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Spanish Tourists ' Beat Up Security Guards' In Phuket


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you people dont seem to understand that since the bike was in front of the guard he would have seen the thief and should of stopped the robbery.

At least thats what a sane tourist would think.

The security guards understanding of his job description is to show up for work and salute when his boss enters or exits the building.

In Latin America you simply give the security guards a little tip (propina) to extend their services to security.smile.png

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What sane person would leave valuables on the seat of a bike in the early hours of the morning - it takes just seconds to snatch a bag and make off into the night.

The couple got their just deserts and hope they never come back to these shores after taking out their anger on the first people they saw.

What sane person would believe the news as presented by that outfit ?

Had you read the previous posts you would have known a different angle of the story is reported elsewhere & the original source is often inaccurate in its reporting.

But no, in typical Thaivisa style you have judged them guilty and branded them fools. Thank god you are not a judge, coming to a verdict without a chunk of the facts.

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The police then charged them both with physical assault and locked them in separate holding cells.

The couple appeared in court this morning and admitted the charges. They are currently still in custody because – with their belongings having been stolen – they do not have the funds to make bail.

I thought physical assault was a 500 baht fine? Wasn't that what a tuk tuk driver was fined not long ago after beating some tourist?

The Spanish guy wrecked the police holding cell too.

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From what I've heard, if anyone should know that it's not wise to leave your stuff unattended (by yourselves!) in public, it's people from Spain. Definitely a whole lot missing from this telling of events.

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Are we missing the point that the 'security guards' were not actually keeping the place secure? Who wouldn't be angry if they saw some alleged 'security' guards chatting with the likely offender?

Who on this forum is dumb enough to think that the 'guards' did not know the ladyboy was most likely, by reputation, suspicion or confirmed knowledge, to be a thief?

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you people dont seem to understand that since the bike was in front of the guard he would have seen the thief and should of stopped the robbery.

At least thats what a sane tourist would think.

The security guards understanding of his job description is to show up for work and salute when his boss enters or exits the building.

Seems a high % of job descriptions in the kingdom read "consuming oxygen"

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Clearly misdirected aggression by the Spaniards as they could have found a took took driver or two. I assume the female Spaniard beat up one of the guards?

Edited by atyclb
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"Police showed Velasco and Carmen photos of ladyboys with criminal records"...Wow ! How big was that photo album ?

Perhaps they were actually Iranian tourists who mistook the security guards for Americans. whistling.gif

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The security guards may have been innocent in this case, but I am sure they have done something in the past to deserve being beat up. biggrin.png

Edited by mikemac
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Clearly misdirected aggression by the Spaniards as they could have found a took took driver or two. I assume the female Spaniard beat up one of the guards?

I think she beat up both of them, just imagine what damage she could have done had she not had one arm tied behind her back.

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Never come home opened the front door and seen the lady of the house clad in black stockings, high heels and a black velvet ribbon around her neck? She says, 'Upstairs. NOW." You going to carefully close the front door? Never experienced that? What a boring life you live?

I can visualise situations that would a wipe handbag from my memory PDQ. laugh.png

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Odd time of Year for Spanish to come here. Plenty of Foriegners to attack back home,when they get bored with stabbing Bulls.beatdeadhorse.gif

You should know that the majority of the Spaniard population dislikes the subject of bullfighting. Only residues of fascism in Spain they like, but of course, they are the ruling class…

It would be the same as saying that all Italians are gangsters, or that all Israelis are murderers of Palestinian children, or that all Americans are killing people around the world.

You should also know, that in a province already achieved ban bullfighting, but of course now French tourists are outraged by not being able to travel to that province to "enjoy" bullfighting.

There is garbage all over the world, man… there is nowhere to run

Sorry but this is not the right part of the history: Its right that some people from Spain dislikes bullfighting but in the other hand there are many people who like it. I can tell you the Bull live in the field with 100 cows during 6 to 7 years. They realy live like a king in a jungle. If they have any problem a vet is coming as far as possible. Everyday people run them with a horse to do exercise. Thanks that: the animal is not actually extinguish, the field is preserved from cut or another insteresting as Golf camps, etc.

As a animal lover I am I dont say its not hard to see how a animal is killed but it's Spanish culture if you don't like don't watch it.

I like to see how the people can be so cynical. Why dont you say any comment about how is the chicken, sheep or cow life? Ohh yes its better die electrocuted and living in a box smaller than you with the light 24h/day on. But Aroi MAK MAK...

It's nothing about fascism or rulling class. But people don't know what is the inside. Anyway take care a bull is really relly expensive. They will exting because crisis...




Now ON topic: I hope that Spanish couple learn the meaning of travel to YOUR NOT COUNTRY.

If you go to the beach and keep your wallet in your set bike. Don't complaint to anybody. Because you are stupid. Here and in everywhere.

I don't think they were under anything but people doesn't take well when someone stole their money harder to earn it nowdays.

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you people dont seem to understand that since the bike was in front of the guard he would have seen the thief and should of stopped the robbery.

At least thats what a sane tourist would think.

The security guards understanding of his job description is to show up for work and salute when his boss enters or exits the building.

In Latin America you simply give the security guards a little tip (propina) to extend their services to security.smile.png

in latin america the secury guards are skinny wimps but they sit in front of the business with a few shotguns ready to blow off anyone causing trouble. Works great.

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The translated report

"They left a bag containing their valuables on the seat of the motorbike they had rented"

The correct translation

They left a bag containing their valuables under the seat of the motorbike they had rented

If the two guards watched and did nothing while the ladyboy broke open the m/c seat, the Spanish anger would have been more understandable.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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you people dont seem to understand that since the bike was in front of the guard he would have seen the thief and should of stopped the robbery.

At least thats what a sane tourist would think.

The security guards understanding of his job description is to show up for work and salute when his boss enters or exits the building.

In Latin America you simply give the security guards a little tip (propina) to extend their services to security.smile.png

in latin america the secury guards are skinny wimps but they sit in front of the business with a few shotguns ready to blow off anyone causing trouble. Works great.

The last thing we need here is Isaan Rambo's hanging around with shotguns. Just see the carnage they cause with their whistles. :o

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