... you have to bring the neighbor every year now...? I know for the initial one (first time) you had to have a neighbor... but now you have to drag a neighbor along every renewal...?

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What happens if the company you work for cannot provide the PND1 & PND91 because is a new company? Is 400,000 in the bank possible when working (with wp)? Can they check with labour office to confirm you are working?

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sorry for not being very clear. I'll rephrase.

Does one have the choice to choose the option for applying?

If one works, is it possible to choose the 'money in the bank option'?

Maybe, I'm misinformed but my understanding is that when one is working, one has to choose the 'income in Thailand' option and it's not allowed to opt for the 'money in the bank' option. That's why the officers always ask if you're working or more specifically if you have a work permit.

I'm pretty sure (but hope I'm wrong) that when you say you're working but don't have the PND 1 and PND 91 but have the 400K in the bank, they'll not give you the extension.

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The rule is 40,000 monthly Income OR 400,000 in the bank.

There is no mention of where the money comes from or where it is earned.

(6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.

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I went to renew my extension of stay today at Laksi, taking along the documents as commonly listed:

1. The officer had a whimsical smile about the new Kor Sor 2 we had obtained and simply chose the original.

2. Despite having a bank statement, and letter from bank, she also asked for my bank book. Lucky I had brought it along, not on any list. Perhaps an amendment is called for.

She validated the paperwork as ok but steered me to the virtues of the old geezer visa and it was duly done within minutes.

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Bank passbook and copies with bank letter are a normal requirement if using bank deposit. There is no requirement for any statement if you have a passbook account.

Yes I confirm I had a standard savings bank deposit as commonly used by most 'farangs' when opening a bank account.

Out of interest, what is a passbook account?

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I am lost now. As i say i went there with the statement of the account most of us have. On the list commonly given out in reply to questions it states only letter from bank and printed statement. I am reporting that at Bkk with at least one of the serving officers you have to present the passbook too.

And as I previously also noted the original Kor Sor 2 would have been sufficient.

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Most of us have passbook accounts as that is what Thai banks use. Only the couple of foreign owned banks here use statement accounts AFAIK. Immigration is much more familiar with them than statements.


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lopburi. really. are you on something?

I turned up with the standard account that most everyone has and was required to produce the passbook printed up to date. up to the hour in fact.

That is what happened and as I said this was not stated in the common list of requiremnts that seems to appear most frequently.

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It is the normal requirement as I have stated at least several times in this thread and has been stated for a least a decade by me and everyone else making extensions in Thailand - passbooks are expected to be updated and shown and copies are expected to be provided when using bank deposit - along with letter of account balance.

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Mommysboy, do a little search on extension or wife and you see that many posts refer to updated passbook needed for extensions. The is has been the norm for many years. The only accounts I have (and I have too many) that only provided a statement was HSBC and Citibank; all others use a passbook.

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Letter from your Thai Bank showing balance

and up to date bank book.


If income from outside Thailand: Letter

from your Embassy showing income. Now may also need proof of income as back up.

If Income from Thailand: Statements showing

Income Tax receipts.

Marriage Certificate. (Kor Ror 3)

Marriage Registry entry. (Kor Ror 2)

Wife's Tabbien Baan and ID Card.

Your Passport.

Copies of everything.

Photos of you and your Wife in and around

the house.

A map showing the way to your house.

Passport size photos and 1,900 Baht fee.

Take your Wife to be interviewed.

One or two witnesses may be required.

You will be given a 30 day under

consideration stamp.

Go back in a month and get the remainder.

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Lite Beer, on 05 Jun 2013 - 12:41, said:

Letter from your Thai Bank showing balance

and up to date bank book.


If income from outside Thailand: Letter

from your Embassy showing income. Now may also need proof of income as back up.

If Income from Thailand: Statements showing

Income Tax receipts.

Marriage Certificate. (Kor Ror 3)

Marriage Registry entry. (Kor Ror 2)

Wife's Tabbien Baan and ID Card.

Your Passport.

Copies of everything.

Photos of you and your Wife in and around

the house.

A map showing the way to your house.

Passport size photos and 1,900 Baht fee.

Take your Wife to be interviewed.

One or two witnesses may be required.

You will be given a 30 day under

consideration stamp.

Go back in a month and get the remainder.

This is what I have taken as the rules. it comes up very often and has been used by moderators, and appears again on this thread, as it did on the one I took info. from last year. Moreover was confirmed by OP in his actual experience.

With money in bank option.

1. Letter from bank same day or day before stating bank records, make a transaction just before to get it up to date.

2. Bank account must be in Husbands name, joint accounts will not qualify.

3. Letter from bank must show transaction during previous two months.

I took this to mean a letter from the bank plus a printed statement from them.

No mention of a passbook. And although I can't 100% remember it wasn't required on my initial application a year ago.

Just pointing out something of a disparity as to what regularly appears on postings and what actually happened at BKK. Hopefully things might get tidied up.

I'd advise anyone to take along just about everything they might feel appropriate really, since it seems different offices have their own interpretations and the info. on Thai visa may not be wholly accurate, and I'm not sure it could ever be given the nature of things.

Tricky call about the new Kor sor 2. For sure it was not required.

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