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Five-Car Pile-Up Brings Bangkok's Ratchada To A Standstill


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lol must be the rain faults.. not the driver speeding to a blind dip were you cant see if the traffics stopped.

I thought car explosion were bigger? or is that just movie physics? thumbsup.gif

Yup that is correct the only time you get explosion is when gas tanks are heated and then they burst
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I knew it as soon as I read this story and I was right.. post after post denigrating and insulting thai people.. why are you all here? ..and if you live in Thailand why on earth would you live in a country in which you seem to think it's people are so beneath you?

For goodness sake accidents like this happen in every country.. there are idiot drivers in every country.. driving too close to the car in front happens in every country.. Blaming conditions happens in every country.. Why is it that people need to insult and put down others just to make themselves feel superior and somehow without fault?

All you do by so freely mocking and blaming Thai people and their culture, as if they are inferior, is show the same ignorance that you seem to so love accusing them of.

All countries and all cultures have their faults and also their good sides.. instead of being so ready to criticise in order to make ourselves feel superior how about some kindness, understanding and intelligence.. We are all in the same boat (planet earth) and it's surely about time we all got on and started trying to see beyond the differences.. these people are our brothers and sisters..

You may laugh at this and say I am making a big deal out of a few jokes or whatever but what I am saying needs to be said.. The kind of attitude that is behind this mocking of our fellow man and woman is the cause of most of the wars and suffering in this world.. It's time for change and it starts with us changing those attitudes..

Something I have noticed during my many visits to Thailand and other countries too is that if you treat people with respect and trust you usually find they trust and respect you in return.. and if you mistrust them or mock them that is just what you get back.. which then reinforces your misguided belief that they are to blame..

If you think the Thais will take advantage of you and are only interested in your money and that is your attitude to them that is probably what will happen. I never felt like that and in all my years in Thailand I never got taken advantage of.. and that holds true in every country worldwide.

People have often called me a fool for being so trusting in Thailand but I assure you Thai people are acutely aware of how westerners mistrust them and respond accordingly.

Try a little openness and trust.. you may just be very surprised!

Oh well said sir, I could not have said it better. The jaundiced views expressed by many detracts from this site. There are however some excellent insights which is the reason I return. In addition to this there are some particularly humorous posts as well.
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A post with overly derogatory comments toward Thais has been removed as well as a reply.

This entire thread is rather derogatory towards Thais. Please consider this.

Only their driving habits and apparent lack of safety. Check out other threads if you really want done derogatory stuff.

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The accident was caused by speeding. If Thais would follow the road safety code and the speed limit, Things like that wouldn't happens. The speed limit on Ratchada is 80 kilo/hrs for cars and 60 kilo/hrs for trucks. With good tires and following this speed, you can't lose control of your car. Hiding the truth won't make this country safer on the road.

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The accident wasn't caused by a heavy downpour, but by the general Thai driving habit not to keep any distance to the front car.

Sorry but I can't see how that is correct in this situation. A slippery road surface will slow down the truck's ability to stop to a far greater extent as it has a lot more momentum than cars - it is more likely that the 'out of control' truck crossed lanes into the path of other vehicles which would put the blame on excessive speed by the truck.

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The police report seems stangely different from the photo supplied. OTOH they rarely match reality.

How so? It looks to me like the truck lost it and went sideways, catching a few tailgaters or those attempting to pass. This tunnel, to me is just plain scarey, wet or dry. I've personally seen it in the wee hours and, luckily, traffic is relatively sparse (or in this case it probably would have been a lot more than just 5 vehicles). The drivers actually have to focus and drive somewhat sanely to traverse it which may be a challenge for many to do so ... even sober.

"The taxi behind the Isuzu truck smashed into its gas tank, causing the fire, police said." Now look at the picture.

Yes. I've looked at the picture again. And....?

Firstly, the truck was hit by the pick-up. Secondly it has impacted with its left front quarter ahead of the rear wheels of the truck, right where the fuel tank is normally mounted. The next vehicle back is the taxi which has not hit the truck at all, let alone the fuel tank.

Doesn't it seem strange that the police report omits the pick-up, or at best, describes it so as to be easily confused with the following vehicle?

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I knew it as soon as I read this story and I was right.. post after post denigrating and insulting thai people.. why are you all here? ..and if you live in Thailand why on earth would you live in a country in which you seem to think it's people are so beneath you?

For goodness sake accidents like this happen in every country.. there are idiot drivers in every country.. driving too close to the car in front happens in every country.. Blaming conditions happens in every country.. Why is it that people need to insult and put down others just to make themselves feel superior and somehow without fault?

All you do by so freely mocking and blaming Thai people and their culture, as if they are inferior, is show the same ignorance that you seem to so love accusing them of.

All countries and all cultures have their faults and also their good sides.. instead of being so ready to criticise in order to make ourselves feel superior how about some kindness, understanding and intelligence.. We are all in the same boat (planet earth) and it's surely about time we all got on and started trying to see beyond the differences.. these people are our brothers and sisters..

You may laugh at this and say I am making a big deal out of a few jokes or whatever but what I am saying needs to be said.. The kind of attitude that is behind this mocking of our fellow man and woman is the cause of most of the wars and suffering in this world.. It's time for change and it starts with us changing those attitudes..

Something I have noticed during my many visits to Thailand and other countries too is that if you treat people with respect and trust you usually find they trust and respect you in return.. and if you mistrust them or mock them that is just what you get back.. which then reinforces your misguided belief that they are to blame..

If you think the Thais will take advantage of you and are only interested in your money and that is your attitude to them that is probably what will happen. I never felt like that and in all my years in Thailand I never got taken advantage of.. and that holds true in every country worldwide.

