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Australian Bodybuilder Gives Insight Into Thailand Steroid Holidays


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When these steroid tourists suddenly die while on holiday, I'm sure we will be greeted to some fanciful conspiracy theories.

Again another example of why "mysterious" deaths are more frequent in places like Thailand.

Another embarrassing contribution to Thailand's image.

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It shocks me to see the amount of people who lift and do steroids when they aren't ready for it. I used to belong to a forum and there were only 2 members who were natural, when you saw pictures of some of these guys you could barely tell they trained. I can understand that guys who need to compete have no choice but to juice up because even in the so called natural competitions everyone is using, but a lot of trainers nowadays are just lazy and looking for the easy ride. It happens all over though, every sport has it in some form and a friend was telling me it's a massive problem with cheerleaders who want to have the physique but still want to party all weekend. I remember a supplement company that used to give a leaflet to customers asking;

Do you train less than 4 times a week?

Do you drink alcohol

Do you smoke dope

Do you eat junk food

If the answer to any of the questions is yes, don't waste your money on supplements.

I know bodybuilders are vain and it's their choice but if you haven't achieved eveything you can naturaly first why would you take drugs with all the associated risks, it's all very well too look strong and healthy but no good if you are rotting inside.

As for older guys turning flabby, no excuse, keep training, adjust your diet according to your age and there is no need to be a bag of skin. Keep eating like a hardcore lifter but slack on your training and you will get fat.

It is a science, but it ain't rocket science.

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This dude sounds like a moron. Just to have bigger muscles? Oh dear...you can't teach stupid. 

 You should tell that to the guys who spend money on silicones for their gf.


Just to have bigger tits.Oh dear


Oh dear, indeed. 


There's a bit of a difference, one is legal , the other isn't.  One is steroids, the other is relatively silicone.  One is used to make the individual look like a freak and reduce the size of the brain, the other just makes a girl's breasts larger or more shapely.  One is used by stupid morons, the other by girls.

While I liked your previous post about the muscle not being able to turn into fat, as it is true. I have never read any research that steroids affect the brain, please tell that to all the older guys using testosterone as HRT and the burn victims that use them too. 

Hormones do affect mood and behavior. Men under low testosterone have lower libido - hence many old geezers need hrt to go to bar girls (on top of viagra ).

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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This dude sounds like a moron. Just to have bigger muscles? Oh dear...you can't teach stupid.

Perhaps this 'dude' likes what he does. There is a great deal of satisfaction in improving one's physical being. Does dear angsta realise the dedication and discipline that is required to become a successful body builder, or successful any other physical sport. I am sure that if 'angsta' had trained as hard as 'this dude' then angsta would not offer such noteworthy comments. This post is dedicated to all those fat , useless, self opinionated barflies and armchair warriors who have never really focused on improving their physical wellbeing, and are basically jealous of any other male, or female, who cares for themselves physically.

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I have two close friends who did body building when they were young. They both won awards. Now they are old grossly overweight and look really ugly. All that muscle has turned into fat

Nonsense, Muscle doesn't turn into fat.

the muscles are replaced by fat.

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It shocks me to see the amount of people who lift and do steroids when they aren't ready for it. I used to belong to a forum and there were only 2 members who were natural, when you saw pictures of some of these guys you could barely tell they trained. I can understand that guys who need to compete have no choice but to juice up because even in the so called natural competitions everyone is using, but a lot of trainers nowadays are just lazy and looking for the easy ride. It happens all over though, every sport has it in some form and a friend was telling me it's a massive problem with cheerleaders who want to have the physique but still want to party all weekend. I remember a supplement company that used to give a leaflet to customers asking;

Do you train less than 4 times a week?

Do you drink alcohol

Do you smoke dope

Do you eat junk food

If the answer to any of the questions is yes, don't waste your money on supplements.

I know bodybuilders are vain and it's their choice but if you haven't achieved eveything you can naturaly first why would you take drugs with all the associated risks, it's all very well too look strong and healthy but no good if you are rotting inside.

As for older guys turning flabby, no excuse, keep training, adjust your diet according to your age and there is no need to be a bag of skin. Keep eating like a hardcore lifter but slack on your training and you will get fat.

It is a science, but it ain't rocket science.

I agree partly with your opinion on steroids, people who drink alcohol / smoke dope or eat like crap and dont put in hours in the gym should not use them period. But again its a personal choice, but there are even people thinking that you take them and wake up like Arnold even if you don't train.

