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Sondhi Leaves Country


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TV channels 7 & 9 reportd last night that Sondhi had left the country for China and that he had telephoned back saying that he was in China on holiday.

I do not see anything in this morning s newspapers to confirm this report.

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TV channels 7 & 9 reportd last night that Sondhi had left the country for China and that he had telephoned back saying that he was in China on holiday.

I do not see anything in this morning s newspapers to confirm this report.

It's all over the news and on papers.

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after a few months of this .. and on the day before the elections ... when you want to de-escalate things ... and being so well known you get applauded on planes in Thailand ....

wouldn't you want a day to unwind? We aren't talking weeks or months hiding upcountry guys!

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Sondhi flies to China

(TNA) - Sondhi Limthongkul, a key leader of a hardline anti-Thaksin movement led by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), flew to China last evening, without telling even his top political allies.

Rumours immediately started that he had fled because of a controversy over a story in Kom Chad Luek newspaper, which has sparked protests at Nation Tower against allegedly anti-monarchy sentiments. The newspaper story at issue quoted Mr Sondhi prominently.

Pipop Thongchai, a Sondhi ally in the People's Alliance for Democracy, denied that Mr Sondhi was seeking political asylum in China. Mr Pipop said he believes the Manager publisher will return to Thailand tonight.

Mr Sondhi faces a possible charge of lese majeste charge for his address before a mass rally of PAD-led demonstrators at Makhawan Bridge near Government House here on March 23. He left Bangkok last night around 8 p.m.

Before leaving, he told several friendly journalists that he wanted to have a rest and would return to Bangkok after 24 hours, via a Bangkok Airways flight.

Maj-Gen. Chamlong Srimuang, another PAD key leader, was among those taken by surprise, and said Mr Sondhi did not inform him of the trip.

The former Bangkok governor and political mentor of Mr. Thaksin said, however, that he believed Mr. Sondhi would return to Bangkok in time for the coalition's next mass rally planned at Royal Plaza on April 7.

Source: Bangkok Post - 1 April 2006

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Pipop denies Sondhi plans to seek asylum in China

Pipop Thongchai, a decision maker of the People's Alliance for Democracy, denied Friday night that Sondhi Limthongkul, another PAD decision maker, had fled to China to seek an asylum there.

Rumours had it that Sondhi left the country Friday evening to escape lese majesty charges.

Pipop said he had checked with staff of Manager Daily and learnt that Sondhi left the county for China in the evening but he was not planning to seek an asylum there.

Pipop said Sondhi visited China to check his businesses there.

Source: The Nation - 1 Apr 2006

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Sondhi to return form China on Saturday: source

A source said Friday night that Sondhi Limthongkul, a decision maker of the People's Alliance for Democracy, would return to Thailand at 9:10 pm on Saturday, earlier than schedule for fear that PAD members would misunderstand that he had fled the country.

Rumours had it that Sondhi had fled the lese majesty charges from Thailand Friday evening and was planning to seek asylum in China.

Pipop Thongchai, a decision maker of the PAD, denied the rumours.

Source: The Nation - 1 Apr 2006

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Mr Sondhi faces a possible charge of lese majeste

That which is beyond reproach needs no protection against reproach under the law.

This law is only ever used to supress free speach and protect political leaders.

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Sondhi delayed his return; men in brown are waiting anxiously at the airport to welcome Mr.Sondhi. The CEO of this country has prepared the script and with the help of his cronies, they have decided to lay charges against Mr. Sondhi for his rally speeches concerning the lese majeste. Mr. Sondhi had a hard time sitting in his office, where the hired motorcycle-taxi driver with the support of TRT has been hauling abused and threatening him. The strategies of the TRT are to pulls the root causes and corner him without giving him a breath.

Dirty politician always hit their opponent pocket until they bleeds. :o

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Sondhi 'feared aircraft bomb'

Secrecy and speculation have replaced almost all reporting around the mysterious trip to China by anti-Thaksin protest leader last Friday, and his failure to return to Thailand as promised.

Supporters now say that Mr Sondhi feared there might be a bomb on his aircraft, and/or a "pro-Thaksin welcoming committee" at Don Muang airport, so he refused to return from Guilin last night.

The original story, long abandoned, was that Mr Sondhi could not return because the Bangkok Airways flight from Guilin was fully booked.

