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Dough Not Rising! Help Needed!

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Whenever I make pizza or bread I struggle to get a proper rise out of the dough when I prove it. On another thread a poster mentions yeast being dead or not active. Could this be the problem?

Anyone got any suggestions for improving my prove and getting some higher, lighter dough?

I've got the recipes down to make great bread, just no rise!

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Possible causes:

1. Yeast too old or not stored properly. Take a cup of warm water, teaspoon of yeast, tablespoon of sugar, mix well. Within 10 - 15 minutes the mixture should start to foam and produce bubbles of carbon dioxide.

2. Using water that is too hot when proofing the yeast. Room temperature water will work just fine.

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When I open the bag of yeast I stick it into a screwtop plastic jar and shove it in the cupboard until I need it again, normally 2 or 3 times a week.

It lasts a couple of months and I always have a spare so when it looks like it is dying I replace it.

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Old yeast might be the reason, but it might also be the salt you use in your bread.

Salt kills yeast immediately, so it should never become in contact with it. Best add it after mixing the dough already for 5 minutes or so.

You can also try to work with a starter dough. I often use this recipe http://www.e-rcps.com/pasta/breads/ciabatta.shtml , which always gives great results.

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Your yeast is not working, as another poster stated place the yeast in a 110 degree warm water or milk, (which ever one you are using) also with a spoon of sugar, after 10 minutes you should notice a expanding of the mixture, if you do no see that activity your yeasts is no good or your water is to hot or to cold and not the right temperature of 110 degrees. I use a milk frothing thermometer, any liquid thermometer should do or if the milk is warm to your skin.

Your bread will not rise if you do not get a positive proof of your yeast test. I had that same problem and I then I purchase the thermometer locally for a few hundred baht and buy yeast in the single use pack and make sure of the use by date when I buy them in packages of 4 or 5 at a time..

Good Luck with your Baking!


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