For me it is all about freedom of choice, but don't come crying to the government if it goes wrong. That is the other side of the medal. I don't understand why we are allowed to eat to death (morbid obese) or smoke and kill ourselves by cancer or drink our bodies to ruin but you are not allowed other stuff. Its hypocritical, give people total freedom and some will destroy themselves but many others wont.

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I have two close friends who did body building when they were young. They both won awards. Now they are old grossly overweight and look really ugly. All that muscle has turned into fat

Nonsense, Muscle doesn't turn into fat.

the muscles are replaced by fat.

Muscles can be replaced by fat if you don't properly monitor it. If you just gradually eat less you won't get fat, its not rocket science even you with your limited grasp of things should understand that. (hope your humor still works)

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It still baffles me why men want to work out to such extremes, so that other men would find them attractive... Perhaps it has to do with all the sweaty ball smell ?

Same goes for people who play soccer or any other sport they are idolized by other men. Personally, i think professional bodybuilders are way over the top. But I do admire how dedicated they are you don't get like that without some serious effort.

I prefer beach body a bit more but it all depends what you think is a beach body and how big is big. But I do know that girls do love visible abs and some muscle on a guy (up to a certain limit)

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It still baffles me why men want to work out to such extremes, so that other men would find them attractive... Perhaps it has to do with all the sweaty ball smell ?

It requires discipline and mental / physical toughness. I doubt many are prepared to go through such hardships with the ultimate goal of sweaty ball smell. Do you really believe that or did you just happen to be daydreaming about sweaty balls as you were typing?
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But again its a personal choice, but there are even people thinking that you take them and wake up like Arnold even if you don't train.


That is always a laugh when people think they can achieve the goals without the effort. I can't count the number of people I have seen with their lifting belts and straps, chugging down all kinds of shakes and pills and then train half heartedly. Hmmm these magic beans don't work...
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You walk in, ask them, they bring out a big book like big list of things, pictures and stuff, different brands of different things.

It's called a 'brochure', mate. B-r-o-c-h-u-r-e.


Shows how much you know about Thai language - in Thailand it is called "big book like big list of things" :-) Edited by SantiSuk
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I have two close friends who did body building when they were young. They both won awards. Now they are old grossly overweight and look really ugly. All that muscle has turned into fat

Nonsense, Muscle doesn't turn into fat.

the muscles are replaced by fat.

Not quite. Muscle cells shrink somewhat if they are not used. However...if you still eat well, limit drinking, the fat cells won't grow larger. You can stay lean with diet alone.

So all the muscle cells are still there, they are just smaller and a bad diet causes the growth of the fat cells. So, muscle still does NOT turn into fat. It's biologically impossible. They are two different cell types.

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This dude sounds like a moron. Just to have bigger muscles? Oh dear...you can't teach stupid.

You should tell that to the guys who spend money on silicones for their gf.

Just to have bigger tits.Oh dear

Oh dear, indeed.

There's a bit of a difference, one is legal , the other isn't. One is steroids, the other is relatively silicone. One is used to make the individual look like a freak and reduce the size of the brain, the other just makes a girl's breasts larger or more shapely. One is used by stupid morons, the other by girls.

While I liked your previous post about the muscle not being able to turn into fat, as it is true. I have never read any research that steroids affect the brain, please tell that to all the older guys using testosterone as HRT and the burn victims that use them too.

I haven't heard that either. Biggest issues are liver and kidney damage (and liver cancer). Besides the well know stuff.

As to breast implants...very different things. Silicon is inert, you're not affecting any hormonal balance and the risks associated are the same with any surgery (same as having a hip operation, knee operation etc). The difference is it's cosmetic and I guess some people can think giving them something they never had (it is really similar to replacing a faulty hip, in a sense). So they are very different. It's very easy for 'men' to say its stupid, but you aren't a woman so you can't think how they do.

Would be the same as having a man's d*** out on display and having a small one and wanting to increase it (all animals have some form of physical appearance that is more attractive to those of the opposite sex, humans just have the ability to artificially do it).

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Can see why ''some'' folk knock people who want to build a body but many don't understand why many start. I had a reason thumbsup.gif. But never ever thought of the steroid route. I am in my seventh decade and what I altered is now not turned into fat clap2.gif . In fact non weight trainers at my age are usually fat.

Yes?No smile.png

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Can see why ''some'' folk knock people who want to build a body but many don't understand why many start. I had a reason thumbsup.gif. But never ever thought of the steroid route. I am in my seventh decade and what I altered is now not turned into fat clap2.gif . In fact non weight trainers at my age are usually fat.

