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Suvarnabhumi Customs Arrests 2 Iranians Smuggling 1 Kg Of Crystal Meth In Stomachs


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Yeah I find it a bit strange smuggling it into Thailand (a bit like taking a 6 pack to a brewery tour), I was under the impression it mainly came from Burma / Laos. Maybe they were off to somewhere else (stop over for a night or 2) Bangkok is a major stop over for airlines like Emitates. Did they fly in from Iran?

Anyway, good job and 007 needs a pat on the back too that was possibly dangerous.

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Bringing crystal meth to Thailand is akin to taking coals to Newcastle, plenty of competition from the local high-ranking officials in the same business too, and you don't want to be stepping on their toes, in their country of all places.

I'm not sure there is any reason to suspect that Thailand was necessarily the final destination for this crystal meth product? That said, methamphetamine tablets laced with caffeine have traditionally been the local speed of choice/choice of speed? But maybe some trans-shipments get stripped off for local sales, or there is a market for crystal meth now which needs supplying? Not sure the Burmese rebels have the supplies necessary to manufacture crystal meth anyway?

Burma is one of the primary producers of crystal meth. Some months back it was disclosed that billions of cold tablets were illegally imported from China into Thailand for processing into meth. I assume then shipped to Thai hill tribes for processing. I would guess the same occurs between China and Burma.

In the context of the OP, police report that traffickers from Iran are selling a kilogram of crystal meth in Thailand for $26,000 (800,000 Thai Baht), undercutting the Myanmar traffickers, who sell a kilogram of crystal meth for $81,000 (2.5 Million Thai Baht). The Iranians are able to sell their drugs at a cheaper price due to using lesser amounts of pseudoephedrine. http://www.havocscope.com/tag/myanmar/

Edited by simple1
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Some months back it was disclosed that billions of cold tablets were illegally imported from China into Thailand for processing into meth.

Subsequent articles indicate the cold tablets were imported from South Korea and Taiwan. I am still under the impression that there are some industrial supplies necessary for crystal meth manufacturing and it is impossible to physically move those into the regions in Burma where common tablet methamphetamine is manufactured. But not saying that Burmese aren't facilitating the trans-shipping of crystal meth into Thailand and elsewhere in the region.

Massive Drug Smuggling in Thailand
Written by Richard S. Ehrlich
FRIDAY, 04 MAY 2012
Complex international racket may be too big for authorities to get a handle on
Thailand is facing an epidemic of drug smuggling in a complex international racket that appears too massive and entrenched for authorities to stop. Police said on May 2 that they had seized 1 million illicit methamphetamine pills, weeks after discovering nearly 50 million legal tablets to treat common ailments had been stolen from Thailand's hospitals, to make powerful speed drugs to sell to addicts. An additional 2 billion similar tablets to treat common colds have been smuggled in from Taiwan and South Korea, also to make illegal drugs, authorities said.
Corrupt chemists and drug dealers have been extracting ephedrine and pseudoephedrine from legal cold remedies and similar medicines in Thailand and secretly shipping it across the border into Laos and Myanmar, also known as Burma, where gangs use the ingredients to create a range of amphetamine-based drugs.
Myanmar's drug gangs work among heavily armed minority ethnic insurgents including the Shan, Wa, and other tribes in the lawless, mountainous jungles near the border where the two countries meet. Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine are used to widen bronchial passages and relieve asthma, hay fever, nasal congestion, allergies and the common cold but can also be a precursor chemical to manufacture methamphetamines.


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Hmmmm how about packaging all the evidence up and shipping that along with these idiots back to Iran?

Im sure that Iran has a very dim view of drug runners/pushers or users and I doubt that they would ever turn up on Thailand shores again.

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Some months back it was disclosed that billions of cold tablets were illegally imported from China into Thailand for processing into meth.

Subsequent articles indicate the cold tablets were imported from South Korea and Taiwan. I am still under the impression that there are some industrial supplies necessary for crystal meth manufacturing and it is impossible to physically move those into the regions in Burma where common tablet methamphetamine is manufactured. But not saying that Burmese aren't facilitating the trans-shipping of crystal meth into Thailand and elsewhere in the region.

