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I think many who look for somewhere greener to live often have miserable lives and they bring their misery with them to Thailand. Unfortunately you cant leave your issues and problems in your native country when you pack your suitcase.

At the end of the day if you created misery in the west you will do the same wherever you decide to live unless you deal with the underlying problems you have.

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My comments to the original poster ... and all others thinking about moving here ... Take a 6 month vacation ... come here ... enroll in a Thai school .... and live within your budget that you would have while living here ....

You'll see a ton of people whine about being here because they had no real clue what it would be like.

That is exactly what I had planned. Great minds think alike. 6 months to get the feel of every day life, get to know the GF better, continue the language instruction and get to know the neighbors.

I thank everyone for their posts and I agree with the last in this thread from dumpster. As I said before, life is what you make it anywhere.


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Yes, Thailand has it's problems, and after the initial running in period, all the good things become taken for granted and the not so good things are highlighted.

A few weeks back to your home country is usually enough to realise Thailand really is quite a good place to live.

In regards to value for money housing, lower costs of living, women etc, Farangs coming to a developing country also expect a lot more than they get in their own countries, and those expectations are usually met. Then the novelty starts to wear off.

Also I have noticed over the years that the more financially secure a person is, the happier they seem to be in Thailand, cos thailand is no place to be when struggling to pay the rent, it's great when money is no real problem.

I have known guys that came to Thailand with a few Million Baht and thought it would last them a lifetime, a year later they are in trouble, some ended up as English teachers just to be able to stay, some had to go back to their own countries and face whatever problems they left behind, some are in Jail doing long long sentences in Thailand after getting involved with the drug scene.

Thailand is not for everyone, some love it, some hate it, some will always complain wherever they may be. It's just the way people are. :o

So true for me. I couldn't imagine coming here and having to work; I'm sure I'd hate the place if that were my situation. As things are I love it. The house I rent for 6,000 baht would easily rent for 3k USD in a decent USA location. My Thai wife is special......I think the key there is she speaks English so we can work our problems out.

To the OP.....I think you'll be MUCH happier living in an area I call the 'semi-boonies'. Find a nice place 5-15 kilometers from a decent size town you like. You get to live in a quiet village yet have the convenience/infrastructure of a larger city. For me living in downtown BKK, Chiang Mai, etc. sux. Also, living in the real boonies is a drag.....nothing to do.......same boring stuff every day.

Please....no flames for expressing my opinion....those of you who love BKK....I'm happy for you. Just not my cup of tea. :D

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....My question is this. So why so many ex-pats in Thailand?.....

This is an inexpensive, undemanding place to live. It attracts people to whom an inexpensive, undemanding life appeals.

Most of us who are here have some specific reason for being here -- commerce, family, employment, like that. Most of us did not choose to live in Thailand because, above all places on the earth, it is wonderful. If we could have made that kind of choice, we'd probably be in Maui.

Regardless, the emotional drop outs who tend to wind up here seem to think that all of us who are here entered into a kind of marriage relationship with Thailand and promised to love it forever. Even the slighest whiff of criticism of the dear old dame sends them into spasms of self-righteousness.

I guess I can understand that. Most of them have no place else to go. This is their last, sometimes their only hope, and they don't want to hear anyone speak ill of it. Frankly, as for me, I'm crossing the days off the calendar on the wall of my cell and waiting for the warden to tell me I've served my time.

I think by now that since many of your posts contain a reference to Maui.....we 'get' it. Hoorah......you love Maui. Great. Good for you. Wonderful. How about NOT speaking for everyone though by saying "we'd probably be in Maui". :o

Sorry you have to be here when obviously you can't stand the place. Glad I'm not in your shoes........your life must really suck......having to live somewhere you can't stand. :D

Hope your sentence is not too long and you get out of your cell soon. Don't let the main gate hit you in the ass when you leave........... :D

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Ah, jeez. What is it about this place that get these self-righteous prats all riled uplike this? They respond to anyone who doesn't express undying love for Thailand as if they were defending their girlfriend's honor.

