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The word "general" should be a clue much? An answer in your experience would be appreciated though, then maybe somebody else will do the same thing, and then maybe we'll get a general picture.

That's what tends to happen when you ask a general question that includes the word " general ".

Just sayin' coffee1.gif

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The Thai Chinese that got rich mostly did by saving and reinvesting (including spent on education). Their kids who follow this attitude obviously save. Then there's the Thai Chinese kids who just seem to shop and spend all their days in Bangkok shopping malls or on flash cars.

Give some money to someone poor and see how long before it is spent on something for face reasons.

See how long a sponsors money lasts.

Some rich people save, some spend as much as possible.

See how many almost new cars and motorbikes are on secondhand dealers lots these days.

Everyones different.


Thai people spend everything today and worry about tomorrow tomorrow.

Why worry about money?

There is no point in being the richest person in the graveyard.


As far as I know for most many Thais due to their meager income its very hard, not to say impossible to save something whistling.gif


From what I've seen Thais spend money on things they no can be resold, especially on gold.

But they will still sit at a table 2 or 3 of them and eat 30 baht somtam.


With nearly 7000 posts im sure you have some inkling ?

have you actually read any of them? other people don't really seem to be a favoured subject

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A girl I dated recently, masters degree, good job, haggled with management over the inclusion of a 15THB drink on the bill at one of our restaurant meals. The following day she settled on a new townhouse she has purchased here in Phuket on a 30 year mortgage. I asked her what interest rate she was paying on the 2.75 million THB she had borrowed and her reply:

I don't know.

Perhaps penny wise and pound foolish is a good label...

I've seen similar, only in this case the lady in question bought a car with an 8,000 baht a month repayment, and she only earned 12,000 a month. I couldn't get my head round that.


I've seen similar, only in this case the lady in question bought a car with an 8,000 baht a month repayment, and she only earned 12,000 a month. I couldn't get my head round that.

Without details of her situation and monthly cash-flow it might be challenging to categorize her as a "Spender" or a "Saver"?

Is she married? Live at home? Having a car can greatly expand one's mobility allowing one access to more job and educational opportunities, start a second business, save time, work more. That said, based strictly on the stated expense, factoring in fixed an operating costs, this person may not be able to save a lot each month?

Generalizations and categorizations are tough, probably a lot depends on up-bringing, status/position, education. I assume you could find national averages for personal savings, debt, income etc.?


I've seen similar, only in this case the lady in question bought a car with an 8,000 baht a month repayment, and she only earned 12,000 a month. I couldn't get my head round that.

Without details of her situation and monthly cash-flow it might be challenging to categorize her as a "Spender" or a "Saver"?

Is she married? Live at home? Having a car can greatly expand one's mobility allowing one access to more job and educational opportunities, start a second business, save time, work more. That said, based strictly on the stated expense, factoring in fixed an operating costs, this person may not be able to save a lot each month?

Generalizations and categorizations are tough, probably a lot depends on up-bringing, status/position, education. I assume you could find national averages for personal savings, debt, income etc.?

In the case I quoted it was reckless stupidity, keeping up with the Joneses.


For most Thais spending time with us, we would never have that opportunity if they had a good grasp of personal finance issues.

But despite better knowledge back home, I think it's a pretty safe bet that actual savings rates as a proportion of income are lower on average in our own countries than here. Just having that knowledge doesn't actually create the necessary habits to accumulate positive net worth.

Rational understanding doesn't stand a chance for most of us against the well-developed science of marketing/advertising developed out of government propaganda techniques, driven by the need for infinite growth (as if that were sustainable) of our economic system.

"Never worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."






Your topic heading Spend Spend Spend reminds me of someone called Vivian back in the UK. Can't be blethe bothered googling but I'm sure you'll remember.smile.png

Viv Nicholson, she won the pools around about 1962, I think £100,000 at the time. When asked what she would do with the money she replied " spend, spend, spend ". She did, and she died penniless.


A girl I dated recently, masters degree, good job, haggled with management over the inclusion of a 15THB drink on the bill at one of our restaurant meals. The following day she settled on a new townhouse she has purchased here in Phuket on a 30 year mortgage. I asked her what interest rate she was paying on the 2.75 million THB she had borrowed and her reply:

I don't know.

Perhaps penny wise and pound foolish is a good label...

Exactly like my wife. Takes all the old newspapers and plastic bottles to sell and doesn't know a thing about our mortgage. Couldn't even see that it made sense to pay 23k/month for 16 years rather than 18k/month for 30 years.

Actually I am the opposite - penny unwise and pound stingy.


Your topic heading Spend Spend Spend reminds me of someone called Vivian back in the UK. Can't be blethe bothered googling but I'm sure you'll remember.smile.png

Viv Nicholson, she won the pools around about 1962, I think £100,000 at the time. When asked what she would do with the money she replied " spend, spend, spend ". She did, and she died penniless.

There was a very good mini series on the telly last year when I went back to Scotland. It was about some people winning the lottery. The syndicate I think it was called.

With nearly 7000 posts im sure you have some inkling ?

have you actually read any of them? other people don't really seem to be a favoured subject

Come on bleth lad, I've never seen you lost for words before.smile.pngsmile.png

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