The state-run Thai News Agency reported this morning that Mr Sondhi has promised now to be back to help to lead a scheduled rally in Hat Yai, Songkhla province, biggest city in the South, on Wednesday.

It is unclear, however, exactly who he promised this to. Mr Sondhi has suddenly avoided all but the most friendly reporters, and even his own Manager Online website has been reduced to quoting "sources" for their stories about their publisher.

He also told supporters he would definitely be in the lead when the People's Alliance for Democracy re-starts its Bangkok rallies at the Makhawan Bridge on Friday evening.

On the other hand, said TNA, "Mr. Sondhi will face a lese majeste charge for his address before a mass rally of PAD-led demonstrators at the Makhawan Bridge on March 23."

That has sparked rumours that Mr Sondhi has actually fled Thailand, at least temporarily, to escape the investigation and possible criminal charges.

Source: Bangkok Post - 2 April 2006

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Mr Sondhi faces a possible charge of lese majeste

That which is beyond reproach needs no protection against reproach under the law.

This law is only ever used to supress free speach and protect political leaders.

I though the King just told Toxin not to pull this one?

Maybe Toxin should be in court instead?

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...Dirty politician always hit their opponent pocket until they bleeds. :o

And you are classifying Sondi as.......what? A clean politician?

You don't know very much about any of these people do you, son?

He is not a politician yet, but a critic that exposed the corrupts. You don't seem to know much.

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Sondhi delayed his return; men in brown are waiting anxiously at the airport to welcome Mr.Sondhi. The CEO of this country has prepared the script and with the help of his cronies, they have decided to lay charges against Mr. Sondhi for his rally speeches concerning the lese majeste. Mr. Sondhi had a hard time sitting in his office, where the hired motorcycle-taxi driver with the support of TRT has been hauling abused and threatening him. The strategies of the TRT are to pulls the root causes and corner him without giving him a breath.

Dirty politician always hit their opponent pocket until they bleeds. :o

hmmm He got in safely .... don't blame the guy for taking a break outside of the country ... if things had gotten ugly at the polling stations MrT could have tried to blame Sondi ....

but the guy does take short hops out of the country often ... and good for him ... when you can't go anywhere in the country to relax without being in the media ...

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...Dirty politician always hit their opponent pocket until they bleeds. :o

And you are classifying Sondi as.......what? A clean politician?

You don't know very much about any of these people do you, son?

He is not a politician yet, but a critic that exposed the corrupts. You don't seem to know much.

Are you this naive about everything, son, or are just really desperate to be perceived as a politically correct foreigner?

Your Mr. Sondi was one of the biggest and most notorious beneficiaries of the Prime Minister's own original brand of crony capitalism. When he proved too dumb to take advantage of even the unfair advantages he had been given by the PM, he abandoned his bankrupt media company, took a huge number of people down with him and, like so many other Thai screw-ups, fled the country.

Now he comes back, reinvented as a self-declared saint, and people like you, who know nothing of the history here, treat him like he was a Thai Martin Luther King. Good Lord. How naive.

Edited by OldAsiaHand
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Sondhi to sue those who accuse him of lèse-majesté


Revitalized by a brief holiday in China, Sondhi Limthongkul announced yesterday that he remained committed to his struggle against caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and vowed to take legal action against those pressing lèse-majesté charges against him.

Also yesterday, two former senators stepped forward to defend Sondhi, pictured right, against those who have accused him of speaking inappropriately about the monarchy and warned police against taking sides when executing their duties.

Sondhi, a leading figure in the anti-Thaksin People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD), returned to Bangkok yesterday morning from the tranquil city of Guilin, amid rumors that he was attempting to flee lèse-majesté charges.

At a press conference held immediately on his return, Sondhi denied being on the lam and said he and his lawyers would take action against those who have falsely accused him of lèse-majesté. Sondhi said he would file charges of falsifying testimony against Newin Chidchob, caretaker minister attached to the Prime Minister’s Office.

“They are twisting the facts and giving wrong information that I am escaping lèse-majesté charges,” Sondhi said.

“After relaxing along the serene Lijiang River, I have reflected and have come to the realization that I am doing the right thing and I will continue with this political fight.”

Sondhi accuses the government of taking comments he made at a PAD rally about the monarchy out of context and creating a controversy out of thin air.

“Their objective is to stir up confusion for people who do not have access to news about arresting me for lèse-majesté charges,” Sondhi said.

