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So How Come?


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Here's a post for all the oldtimers to sink their teeth into. After 3 progressively longer visits to the LOS, I have decided to move in for an undetermined period. And yes, a lovely tee rak is involved along with some other ex-pat support. My question is this. So why so many ex-pats in Thailand?

All those I have met in the last 3 years are not planning to return home. I hear more bitching here in the states about leaving this country than I ever heard from ex-pats in Thailand. Maybe people are happier in Thailand. :D

I have read on this and on many other similar forums, about traffic and driving problems. I work in a trauma center. Got plenty of driving issues right here at home. Maybe Thailand not so bad.

I have read a lot about corruption in the government and police. I won't even get started on that topic in regards to the good old US. I want to finish the post before I die. :o So maybe Thailand is no better or worse than other places.

Doing business? Terrible for Farangs. But there are plenty involved. So maybe it's hard to run a business anywhere.

Touts, yeah got some here too. The dread Thai "Mafia" Please, we have the original. Tuk Tuk mafia? I like this one. Imagine someone trying to hit you up for 5 bucks american to drive you from Patong to Karon. You can't sit in an American cab for that.

' I think my point is, I am often confused by the negative comments about living in Thailand from people who will never leave. What's up? :D

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Maybe Thailand not so bad.

Please don't start talking pigeon English like the Pattaya guys to their girl, it's sickening.

As for why some of us complain - when good things become commonplace, they don't seem so good anymore. Some think that after a year or two they are long time residents who have rights.

When newly here, there is a 'pink cloud' period for many for about 2/3 years, when they are so high on Thailand, all the little niggling things don't seem important.

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Maybe Thailand not so bad.

Please don't start talking pigeon English like the Pattaya guys to their girl, it's sickening.

As for why some of us complain - when good things become commonplace, they don't seem so good anymore. Some think that after a year or two they are long time residents who have rights.

When newly here, there is a 'pink cloud' period for many for about 2/3 years, when they are so high on Thailand, all the little niggling things don't seem important.

Yeah sorry about the English thing. More of a typo really. i am encouraged that the pink cloud lasts 2/3 years. Something to look forward to. I think life is what you make it anywhere

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Yeah, so that is my confusion. You must stay for some reason. I do not expect a paradise just a nice change from what I am used to and sick of here.

I understand mate, I hate the UK. I need a trip there every few years to remind me.

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Yeah, so that is my confusion. You must stay for some reason. I do not expect a paradise just a nice change from what I am used to and sick of here.

I understand mate, I hate the UK. I need a trip there every few years to remind me.

After my last trip to Thailand , it wasn't a month back before I did the fabled "Take this job and shove it" routine. I'm packing now :o

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in spite of all the faults in society and governance here , life is ususally much better than back in the motherland , which for me is the uk.

my money goes a lot further here , and so i was able to retire much earlier than had been the case if i had stayed in the uk.

knowledge of thai ways , (and i dont mean just vegetable carving and dancing with long fingernails) and an ability to adapt and make an effort to learn the language can go a long way to helping you avoid many of the issues which draw complaints.

when they are encountered , there is usually not much you can do about them other than bitch and complain to your hearts content to anybody that will listen. i.e. forum boards like this.

as a foriegner you are often treated with respect and equally as often treated with disdain , sometimes with thais it is hard to tell one from the other.

the ready availability of women here willing to partner foriegners is another great draw , it also draws a lot of undesirables whos presence here causes a lot of resentment from our hosts.

i feel that this resentment can only get worse.

i love it here and sometimes feel as if i were born to live here.

but its no paradise , and as for it being the land of smiles , forget it.

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Yes, Thailand has it's problems, and after the initial running in period, all the good things become taken for granted and the not so good things are highlighted.

A few weeks back to your home country is usually enough to realise Thailand really is quite a good place to live.

In regards to value for money housing, lower costs of living, women etc, Farangs coming to a developing country also expect a lot more than they get in their own countries, and those expectations are usually met. Then the novelty starts to wear off.

Also I have noticed over the years that the more financially secure a person is, the happier they seem to be in Thailand, cos thailand is no place to be when struggling to pay the rent, it's great when money is no real problem.

