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Got infected with typhus fever in Isaan..


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Since 3 day I have 40 fever ,

In goverment hospital dr told must wait

For bloodcheck 3 give only paracetamol

Found a smaler private hospital stay there 2 days just come back , dr told this virus not dangerous on google I read via versa..

Symthoms very tiered dizzy in head muscle pain and cannot keep food in stomage

Got some injection that I not tiered

But a lot of different medicine

Maybe thai brand

Doxy 3 time daily

Para gome for fever



So someone familiar with this names?

Only one medicine show for what it is

What medicinename in Europe for typhus fever?

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If you have a definitive,proven diagnosis of Typhus the the treatment regime you have been prescribed is gold standard. Your prescription (If I have understood you correctly), includes an appropriate antibiotic, anti-vomiting medicine and medicine to control fever. You should take this medication as instructed.

Food at this stage of your illness is not important BUT maintaining an adequate fluid intake of at least 2.5-3 litres a day is VERY important. (Ideally use an oral rehydration medicine -----available cheaply from the local pharmacy)

If you are unable to maintain an adequate fluid intake because of vomiting you must URGENTLY return to the hospital.


Typhus is usually caused by caused by rat flea bites. The name of the disease and the treatment is exactly the same in Europe.

Edited by jrtmedic
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