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Go ahead and laugh, but I have 2 fairly large sized frogs that have been mating in my kitchen all day!!!!

Of course, I have left them alone today and tonight (even my dog who alerted me that something was going on is now ignoring them)but soon I will have to close the house up for the night before I go to bed. Now I worry how they will get out.

Where do you suppose she is going to leave her eggs? I don't live near the water.

It's funny but does anyone know anything about frogs? I looked around on the internet but haven't found much. I am curious.

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Probably toads, they are very common, even in downtown Bangkok.

If you ever wondered what that loud noise is on a rainy night.... it's toads :o

Believe it or not, I have two toads living UNDERNEATH my Golden retreiver's water dish. A few weeks ago, I picked up the dish to refersh the water,and a toad stared at me. Didn't think much about it. Two days later, 2 toads(one big and one small) stared at me, when I lifted the bowl. I gently removed them with a spade and put them over the wall. The next day they were back again, so I gave up. They've been there ever since - no doubt coming and going through the holes in the underside of the bowl.

My dog ignores them, and so do I. All part of nature's rich pattern. :D

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I'm quite fond of frogs/toads, peculiar looking little things. The one thing I don't like about them is the scent they must give off that attracts snakes! :o I smoke outside our flat and when it is rainy season, amphibians come out and more often than not I see a serpent following it. My O?H laughs and says I should stop smoking! :D

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In my soi during the rainy season I sometimes see people at night with plastic bags catching toads... probably for a tasty meal :D

or perhaps they can't sleep and are fed-up with the noise they make :D

"probably for a tasty meal" :o

not to frighten somebody but this I found about touching (and eating, I have never thought about that!) toads. Anyway they are very usefull in our battle against all sorts of insects! Just found by conincidence in our garden a horned toad.

"Two Thai males 32 and 47 years old, were brought to the local hospital because of vomiting after eating roasted toad eggs. The first one had persistent vomiting, palpitation and chest discomfort after ingestion for half an hour. He developed cardiopulmonary arrest two hours after ingestion and resuscitation was failed. The second one had symptoms after ingestion for 5-6 hours. He was refered to the provincial hospital. His ECG showed A-V conduction disturbance. With supportive treatment, he recovered next day and remained normal after 2 months of follow up. Toad venoms are secreted from skin glands. There are accumulated skin glands of elliptical form located behind the eyes called parotoid glands. Bufogenins and bufotoxins, the constituents of toad venoms are primarily responsible for poisonous effects. These substances are cardiac glycosides, also found in blood, internal organs aand eggs. The poisonous effects of toad venoms and their usages as the traditional medicine are also reviewed."

author: Kijsanayotin, B


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Have had a large toad that lives under my beer fridge in the sala. He's been there for a couple of years now.

Every evening at 18:45 he hops down the steps and disappears to go hunting.

He is so regular, you can set your watch by him.

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