I have known guys that came to Thailand with a few Million Baht and thought it would last them a lifetime, a year later they are in trouble, some ended up as English teachers just to be able to stay, some had to go back to their own countries and face whatever problems they left behind, some are in Jail doing long long sentences in Thailand after getting involved with the drug scene.

Thailand is not for everyone, some love it, some hate it, some will always complain wherever they may be. It's just the way people are. :o

Edited by Maigo6
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Yes, Thailand has it's problems, and after the initial running in period, all the good things become taken for granted and the not so good things are highlighted.

A few weeks back to your home country is usually enough to realise Thailand really is quite a good place to live.

In regards to value for money housing, lower costs of living, women etc, Farangs coming to a developing country also expect a lot more than they get in their own countries, and those expectations are usually met. Then the novelty starts to wear off.

Also I have noticed over the years that the more financially secure a person is, the happier they seem to be in Thailand, cos thailand is no place to be when struggling to pay the rent, it's great when money is no real problem.

I have known guys that came to Thailand with a few Million Baht and thought it would last them a lifetime, a year later they are in trouble, some ended up as English teachers just to be able to stay, some had to go back to their own countries and face whatever problems they left behind, some are in Jail doing long long sentences in Thailand after getting involved with the drug scene.

Thailand is not for everyone, some love it, some hate it, some will always complain wherever they may be. It's just the way people are. :o

I appreciate the last 2 posts. earlier retirement was a factor for me too. I've got plenty stashed to live in Thailand for many years. Back here probably run out in 15 or so. A change of pace and scenery are good for the soul. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that a big factor for many in moving in was a 43 kg dark haired, dark eyed little wan jai. Played a factor for me. It helped that she worked in the same field I did and spoke good english. Now we are working on my Thai. Agree, if you are going to live there, know the language and the culture.

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....My question is this. So why so many ex-pats in Thailand?.....

This is an inexpensive, undemanding place to live. It attracts people to whom an inexpensive, undemanding life appeals.

Most of us who are here have some specific reason for being here -- commerce, family, employment, like that. Most of us did not choose to live in Thailand because, above all places on the earth, it is wonderful. If we could have made that kind of choice, we'd probably be in Maui.

Regardless, the emotional drop outs who tend to wind up here seem to think that all of us who are here entered into a kind of marriage relationship with Thailand and promised to love it forever. Even the slighest whiff of criticism of the dear old dame sends them into spasms of self-righteousness.

I guess I can understand that. Most of them have no place else to go. This is their last, sometimes their only hope, and they don't want to hear anyone speak ill of it. Frankly, as for me, I'm crossing the days off the calendar on the wall of my cell and waiting for the warden to tell me I've served my time.

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I was here five years the first time. I was burned out and couldn't wait to leave. Ahhhh, on to Southern California and the land of high pay and sun tanned bunnies. My rose colored Kalifornia glasses didn't even last for two weeks. I spent the next two years trying to figure out how to get back to Thailand. After two years in Kalifornia I knew that it would be impossible for me to have any kind of a life in the USA. The last time I HAD to go back (business) I was there for three weeks. A HORRIBLE experience. I am now retired and have learned to do nothing VERY well.

I was paying $1,200 a month for a shoebox size apartment near Los Angeles and they have gone up since then. I can live here well for less than that. Of course the elite farangs here couldn't pay their bar bill with $1,200. (46,000 baht).

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....My question is this. So why so many ex-pats in Thailand?.....

This is an inexpensive, undemanding place to live. It attracts people to whom an inexpensive, undemanding life appeals.

Most of us who are here have some specific reason for being here -- commerce, family, employment, like that. Most of us did not choose to live in Thailand because, above all places on the earth, it is wonderful. If we could have made that kind of choice, we'd probably be in Maui.

Regardless, the emotional drop outs who tend to wind up here seem to think that all of us who are here entered into a kind of marriage relationship with Thailand and promised to love it forever. Even the slighest whiff of criticism of the dear old dame sends them into spasms of self-righteousness.

I guess I can understand that. Most of them have no place else to go. This is their last, sometimes their only hope, and they don't want to hear anyone speak ill of it. Frankly, as for me, I'm crossing the days off the calendar on the wall of my cell and waiting for the warden to tell me I've served my time.

After a career in law enforcement, then to work in a trauma center, I could use a little undemanding time. Sounds like a retirement spot to me.