Yes?No smile.png

Agreed. I'm the same, I've been doing weights and exercising for years. But steroids, just aren't something I'd ever want to consider..to many side effects.

However, I did read a book once, which talks about something called Adonis Complex, which discusses the desire to have an ever increasing body (would be the male equivalent of women who always think they are fat, so diet and diet and don't eat). However it's never discussed publically, and I think it is a real issue. Men are bombarded with perfect physique males on magazine covers etc, all claiming, get this body in 3 hours a week, which is just crap. So I understand some choose to go the steroid road. But, most of those who do, usually are the ones with the great bodies already. So there's some thought, that's driving them on, that needs to be addressed.

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Can see why ''some'' folk knock people who want to build a body but many don't understand why many start. I had a reason thumbsup.gif. But never ever thought of the steroid route. I am in my seventh decade and what I altered is now not turned into fat clap2.gif . In fact non weight trainers at my age are usually fat.

Yes?No smile.png

Agreed. I'm the same, I've been doing weights and exercising for years. But steroids, just aren't something I'd ever want to consider..to many side effects.

However, I did read a book once, which talks about something called Adonis Complex, which discusses the desire to have an ever increasing body (would be the male equivalent of women who always think they are fat, so diet and diet and don't eat). However it's never discussed publically, and I think it is a real issue. Men are bombarded with perfect physique males on magazine covers etc, all claiming, get this body in 3 hours a week, which is just crap. So I understand some choose to go the steroid road. But, most of those who do, usually are the ones with the great bodies already. So there's some thought, that's driving them on, that needs to be addressed.

I think its a real thing, its real hard to see yourself the same as others see you.

Plus basically all those training mags are useless they need to write something and it needs to be sexy.. not like you need to workout hard.. eat good and do a few years of training.. that is too much like work. So they get someone who may ore may not have done steroids and follows that program a bit (if that) and claims it works. Best thing are compound lifts and hard work combined with good food.

But I still keep with my opinion that the choice to use should be a free choice as long as you accept the consequences. You can drink yourself to death, do unsafe sex and get aids, eat so much you get morbidly obese, without a problem but this is a big problem.. crazy. If someone wants to take it and is stupid its up to him. Freedom.

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Can see why ''some'' folk knock people who want to build a body but many don't understand why many start. I had a reason thumbsup.gif. But never ever thought of the steroid route. I am in my seventh decade and what I altered is now not turned into fat clap2.gif . In fact non weight trainers at my age are usually fat.

Yes?No smile.png

Agreed. I'm the same, I've been doing weights and exercising for years. But steroids, just aren't something I'd ever want to consider..to many side effects.

However, I did read a book once, which talks about something called Adonis Complex, which discusses the desire to have an ever increasing body (would be the male equivalent of women who always think they are fat, so diet and diet and don't eat). However it's never discussed publically, and I think it is a real issue. Men are bombarded with perfect physique males on magazine covers etc, all claiming, get this body in 3 hours a week, which is just crap. So I understand some choose to go the steroid road. But, most of those who do, usually are the ones with the great bodies already. So there's some thought, that's driving them on, that needs to be addressed.

I think its a real thing, its real hard to see yourself the same as others see you.

Plus basically all those training mags are useless they need to write something and it needs to be sexy.. not like you need to workout hard.. eat good and do a few years of training.. that is too much like work. So they get someone who may ore may not have done steroids and follows that program a bit (if that) and claims it works. Best thing are compound lifts and hard work combined with good food.

But I still keep with my opinion that the choice to use should be a free choice as long as you accept the consequences. You can drink yourself to death, do unsafe sex and get aids, eat so much you get morbidly obese, without a problem but this is a big problem.. crazy. If someone wants to take it and is stupid its up to him. Freedom.

I agree with you. Problem is personal freedom is well, gone in the west. The government knows better on what you should do and is probably one of the biggest reason's most of us live here. The 'issue' is healthcare due to a result of using this substances, however like you said, alcohol, poor food (especially in the US) etc equates a much much larger cost to healthcare then these types of things ever would, due to sheer numbers.

Cosmetic surgery, hormones, ie steroids and HRT etc, should all be in the same boat. Legal and individual choice. At least if it WAS legal, it could be monitored properly to ensure people are using it 'correctly'.

