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"hiding behind your goofy pet name"? As opposed to the revealing 'SDH'? You're joking, right? What are you, 6 years old? BTW, re-read the posts (or have someone read them to you) - I never called the OP lonely.

My name's Scott and I'm not hiding at all, you can find me very easily I've been in CM for 13 years, so when you would like to get together over some drinks and bottles of beer let me know, you can come to one of my all night bars and we can take care of you very well! cheesy.gif

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"hiding behind your goofy pet name"? As opposed to the revealing 'SDH'? You're joking, right? What are you, 6 years old? BTW, re-read the posts (or have someone read them to you) - I never called the OP lonely.

My name's Scott and I'm not hiding at all, you can find me very easily I've been in CM for 13 years, so when you would like to get together over some drinks and bottles of beer let me know, you can come to one of my all night bars and we can take care of you very well! cheesy.gif

I know, you could read me the posts as we get the drink on, maybe we could help you with another goofy little pet name? or you could take us to some of your own establishments and show us how clever you are, but mostly we could drink, have dave's phone number, we could call him and have a party.... 55555555

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I think what set Dave off is the problems that previous 4th July events have had in ChiangMai. I recall a few years ago there was one at the sports stadium,.....posts indicated it a disaster...another with a concert aparently did not have the acts advertised and only limited food. Again people were upset (andd I think had every right to be so,)

In both of these events Dave was involved ....not I think for the profit but because it was good to do so. His involvement did not gain him good publicity.

I understand he is worried that his efforts may turn out this way again. Well they may or they may not. I am sure everyone that goes will leave with a full stomach after a pleasant night but there is no excuse that justifies his snarkiness in the anouncement post ( which started this series of posts so to seperate the business from Dave in this case is rather hard).

I for one do not like to see the personal abuse he is throwing around. It has been responded to and he cannot complain about that.

I do have a lower opinion of him than I did before but I realise that as I am no longer in ChiangMai that is no loss to him.

If there is a further problem than the stress I hope things get sorted soon.

In both those events Dave was not the organizer if he had been there would have been less complaints. He kuje the other participants just did what they were allowed to do.

Here is a reprint of his opening post here

"Posted Yesterday, 02:18



Why close a tread about making this a better place. Bring it on. Do you think I can't stand up for my thoughts and values? Let the train wreck. Let us hear why people should be allowed to be jerks, why people should be allowed to talk bad about other people and why people should be allowed to ruin other people's lives. Dave"

I see nothing in there about business.

this thread has taken the typical pattern of many threads people do not read the Original Post just jump in on what some one else has said not realizing that it has nothing to do with the OP


was the original post in which he comenteed about people he did not want.


Was his particuarly abusive post which ended in that topic being closed.

There was also an interveningf topic he posted regarding a lease problem with Succumvit.

I think y ou have to read them to find the real Original post....did you? or did you just jump in?

I read the OP it had nothing to do with his business. I thought that perhaps you had not read it so I posted it . If you doubt my word just look at post 1 on page 1.

Yes I admit that I have occasionally taken cheap shots at posters based on posts in other threads but none of therm designed to bring discredit to their business.

I noticed in your previous posts you had searched back several years for information against him. I just stuck to the OP and went with the flow. the difference being I have no resentment against him or his business. so I threw in some positives.

If you read the thread you will notice that their is quite a few that agree with the information in the OP. They Don't have to search other threads to find reasons for there reasons for agreeing with him. Then there are the others who have to search through threads to justify their vitriol.

Also if you had bothered to read the posts you would notice I have said he did go over board with his OP.

That does not mean I think his business should be attacked. He made a perfectly honest opinion and statement in a very aggressively forceful way. A bit stronger than most posts here and a direct attack on most of the posters. How many times have you posted on a thread about a different topic because the original one was no longer being considered the thread had wandered else where.

Edited by hellodolly
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There was no searching needed....all threads were started within a couple of hours yesterday. It is common knowledge in ChiangMai the debacle a couple of those evernts were.

I bear no vitriol to him. In fact I agree he can be a very nice person and runs a few generally good resturaunts, That however does not give him the right to start three topics in which he abuses other members and threatens them as he has.

I do not understand what set him off. I hope they sort out. But if he gets posts criticising him he has only himself to blame.

