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Lamborghini Crash Survivor: Amulet Saved My Life


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It's time Thailand starts to build sportscars, those falang built sportcars are really unsafe whistling.gif

Yeah they could just attach an amulet on the front and the back and we'd all be safe.

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What's the chances his "diamonds" are cubic zirconium?

Very small I'd say. Everybody knows that 'Diamonds are Forever' I have Shirley Bassey's word on it.

Zirconium is for passenger transit van drivers.

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Check out the 2007 Murcielago Lp 640 for only 3.2m baht (330,000MYR)


Geez, that's almost tempting haha.


Amulet is not included though.

This car is actually for sale in England at £138,990, which is substantially more than 330,000 MYR, in fact about 650,000 before any freight or taxes. The Ad seems bogus.

Check out the 2007 Murcielago Lp 640 for only 3.2m baht (330,000MYR)


Geez, that's almost tempting haha.


Amulet is not included though.

This car is actually for sale in England at £138,990, which is substantially more than 330,000 MYR, in fact about 650,000 before any freight or taxes. The Ad seems bogus.


This ones for sale in Thailand a ....






It says new but in the advert it says 2010 at a price of 21M baht... With a conversion using xe.com at 14.15pm thai time gives a 454,750,94p (Can not do a pound sign,thai laptop) but that is pounds.

Edited by kohphangan
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Big money can buy you in Thailand an exorbitant, crazy expensive, high powered Sport car,

but not the ability to drive it! whistling.gif

Again, the heavy rain, the bad weather and the extremely powerful car, was the reason for the crash. Not the driver ! rolleyes.gif

Also, I would,

in the Monsoon season and highly possible torrential rains, use another, better suited car out of my surely, existing fleet!


A "passionate" experienced Sport car and Sport Motorbikes driver. smile.png

Edited by ALFREDO
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Amazing the similarity in the terrain to this accident 7 years ago in Nice where I was living at the time. The Russian lived to tell the tale, apparently he picked up the Ferrari at the airport and drove like a lunatic down the Promenade des Anglais and guess what, he lost control in the rain!


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At full throttle a Lamborghini can travel 1 mile in 15 seconds.

Not even a boot load of St Christophers will help you if you hit a wet patch.

Which one would that be that can travel at 240mph?

That's 240mph AVERAGE.

As it starts from 0mph it would have to be going much faster over the finish line.

BTW what's the ground clearance.?

One occasionally sees these type of motors outside Warm Up in CM....I guess the speed bumps stop them going down the road to Infinity at Prasert Land.

They must go a special route.

Imagine your penis shrinking as all the girls are watching from the club as you are see-sawing a la Italian Job on a speed bump and the business end can't hit the ground for traction.

Edited by cheeryble
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The guy is moron, nothing more or less and another example of how "religion" screws with peoples behaviour, accept my beliefs and respect them...............incredible.

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My father in law also had an amulet with amazing powers. One could not die while wearing it. It was also said that you can't shoot or break it (even though it had been carved and created into its current form). I don't know the full details of it, but his amulet was in demand and he was getting offers in the 10 million Thai baht range for it. He declined, like a fool. Anyway, some Thai army big wig wanted to buy it and raised the price by 5 million or so, but before he paid the money he wanted to shoot the amulet, as if it was real, it would be impossible to shoot it.

The next day a huge, and I mean huge gathering of Army guys and locals show up at the farm. The big money Army guy shows up, they hang the amulet on a tree and take the first shot. The gun jammed.

You can imagine the absolute amazement of the crowd. It must be real. He was to come back tomorrow with cash in hand to buy the amulet and live forever.

The next morning my father in law was shot in the head and killed on the way to pick rice, and the amulet stolen from his body. Police hardly did an investigation and it was more or less swept under the rug. This was 8 years ago.

One can only imagine how that all played out and who is wearing the amulet now, but what I find incredibly bizarre is that if they know they can actually shoot someone in the head who is wearing it, then what is the point of having it? Thai logic at its best right there. Their superstition and ignorance knows no bounds.

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What's the chances his "diamonds" are cubic zirconium?

Very small I'd say. Everybody knows that 'Diamonds are Forever' I have Shirley Bassey's word on it.

Zirconium is for passenger transit van drivers.

Anybody stupid enough to lay out big money for an amulet is stupid enough to take the seller's word about the "diamonds".

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At full throttle a Lamborghini can travel 1 mile in 15 seconds.

Which one would that be that can travel at 240mph?

That's 240mph AVERAGE.

As it starts from 0mph it would have to be going much faster over the finish line.

Incorrect. The example given clearly states 'at full throttle', ie, the vehicle is already at full throttle at the start of the mile. There are many such 'measurements' used to aid the reader's ability to grasp just how fast a certain speed is, for example the 'at 200mph you travel the lenght of a football field every second' or whatever it is. You seem pedantic, you can do the math and get back to us.

Edited by Salapoo
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Gee guys....