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Guys, steroids are around in every sport these days, All the muay thai fighters I know/knew take them when cutting weight, swimmers, cyclists, rugby players, you name it. Steroids will make you bigger, stronger, faster in your chosen sport and believe me at the top level of any sport they are all on them, genetics and work ethic/desire will only get you so far and there is too much money involved in sports these days for people not to take them, they don't even called them steroids anymore, they're known as PEDS (performance enhancing drugs) these days, People who want to compete at the highest levels know that in order to get there they will have to start using PEDS sooner or later, whether you are a 100m sprinter or a pro swimmer, dosen't matter.

I am not defending steroid use and I believe if you are not a professional athlete that you should stay natural but to each is own.

I train as a powerlifter (amateur), I have never met a pro powerlifter that was natural, they just don't exist, they do what they gotta do to compete and be the best they can be.

One other thing, don't judge a book by it's cover, whats on the inside is more important than what you can see and percieve as a "meathead" some of the nicest people in the world I've met were bodybuilders, some not so nice but that goes for any sport, people are people and we all deserve respect...


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Made in China ?, people must be crazy putting this xxxx in their bodies,

and all just to look good in the mirror,and in later life pay the price.

regards Worgeordie

do they?? Gary Strydom doesnt seem to be paying the price...I think he's mid 50s now and he looks super....

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It shocks me to see the amount of people who lift and do steroids when they aren't ready for it. I used to belong to a forum and there were only 2 members who were natural, when you saw pictures of some of these guys you could barely tell they trained. I can understand that guys who need to compete have no choice but to juice up because even in the so called natural competitions everyone is using, but a lot of trainers nowadays are just lazy and looking for the easy ride. It happens all over though, every sport has it in some form and a friend was telling me it's a massive problem with cheerleaders who want to have the physique but still want to party all weekend. I remember a supplement company that used to give a leaflet to customers asking;

Do you train less than 4 times a week?

Do you drink alcohol

Do you smoke dope

Do you eat junk food

If the answer to any of the questions is yes, don't waste your money on supplements.

I know bodybuilders are vain and it's their choice but if you haven't achieved eveything you can naturaly first why would you take drugs with all the associated risks, it's all very well too look strong and healthy but no good if you are rotting inside.

As for older guys turning flabby, no excuse, keep training, adjust your diet according to your age and there is no need to be a bag of skin. Keep eating like a hardcore lifter but slack on your training and you will get fat.

It is a science, but it ain't rocket science.

Totaly agree with you....you get the training and diet right, then you put the chemicals in. And a small amount the chemicals can enhance everything 10 fold. Like everything, the guys that mess up are the ones that abuse.....

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I have received a nearly complete education in human physiology just by reading the posts in this thread. Thanks to all contributors.

Old, outta shape, nearly outta time farang.

Too be honest there is always time to get into shape.. it just takes longer and if your older you have to be more careful. But its a choice and a time investment.

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Oh yeah big body and small dick here we come.

Steroids actually , makes ur dick bigger !

Since when? lol

I believe the conversion of testosterone (excessively high levels due to steroids) to estrogen causes the shrinking of the testes and appendage. I've never heard of people claiming it's made them bigger.

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I have two close friends who did body building when they were young. They both won awards. Now they are old grossly overweight and look really ugly. All that muscle has turned into fat

I bet most people know more than two people who never did bodybuilding and look just as bad or worse. Many older guys are overweight and ugly. It all depends on how you take care of yourself.

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This dude sounds like a moron. Just to have bigger muscles? Oh dear...you can't teach stupid.

You should tell that to the guys who spend money on silicones for their gf.

Just to have bigger tits.Oh dear

Yes in fact the real go is to come here "with" the gf. You both get your tits done and have a holiday at the same time. I believe that's quite popular now. . .

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This dude sounds like a moron. Just to have bigger muscles? Oh dear...you can't teach stupid.

You should tell that to the guys who spend money on silicones for their gf.

Just to have bigger tits.Oh dear

Oh dear, indeed.

There's a bit of a difference, one is legal , the other isn't. One is steroids, the other is relatively silicone. One is used to make the individual look like a freak and reduce the size of the brain, the other just makes a girl's breasts larger or more shapely. One is used by stupid morons, the other by girls.

While I liked your previous post about the muscle not being able to turn into fat, as it is true. I have never read any research that steroids affect the brain, please tell that to all the older guys using testosterone as HRT and the burn victims that use them too.

The commonly used term these days - road rage - describing the behaviour of people who overreact to some small perceived infraction while driving can, and has, lead to some tragic outcomes is a bastardisation of of the original term "roid rage".

There are documented accounts of steroid users going completely berserk and killing people without knowing what they are doing, or have done


The one in particular that I recall involved a young man and woman.

He beat her to death and had no recollection.

Yes steroids DO affect the brain.

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