A lot of people spend part (or all) of their lives in places they can't stand. What's so odd about some of those folks being here in Thailand? Thailand is NOT a special case. It does NOT exist on a different plain from the rest of the known universe. It's just another Third World hole, friend.

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I don't understand why more farangs don't move to the Philipines. It's like Thailand with the women but even cheaper and everyone speaks English.

Well the food would be one huge reason. Sucks big time in almost every way unless you enjoy bland offal with lumpy rice. Was transferred there from Bangkok and lived in the Manila area for two years. Found it more expensive in every way save one--Farang food was cheaper and more readily available. If you like Spam, Corned Beef, Pork and Beans and Velveeta you would think you had died and gone to heaven in a Manila supermarket. I was not aware that there were literally dozens of differnt brands of corned beef available in the world until I visited the local supermarket. I could go on but numbers speak louder than words. For every farang in the Philippines there are probably a hundred or even thousand in Thailand. Wish it were not so, but that's a fact.

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Ah, jeez. What is it about this place that get these self-righteous prats all riled uplike this? They respond to anyone who doesn't express undying love for Thailand as if they were defending their girlfriend's honor.

A lot of people spend part (or all) of their lives in places they can't stand. What's so odd about some of those folks being here in Thailand? Thailand is NOT a special case. It does NOT exist on a different plain from the rest of the known universe. It's just another Third World hole, friend.

Its because of alot of generalizing (if thats how you spell it)

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I don't understand why more farangs don't move to the Philipines. It's like Thailand with the women but even cheaper and everyone speaks English.

Well the food would be one huge reason. Sucks big time in almost every way unless you enjoy bland offal with lumpy rice. Was transferred there from Bangkok and lived in the Manila area for two years. Found it more expensive in every way save one--Farang food was cheaper and more readily available. If you like Spam, Corned Beef, Pork and Beans and Velveeta you would think you had died and gone to heaven in a Manila supermarket. I was not aware that there were literally dozens of differnt brands of corned beef available in the world until I visited the local supermarket. I could go on but numbers speak louder than words. For every farang in the Philippines there are probably a hundred or even thousand in Thailand. Wish it were not so, but that's a fact.

Great post - thanks for the response. I agree, Thai food is great.

Edited by Thaible
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I live in Phuket and love it, I couldn't imagine living in Bangkok though - just seems so stressfull and manic (not in a good way).

I came here to get away from the rat race, the unfriendly faces and weather in the UK - Quality of life choice really.

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Here's a post for all the oldtimers to sink their teeth into. After 3 progressively longer visits to the LOS, I have decided to move in for an undetermined period. And yes, a lovely tee rak is involved along with some other ex-pat support. My question is this. So why so many ex-pats in Thailand?

Didn't you just answer your own question?

I don't understand why more farangs don't move to the Philipines. It's like Thailand with the women but even cheaper and everyone speaks English.

Yes it is so much cheaper and even the mc donalds security guards carry guns. i was just there 27 feb-6 mar. while i was there they had a coup, two police shoot outs, one that we got to listen to and a bombing in manila. all of this fun in one week. manila is even more dirty than any place i have been in the los. would i go back ... you bet i would. how ever in about 11 days i wil be back in the los for another glorious 3 weeks. yes i plan on moving there in about 2 to 3 years. i will be retiring and want to go somewhere my dollar goes farther, no tii irak involved. i met her alcoholic father and figured there would be too many sick buffalo. since i am a country boy at heart i wont be in the big city. instead some where in issan. as anyone can tell from my grammer, you dont have to worry about me teaching english, just sitting on the porch with a dog with a limp, drinking a chang, and wondering how long i will keep my new thai beauty.