Massive Drug Smuggling in Thailand
Written by Richard S. Ehrlich
FRIDAY, 04 MAY 2012
Complex international racket may be too big for authorities to get a handle on
Thailand is facing an epidemic of drug smuggling in a complex international racket that appears too massive and entrenched for authorities to stop. Police said on May 2 that they had seized 1 million illicit methamphetamine pills, weeks after discovering nearly 50 million legal tablets to treat common ailments had been stolen from Thailand's hospitals, to make powerful speed drugs to sell to addicts. An additional 2 billion similar tablets to treat common colds have been smuggled in from Taiwan and South Korea, also to make illegal drugs, authorities said.
Corrupt chemists and drug dealers have been extracting ephedrine and pseudoephedrine from legal cold remedies and similar medicines in Thailand and secretly shipping it across the border into Laos and Myanmar, also known as Burma, where gangs use the ingredients to create a range of amphetamine-based drugs.
Myanmar's drug gangs work among heavily armed minority ethnic insurgents including the Shan, Wa, and other tribes in the lawless, mountainous jungles near the border where the two countries meet. Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine are used to widen bronchial passages and relieve asthma, hay fever, nasal congestion, allergies and the common cold but can also be a precursor chemical to manufacture methamphetamines.


OK was going from original reports in BKK Post that we cannot provide a link, but another media report at the following referring to China, I do recall South Korea was also mentioned, plus Thai hospitals ordering large quantities of cold pills then onselling to drug gangs for processing.


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I am just happy they caught some Iranians Forget what for . Now Iran can try and negotiate their release. But then the Thais will hand them over to the Americans ( who knows for what) and the Americans will use them as a bargaining chip with Iran.

Wow what a fantasy

Just lock them up and forget where they are locked up SIMPLE

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Off with their heads

dam_n right! Anyone who has worked the ME will be all too aware of their penalties for serious crime. Well done customs - excellent result and a super deterrent to other scum bags

Well, not really much of a deterent as they will be replaced immediately, ad infinitum.

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Off with their heads

dam_n right! Anyone who has worked the ME will be all too aware of their penalties for serious crime. Well done customs - excellent result and a super deterrent to other scum bags

Well, not really much of a deterent as they will be replaced immediately, ad infinitum.

But easily recognized eh.............



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I am just happy they caught some Iranians Forget what for . Now Iran can try and negotiate their release. But then the Thais will hand them over to the Americans ( who knows for what) and the Americans will use them as a bargaining chip with Iran.

Wow what a fantasy

Just lock them up and forget where they are locked up SIMPLE


Seems Iran hasn't got anything to offer.

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Meanwhile, back in reality with people below 80 years old.

Alcohol continues to wreack havoc with millions of people and is perfectly acceptable.

Just don't dare to take any drug that isn't taxed, or we throw you in jail, or kill you.

If I made pills that were as potent as Alcohol and caused as many problems as Alcohol, I reckon those pills would get me life imprisonment or the death sentence, yet, I can buy a warehouse full of Whiskey that causes so much grief to so many people with no comeback, but, if I smoke a joint, I could get jailed for years.

500 grammes of grass in Singapore its a mandatory death sentence, but the biggest killers of all (Alcohol and Tobacco) are legal in Singapore.

That makes sense !

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Meanwhile, back in reality with people below 80 years old.

Alcohol continues to wreack havoc with millions of people and is perfectly acceptable.

Just don't dare to take any drug that isn't taxed, or we throw you in jail, or kill you.

If I made pills that were as potent as Alcohol and caused as many problems as Alcohol, I reckon those pills would get me life imprisonment or the death sentence, yet, I can buy a warehouse full of Whiskey that causes so much grief to so many people with no comeback, but, if I smoke a joint, I could get jailed for years.

500 grammes of grass in Singapore its a mandatory death sentence, but the biggest killers of all (Alcohol and Tobacco) are legal in Singapore.

That makes sense !