BTW Maui is very expensive

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Yeah, so that is my confusion. You must stay for some reason. I do not expect a paradise just a nice change from what I am used to and sick of here.

I understand mate, I hate the UK. I need a trip there every few years to remind me.

30 years in S.E.A., last 15 years as a CEO, and never had the inclination to

buy a beer bar. :D Why do people do that ?


No, but I bet you sat in a few. I am planning on it. Owning? The GF would not approve.

Good idea Lord ! :o


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I was here five years the first time. I was burned out and couldn't wait to leave. Ahhhh, on to Southern California and the land of high pay and sun tanned bunnies. My rose colored Kalifornia glasses didn't even last for two weeks. I spent the next two years trying to figure out how to get back to Thailand. After two years in Kalifornia I knew that it would be impossible for me to have any kind of a life in the USA. The last time I HAD to go back (business) I was there for three weeks. A HORRIBLE experience. I am now retired and have learned to do nothing VERY well.

I was paying $1,200 a month for a shoebox size apartment near Los Angeles and they have gone up since then. I can live here well for less than that. Of course the elite farangs here couldn't pay their bar bill with $1,200. (46,000 baht).

I did the So. Cal thing too. Vacationing there was a lot better than living there. I'm hoping Thailand doesn't turn out the same. But at least I'm older and wiser and i hope my expectations are more reasonable.

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Here's a post for all the oldtimers to sink their teeth into. After 3 progressively longer visits to the LOS, I have decided to move in for an undetermined period. And yes, a lovely tee rak is involved along with some other ex-pat support. My question is this. So why so many ex-pats in Thailand?

Didn't you just answer your own question?

I don't understand why more farangs don't move to the Philipines. It's like Thailand with the women but even cheaper and everyone speaks English.

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Here's a post for all the oldtimers to sink their teeth into. After 3 progressively longer visits to the LOS, I have decided to move in for an undetermined period. And yes, a lovely tee rak is involved along with some other ex-pat support. My question is this. So why so many ex-pats in Thailand?

Didn't you just answer your own question?

I don't understand why more farangs don't move to the Philipines. It's like Thailand with the women but even cheaper and everyone speaks English.

well great. Now you tell us. :o

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I did the So. Cal thing too. Vacationing there was a lot better than living there. I'm hoping Thailand doesn't turn out the same. But at least I'm older and wiser and i hope my expectations are more reasonable.

:o I did my own stretch in So Cal too. Vacationing there is certainly much better than living there, I would agree. Also, Thailand will NOT turn out to be like California. I can guarantee that much. California can sink under the water and turn Las Vegas into beach front for all I care. :D

I don't understand why more farangs don't move to the Philipines. It's like Thailand with the women but even cheaper and everyone speaks English.

Unfortuantely, that is where the comparisons between LOS and the Philippines stop. There are a lot more negative things going on in the PI that makes it a lot harder place to choose IMO. Are you living in the PI?

Edited by TRIPxCORE
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I don't understand why more farangs don't move to the Philipines. It's like Thailand with the women but even cheaper and everyone speaks English.

Unfortuantely, that is where the comparisons between LOS and the Philippines stop. There are a lot more negative things going on in the PI that makes it a lot harder place to choose IMO. Are you living in the PI?

I live here, but I've rarely run into any farang that could speak and read Thai. It makes a big difference in enjoying life.

Also, Philipinos are much friendlier to farangs than Thais are since they used to be a US colony.

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I seriously considered the Philippines. I went there from Thailand and had gotten used to decent roads and having electricity. I also don't care much for typhoons and earthquakes. The crime is disturbing too. Guards with shotguns in the KFC disturbed my meal.

If not for Thailand I WOULD try it there but Thailand is now my home.

I don't understand why more farangs don't move to the Philipines. It's like Thailand with the women but even cheaper and everyone speaks English.

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well great. Now you tell us. :D

Hockey fan too, I see. :o

Well, on this whole board, that I know of, that would make you and I only! :D

Yeah, that's one thing I'll have to get used to is the lack of good hockey. There once was a group of ex-pat players in Bangkok, called themselves the Flying Farangs. They still around?

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My comments to the original poster ... and all others thinking about moving here ... Take a 6 month vacation ... come here ... enroll in a Thai school .... and live within your budget that you would have while living here ....

You'll see a ton of people whine about being here because they had no real clue what it would be like.

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