Though the paper that printed his comments, Kom Chad Leuk, agreed to cease publication for five days and an editor resigned, Sondhi yesterday maintained his innocence and loyalty to His Majesty the King.

“I am a million times more loyal to His Majesty the King and the royal family than the prime minister and many soldiers who are pressing charges against me,” said Sondhi referring to Adm Sathiraphan Keyanont, the Navy’s commander-in-chief, who criticized him over the remarks.

Sondhi’s lawyer, Suwat Apaipak, said at yesterday’s press conference that the authority to arrest Sondhi rested not with the police but with the courts.

“The power to issue arrest warrants belongs to the court,” Suwat said. “We have prepared strong evidence to the court to deny the issuance of any warrants.”

Suwat announced that he would sue Newin on behalf of Sondhi on Tuesday.

“Newin said that he saw the VCD [of the controversial comment]

and that it was lèse-majesté,” Suwat said. “We will sue him on Tuesday and anyone else who says that from now on.”

Two former senators, including Seree Suwanapanond, a member of the Constitution Drafting Assembly, came out to defend Sondhi in light of the allegations. “The police must not have a double standard in taking action,” Seree said, “if not there will only be more people at the [PAD] rally on April 7.”

Karun Sai-ngam, a former senator from Buri Ram, said that Sondhi’s comments do not constitute lèse-majesté.

“The comment is being viewed in a negative light by some people whose intention is to create trouble,” he said.

Though voting is compulsory, Sondhi said yesterday he would risk the loss of political privileges, including the right to vote in the next election, by not casting a ballot.

Source: ThaiDay - 3 April 2006

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Supreme Commander declined to comment over charges brought against Royal Thai Navy Commander

Supreme Commander Ruangroj Mahasaranond (เรืองโรจน์ มหาศรานนท์) declined to comment over the lawsuit filed by media firebrand Sondhi Limthongkul’ (สนธิ ลิ้มทองกุล). Mr Sondi, who is one of the core leaders of the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) recently filed charges against The Royal Thai Navy Commander Sathiraphan Keyanond (สถิรพันธ์ เกยานนท์) who has accused Mr Sondhi of lese majeste.

Gen. Ruangroj also declined to comment on the current political situation. He said no problems have occurred yet.

He also talked about the PAD’s rally planned on the 7th-8th of April, adding that the rally should proceed in peaceful manner and the authorities will work according to the plans set earlier. He believes no violence will take place during the demonstration.

In regards to Mr Sondhi's charges against Admiral Sathiraphan, Gen. Ruangroj added that he rather keep his thoughts to himself at the moment. He, however added that one could express his own thoughts but they should be under the framework of the law. He is confident that such action will not stimulate any violence.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 03 April 2006

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I heard the reason he went to China was to pay respect to his ancestors. - very Chinese. Just been on one of those trips myself with the missus and will be going on another soon for the other side of the family.

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...Dirty politician always hit their opponent pocket until they bleeds. :o

And you are classifying Sondi as.......what? A clean politician?

You don't know very much about any of these people do you, son?

He is not a politician yet, but a critic that exposed the corrupts. You don't seem to know much.

Are you this naive about everything, son, or are just really desperate to be perceived as a politically correct foreigner?

Your Mr. Sondi was one of the biggest and most notorious beneficiaries of the Prime Minister's own original brand of crony capitalism. When he proved too dumb to take advantage of even the unfair advantages he had been given by the PM, he abandoned his bankrupt media company, took a huge number of people down with him and, like so many other Thai screw-ups, fled the country.

Now he comes back, reinvented as a self-declared saint, and people like you, who know nothing of the history here, treat him like he was a Thai Martin Luther King. Good Lord. How naive.

Right ... whatever ... he may or may not have benefitted from his friendship with Thaksin .... or may or may not have been forced out ...

but he still aint a politician ... so one guy's naive and another can't read?

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...Dirty politician always hit their opponent pocket until they bleeds. :o

And you are classifying Sondi as.......what? A clean politician?

You don't know very much about any of these people do you, son?

He is not a politician yet, but a critic that exposed the corrupts. You don't seem to know much.

Are you this naive about everything, son, or are just really desperate to be perceived as a politically correct foreigner?

If I am naïve, then you are immature to understand the root causes that thaksin started; Take a search on Khun-Ying Jaruwan cases, why she was sacked without the king approval and you were know who started the fire.