As usual nothing of what you say makes sense. Alcohol is legal whether you, as obviously a drug user, likes it or not.

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I do hope nobody thinks I'm being too insensitive here but would it not be a good idea to force these two bar stewards (and anyone else who thought doing such a thing was a smart idea) to keep the drugs in their systems for as long as possible in the hope that whatever the drugs where packed in would disintegrate in their stomachs and they would both die a horrible death?

If by any chance they couldn't hold the drugs within their system and had to "evacuate" them natures way, they could then be forced to re-consume them just as they left their bodies, until they died either from the effects of the drugs or the effects of continually having to consume their own waste.

Just a thought.

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I do hope nobody thinks I'm being too insensitive here but would it not be a good idea to force these two bar stewards (and anyone else who thought doing such a thing was a smart idea) to keep the drugs in their systems for as long as possible

Great idea. Only until your own sister got in with wrong crowd and attempted to smuggle drugs and was forced to retain the drugs until she died.

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I always love these stories about the police catching someone at the airport from a " tip" from the smugglers themselves. Is it possible the police do not know that twenty times more drugs just walked past them?

Side note: Are these Iranians so stupid they do not realize there is acid in the stomach ? Any failure of the packaging would mean nearly instant death...

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BKK has an airport hospital facility. They just don't take care of tourist upset tummies.

OK, so what's with the pixilated faces of our wonderful Iranian visitors? usually when westerners or Africans are detained we are treated to their full photos and even their passports. Is this a new trend?

Maybe they were smoking cigarettes.

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Off with their heads

dam_n right! Anyone who has worked the ME will be all too aware of their penalties for serious crime. Well done customs - excellent result and a super deterrent to other scum bags

Well, not really much of a deterent as they will be replaced immediately, ad infinitum.

But easily recognized eh.............

attachicon.gifno head.png


"Hope springs eternal."

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Meanwhile, back in reality with people below 80 years old.

Alcohol continues to wreack havoc with millions of people and is perfectly acceptable.

Just don't dare to take any drug that isn't taxed, or we throw you in jail, or kill you.

If I made pills that were as potent as Alcohol and caused as many problems as Alcohol, I reckon those pills would get me life imprisonment or the death sentence, yet, I can buy a warehouse full of Whiskey that causes so much grief to so many people with no comeback, but, if I smoke a joint, I could get jailed for years.

500 grammes of grass in Singapore its a mandatory death sentence, but the biggest killers of all (Alcohol and Tobacco) are legal in Singapore.

That makes sense !

Right or wrong - the trick to avoid punishment is to obey the law.

Everytime some criminals get busted we get the anti-booze, anti-smoking argument. They are legal - with some restrictions imposed by most countries. Some other drugs are not. Break the law, get caught, get punished if found guilty - period.

Fine - if you want to change this, lobby politicians or form you own political party and see if you get elected. Then you can change laws. But don't use it as some kind of excuse for the behaviour of criminals or to mitigate their punishment just because you think dope should be legal.

Your idea of "reality" is exactly that - your idea. Thankfully lots of young people know about the dangers of drug taking, and won't be influenced by the criminals trying to get them hooked on illegal products for profit.

Edited by Baerboxer
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Meanwhile, back in reality with people below 80 years old.

Alcohol continues to wreack havoc with millions of people and is perfectly acceptable.

Just don't dare to take any drug that isn't taxed, or we throw you in jail, or kill you.

If I made pills that were as potent as Alcohol and caused as many problems as Alcohol, I reckon those pills would get me life imprisonment or the death sentence, yet, I can buy a warehouse full of Whiskey that causes so much grief to so many people with no comeback, but, if I smoke a joint, I could get jailed for years.

500 grammes of grass in Singapore its a mandatory death sentence, but the biggest killers of all (Alcohol and Tobacco) are legal in Singapore.

That makes sense !

I drink a beer or two from time to time, I love Bacardi in orange juice sometimes the bottle last one month, I love champagne, do not drink more than 2/3 times a year, sometime do not drink any alcohol a whole week, no addiction whatsoever... not sure I could do that with any kind of drugs coffee1.gif

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