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"hiding behind your goofy pet name"? As opposed to the revealing 'SDH'? You're joking, right? What are you, 6 years old? BTW, re-read the posts (or have someone read them to you) - I never called the OP lonely.

My name's Scott and I'm not hiding at all, you can find me very easily I've been in CM for 13 years, so when you would like to get together over some drinks and bottles of beer let me know, you can come to one of my all night bars and we can take care of you very well! cheesy.gif

I know, you could read me the posts as we get the drink on, maybe we could help you with another goofy little pet name? or you could take us to some of your own establishments and show us how clever you are, but mostly we could drink, have dave's phone number, we could call him and have a party.... 55555555

Where are your bars located?

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Sure and I opened this can of worms and so I took the brunt of it. Is some of the criticism directed towards me warranted? Sure, maybe some. By the way, I'd like to thank the large concern for my mental health by numerous private messages and a real concern for my drinking by others.

I'd love to see this as a site that I would be proud to be a sponsor of. I'd love to do functions that everyone could have fun at for ThaiVisa. Not just my customers from ThaiVisa. And as far that goes because some folks are concerned about my charity to the community, the buffet breakfast that I do for The Expat Club at cost and the free venue that I sponsor for The VFW and their pizza sales that I give them at about cost and the school events that I do a few times a month for fundraisers or The Model UN that I cater at cost and the orphan homes that we send food to and The ARK that we supply food for the dogs and that doesn't even get to the money I lost at last year's 4th of July celebration or any of the charity events that we gave gift certificates to or The Free Burma Rangers party that I picked up the tab for. (Someone said Burma was free. I thought it was their last party.)

I'll give it a go.

Edited by theDukes
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Sure and I opened this can of worms and so I took the brunt of it. Is some of the criticism directed towards me warranted? Sure, maybe some. By the way, I'd like to thank the large concern for my mental health by numerous private messages and a real concern for my drinking by others.

I'd love to see this as a site that I would be proud to be a sponsor of. I'd love to do functions that everyone could have fun at for ThaiVisa. Not just my customers from ThaiVisa. And as far that goes because some folks are concerned about my charity to the community, the buffet breakfast that I do for The Expat Club at cost and the free venue that I sponsor for The VFW and their pizza sales that I give them at about cost and the school events that I do a few times a month for fundraisers or The Model UN that I cater at cost and the orphan homes that we send food to and The ARK that we supply food for the dogs and that doesn't even get to the money I lost at last year's 4th of July celebration or any of the charity events that we gave gift certificates to or The Free Burma Rangers party that I picked up the tab for. (Someone said Burma was free. I thought it was their last party.)

I'll give it a go.

I thought you said this was not about your restaurants?

I guess the original complaint about YOU has gone over the heads of some. It isn't WHAT you said in your OP, but HOW you said it. coffee1.gif

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I know I'm still fairly new here and don't deserve the time of day from most so please pardon my just stepping up. But, i feel compelled to say this.

I just don't get some in here. Really? Nitpicking? Can't the guy speak his mind? At least what he's posting stirs debate and has substance. Stick to yer guns Dave. You've obviously got some stalkers.

I like the idea of community and sharing too. Even the differing opinions that fly in the face of reason. All are entitled. But the snide and sometimes outright brazen insults that get into this forum baffle me. Why? Calling every single person out in the slightest transgression is "nitpicking" or "nagging" if you will. Would those that do these things do so in the person? Really? Even the posters I've described for the most part seem fairly literate and intelligent. Why I ask? Why be so negative and outright rude online when you and I both know you most likely would never speak to someone's face this way? Like I asked before. Why can't we all jus git along?

Rant over.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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"hiding behind your goofy pet name"? As opposed to the revealing 'SDH'? You're joking, right? What are you, 6 years old? BTW, re-read the posts (or have someone read them to you) - I never called the OP lonely.

My name's Scott and I'm not hiding at all, you can find me very easily I've been in CM for 13 years, so when you would like to get together over some drinks and bottles of beer let me know, you can come to one of my all night bars and we can take care of you very well! cheesy.gif

I know, you could read me the posts as we get the drink on, maybe we could help you with another goofy little pet name? or you could take us to some of your own establishments and show us how clever you are, but mostly we could drink, have dave's phone number, we could call him and have a party.... 55555555

Where are your bars located?

Chang Puak...

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