People have often called me a fool for being so trusting in Thailand but I assure you Thai people are acutely aware of how westerners mistrust them and respond accordingly.

Try a little openness and trust.. you may just be very surprised!

Unfortunately, there are too many people in Thailand that INDEED and VERY obviously drive so recklessly on the right lane or overtaking the slower ones without taking any prisoners: Rich kids, Rich parents, rich government officials, pick-up drivers with overloaded freights, sports car drivers, bad boys, bad girls, funny girls, sunny girls, phony girls, phony guys, phony pimps, underaged, overaged school kids, arrogant university guys and girls, you name it...

with no rule of law, no matter how racist it sounds to you, man,.... THIS IS JUST A TRUE FACT, and unfortunately the corrupt non hold bars and zero tolerance system leads Thai people to these kind of actions....

and I AM Thai-(Chinese) btw, and I SEE and WITNESS these behaviors EVERY DAY among my folks...

I completely agree with both these posts, I don't like to see the Thai bashing. I have lived and worked here for many years and have seen lots of good and lots of bad. The law should change and a real driving test should be implemented, one that cannot be bought. A TV program teaching what happens in certain circumstances like taking over on the inside, running a red light, leaving your indicator on, etc etc would help. It would not be the cure but the beginning of the cure. There are many deaths each and every day that could be spared. Why doesn't the government recognize, A simple thing like checking a real licence and taking action could save Billions of baht and the lives of their people.

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It isn't 'bashing' to point out the facts of Thailand's deadly roads, poor driving standards and almost total absence of any proper law enforcement.

On a daily basis in Bangkok I see drivers running red lights on a crossing near where I live, endangering even children trying to cross the road to go to school. The attitude of these drivers sickens me. Their disregard for pedestrians is symptomatic of a deeper problem than mere driving ability or lack of law enforcement, rather it is a cultural flaw where perceived status affords a lack of moral and ethical responsibility, and where laws only apply to those that can't afford to pay. This affects the entire social ladder, ergo monkey see, monkey do.

Until the inherent arrogance and wilful ignorance is addressed, and a desire to be educated is expressed rather than the vanity of a personality cult and money worship, expect the situation on the roads to worsen.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Eventually, Thailand appears to catch up with the "developed" countries now.

Reminds me of a szenario on the German Autobahn. whistling.gif

Have to agree - all the nay-sayers here, and yet in the supposedly advanced countries in Europe or Britain, how many huge pile ups happen every year in conditions that are COMMON ALMOST ALL THE TIME in those places...!?

It doesn't lessen the gravity of the issue of road safety anywhere, but lets get a little perspective.

Yes, Thai drivers often drive far too close, and far too fast...BUT...last time I spent time in the UK, the morning rush hour along the M3 or M4 had the fast lane running at times up to 90mph, and I know from experience that leaving a gap long enough for a car to fit, meant someone would hop in - at 90mph - so we are talking about 150Kmh, and ending up 3 metres from the car in front and the one behind, no matter what.

So its not just here...!

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I knew it as soon as I read this story and I was right.. post after post denigrating and insulting thai people.. why are you all here? ..and if you live in Thailand why on earth would you live in a country in which you seem to think it's people are so beneath you?

For goodness sake accidents like this happen in every country.. there are idiot drivers in every country.. driving too close to the car in front happens in every country.. Blaming conditions happens in every country.. Why is it that people need to insult and put down others just to make themselves feel superior and somehow without fault?

All you do by so freely mocking and blaming Thai people and their culture, as if they are inferior, is show the same ignorance that you seem to so love accusing them of.

All countries and all cultures have their faults and also their good sides.. instead of being so ready to criticise in order to make ourselves feel superior how about some kindness, understanding and intelligence.. We are all in the same boat (planet earth) and it's surely about time we all got on and started trying to see beyond the differences.. these people are our brothers and sisters..

You may laugh at this and say I am making a big deal out of a few jokes or whatever but what I am saying needs to be said.. The kind of attitude that is behind this mocking of our fellow man and woman is the cause of most of the wars and suffering in this world.. It's time for change and it starts with us changing those attitudes..

Something I have noticed during my many visits to Thailand and other countries too is that if you treat people with respect and trust you usually find they trust and respect you in return.. and if you mistrust them or mock them that is just what you get back.. which then reinforces your misguided belief that they are to blame..

If you think the Thais will take advantage of you and are only interested in your money and that is your attitude to them that is probably what will happen. I never felt like that and in all my years in Thailand I never got taken advantage of.. and that holds true in every country worldwide.

People have often called me a fool for being so trusting in Thailand but I assure you Thai people are acutely aware of how westerners mistrust them and respond accordingly.

Try a little openness and trust.. you may just be very surprised!

Then look up some statistics for yourself related to road accidents here; as well as read the article again.

We're reminding one another to be careful out there, drive defensively...use your training in driving as a means of safety.

We feel no need to 'kiss up' to any society, do you? Gotten hit by motorcycles, and accused of it being my wrong when it wasn't...the truth comes out eventually, but be careful and look out for #1 is all I am saying. Hopefully, if you're driving on the road in a car in particular, you have some Thai nationals at your side ready to go into battle for you...

As for this story, we all knew the blame before we even read it...so, its a pattern, a stat..a stereotype that appears true..so be aware when you're driving, what you're up against.

Edited by gemini81
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I'm just waiting for when the poor old Sun also gets the blame.

"Officer, I only closed my eyes because the Sun was too bright and then somebody put a tunnel in the way. It's the Sun's fault"


Hows ya post count coming? Out of every reply i seen you post on this board it has 3 words in every post.

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