Your Mr. Sondi was one of the biggest and most notorious beneficiaries of the Prime Minister's own original brand of crony capitalism. When he proved too dumb to take advantage of even the unfair advantages he had been given by the PM, he abandoned his bankrupt media company, took a huge number of people down with him and, like so many other Thai screw-ups, fled the country.

Mine your words, Sondhi wasn’t my idol, and what he has gained from the corrupts minister is not your or mine business. After Khun-Ying Jaruwan saga, at least Sondhi did apologized and regretted for what he done in the past to collaborated with the prime minister.

Now he comes back, reinvented as a self-declared saint, and people like you, who know nothing of the history here, treat him like he was a Thai Martin Luther King. Good Lord. How naive.

By mentioning Martin Luther King, I can see you are shortsighted and immatured.

Take a search or read on this article. Nearly 70 percent of Thais believe the sacking of the auditor general, Khunying Jaruvan Maintaka, was not fair and the selection process for his successor is not transparent, according to an opinion poll published on Saturday .

Only 20 percent of those interviewed thought it was fair, while 10 percent expressed no opinion.

Two out of three people surveyed said they believed a review should be conducted into Khunying Jaruvan’s removal.

Most people interviewed said they believed Khun Ying Jaruvan's removal resulted from three possible factors, including politicians’ worries about investigations into corruption, an 'order' from politicians and a political game.

The ABAC poll interviewed more than a thousand people in Bangkok and surrounding areas between 26-27May. (TNA)--E111

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.....By mentioning Martin Luther King, I can see you are shortsighted and immatured.[/color].....

Your logic here, if any, eludes me entirely.

And as for this nascent debate in which a couple of posters are castigating me for calling Sondi a 'politician,' what in the world is that about? The man styles himself as the uberleader of a 'political' movement, he rides throught the streets repeatedly at the head of 'political' marches, and he isn't a 'politician' because he's not actually standing for a specific elective office? Surely you can't be serious.

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well OHA ... just bide your time out here ... then go on ... :o

Individuals CAN be politically active without being politicians ... they can be leaders of grassroots movements without being politicians ....they can even be leaders of movements that have only one specific goal ... tossing someone THEY see as a problem out of office, WITHOUT BEING POLITICIANS :D

If they aren't part of a political party standing for election but instead working for one specific goal then calling them, or him in this case, politicians is just wrong.

Your word choices show you to be a person to whom semantics matters ... good luck to you :D

Edited by jdinasia
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Sondi was one of the biggest and most notorious beneficiaries of the Prime Minister's own original brand of crony capitalism. When he proved too dumb to take advantage of even the unfair advantages he had been given by the PM, he abandoned his bankrupt media company, took a huge number of people down with him and, like so many other Thai screw-ups, fled the country.

Now he comes back, reinvented as a self-declared saint, and people like you, who know nothing of the history here, treat him like he was a Thai Martin Luther King. Good Lord. How naive.

I always suspected something like that, although never bothered to find out. but I've had a feeling that this guy merely tried to get even with T. for some their personal disagreement(s) or bigger/ smaller "piece of pie" ....

and as usually - ordinary people are used for someone's personal ambitions. I ask many Thais (after they ask my opinion about recent events) - was Chuan Leakpai better than Thaksin, less corruapted? or is Sondhi or anyone else next potential PM ? so far I never got an answer "yes". have anybody got such answer, or even bothered to ask such question ? so far there is no even more or less clear idea - who'll be next - is there ? and WHY ? hey, why not Sondhi become PM, he is a hero of Democracy and free speech now, right ? why not show to all how realy good he is - that he can do better than Thaksin ? :o he's achived what he wanted - what's next? more "free speech" - only talking ?

yeah, Thaksin is corrupted - nowdays who isn't, Bush ? (who made oil deals with Arabs ever since .... and even supported Saddam that time, as counter force to Iran, to whom they also were secretely selling arms :D ) that guy made money more discreetly, no doubt. who else ?

yeah, I agree with you, man - naive !

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Sondhi returns from China

Sondhi returned from China Wednesday and vowed to fight on to undo the Thaksin regime.

Sondhi denied that he had fled lese majeste charges to China.

An investigation team led by Assistant Police Commissioner-General Lt Gen Chalor Chuwong has issued a summon order for Sondhi to be interrogated on Monday.

Source: The Nation - Breaking News - 12 April 2006

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