1) Many Thai people believe in their amulets. It's a part of their culture. Get over it!

2) We know nothing about his driving skills. And seeing he was going to his fathers funeral he might not have been in his normal state of mind.

Really don't understand why so many of you feel the need to judge him.

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At full throttle a Lamborghini can travel 1 mile in 15 seconds.

Which one would that be that can travel at 240mph?

That's 240mph AVERAGE.

As it starts from 0mph it would have to be going much faster over the finish line.

Incorrect. The example given clearly states 'at full throttle', ie, the vehicle is already at full throttle at the start of the mile. There are many such 'measurements' used to aid the reader's ability to grasp just how fast a certain speed is, for example the 'at 200mph you travel the lenght of a football field every second' or whatever it is. You seem pedantic, you can do the math and get back to us.

Full throttle (also pedal to the metal, flat to the floor, wide open) is a term not relative to speed but refers to having the carburettor butterly or fuel injection at maximun setting. A motor could be at full throttle while out of gear - going nowhere. It will also be at full throttle when starting from rest at maximum acceleration.

The claim that a Lambo can travel one mile in 15 secs, or 4 miles per minute, indicates 240mph constant speed, or a much higher terminal speed if starting from rest.

Edited by OzMick
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Gee guys....

1) Many Thai people believe in their amulets. It's a part of their culture. Get over it!

2) We know nothing about his driving skills. And seeing he was going to his fathers funeral he might not have been in his normal state of mind.

Really don't understand why so many of you feel the need to judge him.

Apart from the fact he believes in superstitious mumbo jumbo of course.

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Really don't understand why so many of you feel the need to judge him.

You don't?

I thought it was pretty obvious.

He has an open mind and a lambo that cost $1m, and they 30k baht p/m pensions that are dwindling by the month.

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Check out the 2007 Murcielago Lp 640 for only 3.2m baht (330,000MYR)


Geez, that's almost tempting haha.


Amulet is not included though.

This car is actually for sale in England at £138,990, which is substantially more than 330,000 MYR, in fact about 650,000 before any freight or taxes. The Ad seems bogus.

Malaysian website. English cemetery. One careful owner maybe; but definitely not waaal.

I'm not judging the Thai CEO but this is clearly a case of a Malaysian tw**.

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If nothing else, this article goes to show that...

There is absolutely no correlation between WEALTH, INTELLIGENCE and COMMON SENSE in Thailand.

I rest my case :D

Same in the uk your honour.

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Don't knock amulets until you've tried them. I have been wearing two amulets ever since arriving in Thailand and I have never lost my life yet, so they must save my life every day. But you need to remember you have to wear at least one amulet-activating amulet, because if not, all other amulets will be utterly ineffective. That's where those who meet misfortune go wrong. They wear only a regular amulet.

i have been "reliably" informed that only odd numbers of amulets should be worn, as an even number is very unlucky. My observation made after being told this was that an even number of amulets was very rare, only to be found on recently arrived farangs.

Odd numbers only. That's what I was told.

It's good for sales.

Experienced farangs buy only one.


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At full throttle a Lamborghini can travel 1 mile in 15 seconds.

Not even a boot load of St Christophers will help you if you hit a wet patch.

Which one would that be that can travel at 240mph?

Some of these are close but not 240mph.


OK, OK. 238 plus downhill, following wind and amulet.


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Don't knock amulets until you've tried them. I have been wearing two amulets ever since arriving in Thailand and I have never lost my life yet, so they must save my life every day. But you need to remember you have to wear at least one amulet-activating amulet, because if not, all other amulets will be utterly ineffective. That's where those who meet misfortune go wrong. They wear only a regular amulet.

i have been "reliably" informed that only odd numbers of amulets should be worn, as an even number is very unlucky. My observation made after being told this was that an even number of amulets was very rare, only to be found on recently arrived farangs.
Odd numbers only. That's what I was told.

It's good for sales.

Experienced farangs buy only one.


I have seen a few with a lot. But yes, odd numbers only.

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Gee guys....

1) Many Thai people believe in their amulets. It's a part of their culture. Get over it!

2) We know nothing about his driving skills. And seeing he was going to his fathers funeral he might not have been in his normal state of mind.

Really don't understand why so many of you feel the need to judge him.

Apart from the fact he believes in superstitious mumbo jumbo of course.

Ummmm..... So?? How is that any of your business what the man believes in?

Really don't understand why so many of you feel the need to judge him.

You don't?

I thought it was pretty obvious.

He has an open mind and a lambo that cost $1m, and they 30k baht p/m pensions that are dwindling by the month.

What has the price of the car with anything to do? And even more so - what has the dwindling pensions to do with this story?? Feeling a bit jealous are we?? laugh.png

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If somebody has got more money than somebody else or more faith than somebody else they will get a bashing from the people who have less. more money and more faith are like a red rag to a bull.

Kananga is ignorant.

Salapoo I think is making the same point as you are.

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