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Thailand may not be the best place in the world but I like the food, the people, the cost of living and the scenery. If you find somewhere BETTER than Thailand please let me know. My mind is NOT closed to alternatives. :o

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yea yea yea blah blah blah !! give me a f break all u guys up in here with ur big bellies and ur bold heads i got a question for u, if thai women were fat a**es like u, would u even think about coming here?? i dont think so... subject closed :o why so many expats?? the pu**ssy my friend

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yea yea yea blah blah blah !! give me a f break all u guys up in here with ur big bellies and ur bold heads i got a question for u, if thai women were fat a**es like u, would u even think about coming here?? i dont think so... subject closed :o why so many expats?? the pu**ssy my friend

Spoken like a true gent

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I suspect, and sincerely hope, that DJ Illusion gets his bitter and very illiterate ass banned from Thai Visa.

His departure will increase the average IQ of the forum substantially.

Bendix, leave DJ_Illusion alone he has a very clever unique business idea and someday when he is a multimillionaire you may wish you had been nicer to him. Maybe he'll cut you in. His business idea sounds great. I'm surprised no one has thought of it before. LOL LOL :D:o

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I was here five years the first time. I was burned out and couldn't wait to leave. Ahhhh, on to Southern California and the land of high pay and sun tanned bunnies. My rose colored Kalifornia glasses didn't even last for two weeks. I spent the next two years trying to figure out how to get back to Thailand. After two years in Kalifornia I knew that it would be impossible for me to have any kind of a life in the USA. The last time I HAD to go back (business) I was there for three weeks. A HORRIBLE experience. I am now retired and have learned to do nothing VERY well.

I was paying $1,200 a month for a shoebox size apartment near Los Angeles and they have gone up since then. I can live here well for less than that. Of course the elite farangs here couldn't pay their bar bill with $1,200. (46,000 baht).

I can understand your frustration living in the Southern California area. I lived in LA County for 4 years working for US Military recruiting. At the end of living there I didn't know if I wanted to smoke dope, burn the flag, or shot everyone where I worked. I decided to move to Thailand. I have been here over 2 years now so everything is still new to me.

I think many who look for somewhere greener to live often have miserable lives and they bring their misery with them to Thailand. Unfortunately you cant leave your issues and problems in your native country when you pack your suitcase.

At the end of the day if you created misery in the west you will do the same wherever you decide to live unless you deal with the underlying problems you have.

When I left the USA, I left all my misery behind. The only thing I brought with me was what I could fit in a few suitcases. No regrets and no looking back.

yea yea yea blah blah blah !! give me a f break all u guys up in here with ur big bellies and ur bold heads i got a question for u, if thai women were fat a**es like u, would u even think about coming here?? i dont think so... subject closed :o why so many expats?? the pu**ssy my friend

Jesus DJ, your a real freeking genius. I bet you scare yourself sometimes with the knowledge flowing from the fatty grey matter between your ears.

Women are no doubt part of why many come here but not the only reason. For some of us, they appeal to us more than western women. Not that there is anything wrong with western women. I'm sure there are many wonderful women from the west. Many expats prefer Thai women and the Thai culture that comes with being married to one.

Also, many expats have a pension and don't have to work for money. I am 40 now and have a military pension. It's more than enough to live comfortably in Thailand without working. If I was in the USA, I would have to work. Now I don't have to work until I am old and grey. Stopping now because I want to make life a little more pleasant.

I will also get social security when I am 65.

Edited by richard10365
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:D Geez , as the op I was just curious about the pros and cons of the place in the minds of the current ex-pats. A lot of emotion out there.

Thanks for all the well thought out post and sharing your experiences. Having not been on in a while I missed a couple of things that I just have to respond to.

Thailand a 3rd world hole?? :o I disagee, and the reasons are obvious to most on this board.

Pussy?? Fat?? Bald?? That is a caustic over generalization. I am niether fat or bald. After being widowed 3 years ago I got around to dating on my own side of the world. After a 3 trips to Thailand I was broadsided by a very sweet, very bright lady. I liked her better than western women. Strange, but I had more in common with her than with women here in the US. Ya just never know

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Thailand may not be the best place in the world but I like the food, the people, the cost of living and the scenery. If you find somewhere BETTER than Thailand please let me know. My mind is NOT closed to alternatives. :o

Haven't found it yet, Gary A.

Brazil comes close but the day to day hassle-factor is greater there than here... :D

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