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Need Electricity


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I would appreciate any comments from those with experience in getting electricity set up for rural farm. We have farm 1 km from nearest electric power pole and wonder what the cost is likely to be to get the power company to run lines for us.

I know that I can run the lines myself and piggy back with someone that now has electricity but am told that those type of lines are very likely to dissapear as a midnight requisition for resale by some one.

Are there sensible generator alternatives to help get some power to the farm to run pump and rest of normal electrical needs? Also would consider solar but have no idea of how to proceed with that project.

Thank you for any advice you have on the subject.

Sign me "Powerless in Issan"

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I would appreciate any comments from those with experience in getting electricity set up for rural farm. We have farm 1 km from nearest electric power pole and wonder what the cost is likely to be to get the power company to run lines for us.

I know that I can run the lines myself and piggy back with someone that now has electricity but am told that those type of lines are very likely to dissapear as a midnight requisition for resale by some one.

Are there sensible generator alternatives to help get some power to the farm to run pump and rest of normal electrical needs? Also would consider solar but have no idea of how to proceed with that project.

Thank you for any advice you have on the subject.

Sign me "Powerless in Issan"

Dear "Powerless in Isaan,"

I don't have much experience in this; you might have been better off posting on the main Thaivisa forum or doing a search, as I assume your question pertains to matters common throughout Thailand, not just Isaan. If it's any help, I've got a friend in Krabi who built some apartments about the same distance off the grid. If you go through the normal application procedures there shouldn't be much trouble. I think you can put up the poles yourself and then you pay some amount per meter for them to bring in the power lines. In my friend's case, he needed a lot of power and I owned land next to him, so we agreed to share some of the cost. He (we) payed to have what I think is called a transformer (big cylinder-shaped thing at the top of the pole) put in to ensure maximum power. When the locals nearby, also without power, learned of this they got excited, thinking they could tap it, but we were smart and, since we were paying for it, had it erected on his property. This caused a bit of resentment, but we paid for everything. If you want maximum, stable power, you might want to consider this option. I'm sure others out there know more about this than me, though.

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If you are going to live there you most likely would want to forget about a generator. I would determine if there are other property owners who would benefit from having power. If so I would ask them to share in the cost. In any case I would ask the power company to run the kilometer of wire. This would be high voltage and you would put the transformer and meter on your property. You will be charged for the amount of power you actually use rather than having to worry about someone tapping your line.

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I have been through the same process for the past year or so and could maybe add a little bit of my experience and advice.

Firstly the nearest carrier or transmission lines are about 600 m from my house on the farm. We approached the electricity office in our nearest town to see what needed to be done to get connected. They more or less put us on the books and told us to wait. In addition to this we asked how much it would cost for me to pay for the connection. The price was 90k baht for transformer and 20 power poles required at 7k baht each. It came to about 240k baht for the job to be done. I had also been through the process of considering slaving of someone else but it wouldnt be enough to run a house safely.

One guy at the office told my wife to gather the names and tabian baans for other people in the locality that didnt have power, register this with the amphur and submit that to try and get the government money allocated to provide your "neighbourhood" with power. This is what finally is happening to us but the problem is that it is going to be quite a few months before we are connected.

Since then we have been hearing about allocations of money for solar power connections to the house. My wife went and asked about that and was told that was correct. Problem being that it only gives you enough power for 1 light and a small tv. No thank you.

In Dec we had a visit from a guy from the amphur who wanted my wifes family to give them 1 rai of land in exchange they will build the closest village water supply there. This means that they have to provide power to run the pump so this will give us access to electricity as the pump will be situated across the road from our house. This sounded like a good idea so we gave them the ok. We received a visit from the amphur representative and he told the wife that we will definately be getting water and power sometime this year. At least we know its coming and it will be relatively cheap. Just normal household connection prices.

So basically my advice is to start pestering (nicely) the local electricity office for options on how to obtain power. Dont just accept that you will have to pay the full cost of the supplying the power to your place. There is always another option. Dont listen to the wifes family or friends that they know someone in the office and they will get it done cheap for you. That never eventuates. And above all always show them respect when you are negotiating all this or you will get put on some sort of black list or go slow list with them.

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I would appreciate any comments from those with experience in getting electricity set up for rural farm. We have farm 1 km from nearest electric power pole and wonder what the cost is likely to be to get the power company to run lines for us.

I know that I can run the lines myself and piggy back with someone that now has electricity but am told that those type of lines are very likely to dissapear as a midnight requisition for resale by some one.

Are there sensible generator alternatives to help get some power to the farm to run pump and rest of normal electrical needs? Also would consider solar but have no idea of how to proceed with that project.

Thank you for any advice you have on the subject.

Sign me "Powerless in Issan"

I am about 500m from the nearest pole. The electricity company put a meter on it, and I ran a few lengths of wire down to the house, up on bamboo poles. This is a temporary measure until the electricity company puts in poles at THEIR expense, which, with a bit of help from the poo ban, might be this year. So far (touch wood) no problems other than lights dimming when the well pump runs, and fans almost stopping when the water heater kicks in...

Good luck.

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Running electricity 1 km is not as expensive as you might think. We have a farm alittle over 1 KM on the main road just outside of Udon. The wife talked with the people at the electric office and we got a meter put in just off the main road. We also got the reduced electric rate since where we built the house is considered a farm. (1000 baht insured that) Anyway we then had to buy power poles, mostly bought 5 meter high concrete poles which were 750 baht each, and a few 6 meter concrete poles for 1000 baht each for some low spots. The wire by far was the most expensive, although can't remember exact price per meter. We also had a electrician in the village to install the poles and run the wires for 6000 baht. Very cheap and he did great work. We figured out adding in all expenses it cost us alittle more than 50,000 baht to run the electricty just over 1km. Not nearly as expensive as I thought it would be. We just finished in Febuary an everything is working great. If you want more exact prices on the wire I have it written down you can pm me and I will get it. It does save much money to buy everything yourself and then have it put up. Also don't be affraid to throw the electricity office a bone or 2, it does help.

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